T . l - 't C THE WORLDBANK/1FCIM.I.G.A. OFFICE MEMORANDUM DATE June 23, 1995 TO, Public Information Center Public Disclosure Authorized FROM: Hatm Hajj, Senior Transport Specialist, EA2TP5 EXrENSiON: 84037 SUBJECT: CHINA: Shaanxi 2 Highway Project (CN-PA-3652) Environmental Documents Attached is a copy of the following environmental documents for the Shaarnx 2 Highway Project, for deposit with PIC: 1. Sumunaryof Environinental Assessment, dated April 1995. 2. An Environmenta Action Scherme, dated April 1995. Public Disclosure Authorized 3. Report on the Survey of the Historical Sites of Culural Relics and the Actior. Plan for their Preservation, dated January 1, 1995. 4. Environmental Impact Statement of Weinan-Tongguan Expressway, dated May 1995. 5. Environmental Action Plan of the Weinan-Tongguan Expressway, dated May 1995. 6. Supplementary Study on Traffic Noise Protection Measures, Weinan-Tongguan Expressway,dated May 1995. 7. A Study Report on Noise Prevention & Control of the Sensitive Spots, Tongchuan- Huangling Class-one Highway, dated May 1995. S. Environmental Impact Staternent for the Class-one gighwayfrom Tongchuan to Huangling, dated April 1995. 9. An Environmental Action Plan for Tongchuan-Huanglng Class-one Highway, dated April 1995. Public Disclosure Authorized 10. Environmental Impact Statement of Xlaoshangyuan-LantianHighway Project, dated May 1995. 11. Envirounental Action Plan of the Xlaeshangyuan-Lantian Class It Motor Vehicle Highway, dated May 1995. 12. Jinjia-Terra-cotta Museum Second-class Special Purpose lighway, Environmental Impzct Statement, dated April 1995. 13. Jinjia-Terra-cotta Museum Second-class Special Purpose Highway, Environmental Action Plan, dated April 1995. 14. An E-nvironmentImpact Report on Jiangzhang-Famensi Class-Two Auto-Only Highway, dated April 1995. 15. An Environmental Operation, ]iangzhang-Famen Temple Class-Two Auto-only Highway, dated April 1995. 16. An Environment Impact Report on Jiangzhang-Tangyu Class-Two Auto-Only Public Disclosure Authorized Hghway, dated April 1995. PublicInfonnaion Ccntr -2- June23, 1995 17. An Environmtal Operation,c angzhang-Tangyu Class-two Auto-only Highway, dated April 1995. The abovedocuments have been preparedby the Borrower,and have not been evaluatedor endorsedby the Bank. Moreover,they are subject to reviewand possible changeduring the prolet appraisal process. Attachments cc: Ms. M. Koch-Weser,Mr. K. Suzuki(ASPEN -w/o attachmnents Mr. Y. Kimura(EA2DR) - w/o attachments Mr. M. Gill (ASTER) - wfo attachments Mr. Claude Salem (ASTTP) - wlo attachments Messrs.K Scurfield,Y. Kawabata,(EA2TP) - w/o attachments Asia InformationCenter, Division Files - w/o attachments U. g jA.4 HHajynu People's Republic of China Shaanxi Highway Projects ( I) An Executive Summary of the Environmental Assessment ShaanxiCommunications Department April 1995 Preface This summary EtA report of the Shaanxi Highway Project C I) is compiled on the basis of the EIA reports of the projected highways and the Assessment Memorandum on Shaanxi Highway Projects by the delegation from the World Bank and preparatory team. The Discrimination Delegation on Shaanxi Province Highway Project, the World Bank and preparatory team, had a talk with the representatives of Shaanxi Communications Departnent, Shaanxi Project Committee and Shaanxi Finance Bureau respectively from October 23 to 30. 1994 and Apr. 1-15,1995 and made a primary and partial agreement on the part of trial loan project from the world Bank on the construction of highways in the Ninth Five Year Plan (1996 to 2000) of Shaanxi Province. The Agreemnentcovers the construction of three major highways in the province, which are the parts from Weinan- Tongguan Highway, the first-class highway from Tongchuan to Huangling and the semi- radial highway from Yao county to Tongchuan, the secodd-class accommodation highway from Xiaoihang Yuan to Lantian and three second-class accommodation highways (form Jiangzhang to Famen Temple, from Jingzhang to the West Tangyu and from 1mngJia to Qin Terra cotta Museum) ,totally 257. 76 km long with an invertment of X• 3,924 million yuan. It is agreed to borrow $ 180 million from the World Bank (about 39o of the total). Shaanxi Traffic Bureau generally names the part in the project which applies for investment from the World Bank as the Highway Project( I ). Shaanxi Province (including the helping-the-poor highways. which are not composed in this Report). This ElA Report is composed according to the quest and advice of the Discrnination Delegation and preparatory team on Shaanxi Province HighwayProject, with great tanks to the delegation. Content IntroductIonto the HighwayProject ( I ), Shaanxl Province ..............-... (1) 1.1 The engineering of the project .'*-*.. (1) 1. 2 The major effective factors of the project of the environment and the El itemns ......... *....*.. *..***.. ************.*.....n..... (3) 1. 3 The scope standard and period of the El of the project . .(4) 1. 4 The major basis of the El items *................................................ ** *... (4) 2 The Present Environment In the Area or the Project ......... --. * (9) 2.1 The natural environment *.................................................n. (9) 2. 2 The ecologicalenvironment .........................--.... t..(11) 2. 3 The sicial environmnet .(13) 2. 4 The living environment ............- .................-..........--- (16) 3 The Major EnvironmentEffects of the Project during ServiceTime and the Preventing Means ...*.* * .**...*... .... ........ (18) 3. 1 The major environmental effects of Weinan-Lintong freeway andthe preventingmeans ...............*.-........ **............... C18) 3. 2 The major environmental impact of Tongehuan-Huangling First class highway and preventing means (22) 3.3 The major environmental effects of Xiaosbang Yuan-Lantian second classhighway and the preventing means .(26) 3. 4 The major environment effect of Jiangzhang-Famen Temple highway and the prevention means*-.............-............-.........*-.......... (28) 3. 5 The major enviroromentaleffect Jiangzhang-West Tangyu highway and the preventing means . (29) 3. 6 The major environmental effects of Jingiia-Terra-cotta Museum highway and the preventing means.0...)......... ) 3. 7 The preventing means general of the highway project C I ) during the service period .*- (31) 4 The Major EnvironmentErrects of the Project during theService Period and preventing means ........................................................................ ( 33) 4. 1 On the relies and historic and preventig means -.---............ ... (33) 4. 2 The protection of the living environment and the ecologic environment. and the soil during the engineering and thepreventing means . .(34) 5 Statistics or the Land-taking and Resettlement ofand the Public Participa-tion in the Project .*.....................................................(38) 5.1 Statistic of the taken land and resettlement of the project - . (38) 5. 2 The public participation and an analysis on the investigation *.*.... ""s. (38) 6 The Environment Monitoring Plan ot the Project .*....""'.'..'.. .. ''''." '."'.' (41) 6. 1 The pre-engineering and design environment momitoring plan of the project w....t.n...............................t........m....*[email protected]..*.....g..-s(41) 6. 2 The engineeringphase environment mornitoring plan of the project( I ) ... (41) 6. 3 The environment mornitoring plan of the project ( I ) during the service period ................................................................. (42) 7 The Environment Protection Structure or the Highway Project, Shasnxi Province e............................................................................ .(44) 7. 1 The formation of thestructure and its work *.*........................... (44) 7. 2 The equipments of monitoring for the project( I ) .............................. (45) 7. 3 The personneltraining of the structure @ Z - ((45) 7. 4 The ImplementationPlan of the Environment Protection Means and the Expenses estiurit.ed. -..................................... (46) Appendix 1. The EAP essentialelements of XhaanxiHighway Projects( I ) ... .'(50) 2. The distribution of environmentsuseeptive and monitoring spots for Shaanxi Highway Projects( I ) Drawing 1 Location plan for the susceptivespots of environment and monitoring spots along Weinan-Tongguan Expressway . (52) Drawing 2a Location plan for the susceptivespots of environmentand monitoing spots along Tong Chuan-Huangling First Class Highway . (53) Drawing 2b Location plan for the susceptivespots of environment and monitoring spots along Yao country-Tongchuan First Class Highway *............. (54) Drawing 3 Location plan for the susceptivespots of environment and monitoring spots along Xiaoshangyuan-Liantian Second-classspecial-purpose Highway ............................... (55) Drawing 4 Location plan for the susceptivespots of environment and monitoring spots along Jiangzhang-Fa Temple Second-Classspecial-purpose Highway. .......................................... (56)-- --- Drawing 5 Location plan for the susceptivespots of environmentand monitoring spots along ianggzhang-WestTangyu Second-Classspecial-purpose Highway .............................................................................. (57) Drawing 6 Locationplan for the susceptivespots of environment and monitoring.spots along Jinjia-Terracotta Warriors and Horse Museum Secod-Class special- purpose EHighway ......... (58) 1 Introduction to the Highway Project (1I), Shaanxi Province A highway network
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