GOVERNMENT OF KERALA ECONOMIC REVIEW 198 NIEPA DC STATE PLANNING BOARD TRIVANDRUM 2 , ^ 0 ' / o - h I C ^ fuS. T ^ -.i't:-! Ss^stems U nit, MiHic . • Instiiuie of Educationiii Pknnn^ nni Amiristration J7-B,SriAt t ^ T ” I NewDelbi-n00l6 D O C . K „ .......... 9 .3 ,.U r .............. Date............ \ ^ U . \ . ^ FRlNTKlD THE 8. (J. P. AT THP: GOVEHNMENT PRESS, TRIVANDRUM, 1982. C o n t e n t s Pages (Chapter 1—General Review 1— iQ I’rcuds in National Economy (1); Trends in Kerala’s Economy (2); Income and Employ­ ment (3); Agricultmal Production (3); Food Situation (4); Land Reforms (4); Co-opeiation(4); Livestock Devt, (5); Fisheries (5); Forests (5); Irrigation and Power (6); Industry (6); transport and Conununications (7); Education (8); Health (8); W ater Supply (9); Housing (9); VVelfare of'Scheduled Castes and Tribes (9); Export Trade (9); Decade in Retrospect (9). |phiii)ter 2—Income And Employment 11__ 20 State Income (11); Per Capita Income (11); Sector-wise Rates of Growth of Income (11); Trend in Sectoral Share of Income (11); Dii>tiict Income (14); Per Ciapita Inconie of States (15); Population (15); District wise Population (15); Sex Ratio (17); Density of Populalion (17); Urban percentage of Population (17); Decennial growth Rate (17); Birdi and Death Rates (!7); I’xpectation of Life at Birth (17); Inlant Mortahty Rate (17); Emj)loyment Situation (IB); limployment in tlie Organised Sector (19); Overseas Develojtmcnl anti Employment Promotion Consultants Limiteil (20); Tlie Kerala Institute of l.abour and Employment (20). Ithapfer 3 Pkicf.s and Cost of I ,ivin(; 21__32 The National Scene (21); Wholesale prices(21); Cionsumcr Ptices (23); Price Situation in Kt^rala (25); Retail Prices ol P.ssriitial Conmiodities (25); Consumer Piice Index (2/); Parity Index (29); Food Situation (30); Prociuement ol Paddy (31); Keiaia (iivil Suppliers Corporation (31). |haptcr4 - AaRicuLruRE 33— 79 Laop Proiluclion (33); I’arm C louuuodity Prices (34); Farm Input Prices (34); Climate (35); Land Csi- Pattern (36); Area Under ( Irops (37); Production(37); Productivity of Crops(3H); Kiee PnHluctiou(39); High Yielding varieties ol Rice (40); Development Programmes(41); Kerala Agricultural Dev('lopment Project (43); Kerala State Coconut Development Cor- poi-ation (43); Kerala Agro Industries Corporation (44); Kerala State Warehousing Cor­ poration (45); State Farming CJorporation of Kerala (46); The Plantation Corporation of Kerala(4ti); Oil I’alm India Limited (46); Soil Conservation (47); Soil Survey (47); Land Use Board (47); Kerala Land Development Corporation (47); Agricultural Market­ ing (48); VVynad Development (48); Kt raia Agricultural University (49); Central 4’uber t rops Research Institute (50); C Jentral Plantation Crops Research Institute (50); Fai'in In- lormation Biueau (51); Plantations (51); lea (51); Coffee (52); liubber (53); (iardainom (53); Land Reforms (54); Assignnuuit of Puraniboke Lauds (55); Livi stoi'k D( v< lo[)mLnl (55); iMsheries (5/); Marine I'ish Landings (57); Marine Proilucts Exports (59); Inland Fisheries (59); Refrigeration Facilities (60); Fisher­ men Cio-operativcs (61); Kerala Fisheries Corporation (61); Kerala Fishermen’s Welfare Clorporation (62); Fishing Harbours and Fish Landing Centres (62); Other Pro­ grammes (63); Fishermen Population and Fishing (Trafts (63); Forests (64); Kerala Forest J )cvelopment Ciorporation (65); Kerala Forest Research Institute (65); Community Develoj)- iiient (65); Lhe National Rural EmployuKmt Programmc(66); Integrated Rural Develoj)- ini;ni Programme (66); Training ol Rural Vouth for Self Employmen! (67); Rund i'unctional Literacy Progrannne (67); Social inputs iu Area Development (67); Exlcnsiou 'i’raining CCentres (67); Agricultural C.redit (67); The Kerala State Co-operative Bank (69); Long ’f erju Credit (69); Kerala C'<o-operative Central Land Mortgage Bank (69), t'r 5 —IkRIOATION AND PowER 7l~-78 Irrigation (71); Major and Meduun Irrigation Projects (71); Minor Irrigation (73); Flood Control and Anti-Sca luosion (73); Power (74); Generation projects (75); Idamalayar I lydro-fJectric Scheme (75); Tdukki Stage HI (75); Sabarigiri Augmentation (76); Silent \ alley Hydro-i:lectrie Scheme (76); Kakkad HydroTllectric Scheme (76); Tdukki Stage II (76); I.ower Pciiyar Hydro-Electric Scheme (76); Kuriarkutty-Karappara Hydro-Electric S-chcme (76); Kallada Hydro-Electric Scheme (76); Sui'vey and Irrvestigation (77); I ’ransmjssion (77); Distribution and Rural Electrification (77); Financial Position of the K. S. E. Board (78). ^ j Iv C hapter 6—I n d u s t r y 79— 1U9 An over view (79); Working Faclories and Binploymeut (81); Central Public Sector Invest­ ment (82); Joint Stock Companies (83); Industrial Promotion Agencies (83); Kerala State Financial Corporation (84); Other Slate Governinent Corporations (86); Kerala State EJ(;ctronics Developm(‘nt Corporation Limited (86); Kerala State Textile Corporation Limi­ ted (87); Kerala Slate Film Development (.Corporation Limited (87); Kerala State Indus­ trial Products I'rading Corporation (88); Aletlium and Large Scale lndustries(88) ;Govern- ment Owned Comj)anies (88); Kei-ala State Industrial Enterprises Limited (89); C)ther Government Owned C.ompanies (90); Kerala Minerals and Metals Limited(90); rrivandruni Spinning Mills i.imited (90); Sitaram I'extiles Limited (91); Steel Industries Kerala Limited (91); Foam Mattings (Indiai Limited (91): Kerala Premopipe Factoiy (92); Coni- panic:s under Implementation (92); Kt rala Automobiles Limited (92); Malabar Cements Limited (92); Government Majorily ( Companies (92); (<overimient olTndia Comjianies (94); Village anfl Small Scale Industries (96); Small Seale Industries (96); Dej)artment of In­ dustries and ( lornmerce (96); 1 he K erala State Small Industries Development and I'^niploy- meut C:or])oration (SlDtiO) (98); Small Industrit;s Service Institute (100); Handici’afts Industry (101); HandloomIndustry (101); Coir Industry (102); Kerala State Coir (Corpora­ tion (105); Cashew Industry (105); The Kei ala State Cashew D('velopment C lorpoi ation (107); Khadi and Village Industries (107); Jiamb(»o Industry (107); lieedi Industry (108),-Depart­ ment ol'Mining and Geology (108); Kerala Miner<d Exploration and Development (UNDP) Project(109); C hapter 7—T hanspori' and ( Iommuniga iions 110 — 120 An over view (110); Roads (111); Koad I'ransport (112); Motor Vtdheles Ri;gistration (112); Passengt r'IVansport (112); C^oods Transport (113); Railways (114); Air Transport (115); Inland Navigation (115); Kerala Inland ISavlgalion Corjjoralion (.111)); Ports aiul Harbours (116); Cochin Port (118); 'J'ourism (119); Kerala 'I'ourism Developriient Corporatioii (119); Communication (119); Chapter 8—Export Import I'rade 12J — 430 India’s Foreign Trade (121;; Kerala's l.xports (121); Spices (122); Cardamom (123); Ginger (123)'; Pepper (123); lurmeric (124); Coffee (124); Tea (125); Marine Products (125) ;Cashew (126); Casliew Kei nels (127); Cashew Shell Liquid (127); Raw C ashew - Imports (127);Coir and Coir Products (128); Kerala’s Imports (130); Chapter 9- S o c ia l S e k v k je s ^ 131— 150 Education (131); General School Iklucation (131); Higher lulucation (131); Professional and Special Education (132); Expenditure on Education (132); Heahh (132); Allopathy fl32); Indian System of Medicine(133); Ayurveda( 133j; HQmoeo( 133); Merlical Practilion('rs( 134); Family Welfare (134); Water Supjily and Sanitation (135j; Housing ( 135); Board of Kevenuc- (135);F’inance Department (136); Public Works Departnu-nt (136); Police 1 iepartment (136); Housing Board (136); ( io-operat ive 1 )e]jarl iiK'ut (136); Housing Progrannnes of the Develop­ ment Authorities (136); (ireater Cochin Development Authority (136); Calicut Development Authority (137); Other Agencies (137); Kerala State b'inancial Enterprises (137); Life Insurance Corporation oi’ India (137); Urban Development (139); I ’own and Country Planning (139); Urban Development Programmes imder Municipal Administration (139); K(Tala Urban Development Finance Corporation (140); Greater Cochin Development Authority (140); Mass (bnununication (141); Radio (141); Films (141); Press (141); Publicity (141); Welfare of Scheduled ( 'astes (141); Kerala State Development Corporation for S( hcduled Castes and Scheduled I'ribc-s (142j; Welfare of Scheduled I'ribes (142); Social ' Welfare (144); Cliild WWare (144); Women’s Welfare (145); Welfare of the Physically Handicapped (145); Social D<4cnce (147); Social Security (147); Nutrition (150);. Appendix— 151—25 / j C h a p t e r I GENERAL REVIEW Trends in National Economy 1.3 The improvement in industrial production has been widespread, and a large number of key industries The national economic scenario of the year that such as steel, crude oil, and petroleum products, cement, has gone by presented a fairly bright picture with dis­ aluminium, nitrogenous fertiliser, newsprint, diesel tinct improvements in production in the crucial sectors engines, transport equipment, sugar, vanaspati, etc. of the economy. The national income during 1981-82 are expected to aclueve new peak levels of production is estiimated to have increased by 4.5 per cent over an during the year. There has been notable improvement increaise of 7.5 per cent in the previous year. Tlius in the performance of the public sector undertakings in the: first two years ol' the Sixth Plan periotl, the during the year. The performance of the small scale averagje annual growth rate in real national income has and cottage industries reflects
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