CYNGOR TREF BAE COLWYN BAY OF COLWYN TOWN COUNCIL Mrs Tina Earley PSLCC, Clerc a Swyddog Cyllid/Clerk & Finance Officer Neuadd y Dref/Town Hall, Ffordd Rhiw Road, Bae Colwyn Bay, LL29 7TE. Ffôn/Telephone: 01492 532248 Ebost/Email: [email protected] www.colwyn-tc.gov.uk Ein Cyf. RD/TE 18fed Tachwedd 2020 Our Ref: RD/TE 18th November 2020 Annwyl Syr/Fadam, Dear Sir/Madam, Fech gwysir i fod yn bresennol mewn You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting cyfarfod o Bwyllgor Amcanion Cyffredinol of the General Purpose and Planning Committee a Chynllunio Cyngor Tref Bae Col wyn, of the Bay of Colwyn Town Council, to be held sydd iw gynnal o bellter am 6:30pm nos remotely on 24 th November 2020 at 6.30pm for Fawrth, 24 ain November 2020 er mwyn the purpose of transacting the following trafod y busnes canlynol. business. Yr eiddoch yn gywir, Yours faithfully, Clerc y Cyngor Clerk to the Council Aelodau: Cyng. G Baker; B Barton; N Bastow (Maer); D Members: Cllrs: G Baker; B Barton; N Bastow (Mayor); Bradley; C Brockley; G Campbell; Mrs A Howcroft-Jones; D Bradley; C Brockley; G Campbell; Mrs A Howcroft-Jones; Mrs M Jones (Dirprwy Faer);C Matthews; J Pearson Mrs M Jones (Deputy Mayor); C Matthews; J Pearson (Tree (Warden Coed); M Tasker; M Worth Warden); M Tasker; M Worth I ymuno yn y cyfarfod dilynwch y To join the meeting follow the instructions cyfarwyddiadau a anfonwyd yn yr e-bost sydd sent in the accompanying e-mail. gyda hwn. Cysylltwch âr Clerc ar 01492 Please call the Clerk on 01492 532248 if you 532248 os ydych angen ir manylion require the log-in details for the meeting to be mewngofnodi ar gyfer y cyfarfod cael eu sent to you, or if you are having any problems hanfon atoch neu os ydych yn cael unrhyw logging in. drafferthion efo mewngofnodi.. AGENDA AGENDA 1. Croeso ag Ymddiheuriadau am 1. Welcome and Apologies for Absence: Absenoldeb 2. Datgan Cysylltiadau: Fe atgoffir pob 2. Declarations of Interest : Members are Aelod or angen iddynt ddatgan unrhyw reminded that they must declare the gysylltiadau personol a / neu rhai all existence and nature of any personal and/or ragfarnu, a natur y fath gysylltiadau. prejudicial interests. 3. Cofnodion: 3. Minutes : Cymeradwyo a llofnodi cywirdeb To approve and sign, as a correct record, the cofnodion y cyfarfod diwethaf a minutes of the last meeting, held on 27 th gynhaliwyd ar 27 ain Hydref 2020. October 2020. (Copy herewith) (Copi gyda hwn) 4. Matters arising from the Minutes : 4. Materion yn Codi or Cofnodion: (a)Min 119/20(ii): BT Phone Kiosk : (a) Cofnod 119/20(ii): Caban Ciosg BT: To receive an email from Cllr Matthews Cael e-bost oddi wrth Gynghorydd regarding the condition of the kiosk on Matthews parthed cyflwr y ciosg ar Ffordd Abergele Road and consider withdrawing Abergele, ac ystyried tynnun ôl y cais i the application to adopt the kiosk. fabwysiadur ciosg. (Copi gyda hwn) (Copy herewith) (b) Cofnod 121/20: Hysbysfyrddau: (b) Min 121/20: Noticeboards: Cael ac ystyried unrhyw adroddiadau yn To receive and consider any reports from the dilyn yr archwiliad chwarterol a quarterly inspections carried out by gyflawnwyd gan yr Aelodau members. (Copy herewith) (Copi gyda hwn) (c) Min 124/20: Transport for Wales : (c) Cofnod 124/20 : Trafnidiaeth Cymru: To consider an email asking for suggestions Ystyried e-bost yn gofyn am awgrymiadau for station improvements and any report ar sut i wella gorsafoedd ac unrhyw from Colwyn in Bloom committee members, adroddiad gan aelodau Pwyllgor Colwyn yn who attended a site visit recently (deferred ei Blodau a fu ar ymweliad safle yn from last meeting) ddiweddar. (Gohiriwyd or cyfarfod diwethaf) 5. Conwy CBC: a) Temporary Traffic Regulation : 5. Cyngor Bwrdeistref Sirol Conwy i) To receive, for information, a TTR for (CBSC): prohibition of parking for Princes Drive on (a) Rheoliad Traffig Dros Dro (RhTDD): 24/11 (BT Work). i) Cael, er gwybodaeth, RhTDD ar gyfer b) Playground Update : To receive an atal parcio ar Ffordd y Tywysogion ar update from Conwy CBC Playground 24/11 (Gwaith BT). Inspector. (b) Diweddariad ar Fannau Chwarae: (c) Local Places for Nature Tree Planting Cael diweddariad oddi wrth Initiative: To receive emails from ERF and Archwilydd Mannau Chwarae CBS to consider any potential locations for Conwy. planting made by the Colwyn in Bloom (c) Mannau Lleol ar gyfer Menter Natur Committee. (Suggestions to follow) Plannu Coed: Cael negeseuon e-bost (Copies herewith) oddi wrth ERF ac ystyried unrhyw safleoedd addas ar gyfer plannu a awgrymwyd gan Bwyllgor Colwyn yn 6. Play Friendly Workforce for Wales : ei Blodau. (Awgrymiadau i ddilyn) To receive the information and development (Copïau gyda hwn) plan. (Copies herewith) 6. Gweithlu Chwarae-gyfeillgar i Gymru: Cael gwybodaeth ar cynllun datblygu. 7. NMWALC Re: Consultation on (Copi gyda hwn) establishing the Town and Country Planning (Strategic Development 7. Cymdeithas Cynghorau Lleol Gogledd a Plan)(Wales)(Regulations)(2021): Chanolbarth Cymru (CCLlGChC): (i) To receive a covering email regarding the Ymgynghoriad ar sefydlu (Rheoliadau) consultation on establishing the Town and (Cynllun Datblygu Strategol) (Cymru) Country Planning (Strategic Development Cynllunio Gwlad a Thref (2021): Plan)(Wales)(Regulations)(2021). (i) Cael e-bost ynglŷn âr ymgynghoriad (ii) To receive Consultation Document. ar sefydlu (Rheoliadau) (Cynllun Datblygu (iii) To receive and consider the draft Strategol) (Cymru) Cynllunio Gwlad a response from NMWALC (Copies herewith) Thref (2021) (ii) Cael y Ddogfen Ymgynghori. 8. Planning: a) Planning Applications: To consider the ( iii) Cael ac ystyried ymateb drafft planning applications submitted. CCLlGChC). (Copïau gyda hwn). b) Planning Decisions : To receive any planning decisions issued by CBC. 8. Cynllunio: c) Planning Aid Wales: a) Ceisiadau Cynllunio: Ystyried y (i) To receive any report from Cllr Glenys ceisiadau cynllunio a gyflwynwyd. Baker on the Introduction to Planning b) Penderfyniadau Cynllunio: Cael Enforcement training she attended on 9/11. unrhyw benderfyniadau cynllunio a (ii) To receive information about a training roddwyd gan GBS Conwy. course on Responding to Planning c) Cymorth Cynllunio Cymru: Consultations, taking place on 9 th December. (i) Cael unrhyw adroddiad gan y d) Planning Application 0/47703 to Cynghorydd Glenys Baker am yr receive the email reply regarding the hyfforddiant ar Gorfodaeth Cynllunio a proposed use of the centre and consideration fynychwyd ganddi ar 9/11. of other sites and note that, as a result of this (ii) Cael gwybodaeth am gwrs hyfforddiant further information, No Objections has ar Ymateb i Ymgynghoriadau Cynllunio now been submitted by the Town Council. fef sydd i'w gynnal ar 9 Rhagfyr, e) Change of Use : To note that the (ch) Cais Cynllunio O/47703 Cael ateb difference in the existing change of use ebost am y defnydd arfaethedig or regulations on Penrhyn Road and Station ganolfan ar ystyriaeth a roddwyd i Road is to be considered by the LDP Task & safleoedd eraill a nodi, o ganlyniad ir Finish Group. wybodaeth ychwanegol hwn, cyflwynwyd f) To note the Appeal decision for Nant Dim Gwrthwynebiad gan y Cyngor Tref. Uchaf Farm. (d) Newid Defnydd: Nodi bod y g) To note withdrawal of planning gwahaniaeth yn y rheoliadau presennol ar Application 0/47667. newid defnydd ar Ffordd Penrhyn a (Copies herewith) Ffordd yr Orsaf i gael eu hystyried gan Grŵp Tasg a Gorffen y Cynllun Datblygu Lleol. (dd) Nodi penderfyniad Apêl ar Fferm Nant Uchaf (e) Nodi bod Cais Cynllunio O/47667 wedi cael ei dynnun ôl. (Copïau gyda hwn). MINUTES OF A MEETING OF THE GENERAL PURPOSE AND PLANNING COMMITTEE OF THE BAY OF COLWYN TOWN COUNCIL, HELD ONLINE (VIA ZOOM) AT 6:30PM ON TUESDAY 27 TH OCTOBER 2020 PRESENT: Cllr C Brockley (Chair) Cllrs: Bob Barton; Mrs M Jones (Deputy Mayor); C Matthews; J Pearson; M Tasker; M Worth OFFICERS: Mrs T Earley, Clerk Mrs R Dudley, Assistant Clerk 116/20Welcome and Apologies for Absence: The Chair welcomed members to the meeting. Apologies for absence were received from Cllr G Baker. 117/20Declarations of Interest : Members were reminded that they must declare the existence and nature of any personal and/or prejudicial interests. None were declared. 118/20Minutes : a) Resolved to approve and sign, as a correct record, the minutes of the last meeting, held on 6 th October 2020. b) The Clerk submitted, for information, the notes from the Remembrance Sunday Working Group meeting held on 20/10/2020, which were noted by members. Members were asked to share the Press Release with all the details. 119/20Matters arising from the Minutes: Min 98/20(a): BT Kiosk, Abergele Road: The Clerk submitted: (i) An email from Conwy CBC regarding the adoption process. (ii) An email from BT regarding the condition of the kiosk. (iii) The draft contract, should the Town Council wish to pursue adoption of the kiosk on Abergele Road. (iv) Data from NHS 11 Site on the current locations of defibrillators and the link to the website. The Clerk informed members that Cllr Barton would like to use the funding allocated from his ward allowance, plus other funds raised locally, to see eight defibrillators located at approximately 3 minute walking intervals, from the fire station to Aldi in Old Colwyn. It was noted that the defibrillator at Ysgol Hen Golwyn is not included on the NHS 111 map, as it is not currently operational (a new battery will cost approximately £400). Members agreed that the kiosk was not ideal, due to its poor condition and the concerns about its location received from other interested parties, including North Wales Police and the Secretary of OCRA (Old Colwyn Residents Association). Cllr Barton confirmed that he was awaiting pictures to evidence the poor condition of the kiosk and that he was also investigating other suitable locations in the vicinity.
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