CoP18 Doc. 99 Annex 3 (Rev. 1) (English only / seulement en anglais / únicamente en inglés) Impact of Nomenclature Recommendations- Flora – Cactaceae (Rev.1 amendments in Yellow) Ref Taxon Concerned App Type of Change required in CITES Cactaceae Checklist Third Edition (2016) (CCC3) Changed Changed Required Notes Number Change Required in in Appendices? In Appendices Details, if yes CCC3 ? 08116 Acanthocalycium II status of name The epithet ‘variflorum’ is corrected to ‘variiflorum’ and the taxon is now considered a synonym of no variflorum A. ferrarii ≡ Echinopsis thionantha ferrarii. 00035 Armatocereus humilis II typing error change Armatocereus humilis > Stenocereus humilis to Armatocereus humilis ≡ Stenocereus no humilis Aporocactus II status of name accepted name (was alternative name) no Update Country/Area Checklist flagelliformis Aporocactus martianus II status of name accepted name (was alternative name) no Update Country/Area Checklist 00043 Arrojadoa albiflora [x] II hybrid status no hybrid status, formatting changed as accepted name (Arrojadoa albiflora) no 08167 Arthrocereus II typing error change Arthrocereus microsphaericus > Schlumbergera microsphaerica to Arthrocereus no microsphaericus microsphaericus ≡ Schlumbergera microsphaerica 14167 Austrocylindropuntia II name reference reference to accepted name added (Austrocylindropuntia floccosa yanganucensis > no floccosa yanganucensis Austrocylindropuntia floccosa) 14690 Aztekium valdezii I/II status of name amend to provisionally accepted and therefore clearly Appendix II taxon See next Should have been a Amended following formal column formal proposal to advice from CITES Secretariat change at Cop17 accompany change at included it in AI Cop17 AII > AI taxon A. ritteri 14110 Bragaia estevesii II typing error change Bragaia estevesii > Brasilicereus estevesii to Bragaia estevesii ≡ Brasilicereus estevesii no 02767 Browningia caineana II typing error change Browningia caineana > Castellanosia caineana to Browningia caineana ≡ Castellanosia no caineana 02598 Cephalocereus columna- II addition of an new entry (Cephalocereus columna-trajani) no trajani accepted name Cephalocereus II addition of an new entry (Cephalocereus euphorbioides) no Update Country/Area Checklist euphorbioides accepted name 08323 Cephalocereus II addition of a new entry (Cephalocereus hoppenstedtii > Cephalocereus columna-trajani) no hoppenstedtii synonym Cephalocereus laui II addition of an new entry (Cephalocereus laui) no Update Country/Area Checklist accepted name Cephalocereus II addition of an new entry (Cephalocereus macrocephalus) no Update Country/Area Checklist macrocephalus accepted name Cephalocereus II addition of an new entry (Cephalocereus mezcalaensis) no Update Country/Area Checklist mezcalaensis accepted name Cephalocereus II addition of a new entry (Cephalocereus multiareolatus) no Update Country/Area Checklist multiareolatus provisionally accepted name CoP18 Doc. 99, Annex 3 (Rev. 1) – p. 1 Cephalocereus polylopha II addition of an new entry (Cephalocereus polylophus) no Update Country/Area Checklist. accepted name 14845 Cephalocereus sanchez- II addition of a new entry (Cephalocereus sanchez-mejoradae > Cephalocereus laui) no Update Country/Area Checklist mejoradae synonym Cephalocereus scoparius II addition of an new entry (Cephalocereus scoparius) no Update Country/Area Checklist accepted name 03606 Cephalocereus nudus II addition of an new entry (Cephalocereus nudus) no Formerly considered a accepted name synonym of Neobauxbaumia tetetzo. Update Country/Area Checklist Cephalocereus tetetzo II addition of an new entry (Cephalocereus tetetzo) no Update Country/Area Checklist accepted name 00117 Cereus amazonicus II typing error Change Cereus amazonicus > no Praecereus euchlorus amazonicus to Cereus amazonicus ≡ Praecereus euchlorus amazonicus 08429 Cereus grenadensis II typing error epithet corrected (grenadensiss instead of grenadensis) no 00177 Cleistocactus azerensis II typing error spelling of accepted name corrected (smaragdiflorus instead of smargadiflorus) no 13201 Cleistocactus fieldianus II name reference reference corrected (Cleistocactus fieldianus tessellatus > Borzicactus fieldianus tessellatus) no tessellatus Cleistocactus grossei II addition of a new entry (Cleistocactus grossei > Cleistocactus baumannii) no synonym 08504 Cleistocactus pojoensis II formatting formatting changed (synonym) no 08505 Cleistocactus II typing error spelling of the accepted name corrected (Cleistocactus instead of Cleistocacus) no pycnacanthus Cleistocactus II typing error spelling of epithet corrected (smaragdiflorus instead of smaragdiflorus) no smaragdifloruss 00219 Cleistocactus tarijensis II formatting formatting changed (synonym) no 14193 Copiapoa angustiflora II name reference reference to accepted name corrected (Copiapoa angustiflora > Copiapoa montana) no 00289 Corryocactus II country of origin BO instead of PE no pulquinensis 08583 Corynopuntia moelleri II status of name reference to preferred name corrected (Corynopuntia moelleri ≡ Grusonia moelleri) no 13617 Cylindropuntia II status of name formatting changed (provisionally accepted name) no delgadilloana 13884 Discocactus bahiensis I typing error „<“ is replaced by „>“ no gracilis 08760 Discocactus patulifolius I reference accepted name changed (Discocactus hartmannii patulifolius) no Generic Appendix l Listing 14827 Disocactus anguliger II addition of an new entry of accepted name (Disocactus anguliger) no Update Country/Area Checklist accepted name 14828 Disocactus crenatus II addition of an new entry of accepted name (Disocactus crenatus) no Update Country/Area Checklist accepted name 14829 Disocactus crenatus II addition of an new entry of accepted name (Disocactus crenatus crenatus) no crenatus accepted name 14830 Disocactus crenatus II addition of an new entry of accepted name (Disocactus crenatus kimnachii) no kimnachii accepted name 11868 Disocactus flagelliformis II change of entry changed (Disocactus flagelliformis > Aporocactus flagelliformis) no taxonomic status (accepted > synonym) CoP18 Doc. 99, Annex 3 (Rev. 1) – p. 2 Disocactus lepidocarpus II addition of an new entry of accepted name (Disocactus lepidocarpus) no Update Country/Area Checklist accepted name 11869 Disocactus martianus II change of entry changed (Disocactus martianus > Aporocactus martianus) no taxonomic status (accepted > synonym) 12972 Echinocereus fendleri II typing error termination of the subspecific epithet corrected (fendleri instead fendlerl) no fendleri 00427 Echinocereus II nomenclature, epithet changed, ferreiranus instead of ferreirianus no ferreirianus orthography of name 12973 Echinocereus II nomenclature, epithet changed, ferreiranus instead of ferreirianus no ferreirianus ferreirianus orthography of name 12744 Echinocereus I nomenclature, epithet changed, ferreiranus lindsayorum instead of ferreirianus lindsayi yes Change epithet in ferreirianus lindsayi orthography of Appendix I text name 00410 Echinocereus lloydii II typing error termination of the subspecific epithet corrected (roetteri instead of roetterl) no 00441 Echinocereus II nomenclature, epithet changed, pamanesii instead of pamanesiorum no pamanesiorum orthography of name 12842 Echinocereus II nomenclature, epithet changed, pamanesii instead of pamanesiorum no pamanesiorum bonatzii orthography of name 13939 Echinocereus II nomenclature, epithet changed, pamanesii instead of pamanesiorum no pamanesiorum orthography of pamanesiorum name 00445 Echinocereus pensilis II Change of entry changed (Echinocereus pensilis > Morangaya pensilis) no Update Country/Area Checklist taxonomic status (accepted > synonym) 00461 Echinocereus II nomenclature, epithet changed, stolonifer instead of stoloniferus no Update Country/Area Checklist stoloniferus orthography of name 12983 Echinocereus II nomenclature, epithet changed, stolonifer instead of stoloniferus no Update Country/Area Checklist stoloniferus stoloniferus orthography of name 12760 Echinocereus II nomenclature, epithet changed, stolonifer instead of stoloniferus no Update Country/Area Checklist stoloniferus tayopensis orthography of name Echinomastus II addition of a new entry (Echinomastus macdowellii > Thelocactus macdowellii) no macdowellii synonym 00489 Echinopsis ancistrophora II typing error delete [Lo] at the end of the line no 00490 Echinopsis angelesiae II typing error delete [So] at the end of the line no 00498 Echinopsis boyuibensis II typing error spelling of accepted name corrected: albispinosa no Echinopsis bruchii II addition of a new entry (Echinopsis bruchii > Echinopsis formosa bruchii) no synonym 02568 Echinopsis calochlora ] II typing error „ ]“ deleted no CoP18 Doc. 99, Annex 3 (Rev. 1) – p. 3 Echinopsis derenbergii II addition of a (Echinopsis derenbergii > Echinopsis oxygona) no synonym 00480 Echinopsis mieckleyi II addition of a new entry (Ⓡ Echinopsis mieckleyi [indeterminate]) no name 02569 Epiphyllum anguliger II status change, entry changed (Epiphyllum anguliger > Disocactus anguliger) no transfer to other genus 00628 Epiphyllum crenatum II status change, entry changed (Epiphyllum crenatum > Disocactus crenatus) no Note that E. crenatum transfer to other crenatum and E. crenatum genus kimnachii now referred to Discocactus 00631 Epiphyllum lepidocarpum II status change, entry changed (Epiphyllum lepidocarpum > Disocactus lepidocarpus) no transfer to other genus 00698 Eulychnia aricensis II name reference accepted name changed (Eulychnia aricensis > Eulychnia iquiquensis) no 09137 Eulychnia
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