Howard University Digital Howard @ Howard University The iH lltop: 1990-2000 The iH lltop Digital Archive 4-19-1996 The iH lltop 4-19-1996 Hilltop Staff Follow this and additional works at: https://dh.howard.edu/hilltop_902000 Recommended Citation Staff, Hilltop, "The iH lltop 4-19-1996" (1996). The Hilltop: 1990-2000. 161. https://dh.howard.edu/hilltop_902000/161 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the The iH lltop Digital Archive at Digital Howard @ Howard University. It has been accepted for inclusion in The iH lltop: 1990-2000 by an authorized administrator of Digital Howard @ Howard University. For more information, please contact [email protected]. fl"le 79, No.25 Serving the Howard University community since 1924 April 19, 1996 routh leadership organization seeks to 1estore positive purpose of Freaknik festival .-,ya Deneace Anglin students of other local colleges structure. the "Frcaknik" festivities. the event are going with sexual Public relations major Charlene H,ll1op Staff Writer before finals." Some of the events NAYLS is "The event is geared toward activity in mind. Clark McMillian Roberts wants to attend Freaknik Over a period of time Freaknik planning during the weekend college studc.11ts," 1lial said. "If we plans on attending Frcaknik next before she forms an opinion about inherited a sexual theme. Now, mclude a hip-hop culture forum represent ' Black intelligcncia,' we year. He says his goal will be to its sexual reputation. National African Youth many say young adults meet in titled " Hip-Hof TI1c Contract On need to stop exploiting women and network with other students. "I don't want to just bear about pship Summit committee Atl~nta to engage_i\1 .a number of Generation X, an African Youth acting crazy." " I will get to see friends that I it, I want to see it for myself,'' the i Black college s tudents to various sexual act1v111cs. Day, a voter registration drive and Under the leadership of the haven't seen in a long time, as well junior said. 1btr that tncy represent Freaknik. according to NAYLS a block party. Freedomfcst, parents "don't have as meet students from other Many students, like Savoy intclligcncfa" and need to program chairperson Olimatta '!'Jal, Yesterday. the Youth and to worry abo1n their children ~cin~ colleges," the junior CO BIS major Brummer, arc refraining from , itive cxamP.lcs as some became negative when non-college Community Empowerment exposed to misogyny and sexism, said. attending the event this year fo r Faknik in Atlanta, Ga., this students became involved in tlic Committee of the NAY LS hosted a 'foal believes. Cindy Bailey finds no academic reasons. festivities. summit in hopes of bringing lsokc, who is a student at Clark­ substantial reason for auending "Anybody talting the MCAT this tnik's originol purpose, "!The] locals arc the ones who "awareness to social issues wl1ich Atlanta University, said, "Why do Frcaknik. week will remain li'ere," the junior to NAYLS chairperson of have been trouble and have made arc a direct reflection of African­ you (Blacks] come together to be "What do they do beside biology major said. 't) ond public relations, problems," Tuai argued. American youth durin& Creaks?" Mc added that he wants profile- I can profile here," the Anybody interested in attending tie boke. wn, "for college Because of th,~. NAYLS has Frccdomfcst/Frcaknik weekend. xoun_g people to understand that Junior computer information lhe event or has any questions on 10 get together and hove coordinated event~ during Freaknik Thal is dismayed by lhc lustful 'hav111gfun isn't just being a freak." systems major said. " I'm not going the activities can call (404) 524- lid start networking with aimed at restoring positivity and behavior of young Blacks during But not all students wl10 attend to fi nd a good man down there." 4030. ~tress Jane Fonda attacks University community een pregnancy at welcomes its 15th president ~niversary celebration in their formative years, arc less tanccofthc University's location in By Chris Wl~~ld likely to enter the job market upon the nation's capital for Moward stu- Hl!top Staff ~er reaching adulthood and arc less dents to influence current social likely to get off we I fore. and political issues. Jane Fonda shared her Fonda described the problem of "You have the great opportunity ilr fightm!J teen pregnancy teen pregnancy on a basic cco- here going to school in \¼shington l!llard University students, nomic level: for the five-year pcri- O.C. to ... find out when those [eco- and alumni 'lucsdny as she od between I 985- I 990, the cost for nomic reform] bills are up for hear- presentation entitled, "1cen assistance programs for teen moth- ing and ... pack the halls. It really cv Prevention in the crs was 120.3 billion dollars. docs work because they pay atten- American Community.'' Asscrting that the increasing tion 10 bodies showing up there." ~entation was a sched­ trend of teenage and s ingle_mother Fonda ·s past accomplishments 'ty of the School of Com- prc$nancy began as a lifestyle in community and social activism • ns' 25th anniversary. choice for the women's movement include the Laurel Springs Chit- predictor of teen prcgnan­ in the 1960s, she noted the need for drcn's Camp in Santa Barbara, CA, rt and hopelessness. not cultural norms that say "it's okay where for 15 summers she used lhc said early on in the for a fa the~ to ~2:Y ill thc,liomc ~nd performing arts to teach children of adding that America needs be n~rtunng, kids don t have to all races and socioeconomic back- that children in broken rush into aduh~ood through prei:- grounds self-esteem and coopcra- and their teen mothers are nancy, ,.and 11 s cool to stay 1n lion; the Douglas High School Fine of the larger human fami­ school. and Performing Arts Thlent Center said that we all have a For those people wh~ w~nt !0 in Atlanta that she co-created in ility 10 help our less for­ help. she advocated par11c1pa11on tn 1992 with Kenny Leon of the kothcrs and sisters out of a mentor and comn~un,ty outre~ch Atlanta Project and Atlanta City where they don't sec bet­ programs that !lrov1de the nurtunng Schools; in 1994 Fonda was named lives for themselves and and role modchn~ some young pea- Goodwill Ambassador for the Unit- ren. pie in poor situations may lack. On ed Nations Populations Fund. Howard Inaug urated H. Patrick Swygert, a 1965 alumnus, as t he Unive rsity's defined the problem of a larger lcv~I, she sugge5ted a bo)'.- After hearing Fonda's speech, 15th preside nt la st Friday. bavine babies by citing cot! of_ ~cd1a su~h as new~ orga~:: Greg Anderson, the director of the regarding the children of zau~ns and movie eroducuon cot film rogram at the Alexandria mothers compared to those panics that glamorize ~,olence a~d BlacJ History Resource Center l naupuration week act~v~ties end with families. According to the 1 ~~~; ~~st~;~~~~~ • ~~\~~~~~~~~ said! ·'She strongly identifies with President S·wygert's official address compiled by the Georgia •0 · 1 5 the issues of the poor and down• ·gn for Adolescent Prei:;­ mumt,cs. dd SI , • Ith and dreams and aspirations," the 1965 avid supporters have never been Prcvention (G-CAPP), ch1l­ Politically, Fonda criticized the tro en.. 1c s a very wea Y ', By Erin F. McKinney alumnus said. "Much, much confined to one group or calling. tcen mothers encounter s lashingofbudgcL~forsocial-assis- influenual person and .... you h,1ve Hilltop Staff Writer progress has been made and con- Jews have fought for Howard; lcms than other children. tancc programs and welfare by con- got to admire someone who takes tinues to be made so that today we Protestants and Catholics and children often suffer from gressional republicans. \hose k,ods of stro~g stands.,on A series of renovations to the can stand here in the glory of a_n Muslims, too, have worked to She commented on the ,mpor- issues when they don t have to. campus were done for the cele- achievement of ,deals, of Amen- make Howard great. Let us no! be I and emotional problems b,Jllon. Walls were painted, flow- can ideals - even though we unclear about who and what we crs were planted, signs were bung know that the challenges contin- arc who helped us to come to this and decorations adorned almost ue." place." everything. Swygert explained the impor- Throughout his sreecb, It was as if no expense was tance of planmng in order to sue- Swygert shared persona anec- S])arcd in welcoming Howard's cecd in making such accomplish- dotes of his relationship to 15th president, H. Patrick ments. Howard and relayed to those in Swygert. "Th make real this vision real, attendance Moward's timeless All that were present could not planning-str~tcgic planni~g, [s imP,?rtance. argue the highlight of the cve_nt. required. Practicany every mSll· 'Howard University is not a After receiving the University tuuon of higher learning in Amer- museum piece frozen ill time," medallion and gifts from various ica is in some stage of self-exam- Swygert said. "Howard is_often speakers, tne _______________________-:- referred to ,n the p res i de o t 's th t J d past tense, as '" address captured ••• I assure you a am prou the golden age.' the audience. Well, mr. friends, "Yes. we have d d t ad'./-'. t "or Howard s golden good and wor\hy .
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