UN Secretariat Item Scan - Barcode - Record Title 79 Date 14/06/2006 Time 9:23:27 AM S-0899-0008-01-00001 Expanded Number S-0899-0008-01 -00001 Title items-in-Middle East - country files - Israel Date Created 02/01/1974 Record Type Archival Item Container s-0899-0008: Peacekeeping - Middle East 1945-1981 Print Name of Person Submit Image Signature of Person Submit /? C ' PERMANENT BOO SECOND AVENUE NEW YORK. N. Y. 1OO17 REPRESENTATIVE OF ISRAEL TO THE UNITED NATIONS OXFORD 7-55OO 3 December 1975 Excellency, On instructions of my Government I have the honour to refer to the letter addressed to you by the Syrian Charge d'affaires on 26 November 1975 (A/10396-S/11886) where a transparent attempt is made to deny Syrian responsibility for the recent outrage at Ramat Magshimim and other attacks from Syria against Israel. The Agreement on Disengagement between Israeli and Syrian Forces signed on 31 May 1974 (S/11302/Add.l) lays down in paragraph A that: "A. Israel and Syria will scrupoulously observe the cease-fire on land, sea and air and will refrain from military actions against each other... " Both sides are thus duty-bound to observe scrupulously the cease-fire between them and are under the obligation to prevent all and any violations of the cease-fire which have their origin in their respective territories. His Excellency Dr. KurtWaldheim The Secretary-General 9 Pv- -2- Pursuant to a Cabinet meeting held on 1 December 1975, the Government of Israel issued a statement which included the following: "Israel will continue to observe - on a basis of strict reciprocity - the Disengagement Agreement, in all its components and implications, including prevention of terrorist acts. The Government of Israel will deem Syria responsible for any murderous activity perpetrated by terrorists coming from Syrian territory". I have the honour to request that this letter be circulated as an official document of the General Assembly, under agenda items 27 and 124, and of the Security Council. Please accept, Excellency, the assurances of my highest consideration. Chaim Her'zog Permanent Representative of Israel to the United Nations Secretary-General According to latest Renter's dispatch, in Israeli raids 77 persons were killed and 187 wounded. Rudolph. Stajduhar 2 December 1975 11.55 a.m. i.r , ;;.ci;b:; )2';.:. :.r-:"/-J;.r,^- ;rr.3.J,n C :.•;! • •.;; ••:.•:-o" 30 Stov. 1975 B. Gleissner 3519 5363 PSCA O59 .- v . CSDDBESSES LISTED OS THE J?iT2!a.CHED SHEET) X H&VB TBS HO&OUR TO TRANSMIT MEBE33ITH THE TS2C? OF ESSOLSTIOU 381 {1975} ADOPTED BTf THE SECURITY COnSCZL ITS 1356TH MEETING 0& 3O HOVEI1BEK 1975. QUOTE 25&T&CHED TSST HIGHEST CCKSIDERATIOK. HMJ3HEIM A.S". for Political Council Mf air •'^^ff^C^ ONE ADDRESS "PER TELEGRAM HIS EXCELLENCY MR. YIGAL ALLON MINISTER FOR FOREIGN AFFAIRS OF ISRAEL HAMISRAD JERUSALEM HIS EXCELLENCY . ' MR. ABDUL HALIM KHADDAM MINISTER FOR FOREIGN AFFAIRS OF THE SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLI MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS. DAMASCUS (SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC) UNITED NATIONS SECURITY \VJLI i jfi^jf ^ "w / uv/y _ GENERAL COUNCIL ^-^-^ S/RES/381 (1975) 30 November 1975 RESOLUTION 38l (1975) Adopted by the Security Council at its l856th meeting; on 30 November 1975 'The Security Council, Having considered the report of the Secretary-General (S/11883 and Add.l) on the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force (UNDOF), Having noted the discussions of the Secretary-General with all parties concerned on the situation in the Middle East, Expressing concern over the continued state of tension in the area, Decides: (a) To reconvene on 12 January 1976, to continue the debate on the Middle East problem including the Palestinian question, taking into account all relevant United Nations resolutions; (b) To renew the mandate of UNDOF for another period of six months; (c) To request the Secretary-General to keep the Security Council informed on further developments. 75-263^3 I ",-."; i *.\~i --~ t-. f-'/f - s\ 'f n :-• T ' ;; 7 r ; • r ) . r A r.. 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