( ( HEADQUARTERS 603rd TAl,!-: DESTROYER BATTALION (SP) APo 340, vs my SUBJECT: Action Against Enemy, Reports After. TO : The Adjutant General, U.S. Arny, V/ashington, D. C. (Thru: GG, 6th Arnored Division, APO 256, U.S. An^y) 1. In accordance v.dth AR 345-105, G-3, the follovdng report is subrdtted. 1 I:ARCH. This unit was assigned to Third US Army and attached to 6th Armored Division. Conponents of the Battalion vrere detached as follovrs: a. Kq. pud Hq. Co attached to Reserve Coramand at Rodershausen, Germany, b. Ren Co (less 1st platoon) attached to Reserve Comand. c. 1st Ren platoon attached to CCA trains. d. Co A (less 1st and 2nd Platoons) attached to CC3 at Binscheid (^932708) e. 1st flatoon ^o ^ attached to '^^ '*ard at (^965713 (CC"B") f. 2nd iaatoon ^ attached to '^'^ ^rindle at Ci^sthorn-,g97737 (CC"ii"). g. "^o ^ attached to -^eserve ^oiaraand at ^auraelshausen, ^ermany. - ~ h. ^o ^. attached Cless 3rd platoon) to at ^^elbaum. i. 3rd platoon, S ^ attached to ^roiYn,-'^^"^" '^'he 1st platoon of ^o ^ crcssed the ^rum ^iver with '^^ "'ard and suDported the '^^^ in its advance to-Vic N of LIERFELD. 3rd Platoon, Company C assisted in the capture of Eilscheid and Dachechoid. Casualties: Ifone. 2_UARCH. Company A and Company Hq moved into tor.-n of Binscheid. 1st Platoon of Company A established a road block at East end of Pronsf eld, 2nd platoon of Company A supported TF Brindle in attack East from lierfeld in afternoon. 3rd Platoon Companj-- A supported TF Kennedy in takLng high ground II. of ilatserath. —[ 2rd Platoon, Ren Co relieved of mission of guarding bridge over Our River. 3rd e7 Platoon, Ren Co assigned mission of guarding bridges at Lunebach and Heilhausen on the PrujA River. Casualties: None. ^ 3 I-IAT^CH. 3rd Platoon of Company C supported TF Brovm in securing a bridgehead ] over the Nims River South of V/etteldorf prior to daylight. Company A supported Q\ CC"B" in its advance to the Nims River. Casualties: None. 4 LIARCH. Division and Battalion in process of being relieved by 90th Inf. Division ^ Battalion asse3±>led in Rodershausen, Daumelshausen, and Sevenig, All platoons I were released from the line by 0900, ^ a. Company a Closed into Rodershausen at 1545 hours. b. Company C closed into Sevenig at 1200 hours. , c. Ren Co., 1st and 3rd Platoons closed into Rodershausen by 1600 hours. This was the first time the division had been relieved after 221 consecutive days of combat. Casualties: None. ^ LIARCH. Entire Bn assigned to Reserve Command, The Division and Bn reverted to SHAEF Reserve. Bn engaged in maintainanceand training of replacements. Casualties: None. 6-9 LIARCH,incl, Ifo change. Casualties: Ifone, { ( 10 HAiiCH. Bn ri^jrched from Rodershausen, Germany to Sornsville, France. Bn CP established at Sornsville at I63O houi-s. Location of Connanies: Hq and Hq Co-Sorneville (QOS0173) Ren Co -Sallones(Q)89219) Co A -Charbrey (Q060210) Co B -Chambrey (Q062214) Co C -Contures (OS0253) Division and Bn attached to 7th US Army and XV Corps for future operations. Casualties: None. 21 LIARCH. Companj'- A moved from Chambrey to Bezange-la-Grande (QO72171) closing into ne\f area at I3OO hours. Casualties: None. 12-14 LIARCH, Incl. No change. Bn engaged in rest, maintainance and training. Casualties: None. 15 LI/iJlGH . Bn v.'as attached to other combat units as follov:s: a. Company A with 86th Cav, Combat Command. b. Corpany B mth CC"A". Isl Platoon-9th Armd Inf Bn. 2nd Platoon 1st sect. Co D 15th TK Bn. 2nd sect. Tr A 86th Cav. 3rd Platoon 15th TK Bn. c. Company C-CC"B". 1st PlatoorH69th TK Bn 2nd Platoon-4ifth Inf. Bn, 3rd Platoon, 1st Sect - 69th TK Bn 2nd Sect - 44th Inf. Bn. 1st and 3rd Security Sections - Hq_^CC"E" , Headquarters and Reconnaisance ^os -6Sth TK (Reserve Command) Casualties: None. 16. LiARCH. Companies A,3 and C asseiibled Trith their respective combat commands [' and prepared for further operations. • Casualties: None. 17 LIARCH. No Change. No Casualties. [ 18 LIARCH. Hq and Ren Cos. moved to vie of Voelf erdingen, France, (Q568400). Closed into Div. assembly area at 1545 hours. Other cos. moved vri-th their respective I Combat Comaiands to assembly area in Vic of Oermingen (Q5614J+7). 19 LIARCH. Preparation for future action, Conpany B moved vri.th CC"A" to vie E of Sarregnemines. GC"A" attached to 63rd ITJC Div XXI Corps, Casualties: None. 20 and 21 LLkRCH. Company A left Herbelzheim at 2O30 hours on 20 Llarch and supported 86th Cav Combat Command in its 62 mile advance to Bockenheim, Germany (Q324129). No organized resistance encountered. Company arrived in Bordenheira at about 15'00 hours, 21 Llarch. Company 3 supported CC"A" in its rapid advance from vie of Sarreguamdnes to west bank of Rhine River. Company left assembly jv; area at I3OO hours on 20 Llarch and arrived at Beidesheim, Germany, at O83O hrs. on 21 Llarch, a distance of 75 miles. The 1st platoon and 2nd section of 2nd platoon conbj-nued to v;est bank of Rhine Pdver in Vic of Rheim BurkheLm. Remainder of Company (less Company headquarters) moved to Kinderheira. LIo organized resistance encountered although the company assisted in capturing a large number f of prisoners. Company C supported CC"B" in it's rapid advance from. Dehingen to Ebertsheim at II30 hours on 21 Llarch. Enem;/ resistance encountered in Vic northv.-est of Zvfeibrucken. The 3rd platoon destroyed one S8ma AT gun in a pill box and. one 150 mm field piece. This platoon also assisted in destroying a horse-dravm colirrji of about 10 vehicles. Enemy resistance sas again encountered in vie of Kartinhohe. Ren Company suprxirted combat teara Davall in its advance from vie of Sar Union to Kerzenheim, Germany. Company left its assembly area 2 miles MS of Sarre Union at I4OO hrs on 20 llarch and reached its destination at I3OO hours on 21 I.'arch travelling a distance of about 90 miles. No enemy resistance encountered. Lt.^'nay' on special duty vath the Air Corps, vras seriously r/ounded by flak vfhile on a bombing mission over Germany. Casualties: 2 Officers ',7Li. 22 I..j\RCH. Battalion CP closed at EbertsheLm, Genriany, (Ii265076) at O7OO hrs. 1st platoon of Compan;^'- B fired across the Rliine River destroying one machine gun nest, one river barge, and an obsei-^'^ation post. Casualties: lEJiV/IA. 23 I-A.RCH. Division and Battalion reassigned to Third US Army and XX Corps. No other change. Casualties: ifone 2h I'JCiCU. Pi^epared for future operations. Casualties: None. 25 ilAilGH. All elem.ents of the 3n crossed the PUiine Pdver in vicinity of OppenJieira during the day. The Battalion com';iand post closed into bivouac in viciidty of Gross Gorau (l:52LL,60) at 2330 hrs. Division and Battalion ' transferred to XII Corps. No change in attaciTments. Casualties: None 26 jlArtCH, 1st Platoon of Company A destroyed one SSmm AT gun in vie. of (1.17762). 1st platoon of Com.pany C destroyed one He V tanic in Vic, North of vv-aldorf. All eleraents of the Battalion supported the advance of the division to the Ilain River and to the South end' of Frani-cfurt at Ilain. Combat Team Davall vdth ncn Gor.:,:c:-f attached to CC"A". Casualties: None. 27 liARGH. Battalion Comm^and Post moved to Franlcfurt Y/ald 2 miles South of FranJ-ciurt, Lt. Snyder, Com.pany B, killed in action on patrol mission crossing the Ilain River at Franl^iurt, 28 IJlJlCH, Companies A and B on South bank oidlain Pdver opposit Franlifurt received heavy ai-tillery fire. Division and Battalion transferred to >CX Corps. 29 IlAnCH, Ren Coitipany transferred from CC"A" to CC"B". 1st platoon attached to 50th Armd Lnf, Bn. 2nd ' " " " 69th TanJ: Bn. 3ixi " " " /'idh Arrad. Inf Bn. Pion Platoon " " 25th ^ngi". Trains. Go.mpan,Y Ko_. " " 50th Armd. Inf. i^n. Battalion CP moved to vicinity of Hochstadt (i..7S74) arriving at 0535. Later in day Battalion moved to vie of Steinback (1735175) arriving at 1715 hours. Coirpany A completely destroyed one freight train carrying a'nnunition at a rarige of 5000* yards. Casualties: U EI- killed in action, one officer vrou.nded in action. go j.JiRCH. Lt. Col. I.IcCurry .missing in action after leaving Bn CP with tvro technical observers to visit co;iibat urdts of the Battalion. Battalion comrnand i r::cvcd frT-m rdc; of Steinba.ch and arrived vie of Remsfeld at 0^00 hrs. on 31 Llarch. Casualties: None. gl IJiRCH. No change. Casualties: h ELI vrounded in action, 1 of ficer Vni& For Com-Tianding Officer: KOI.SR VJ. CLIi-rrON Capt. FA ADJUTANr .
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