the sorabji archive WARLOW FARM HOUSE EATON BISHOP HEREFORD HR2 9QF ENGLAND From UK 01225 852323 From UK 01225 852523 E-mail [email protected] Ex UK +44 1225 852323 Ex UK +44 1225 852523 Website www.sorabji-archive.co.uk Alistair Hinton, Curator/Director KAIKHOSRU SHAPURJI SORABJI (1892-1988) (photograph by Joan Muspratt) LIST OF PERFORMANCES AND BROADCASTS OF MUSICAL WORKS BY KAIKHOSRU SHAPURJI SORABJI LIST OF PERFORMANCES AND BROADCASTS OF MUSICAL WORKS BY KAIKHOSRU SHAPURJI SORABJI This list is not (nor can be) guaranteed to be comprehensive. It is updated continuously to incorporate newly discovered information on past performances and broadcasts and detail on new and forthcoming ones. Although the purpose of this list is to document public performances and broadcasts, a few private ones have also been included for reasons of especial historic interest. For reasons of space, works are indicated by number in accordance with the LIST OF MUSICAL WORKS BY KAIKHOSRU SHAPURJI SORABJI compiled by The Sorabji Archive (q.v.). Performers: (pianists unless otherwise described) FA Frank Abbinanti EH Eric Huebner Davyd Booth (violin) AA Alexander Abercrombie LH Lukas Huisman Sidney Curtiss (viola) SA Simon Abrahams GH Gareth Hulse (oboe) Gloria Johns (cello) RA Robert Aitken (conductor) BI Brian Inglis JAP Jo Ann Pickens (soprano) PA Paulo Álvarez HI Henry Ingram (tenor) SP Solon Pierce DA Donna Amato FJ Frazer Jarvis JPi Jacqueline Pischorn (soprano) KA Kit Armstrong WJ Wojciech Jasiński DP David Pitman LA Lloyd Arriola PJ Parvesh Java UP Ulrich Poschner (violin) DAs Dimitri Ashkenazy (clarinet) S-YJ Su-Yen Jeon JP Jonathan Powell AB Andrew Ball TJ Tellef Johnson MP Michel Preiser RB Richard Barrett (baritone) KJ Karen Jones (flute) QD Quatuor Danel A-MB Anna-Maria Barth (violin) NJ Natasha Jouhl (soprano) Marc Danel (violin) ABa Axel Bauni MKa Margaret Kampmeier Gilles Millet (violin) GB Gemma Beeson MK Maurice Katz Tony Nys (viola) DBe Derek Bell RK Robert Keeley Guy Danel (cello) CB Christopher Berg GK Gabriel Keen HRo Heather Roach (flute) SBe Simon Berry (flute) RKe Ryan Kennedy (organ) DR Daniel Rosin (cello) MB Mary Bevan (soprano) H-SK Hyun-Soo Kim PR Patricia Rozario (soprano) HB Hugo Bollschweiler (viola) M-JK Mi-Jin Kim JR Justin Rubin HBo Harry Bowden CK Chappell Kingsland GR Gordon Rumson KB Kevin Bowyer (organ) KK Katty Kochmann (soprano) SR Sandro Russo ALB Anne le Bozec RKo Ryoga Kondo HR Harold Rutland DB David Branson EAL Esther Archer Lakhani MR Malcolm Rycraft NB Neely Bruce ML Meike Leluschko (soprano) FSa Fuyuko Saito (soprano) SB Simon Bucher BL Bernard Lemmens SSa Sid Samberg JB Judith Burns (soprano) SL Sarah Leonard (soprano) AS-A Abel Sánchez-Aguilera ABu Amy Burton (soprano) JL Janice Lewis (soprano) VS Victor Sangiorgio CC Christine Cairns (soprano) DL David Lin (violin) JS Julian Saphir SCa Simon Callaghan TL Timothy Lines (clarinet) J-JS Jean-Jacques Schmid DC David Cerutti (viola) LL Loré Lixenberg (soprano) IS Ingrid Schmidhüsen (soprano) JC Jeremy Chaulk YL Yan Long SS Stefan Schmitt (conductor) H-YC Hung-yin Cho (violin) KL Karl Lutchmayer CSc Christopher Scobie NiC Nikolai Choubine PM Peter Mack LS Lily Scott (soprano) PC Peter Clark (baritone) MMcC Monica McCarron (flute) CS Christopher Seed RC Raymond Clarke JMcIl John McIlvie (oboe) ES Elsa Silva SC Stephen Clarke JMcIn Jonathan McIntosh (flute) DS Debra Skeen (soprano) MC Marshall Coid (violin) MMcL Murray McLachlan AS Adrianna Smith (viola) KC Kent Conrad GDM Geoffrey Douglas Madge PS Philip Smith NC Nicky Cordin (oboe) BMa Betty Makharinsky (soprano) WS William Smith (conductor) BC Bryan Crook JM Jane Manning (soprano) ESo Ernest So SCu Simon Cummings (conductor) LM Leo Marcus YS Yonty Solomon EED Edward Emlyn Davies (organ) J-BM Jean-Bernard Marie KSS Kaikhosru Shapurji Sorabji GD Giulio Draghi MM Marthe Martine (soprano) MS Mark Spalding CD Cyrille Dubois (tenor) AM Agnieszka Marucha (violin) ZS Zoë Spangler (soprano) MD Michael Dussek VM Victoria Matthews (oboe) ES Ed Spanjaard (conductor) EE Evgeny Evgrafov SMa Simon Mawhinney BS Brent Stater (baritone) CE Cecil Ewing StM Steven Max RSt Reto Staub PF Paula Fan SM Steven Mayer FS Florian Steininger JF John Kameel Farah LMcC Lindsey McClennan (soprano) RS Ronald Stevenson EFa Elizabeth Farnum (soprano) HM Hieke Meppelink (soprano) KS Keiko Suzuki (organ) DF Douglas Finch CM Christoph Metzger (tenor) ASz Alex Szram MYF Mei Yi Foo CMi Collin Miller (organ) LT Lora Tchekoratova BF Bengt Forsberg BM Bobby Mitchell KT Karola Theill FlF Felicity la Fortune (soprano) NdM Nathalie de Montmollin (soprano) DT David Theodore (oboe) GF Gina Fergione (soprano) TM Tomoya Moriura JT John Tobin MF Mikaël Francoeur LMu Luis Mucillo RAT Rodrigo Acevedo Traba FOG Frankfurter Orchester Gesellschaft JMu John Musto WT Wigbert Traxler AF Al Frantz KNa Kazui Nakamura TT Thomas Trotter (organ) EF Elvira Froese SN Soheil Nasseri VT Valerie Tryon AF Amy Fuller (soprano) RN Robert Nasveld VTs Vasilios Tsokis JGa John Gates NRSO Netherlands Radio Symphony Orchestra WT-T Wei Tzy-Tau LG Lalit Gimpel (violin) LN Lydia Newlands FU Fredrik Ullén NG Norman Gentieu (carillon) TN Tiffany Ng (carillon) DV Daan Vandewalle JGi John Gibbons JHN Jørgen Hald Nielsen NV Nicola Ventrella KG Katie Golding (clarinet) EN Eiji Nishimura BW Brendan White SG Stephen Gosling KN Kentaro Noda AW Andrew Wilhelm (cello) CG Carlo Grante GN Giampaolo Nuti JHW Jeremy Huw Williams (baritone) AG Ariadne Greif (soprano) CO’D Ciaran O’Donnell (clarinet) JW Jason Wirth CGu Christine Gummere (cello) MO Martin Offord SW Sophie Witte SGu Stephen Gutman JO John Ogdon C-FW Chia-Feng Wu (soprano) MH Michael Habermann JOl Jonas Olsson CY Cosima Yu (clarinet) M-AH Marc-André Hamelin MOl Mark Oldfield (baritone) KH Kyle Hannenberg HO Hiroaki Ooi RH Randall Harlow (organ) KWP Kun Woo Paik DH Daniel Harrison (flute) TP Thomas Palm AH Alistair Hinton FP Frank Peters CH Charles Hopkins PO Members of Philadelphia Orchestra: RvH Reinier van Houdt Deborah Carter (flute) JH Joseph Howson Jonathan Beiler (violin) 2 Performances/broadcasts of complete parts of works are shown in brackets in lower case Roman numerals immediately following the relevant work number, e.g. 31(i). The following exception applies: One Hundred Transcendental Studies (No 66) As it is most improbable that the entire set be performed at one sitting, individual studies are, for reasons of space, shown in Arabic numerals. Performances/broadcasts of excerpts (other than complete parts) of works are indicated with an × immediately after the relevant work number, e.g. 31(i) × (see table below). Numbers in boldface indicate the first live public performance of a work or part thereof. Numbers in boldface italic indicate the first public hearing of a work or part thereof other than at a live public performance, i.e. when a hitherto unperformed work is first heard in a broadcast (in such cases, the first live public performance is still given a boldface number). Live lecture-recitals are excepted in this context. Performances/broadcasts of indeterminate date, venue or content show as much detail as is available. All uncertain information is specified as such by the use of ?s. If the year is the only known information, the item is shown at the end of the year concerned. + recording (unless specifically recorded for broadcast) B broadcast (live or pre-recorded) R repeat broadcast d date made available e instrumental ensemble t taped computer realisation × excerpt(s) only * according to the composer doubtful: probably refers to one of the two preceding items 1 established from various evidence as 010430 and not 260330 as previously thought 2 première of arrangement for baritone and piano 3 première of original version for baritone and organ 3 PERFORMANCES AND BROADCASTS OF MUSICAL WORKS BY KAIKHOSRU SHAPURJI SORABJI Date City/Country Venue and/or Detail Work/s Performer/s ??1119 London Regent’s Park (home of Maud Allan) - 20 KSS UK private reading in presence of Busoni 021120 London Mortimer Hall 20 KSS UK 2nd “Sackbut” concert 020621 Paris Société des Agriculteurs de France 21 MM/KSS France Société Musicale Indépendante 130122 Vienna Kammersaal, Musikverein, Bösendorferstraße 20/28 KSS Austria 130424 London 6 Queen Square, Bloomsbury: Contemporary Music Centre 28 KSS UK British Music Society; International Society for Contemporary Music 121027 London Aeolian Hall 43 HR UK 170528 London Westminster Congregational Church 39(ii) EED UK (now Westminster Chapel) 160130 London Westminster Congregational Church 47 KSS UK (now Westminster Chapel) 0104301 Glasgow Stevenson Hall 48 KSS Scotland Active Society for the Propagation of Contemporary Music 220430 London BBC London Regional 35 KSS B UK 011230 Glasgow Stevenson Hall 50 KSS Scotland Active Society for the Propagation of Contemporary Music 290431 Glasgow Stevenson Hall 47 KSS Scotland Active Society for the Propagation of Contemporary Music 191032 Mumbai Bombay Station (radio) KSS B India Improvisation* 071232 Mumbai Bombay Station (radio) KSS B India Improvisation* ????33 Mumbai Bombay Station (radio) KSS B India Improvisation ????34/ Philadelphia PA Studio of Maurice Katz - 50 MK ????38? USA private reading 100336 London Cowdray Hall 50(i-v) JT UK Contemporary Music Centre 161236 Glasgow Stevenson Hall 57 KSS Scotland Active Society for the Propagation of Contemporary Music 170546 Bristol Reception Room, University of Bristol 17 CE UK Annual concert 011259 West Linton Townfoot House (home of Ronald Stevenson) 50 JO Scotland private reading ????61
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