UNINDTCTED CO.CONSPIRATORS " OCTOBER t ,1976"1Vol. Xll, No.35 Jan Bàrry . Lance Be¡ville r Maris Cakars' o Susan Cákars' ¡ J erry Coffin' Lynne Shatzkin Coffin' Ann Davidon . Diana Davies . Ruth Dear Ralph DiGiar . Brian Doherty o William Douthard' Karen Durbin' ¡ Chuck Fager o Seth Foldy JimForest . L3rryCara . Joan LibbyHawk' THE CONTINENTAL WAIK Neil Haworth . Ed Hedemann o Grace Hedemann Hendrik Hertzberg' . Marty o Becky . Jezer'. Johnson Chew Chase Circle Justtce' NancyJohnson Paul Johnson Alison Karpel. (LtW2 Soclaf CraigKarpel t . El¡otLinzerr assemble 8:30 ¡'m. for Dlsarmament & JohnKyper Jackson Mac Low o David McReynolds' MaryMayo . Dav¡dMorr¡s o MarkMorris' 4. Repression Builds in Southeast Asia / JimPeck . TadR¡chards o lgalRoodenko' FredRosen . NancyRosen o EdSanders ' Harvey Wasserman WendySchwartz' . MarthaThomases Artwaskow . BeverlyWoodward 10. Thailand: Howthe US Engineered a Couó / Don Luce rMemberof WIN Editorial Board 12. Wounded'Knee '76 / Charles Raisch 14.'Tax T alk / Susan Wilkins 503 Atlantic Ave. üth Fl. gá I I 16. Brooklyn, NY 1f 217 Changes Teleph'one : (212)624-8337, 624:tilg5 18. Reviews / Staughton Lynd WIN is published every Thursday except for the first Hazen Park week in lanuarv, the last week in March, the second Cover: Wash drawing of Thailand's tô:16 a.m. week in Mav. thô last two weeks ¡n August, the f irst two Thanom Kittakachorn by Peg Averill weeks in September and the last week in December by W.l.N. Maiazine, lnc. with the support of the War ë Res¡sters League. Subscriptions are $11.00 per year. à Second class postage pa¡d at New York, NY 1fiD1 ànd STAFF \nfashington, D.C. addit¡onal mailing off ices. lndividual writers are o € resoonsible for opinions expressed and accuracy of facts Peg Averill Dwight Ernest civàn. Sorrv-manuscriDts cannot be returned unless Ruthann Evanoff ¡ Susan Pines V) ãccompanieä by a self -âddrest"o, t,"'Ëf"r!äïÍ'ûBî ô Murrav Rosenblith ô ßd$t Þ z tr, Iwrite as one people who á Re your September 30 homage to offivc We've all been harassedtoo often Mao: were arrested last springfor to let another incident slide by. Is a magazine like $rIN pub- criminal hespassing, while So, we swing into this legal lished in China? Ifnot, how ate leafleting a public syrnposiurn on battle; subpoenaing witnesses, tfrose with impulses to collectively crime, at which Clarence Kelley hiring a stenographer so therewill exolore nonviolence (FBI) a public criminal, was key- be official record ofthe ' ' ' Can \¡VIN find and noting, at Muhlenberg College, a magistrate's hearing, and we file oz 'rèeducated? I encouraged to oublish their stodes? public institution, in Allentown, appeals, possibly think about a .Everyone is ^ Pennsylvania. Dupont Circle c) assemble with the route of Mao did greatthings andmuch countersuit ifwe are ever ac- Ì er. }' we were quitted. 11:30 a.m. õ their choice for'the final leg of good, buthow can WIN be soposi- Though a$ested in F the Continental \{alk , Í Ùive about a manwhopraised the March, our magistrate's hearing We've started a Defense Fund, "r,,fr" cÀ "love" of "battle¡rray?'' (p. 13) was not until August. We were and appointed aboard to dircctthe 6 convicted. Our appeal is now Committee. We local ô oSan Francisco to \{ashington As for myself, I believe that insofar build on our - Rosslyn route assembles at the Chew as you love uniforms and weaPons pending. support, plan fundtaisingevents CA { get É * Vl¡hite Hous€ Chade Circle at 8:30 a.m. you lose yourhumani$. and support rallies, trying to I en t oNew Orleans tò Washingfo¡¡ MORRISFnIEDEI,L nationally known people to help us E routé assembles at 10:30 a.m. I¡t¡Yt¡tr, CA build by coming to Allentown to at Rosslyn Circle. boost a fundraiset/rally, or by oBoston to Washington rouùe On Gertrude Rosenblum's report helping us broadcastour needfor Capitol assembles at Rhode Island and o¡ China [I{IN,9/30/76]: this support. o Eastern avenues at 8:30a.m. pacifist evidently permitted her The timeline is indefinite; be- .{ õtitical faculties to be thoroughly yond our decisions, dependent on p.m. pacified. is getting the courts. Presently, out attorney U2 All routes converge I at One used to you is filing for a change ofvenue. It 6 the Lincoln Memorial. If these glosses on China, ô ' cannot walk the whole dis- reminiscent of the old reportageon seerjns all our tocal judges were , tance; join at any of the Russia inthe time of Stalin (whose either at the symposium, ot desis¡atßd spots along the biggest porhait may be viewed in Ftorntheverymomentwe trustees of the college. We hope way; or at the Lincoln Memori' théÞeklng squate, elt}ough u¡e stepped on campus we have found our appeal won'tbe hurt by being al, or 2 p.m. at the Sylvan are nevet so told). ourselves confronting a very moved too fa¡from our area. Theater for the Rally. State capitalism hasn't changed paranoid establishment. Some: In anticipation, I thank you for its spots, although the grave is less times, in retrospect, the whole any impqtus you can give to our For rides to assembly Points often used as a means ofconec- thing seems silly, but we feel it is case among thousands of caüsei call the Metro 63?-2437 or call tlon. At least one had the right to veryìmportant to stand on ourfust you all heed. We appreciate your ( in advance) 202-332-8252. expect that a woman writer would amendment gtounds, which so unending unbending resolve to not passover mutely the marked clearly wete violated by the FBI, fight for what isjust, peaceful and THE COÑTINENTALWALK sexual teDression in China, so the college & by the Allentown enduring. Pentagon New Bethel Baptist Church Police: i.e., to fight five summary. -JEFWIEI,LIAllentownrPA gth charactefr stic of oatriatchy? 1739 Street NW, Leftists keep lãtching ontothis offenses, of$25 plus costs, seems a Washington, D.C.20001 or that state oower. bufl believe waste of energy and money. But What do you call a movement that that until a[bureaúcratic rulers when Allentown Police pick up must go from many losses and few are swept away, the workers stilt young people every day, charge victories before reaching the "have no countrv."- them with loitering and summarily winninggoal? fine them each $25, proportions WINsome. IooA¡geler'CA-A.FORTI'NA fall into reasonable perspective. -LOULINDENNewYorL, lfY 2wlN Oct.21,1976 Oct. 21, '1976 wlN 3 Heavily-armed Thaiborder police, local police and of coup attempts in the three years since the dic- r i ght-w i n g p¡ a r am i I i tary or ga n i zat ion s sú r rou nded tator s h i p w a s ov e r th r ow n . " Al I th e co n f r ontati o n s Bangkok's Thammasat University in the early have been related to the role of the US in Thailand, morning,hours oÍ October 6, and then charged the the main point of contention between the cam pu s f i r i n g on thou sandsof students wllo had right-wing and the /eftists. bar r icad ed themse/ves inside. The strength of the military became increasingly The studentprotest was a partoÍ a nationwide clear as the weakness of Seni Pramoj's government g ca m pa i n opposi n g th e r ece nt f or bod i n e r et u r n to became more evident. Seni Pramoj's government Thailand of two leaders of the Íormer military dic- was "operating in a sandbox surrounded by the tatorship, overthrown in 1973. military," an American visitor toThailand noted. Hûndredsof students were "The . injured and at least military was abïe this summer to stop a 30 killed in the October 6 attackon Thammasat gov er n me nt- s pon sored anti -cor r u pti on cam pai g n University. Seventeen hundred students were aimed against it. And Se ni was unable to take any seized and will stand trial before a military action when Praphas and Thanom came intothe tribunal. Three thousand more were arreércd the country even though the government professed to next day. be against it . ' ' Repression Builds Ín Southeast Asia The Thai military seized power following theas- "The Seni governmentwas an anachronism saulton the university. Defense Minister Ãdmiral which couldn't exist in the intensifying polarity . Sa-ngad Chaloryu announced thatThailand's 42 between the lelt and right." million people would now be ruled by the Admini- "The coup of October 6could not haye suc- strative Relorm Committee headed bv himselÍ. He ceeded if it didn't have some support f rom the abolished the constitutio n, banned ali newspapers US," asserted a Thai student in tåe US. The Viet- , and invoked acurtew. The new governmeniw'hich namese government has also charged the uS with t1ii 't overthrew that of Seni Pramoj consists of B 4-star involvement in the coup, with the lntention of es- generals. tablishing a governme'nt in Thailand f riendly tother ïensions have been mounting in Thailand par- us. ticularly .in response to the retuin to the couniry oÍ Tle V.ietnamese specifica lty charged the CIA former dictators Praphas Charusathien and with aiding Thanom's return io lhaltand. And the Thanom Kittikachorn August'15 and September 19 Washington Post reported thatihe head oÍ the new Praphas was forced to leave the country in government is a c/ose Íriend of LJS Navatofficial August due to demonstrations led by the National Admiral J .L.
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