Index ABCD staging system, 201 Adenosis Ambiguous genitalia, 25-24, 303, 304 Abdominal pain, 44, 119 fallopian tube, 470 causes of, 30-31 seminal vesicle cysts and, 191 intrauterine, tuberculous disease and, clinical evaluation of, 29 Abdominoperineal resection 533 defined, 25 motor paralytic bladder and, 89, 96 peritubal, fallopian tube catheteriza­ embryology of, 25-29 Abscess tion and, 504 imaging of, 31-34 epididymal, 256-258, 328 vaginal, 424-425 laboratory studies of, 30 formation after cryosurgical ablation, Adrenal cortical hyperplasia, 302 magnetic resonance imaging in pa- 487 Adrenal neoplasm, 33 tients with, 419 pelvic, 66 Adrenal rests, magnetic resonance im­ Amenorrhea, 461, 474 periurethral gland, 380 aging of, 326 American Cancer Association, 197 prostatic, 185-186 Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), American Fertility Society, 505 scrotal, 259-260, 282, 305 326 American Joint Committee for Cancer seminal vesicle, 192 adrenogenital syndrome and, 304-305 Staging and End Result Report­ testicular, 256-258, 269 Adrenogenital syndrome, 326 ing (AJC), 130 tuboovarian, 474 Advanced Surgical Intervention titan American Joint Committee on Cancer, urethral, 380, 383 stent, 370 staging system for testicular can­ Absent testes, see undescended testicles Aedes aegypti, 537 cer developed by, 311-312 Acetylcholine, erection and, 510-511 Aerobater aerogenes, 59 American Medical Systems Ambicor pe­ Acoustic intensity of ultrasound, 6 Age and radiosensitivity, 9 nile prostheses, 398 Acute scrotum, 262, 264, 266, 273 Agenesis American Medical Systems 600 malle­ Adenocarcinoma anterior meatal, 345 able prostheses, 391-392 of bladder, 42, 129 bladder, 41 American Medical Systems 800 implant­ of bladder diverticulum, 46 renal, 191,345 able prosthetic, III of colon, 442 urethral, 345 American Medical Systems Ultrex penile cribriform, of prostate, 216 vaginal,418 prostheses, 393 of distal urethral, 387 Alcohol, infertility and, 439 American Medical Systems Ultrex Plus Littre's gland and, 383 Alcoholism, Fournier's gangrene and, penile prostheses, 394 mucinous prostatic, 232 258 American Medical Systems Urolume, of prostate, 130, 195,213,216,223- Aldosterone, 30 370 248 Alfuzosin, 370 American Urological Association, 197 of rete testes, 305-306 Allergic respiratory disorder, 547; see also Amyloidosis, 50, 192-193 of seminal vesicle, 193 Contrast media; Iodine allergy, seminal vesicle tumor invasion and, urachal,44 severe reaction to contrast media 192-193 urethral, 383 and Anal atresia (high) with anourethral fis­ of urinary bladder, 138 Allopurinol, 439 tula, 348 Adenomatoid tumor, 314 Alpha-Adrenergic overactivity, causing Anaphylactoid reactions, contrast agents magnetic resonance imaging of, 326 narrow bladder neck, 362 and, 547 Adenomatous hypertrophy, see Benign Alpha-Blocker(s),368-370 Anatomic capsule of prostate, 226- prostatic hyperplasia autonomic dysreflexia and, 364 227 Adenosine triphosphate (ATP), sperma­ Alpha-Fetoprotein (AFP), as marker for Adrenogenital syndrome (AGS), testic­ togenesis and, 331 testicular cancer, 294 ular tumors of, 304-305 555 556 Index Androgen ablation therapy (AAT), as Arterial obstruction, posttraumatic, 515 digital rectal exam for, 368 treatment option for prostate can­ Arterial vasodilation, penile, 407-408 etiology and pathogenesis of, 177 cer, 479, 481 Arteriographic technique, for evaluating incidence of, 177 Androgen blockage, 198, 203 arteriogenic impotence, 513 laser treatment of, 372, 498-500 Androgen receptors, male pseudoher­ Artificial sweeteners, bladder cancer narrowing of prostatic urethra and, maphrodite and impaired, 31 and, 129 368-370 Androgens, testicular descent and, 240 Artificial urinary sphincter (AUS), 111- nodules, 232 Anemia, metastasis of prostate carci- 113,367-368 radiologic evaluation of, 178-180 noma and, 197 Arteriosclerosis, hematocele and, 279 stromal, 227 Aneurysm clips, cerebral, 23 Aspermia, 438; see also Female infertility, treatment options for, 370-372 Aneurysms, bilateral iliac artery, 66 Infertility, Male infertility ultrasonography of, 180-182 Angina pectoris, as response to contrast Asthenospermia, defined, 441 Benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH), 107 media, 549 Asthma Benign stricture, narrowing of prostatic Angioedema, as reaction to contrast ma­ bronchial, 50 urethra and, 368 terial, 548 severe reaction to contrast media and, Benign vaginal neoplasms, 424 Angiographic evaluation 547 Bergonie and Tribondeau, law of, 9 of arteriogenic impotence, 513-515 Atherosclerosis, 515-519 Bethanechol supersensitivity test, 89 of venogenic impotence, 515-519 of internal pudendal and penile arter­ Bilharzial prostatoseminovesiculitis, 542 Angiography, penile, 508-523 ies, 514 Bilharziasis, 541 Angioplasty Atherosclerotic risk factors, arteriogenic Bilobar enlargement, 368 percutaneous transluminal, 519-520 impotence and, 514 Biofeedback, spastic periurethral striated percutaneous transluminal, as alterna­ Atrophic testes, 243, 258, 296, 312, 328, sphincter syndrome causing stress tive to surgical revascularization, 403 incontinence and, 387 520 Atypical adenomatous hyperplasia, 227 Bioinjectables, 11 0 stenosis of common iliac and internal Autonomic dysreflexia, 97-98 Biomarkers; see also Tumor markers iliac artery and, 519 as response to contrast media, 549, 552 alpha-fetoprotein as marker for testicu­ Anopheles funes/us, 537 Autonomous neurogenic bladder, 88 lar cancer, 294 Anopheles gambia, 537 Autosomal recessive traits, deficiencies in carcinoembryonic antigen, 298, 314 Anorchia, see Undescended testes steroid formation and, 31 testicular neoplasms and, 313-314 Anosmia, infertility and, 439 Azoospermia, 188,246,438-439,455- Bladder; see also Bladder calculi, Bladder Anterior displacement of bladder, 71-73 457; see also Infertility cancer, Bladder diverticuli, Blad­ causes of, 73 defined, 441 der neck, Bladder outlet obstruc­ Anterior meatal agenesis Azotemia, 340 tion, Bladder position abnormali­ megalourethra differentiated from, Azzopardi scars, 308 ties, Bladder size abnormalities, 345 Bladder trauma, Bladder wall, Anterior urethral injuries, 120-122 Congenital abnormalities of blad­ Anterior urethral valves, 340-344 Bacterial epididymoorchitis, 258 der, Intramural filling defects in classification of, 341 Balloon dilation, urethral stricture treat­ bladder, Neurogenic bladder dys­ clinical presentation of, 341 ment with, 378 function diagnosis of, 341-342 Bandwidth, magnetic resonance imaging air in, 35, 57-61 embryology of, 341 and,22 anatomic definitions of, 81 management of, 342-344 Barium; see also Contrast media anterior displacement of, 73 Anticholinergics, 110 enema, 63 biopsy, invasive transitional cell carci­ Antiestrogen therapy, 196 enema, fistula demonstration with, 61 noma monitoring with, 135 Anus, imperforated, 248 reactions to, 546 Christmas tree, 94 Anxiety reaction, as response to contrast Barrington's area, 84 computed tomography of, 39-41, 159- media, 549, 552 Bartholin's gland cysts, 419-420 174 Aortoiliac lesions, erectile dysfunction Bathine test for detrusor hyperreflexia, congenital abnormalities of, 41-47 and,514 86 contracted, 168 Aortoiliac occlusive disease, 403 Bell clapper deformity, 262-264, 327- contractions, precipitous, 374 impotence due to, 514 329 contusion, 117 Aortoiliac reconstructive surgery, erectile Benign hypoechoic lesions, 216; see also dwarf,41 dysfunction and, 514 Benign prostatic hyperplasia dysfunction, 87-89,107,119 Appendicular torsion, 273-274 (BPH) dysfunction, classification of, 87-89 Appendicitis, testicular torsion and, 273 Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), echogenic densities of the bladder, 49 Arterial bypass, 390 177-193,196-197,206,212,216, encroachment, from iliopsoas muscles, Arterial bypass surgery, indications for 221,226 66 microvascular, 520 bladder outlet obstruction and, 177- enlargement, 68 Arterial disease, penile arteriography 178 extrophy of, 48, 56 and, 512 clinical manifestations of, 177-178 fibrotic, 172 Index 557 flaccid, 93 chronic bladder infection and, 129 Bladder position abnormalities, 70-74 gas forming in, 35, 57-61 computed tomography findings of, anterior displacement of, 71-73 herniation, 70, 282-283 166-173 hernia of, 70 hourglass, 41 depth evaluation of with magnetic res- inferior displacement of, 73-74 hypermobility, stress urinary inconti­ onance imaging, 51-52 lateral displacement of, 70-71 nence confirmed by, 100-104 diagnosis of, 130-131 posterior displacement of, 74 hypertrophied neck of and posterior enterovesical fistula caused by, 61 upward displacement of, 71-72 urethral valves, 335 epidemiology of, 129 Bladder prolapse, see Cystocele hypoplastic, 41 etiology of, 164 Bladder shape abnormalities, 65-70; see infection, chronic, 129 follow-up treatment and, 134 also Bladder, Bladder position ab­ inflammation, bladder cancer and, genetic propensity to develop, 164 normalities 129 invasive transitional cell, 132-134 pear-shaped bladder, 65-67 intravenous urography of schistosomi­ pathology of, 129, 164 postsurgical changes and, 66-70 asis infected, 540-541 posttreatment evaluation for, 172 teardrop bladder, 65 large, associated with Eagle-Barret presentation of, 130 Bladder stones, see Bladder calculi syndrome, 43 presenting features of, 164 Bladder trauma, 115-119 large capacity, 75 squamous cell, 46, 129, 138 findings and management of, 117-119 large hypotonic, 107 staging of, 151-154, 165-173 imaging modalities for, 116-117 large, neuromuscular dysfunctional, staging systems for, 130 Bladder tumor(s); see also Bladder cancer, 75 treatment options for,
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