Richard M. K. Saunders • Curriculum Vitae Professor Richard M. K. Saunders Tel.: (852) 2299 0608 School of Biological Sciences Fax: (852) 2517 6082 The University of Hong Kong Email: [email protected] Pokfulam Road URLs: http://web.hku.hk/~saunders/rmks.htm Hong Kong, China http://www.researcherid.com/rid/A-7436-2008 —————————————————————————————————————————————— Research focus Representative publications • Systematics and phylogenetics of flowering plants, Books involving an integrated approach to descriptive taxon- • Chatrou, L.W., J.E. Richardson, R.H.J. Erkens, R.M.K. omy, phylogenetic reconstruction and biogeography, Saunders & M.F. Fay, eds. 2012. The Natural History of based on morphological and molecular data Annonaceae [Special issue of Botanical Journal of the • Plant reproductive biology, including phenology, pollin- Linnean Society, vol. 169(1)]. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell. ation ecology, and assessments of breeding systems —————————————————————— Key publication: Qualifications • Weerasooriya, A.D. & R.M.K. Saunders. 2010. Monogr- aph of Mitrephora (Annonaceae). [Systematic Botany 1987–90 PhD, CNAA (University of Portsmouth, UK) Monographs, vol. 90]. Ann Arbor, Michigan: American 1986–87 MSc in Pure and Applied Plant Taxonomy, Univ- Society of Plant Taxonomists (167 pp). ersity of Reading, UK 1982–86 BSc (Hons) in Plant Biology, University of St And- • Govaerts, R., P. Wilkin & R.M.K. Saunders. 2007. World rews, UK Checklist of Dioscoreales: Yams and their Allies. London: —————————————————————— The Board of Trustees of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew (xviii + 65 pp). Professional employment 2010– Professor, University of Hong Kong Key publication: 1999–2010 Associate Professor, University of Hong Kong • Su, Y.C.F. & R.M.K. Saunders. 2006. Monograph of 1994–99 Assistant Professor, University of Hong Kong Pseuduvaria (Annonaceae). [Systematic Botany Monogr- 1992–94 Lecturer, University of Hong Kong aphs, vol. 79]. Ann Arbor, Michigan: The American Soc- iety of Plant Taxonomists (204 pp). 1991–92 Higher Scientific Officer, Institute of Freshwater Ecology, Wareham, Dorset, UK • Saunders, R.M.K. 2001. Schisandraceae. [Species Plant- 1987–90 Research Assistant, University of Portsmouth, arum: Flora of the World, vol. 4]. Canberra: Australian UK Biological Resources Study (v + 62 pp). —————————————————————— • Saunders, R.M.K. 2000. Monograph of Schisandra Research collaboration (Schisandraceae). [Systematic Botany Monographs, vol. 58]. Ann Arbor, Michigan: American Society of Plant • Extensive collaboration with 25 institutions in 15 count- Taxonomists (146 pp). ries (Australia, Austria, Brunei, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Saunders, R.M.K. 1998. Monograph of Kadsura (Schis- Netherlands, New Caledonia, Papua New Guinea, PRC, • andraceae). [Systematic Botany Monographs, vol. 54]. Singapore, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Thailand, UK and USA) Ann Arbor, Michigan: American Society of Plant Taxon- —————————————————————— omists (106 pp). Editorial experience Selected journal articles (since 2000) • Associate Editor: BMC Evolutionary Biology; Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society; and Journal of System- Key publication: atics and Evolution • Saunders, R.M.K. 2012. The diversity and evolution of • Editorial board member: Journal of Tropical and Sub- pollination systems in Annonaceae. Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 169 tropical Botany (in press). —————————————————————— • Chatrou, L.W., M.D. Pirie, R.H.J. Erkens, T.L.P. Couvreur, Postdoctoral fellows and postgraduate students K.M. Neubig, J.R. Abbott, J.B. Mols, J.W. Maas, R.M.K. • 4 postdocs (2 current); 17 PhD students (4 current); Saunders & M.W. Chase. 2012. A new subfamilial and and 2 MPhil students tribal classification of the pantropical flowering plant —————————————————————— family Annonaceae informed by molecular phylogen- Research grants etics. Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 169 (in press). • Dong, X.-Y., Z. Liu, R.M.K. Saunders & Z.-D. Chen. 2012. • Total competitive research funding secured (since Floral ontogeny of Schisandra chinensis (Schisandrac- 1993): HK$ 10.5 million (approximately £ 820,000 or eae): implications for androecial evolution within Schis- US$ 1.4 million), of which 73% is from external sources. andra and Kadsura. Plant Syst. Evol. 298: 713–722. Key publication: Nakkuntod, M., Y.C.F. Su, T. Seelanan & R.M.K. Saunders. • • Zhou, L., Y.C.F. Su, D.C. Thomas & R.M.K. 2009. Molecular phylogenetic and morphological Saunders. 2012. ‘Out-of-Africa’ dispers- evidence for the congeneric status of Goniothalamus al of tropical floras during the Miocene and Richella (Annonaceae). Taxon 58: 127–132. climatic optimum: evidence from Uvaria • Lau, C.P.Y., R.M.K. Saunders & L. Ramsden. 2009. Floral (Annonaceae). J. Biogeogr. 39: 322–335. biology, population genetic structure, and breeding syst- ems of three climbing Bauhinia species (Leguminosae: • Saunders, R.M.K., Y.C.F. Su & B. Xue. 2011. Phylogenetic Caesalpinioideae) in Hong Kong, China. J. Trop. Ecol. 25: affinities of Polyalthia species (Annonaceae) with 147–159. columellar-sulcate pollen: enlarging the Madagascan • Mols, J.B., P.J.A. Keßler, S.H. Rogstad & R.M.K. Saunders. endemic genus Fenerivia. Taxon 60: 1407–1416. 2008. Reassignment of six Polyalthia species to the new • Xue, B., Y.C.F. Su, J.B. Mols, P.J.A. Keßler & R.M.K. genus Maasia (Annonaceae): molecular and morpholog- Saunders. 2011. Further fragmentation of the polyphyl- ical congruence. Syst. Bot. 33: 490– 494. etic genus Polyalthia (Annonaceae): molecular phylo- • Su, Y.C.F., G.J.D. Smith & R.M.K. Saunders. 2008. Phyl- genetic support for a broader delimitation of Marsypo- ogeny of the basal angiosperm genus Pseuduvaria (Ann- petalum. Syst. Biodiv. 9: 17–26. onaceae) inferred from five chloroplast DNA regions, • Couvreur, T.L.P., M.D. Pirie, L.W. Chatrou, R.M.K. with interpretation of morphological character evol- Saunders, Y.C.F. Su, J.E. Richardson & R.H.J. Erkens. 2011. ution. Mol. Phylogen. Evol. 48: 188–206. Steady tropical diversification and boreotropical geo- • Ratnayake, R.M.C.S., I.A.U.N. Gunatilleke, D.S.A. Wije- dispersal during the early history of the flowering plant sundara & R.M.K. Saunders. 2007. Pollination ecology family Annonaceae. J. Biogeogr. 38: 664–680. and breeding system of Xylopia championii (Annonac- • Meng, W., Y.C.F. Su, R.M.K. Saunders & M.-L. Chye. 2011. eae): curculionid beetle pollination, promoted by floral The rice acyl-CoA-binding protein gene family: phylog- scents and elevated floral temperatures. Int. J. Plant Sci. eny, expression and functional analysis. New Phytol. 189: 168: 1255–1268. 1170–1184. • Ratnayake, R.M.C.S., Y.C.F. Su, I.A.U.N. Gunatilleke, D.S.A. • Surveswaran, S., R.J. Wang, Y.C.F. Su & R.M.K. Saunders. Wijesundara & R.M.K. Saunders. 2006. Reproductive 2010. Generic delimitation and historical biogeography biology of two sympatric species of Polyalthia (Annon- in the early-divergent ‘ambavioid’ lineage of Annonac- aceae) in Sri Lanka. II. Breeding systems and population eae: Cananga, Cyathocalyx and Drepananthus. Taxon 59: genetic structure. Int. J. Plant Sci. 167: 495– 502. 1721–1734. • Ratnayake, R.M.C.S., I.A.U.N. Gunatilleke, D.S.A. Wije- Key publication: sundara & R.M.K. Saunders. 2006. Reproductive biology • Saunders, R.M.K. 2010. Floral evolution of two sympatric species of Polyalthia (Annonaceae) in in the Annonaceae: hypotheses of hom- Sri Lanka. I. Pollination by curculionid beetles. Int. J. eotic mutations and functional converg- Plant Sci. 167: 483–493. ence. Biol. Rev. 85: 571– 591. • Wang, R.J. & R.M.K. Saunders. 2006. The genus Cyath- ocalyx (Annonaceae) in the Philippines. Syst. Bot. 31: 285–297. • Zhou, L., Y.C.F. Su, P. Chalermglin & R.M.K. Saunders. • Su, Y.C.F., J.B. Mols, W. Takeuchi, P.J.A. Keßler & R.M.K. 2010. Molecular phylogenetics of Uvaria (Annonaceae): Saunders. 2005. Reassessing the generic status of relationships with Balonga, Dasoclema and Australian Petalolophus (Annonaceae): evidence for the evolution species of Melodorum. Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 163: 33–43. of a distinct sapromyophilous lineage within Pseud- • Su, Y.C.F., T. Chaowasku & R.M.K. Saunders. 2010. An uvaria. Syst. Bot. 30: 494–502. extended phylogeny of Pseuduvaria (Annonaceae) with • Lau, C.P.Y., L. Ramsden & R.M.K. Saunders. 2005. Hybrid descriptions of three new species and a reassessment of origin of “Bauhinia blakeana” (Leguminosae: Caesalpini- the generic status of Oreomitra. Syst. Bot. 35: 30–39. oideae), inferred using morphological, reproductive and • Zhou, L., Y.C.F. Su & R.M.K. Saunders. molecular data. Amer. J. Bot. 92: 525–533. 2009. Molecular phylogenetic support • Ma, O.S.W. & R.M.K. Saunders. 2003. Comparative floral for a broader delimitation of Uvaria ontogeny of Maesa (Maesaceae), Aegiceras (Myrs- (Annonaceae), inclusive of Anomianthus, inaceae) and Embelia (Myrsinaceae): taxonomic and Cyathostemma, Ellipeia, Ellipeiopsis and phylogenetic implications. Plant Syst. Evol. 243: 39–58. Rauwenhoffia. Syst. Biodiv. 7: 249–258. • Su, Y.C.F. & R.M.K. Saunders. 2003. Pollen structure, tetrad cohesion, and pollen-connecting threads in Pseuduvaria (Annonaceae). Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 143: 69–78. Key publication: • Utteridge, T.M.A. & R.M.K. Saunders. 2001. Sexual • Su Y.C.F. & R.M.K. Saunders. 2009. Evolutionary diverg- ence times in the Annonaceae: evidence of a late Mio- dimorphism and functional dioecy in Maesa perlarius cene origin of Pseuduvaria in Sundaland with subsequ- and M. japonica (Maesaceae/Myrsinaceae). Biotropica ent diversification in New Guinea. BMC Evol. Biol. 9: art. 33: 368–374. 153 (19 pp). —————————————————————— Updated: 20 March 2012 Summary of publications: 7 books; 72 journal articles; 26 book chapters; and 1 CD-ROM unit [TOTAL = 106] .
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