American Helvetia Philatelic Society www.Swiss-Stamps.org Multilingual Philatelic Dictionary German-English Dictionary page 2 What is the translation German-English Abbreviations page 128 of that word? Look here for most of the French-English Dictionary page 140 common terms in Italian-English Dictionary page 192 German, French, Spanish-English Dictionary page 199 Italian, and Spanish. Cantonal Names page 206 Swiss Town Names page 207 This document is divided into seven sections. The first five sections are dictionaries of foreign-language terms found in Swiss philately together with their English equivalents – German-English, German-English abbreviations; French-English, Italian-English, and Spanish-English. Thanks go to Christoph Hertsch of Zumstein & Cie for use of excerpts from the German - English - Italian dictionary found in the Zumstein Schweiz Liechtenstein catalog, to the Germany Philatelic Society for use of excerpts from its German / English Philatelic Dictionary, 2005, and to the Philatelic Foundation for use of excerpts from its Philatelic Vocabulary in Five Languages, 1978. The format is alphabetic in the non-English language. The sixth section is a listing of the names of the cantons of Switzerland in each of the four national languages – German, French, Italian, and Romansh. For example, Grisons, Graubünden, Grigioni, and Grischun are all names of the canton in south-east Switzerland. The final section is a listing of Swiss town names that are different in German, French, or Italian. For example, the capital of Canton Valais is Sion in French and Sitten in German. It is hoped the collector with little or no knowledge of a foreign language can, by using these dictionaries, decipher at a minimum the basic catalog listings in the Zumstein catalog. To access the sections, open the Bookmarks panel and click on the appropriate entry or place the cursor in the appropriate red box and click. To return to the previous view press Alt plus the left arrow. 1 Multilingual Philatelic Dictionary German - English A ab from; on Abart variety, error Abbau dismantling (a structure, etc.); mining (ore) abbauen dismantle abbefördern evacuate, to transport Abbildung illustration abbinden post make up mail abbrechen break off; cease; withdraw abdampfen volatilize; steam off, leave port Abdruck copy; print Abendpost evening mail Abfahrt(s) departure, start Abfahrtszeit time of departure, time of starting abfärben (auf) color, stain abfertigen dispatch (messages, vehicles, trains); process for further disposition Abfindung pay and or reimbursement, financial settlement abflachen flattened, flat. [abgeflacht] Abflug take off, going flight, departing flight Abfluss drain, downspout Abgabe delivery Abgangsanstalt originating office Abgangsstempel postmark of office of origin abgeben Briefe an den Empfänger deliver, hand letters the recipient abgeblasst faded abgebrochen broken off abgedeckt covered over (up) abgefärbt colored, stained abgefertigt finished off abgeflacht flattened, flat. [abflachen] abgegeben delivered abgeholt fetched, called for, taken from abgekürzt abbreviated, [abkürzen: to abbreviate; Abkürzung: abbreviation] abgelöst loosened from, relieved, followed, exempt abgelöst (in Wasser) soaked off abgenützt worn (like worn plate), worn out, eroded abgenützte Platte worn plate abgeplattet flattened abgereist left, gone away abgerissen torn off abgerundet rounded, with rounded corners, edges abgeschliffen ground off, worn off or worn down, cut off abgeschnitten cut off abgesondert detached abgestempelt cancelled abgestumpft blunt abgetragen worn abgetrennt separated, severed abgewinkelt squared off abgezeichnet (mit Anfangsbuchstaben) initialed abgezeichnet (von Vorlage) copied Abklatsch offset (reversed, left to right, mirror print on reverse of stamp) Abkommen agreement, deviation, convention abkürzen abbreviate Abkürzung abbreviation 2 Multilingual Philatelic Dictionary ableiten divert Ableitung derivation, derivative abliefern deliver Ablieferung delivery Ablieferungsbescheinigung receipt (for delivery) ablösen loosen from, relieve, follow ablösen (im Wasser) soak off Abnahme eines ausländlischen Kartenschluss receiving of a foreign mail abnutzen, abnützen wear Abnutzung, Abnützung wear Abnutzungserscheinung wear, manifestation of wear Abonnement subscription Abrechnung settlement Abrechnungspostamt accounting post office Abrechungsbüro clearing office Abrechungspostamt accounting post office, clearing post office abreiben abrade (wear away by rubbing) abriebbeständig wear resistant Abrücken departure abrunden round off, round Abrundung rounding. abrüsten disarm Abrüstung disarmament Absatz market, sale, paragraph, break Absatz von Briefmarken sale of postage stamps abschälen peel off Abschattung shading Abschlag repulse, refusal, reduction abschliessen die Post make up the mail Abschluss conclusion Abschlussstrich serif abschneiden cut off Abschnitt coupon, stub, section, area Abschrägung bevel (of card) abschürfen scraping Abschürfung scraping on surface Absender sender Absenderamt dispatching office Absenderfreistempel meters for private firms, sender’s meter, sender’s postmark denoting no postage required, also Firmenfreistempel Absendermarke return address label Absenderpostamt dispatching post office Absendervermerk return address, sender’s name absetzen Postwertzeichen usw. sell postage stamps, etc. [usw. = und so weiter: (etc.)] absorption.blaugrau blue gray Abstand distance, space, spacing Abstellbahnhof railroad yard abstellen park, stop, turn off abstempeln cancel Abstempelung cancellation, postmark Abstrich downstroke, allowance abstufen graduate (into degrees) Abstufungen graduation of shades Absturz crash, plunge absuchen search, sweep abtönen shading (color) Abtönung shade 3 Multilingual Philatelic Dictionary abtrennen sever, separate, cut off Abtrennung separation, the cutting off abtropfen drain off abwärts downward [Netz, Netzwerk abwärts: net with points down] abwaschbar washable, permitting washing off abweichen vary, differ, soak off, deviate abweichend different, varying Abweichung difference, variation, deviation, deflection, error abwerfen drop, jettison Abwertung devaluation, revaluation downward Abwicklung liquidation or settlement (business matters) - Completion Abwicklungsgebühr official fee abwischbar permitting wiping off Abzeichen mark, emblem, insignia, badge Abzug copy Abzweigung branch, junction line (railroad) Achsel shoulder, axle acht eight Achte (der, die, das) eighth Achteck octagon achteckig octagonal Achteckstempel octagonal cancel Achtel eighth Achterblock block of eight achtfach eightfold Achtring Stempel eight ring achtstrahlig with 8 rays achtzehn eighteen achtzig eighty addieren add Adler eagle Adressat payee for money orders Adresse address Adressenlinie address line Adressenseite address side Adressenzettel address label adressieren address Aerogramm airmail letter sheet Aerophilatelie pertaining to the specialized study of air mail material Agentur agency ähnlich like, similar Ährenbündel sheaf Ährengarbe sheaf (of wheat) Akte document, record, paper, file [Akten (plural)] Aktenmaterial official documents Aktenschrank filing cabinet Aktiengesellschaft used in the names of joint-stock companies Album album Albumblatt album page (leaves) all(e) all Alleinflug solo flight allgemein in general Allgemeindienstanweisung general instructions allgemeingültige Anordnungen general orders Allgemeinsammler general collector Allgemeinsammlung general collection alliert allied 4 Multilingual Philatelic Dictionary allseitig on all sides Alpenstrasse alpine highway alt old Altbrief pre-philatelic letter, stampless cover Altbriefkunde pre-philatelic, postal history Altbriefsammler collector of pre-philatelic letters, documents etc. Altershilfe help for the aged Amt office, bureau Ämter offices amtlich official amtliche Ausgabe official issue amtlicher Neudruck official reprint amtlicher Verkehr official communications amtlicherseits officially, by official authority Amtsantritt assumption of office, inauguration Amtsaustellbezirk delivery district of a post office Amtsblatt official gazette, Official announcement (bulletin) of the Post Office Amtsschreiben official letter Amtsstelle any kind of governmental or postal office Amtsverwalter administrator Analysenlampe quartz lamp anbringen (stempel) apply (a cancel) anbringen (zettel) affix (a label), label ändern change, alter, modify anders different(ly), otherwise andersartig different, of a different kind andersfarbig of different color Änderung change, modification Andruck proof, trial printing, printing run just prior the actual start up to check cleanliness of printing plate, functioning of machinery, color, etc., usually on scrap paper, resulting print usually destroyed aneinanderhängend joined together anerkennen recognize Anerkennung recognition (acknowledgement) Anerkennungsschreiben commendation Anfang beginning, start Anfänger beginner Anfangsbuchstabe initial anfeuchten moisten, dampen anfliegen approach anfordern requisition (v.) Anforderung requisition (n.) Angabe indication (statement) angeben indicate, state, declare angeblich alleged(ly) Angebot offer angedeutet hinted at, shown sketchily angefertigt made to order angefeuchtet moistened angeklebt pasted on, affixed, stuck on angelehnt supported by, in contact with, covered by angeschnitten cut into, touched, close borders, no margins angesetzt added to angesetzt (Preis) quoted (price) Angestellter employee angliedern attach angreifen attack 5 Multilingual Philatelic
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