Friendly assistance along with district maps, brochures and more can be found at the Denmark Visitor Centre to help you plan We have a fully equipped workshop and a unique holiday to suit all your needs on where to stay and go can ensure your bike is top condition to • Accommodation tackle the rail trail. • Attractions • Activities [email protected] www.denmark.com.au 73 South Coast Hwy OPEN: 9am-5.30pm Mon-Fri 9am-12.30pm Sat Denmark BUSINESSES TO HELP YOU ENJOY THE TRAIL ACCOMMODATION CLOSE TO THE TRAIL Mt Hallowell Springs Ph: (08) 9848 1919 Caltex Denmark, Sth Cst Hwy, Denmark Ph: (08) 9848 2333 Madfish Boat Charters, Denmark Ph: (08) 9848 2250 Lights Rd, Denmark Blue Wren Travellers’ Rest YHA Ph: (08) 9848 3300 Chooks Fresh & Tasty, Hollings Rd, Denmark Ph: (08) 9848 3222 Jasmin B Inlet Cruises, Town Jetty, Berridge Park, Denmark 17 Price Street, Denmark Nornalup Riverside Chalets Ph: (08) 9840 1107 McSweeney’s Gourmet Café, Strickland St, Denmark Ph: (08) 9848 2362 Ph: 0419 851 177 Authority on all Denmark walking and bike trails. Riverside Dr, Nornalup Nornalup Teahouse Restaurant, Sth Cst Hwy, Nornalup Ph: (08) 9840 1422 South Coast Surfing Lessons, Ocean Beach, Denmark Ph: 0401 349 854 Centre for Sustainable Living Ph: (08) 9848 3310 The Cove Ph: (08) 9848 1770 SPORTS & CAMPING STORES Denmark Wine Lovers Tours, 1 Short St, Denmark Ph: (08) 9848 3571 South Coast Hwy, Denmark Payne Rd, Denmark Ideal for groups using the trail. Self contained chalets close to tracks Albany Great Outdoors Centre, Albany Hwy, Albany Ph: (08) 9841 6818 EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBERS Cinnamon Coloureds Farm Cottages Ph: (08) 9848 1781 Valley of the Giants Ecopark Ph: (08) 9840 1313 Albany Horse World, 138 Chesterpass Rd, Albany Ph: (08) 9842 9255 Ambulance Ph: 000 South Coast Hwy, Denmark South Coast Hwy, Nornalup Big Drop Surf Shop, South Coast Hwy, Denmark Ph: (08) 9848 2183 Fire and Rescue Services Ph: 000 8km west of Denmark on north side of trail William Bay Cottages Ph: (08) 9840 9221 Europa Saddlery, Chesterpass Rd, Albany Ph: (08) 9841 7883 Hospital Ph: (08) 9848 0600 Denmark Budget Accommodation Travellers Inn Ph: (08) 9848 1700 South Coast Hwy, Denmark Jack Ricketts & Co., South Coast Hwy, Denmark Ph: (08) 9848 1203 Police Ph: (08) 9848 1311 Cnr South Coast Hwy & Strickland Street, Denmark Windrose B&B Ph: (08) 9848 3502 Trailblazers Camping & Fishing, Albany Hwy, Albany Ph: (08) 9841 7859 Denmark Shire Offices Ph: (08) 9848 0300 Denmark Rivermouth Caravan Park Ph: (08) 9848 1262 6 Harington Break, Denmark OTHER USEFUL CONTACTS Cnr Hollings Rd & Inlet Dr, Denmark Drop off available for walkers Rays Sports Power Albany, York St, Albany Ph: (08) 9842 2842 Totally Sports & Surf, Lockyer Ave, Albany Ph: (08) 9842 5455 Rail Trails Australia Ph: (03) 9306 4846 Denmark Water’s B&B Ph: (08) 9848 1043 BICYCLE SERVICES www.railtrails.org.au Inlet Dr, Denmark RECREATION Rabbits Cyclery, Ocean Beach Rd, Denmark Ph: (08) 9848 1513 Munda Biddi Trail Foundation Ph: (08) 9481 2483 Gum Grove Chalets Ph: (08) 9848 1378 Ashburton Air Services, Denmark Ph: (08) 9848 2133 www.mundabiddi.org.au Ocean Beach Rd, Denmark Great Southern Bicycle Company Sandford Rd, Albany Ph: (08) 9841 7031 Denmark Bike Adventures, Denmark Ph: (08) 9848 3300 Friends of Bibbulmun Track Ph: (08) 9481 0551 Visit our website at www.gumgrove.com Rainbow Cycles, Albany Hwy, Albany Ph: (08) 9841 6844 Denmark Dinghy Hire, Denmark Ph: 0429 421 786 www.bibbulmuntrack.org.au Peaceful Bay Chalets & Backpackers Ph: (08) 9840 8169 CAFES & TAKEAWAY Denmark Discovery Tours, Denmark Ph: (08) 9848 2604 Department of Environment & Conservation Tracks & Trails Unit Peppermint Way, Peaceful Bay Ph: (08) 9334 0265 Bibbulmun Food, Strickland St, Denmark Ph: (08) 9848 1289 Denmark Eco-Adventure & Winery Tours, Denmark Visitor Centre Ocean Beach Caravan Park Ph: (08) 9848 1105 Denmark Shire Council Ph: (08) 9848 0300 Bow Bridge Rd House, Sth Cst Hwy, Bow Bridge Ph: (08) 9840 8062 Ph: 0427 234 388 Ocean Beach Rd, Denmark www.denmark.wa.gov.au Café Lilly Pilly, A Native Experience, 39 Strickland St, Denmark Ph: (08) 9848 3302 THE CENTRE FOR SUSTAINABLE LIVING Rabbit’s Innovative, environmentally-friendly workshop or retreat venue. Cyclery Sales, Service and Parts OCEAN BEACH ROAD NOW FOR HIRE: Meeting rooms, function room, accommodation (sleeps up to 66). Affordable residential DENMARK WA 6333 or daily bookings to suit the unique needs of your small or large group. www.denmarkcsl.com.au PH. 9848 1513 [email protected] (08) 9848 3310 report significant hazards to the Shire of Denmark. of Shire the to hazards significant report by the Shire of Denmark of Shire the by gravel. Be aware of hazards such as fallen branches. Please Please branches. fallen as such hazards of aware Be gravel. Take Care - The track surface varies between sand and hard hard and sand between varies surface track The - Care Take The trail is predominantly on land managed managed land on predominantly is trail The route and your return time. return your and route Inform others of your ride - Let family and friends know your your know friends and family Let - ride your of others Inform Working for a sustainable future sustainable a for Working Mobile phone - Reception not likely to be available. be to likely not Reception - phone Mobile inc inc skills green green skills green energy snacks etc. snacks energy Food and Water -Take up to 2 ltrs of water per person, high high person, per water of ltrs 2 to up -Take Water and Food waterproof gear. waterproof Sport and Recreation and Sport Clothing - Hat, sunscreen, sunglasses, comfortable clothing, and and clothing, comfortable sunglasses, sunscreen, Hat, - Clothing f o Department lubrication. Bring a tool kit, pump and helmet. and pump kit, tool a Bring lubrication. Check your Equipment - Tyre pressure, brakes, chain, and and chain, brakes, pressure, Tyre - Equipment your Check POINTS TO REMEMBER TO POINTS Corrective Services Corrective f o Department including yourself. including and maintenance as well as increase the enjoyment of all users users all of enjoyment the increase as well as maintenance and By respecting the etiquette of the trail you will assist in its care care its in assist will you trail the of etiquette the respecting By northern edge to stay firm for cyclists. for firm stay to edge northern in single file on the southern edge of the trail, allowing the the allowing trail, the of edge southern the on file single in supported by: supported and lead horses across all bridges. Where possible, please keep keep please possible, Where bridges. all across horses lead and Nornalup Hertitage Rail Trail has been been has Trail Rail Hertitage Nornalup Horse Riders - Slow down approaching other users, dismount dismount users, other approaching down Slow - Riders Horse Construction and Promotion of the Denmark Denmark the of Promotion and Construction approach, overtake on the right at a reduced speed. reduced a at right the on overtake approach, Cyclists - Approach horses with care, alert others as you you as others alert care, with horses Approach - Cyclists stock. Dogs to be on a lead at all times. all at lead a on be to Dogs stock. damage. Take all rubbish with you. Do not disturb wildlife or or wildlife disturb not Do you. with rubbish all Take damage. Ph: (03) 9306 4846 www.railtrails.org.au 4846 9306 (03) Ph: All users - Please stay on the trail to avoid environmental environmental avoid to trail the on stay Please - users All Railtrails Australia - For information on other rail trails, trails, rail other on information For - Australia Railtrails SAFETY Coast Hwy, Denmark (08) 9848 2055 2055 9848 (08) Denmark Hwy, Coast Denmark Tourism Incorporated - Cnr Ocean Beach Rd and Sth Sth and Rd Beach Ocean Cnr - Incorporated Tourism Denmark camping are not permitted. not are camping boggy in places, requiring a higher level of fitness. Fires and and Fires fitness. of level higher a requiring places, in boggy MORE INFORMATION MORE Great Southern Western Australia Western Southern Great vehicles so caution is required. The track may be sandy or or sandy be may track The required. is caution so vehicles Rail Trail Rail note a number of sections of the trail are utilised by motor motor by utilised are trail the of sections of number a note Length open: about 59kms about open: Length wheelchair accessible. Motorbikes are not permitted. Please Please permitted. not are Motorbikes accessible. wheelchair Hwy / or Station Road near Nornalup. near Road Station or / Hwy The section from Denmark River mouth along Wilson Inlet is is Inlet Wilson along mouth River Denmark from section The Start/end: Hay River, 10 km east of Denmark near Sth Coast Coast Sth near Denmark of east km 10 River, Hay Start/end: Heritage Nornalup and for the Denmark to Parker Road section, for horse riders. riders. horse for section, Road Parker to Denmark the for and Region: Western Australia Western Region: The trail is multi-use, available for walkers, mountain bikers, bikers, mountain walkers, for available multi-use, is trail The Location: 415km south of Perth of south 415km Location: Denmark RAIL TRAIL CODE OF CONDUCT OF CODE TRAIL RAIL HOW TO GET THERE GET TO HOW RD RD Ko rdab McLEOD Shire u RD BARKER MT p HAPPY KORDABUP of Hay River Denmark River Circular BOARD Denmark VALLEY River POOL Pool Denmark RD City B RD Bow ROAD Waste Stn of RD TINDALE RD RD A rail PARKER RD V N ROAD & Tip Shop Albany E D Karri SPRINGDALE R bridge KEITH GIANTS River I FORT Shire M T HAD SO S U PRATT of E UNT T U O M H GEO RD EBBETT
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