UNIVERSITATEA DIN ORADEA DEPARTAMENTUL DE GEOGRAFIE, TURISM ŞI AMENAJAREA TERITORIULUI ANALELE UNIVERSIT Ăł II DIN ORADEA Seria GEOGRAFIE TOM XXI Nr. 1/2011 (Iunie) Editura Universit ăŃ ii din Oradea UNIVERSITATEA DIN ORADEA DEPARTAMENTUL DE GEOGRAFIE, TURISM ŞI AMENAJAREA TERITORIULUI ANALELE UNIVERSIT Ăł II DIN ORADEA Seria GEOGRAFIE TOM XXI Nr. 1/2011 (Iunie) Editura Universit ăŃ ii din Oradea ANALELE UNIVERSIT Ăł II DIN ORADEA, SERIA GEOGRAFIE ANNALS OF UNIVERSITY OF ORADEA, GEOGRAPHY SERIE Review accredited by CNCSIS, Code 669 “B+” Category (since 2008) Review indexed in Index Copernicus, DOAJ – Directory of Open Acces Journals and ULRICHSWEB – Global Serials Directory The review is issued under the aegis of The University of Oradea , Department of Geography, Tourism and Territorial Planning and The Territorial Studies and Analyses Centre Editor-in-Chief: Alexandru ILIE Ş, Gheorghe MĂHĂRA Associate Editors: Nicolae JOSAN, Rodica PETREA Assistant Editors: Ovidiu GACEU, Ribana LINC Scientific Board : Liviu APOSTOL , “ Al.I. Cuza ” University of Ia şi (Romania) Dan BĂLTEANU , member of Romanian Academy, Institut of Geography of Bucharest (Romania) Florian BEN łE, University of Oradea (Romania) Milan BUFON , “ Primorska ” University of Koper (Slovenia) Huhua CAO , University of Ottawa (Canada) Jean-Paul CARRIERE , University of Tours (France) Doriano CASTALDINI , University of Modena and Reggio Emilia (Italy) Nicolae CIANG Ă, “ Babe ş-Bolyai ” University of Cluj-Napoca (Romania) Adrian CIOAC Ă, “ Spiru Haret ” University of Bucharest (Romania) Pompei COCEAN , “Babe ş-Bolyai ” University of Cluj-Napoca (Romania) Sterie CIULACHE , University of Bucharest (Romania) Olivier DEHOORNE , University of Antilles and Guyanne (France) Carmen DRAGOT Ă, Institut of Geography of Bucharest Allessandro GALLO , "Ca' Foscari" University of Venice (Italy) Floare GRECU, University of Bucharest Lisa Butler HARRINGTON, Kansas State University Ioan IANO Ş, University of Bucharest (Romania) Corneliu IA łU, “ Al. I. Cuza ” University of Ia şi (Romania) Dorina Camelia ILIE Ş, University of Oradea (Romania) Ioan Aurel IRIMU Ş, “ Babe ş-Bolyai ” University of Cluj-Napoca (Romania) Sa şa KICOSEV, University of Novi Sad, Serbia Vladimir KOLOSSOV , Russian Academy of Science of Moscow (Russia) Gabor KOZMA, University of Debrecen (Hungary) Ionel MUNTELE , “ Al.I. Cuza ” University of Ia şi (Romania) Martin OLARU , West University of Timi şoara (Romania) Tadeusz PALMOWSKI , University of Gdansk (Poland) Elisa PASTORIZA, Universidad Nacional de Mardel Plata (Argentina) Dănu Ń PETREA , “ Babe ş-Bolyai ” University of Cluj-Napoca (Romania) Nicolae POPA, West University of Timi şoara Maria RĂDOANE , “ Ştefan cel Mare ” University of Suceava (Romania) Maria Luisa RODRIGUEZ , University of Lisboa (Portugal) Stephane ROSIERE, University of Reims Champagne-Ardenne, France Valeriu SAINSUS , Academy of Economic Science of Chi şin ău (Rep. of Moldova) Marcu STA ŞAC , University of Oradea (Romania) Istvan SULI-ZAKAR , University of Debrecen (Hungary) Karoly TEPERICS , University of Debrecen (Hungary) Dallen J. TIMOTHY, Arizona State University, United States of America David TURNOCK, University of Leicester (United Kingdom) Alexandru UNGUREANU , “Al. I. Cuza” University of Iasi Petru URDEA , West University of Timi şoara (Romania) Luca ZARRILLI , University of Pescara-Chieti (Italy) Christoph WAACK , Regional Geography of Institut of Leipzig (Germany) Jan WENDT , University of Gdansk (Poland) Tehnical Editors: Marius STUPARIU, Grigore Vasile HERMAN Foreign Language Supervisor: Corina T ĂTAR, Cezar MORAR Secretary On-line Version: Ştefan BAIAS The responsibility for the content of the articles belongs to the author(s). The articles are published with the notification of the scientific reviewer. The exchange manuscripts, books and reviews as well as any correspondence will be sent on the address of the Editorial Office. Editorial Office Address: University of Oradea, Department of Geography, Tourism and Territorial Planning 1 Universit ăŃii Street, 410087 Oradea, Romania Tel/ Fax +40.259.408.475, http://istgeorelint.uoradea.ro/Reviste/Anale/anale.htm, e-mail: [email protected] ISSN 1221-1273, E-ISSN 2065-3409 C O N T E N T S CONTRIBUTIONS TO INVENTORY AND ASSESSMENT OF THE GEOMORPHOSITES FROM CALIMANI NATIONAL PARK. CASE STUDY: BISTRICIOR MASSIF Ioan BÂCA (Art#211101-517) . 5 USE OF IMAGES ALSAT1 FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF MAPS LAND IN SEMI-ARID AREA - CASE OF THE AURÉS REGION (ALGERIA) Hassen BENMESSAOUD (Art#211102-514) . 16 INTERDEPENDENCEY BETWEEN PHYSICOCHEMICAL WATE POLLUTION INDICATORS: A CASE STUDY OF RIVER BABUS, SAGAR, M.P., INDIA Hemant PATHAK, S. N. LIMAYE (Art#211103-515) . 23 NITRATE POLLUTION IN PHREATIC GROUNDWATER BASIN CRISUL REPEDE Mărioara DUMITRU, Ovidiu BOT ĂU (Art#211104-520) . 30 DEMOGRAPHIC TRANSFORMATIONS OF POLISH METROPOLISES (TRI-CITY CASE STUDY) Aleksandra CICHARSKA (Art#211105-521) . 39 THE END OF A GEO-DEMOGRAPHIC SINGULARITY: THE CATHOLICS FROM MOLDAVIA Ionel MUNTELE, Ionu Ń ATUDOREI (Art#211106-523) . 44 CHINTENI MUNICIPALITY, TRADITIONAL RURAL SPACE VS. THE BEGINNING OF SUBURBANIZATION? Izabela Amalia MIHALCA (Art#211107-518) . 55 THE AVAILABILITY OF BANKING SERVICES IN POMORSKIE VOIVODESHIP - THE STATUS AND OPPORTUNITIES FOR FURTHER DEVELOPMENT Łukasz DOPIERAŁA (Art#211108-524) . 62 RELIGIOUS STREETS` NAMES IN POLAND Lucyna PRZYBYLSKA (Art#211109-525) . 70 DESCRIPTION AND PRESENTATION OF SOME RARE ASSOCIATIONS FROM L ĂZĂRENILOR HILLS (NORTH - WEST ROMANIA). STUDY CASE ASSOCIATION NAJADETUM MINORIS Laura Mariana LACATO Ş (Art#211110-529) . 76 PASSENGER SERVICES ON THE ROMANIAN RAILWAY NETWORK IN THE POST-COMMUNIST ERA David TURNOCK (Art#211111-511) . 84 ASSESSMENT OF LAND USE AND CHARACTERISTICS OF RELIEF VALORIZATION MORPHOMETRIC AGRICULTURE NORTH-EAST MONTENEGRO Goran RAJOVI Ć (Art#211112-513) . 105 BEFITTING AND DISRUPTIVE PRACTICES OF WATER-BASED TOURISM IN THE CRISURI MOUNTAINS Corina T ĂTAR (Art#211113-519) . 117 THE FAVORABILITY OF RELIEF FOR TERRITORIAL EXPANSION OF MARGHITA CITY Valentin NEME Ş (Art#211114-526) . 127 THE HYDROGRAPHY AND TOURISTIC ACTIVITY OF THE NATIONAL PARK OF ABRUZZO, LAZIO AND MOLISE (ITALY) Maria AVRAM, Luca ZARRILLI (Art#211115-507) . 134 IN MEMORIAM PROFESSOR DR. DAVID TURNOCK Ribana LINC (Art#211916-530) . 148 Analele UniversităŃii din Oradea – Seria Geografie Year XXI, no. 1/2011 (June), pp. 5-15 ISSN 1454-2749, E-ISSN 2065-1619 Article no. 211101-517 CONTRIBUTIONS TO INVENTORY AND ASSESSMENT OF THE GEOMORPHOSITES FROM CALIMANI NATIONAL PARK. CASE STUDY: BISTRICIOR MASSIF ∗ Ioan BÂCA ∗∗ “Babeş-Bolyai“ University of Cluj-Napoca, Faculty of Geography, Bistriţa Extension, Andrei Mureşanu Street, 3-5, Romania, e-mail: [email protected] Abstract: Călimani National Park belongs to C ălimani Mountains, extends on a surface of 24,041 ha and superposes over the districts of Suceava, Harghita, Mure ş and Bistri Ńa-Năsăud. It conserves elements of flora, fauna and relief that stand out through a very high attractive potential, a fact which determines massive flows of tourists and enables diversified leisure activities. An important role in administrating this protected area, as well as in capitalizing its attractive resources, is given to the process of inventory and assessment of the relief forms with a scientific, aesthetic, cultural, ecologic and economic relevance, and that of the geomorphosites. Henceforth, the present work is meant to assess from this point of view a potential geomorphosite within the C ălimani National Park, namely the Bistricior Massif. As such, an assessment methodology used on an international scale has been applied, and the obtained results plead for granting the status of geomorphosite to the Bistricior massif. This fact is particularly relevant not only for the future touristy development and capitalization strategies, but also for the activities of management and conservation of the natural resources within the above mentioned National Park. Key words: geosites, geomorphosites, assessment criteria, Cusma site, Colibita Depression, Bistricior Massif, Calimani Mountains, Calimani National Park * * * * * * FOREWORD Within the latest two decades, along with the intensified preoccupation for environmental protection and conservation, a new research direction took shape in geomorphology as well, meant to point out the valences of the relief as an element of natural inheritance, which has to be given the same attention as for the biotic components (Panizza and Piacente, 1993; Panizza, 2001; Reynard, 2005; Reynard and Panizza, 2005; Panizza and Piacente, 2008; Ilie ş and Josan, 2009a, 2009b; Reynard and Regolini-Bissig, 2009). Thus there were formulated such concepts as geodiversity, geosite, geolandscape, geotop and geomorphosite, there was established a methodology of research for geodiversity and geomorphosites and there were also elaborated numerous works concerning the inventory, assessment and capitalization of the geomorphosites in different regions of the world, including the Romanian Carpathian mountains. ∗ Corresponding Author http://istgeorelint.uoradea.ro/Reviste/Anale/anale.htm 6 Ioan BÂCA In this context, the present work is meant to continue these preoccupations by bringing into debate the Bistricior Massif from the C ălimani Mountains, within the C ălimani National Park, as a potential geomorphosite (www.calimani.ro). This massif, as a “stand alone” geomorphologic entity, is little known in the specialized literature but is mentioned in different works related
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