number One Berlin April 1968 wHeRe iTs at Germany WHERE IT'S AT is exactly what it says. It's the flip deployment". Officially there is no longer a National side of the coin, the completion of the Military's side Liberation Front (NLF); now there are just "Viet Cong" of the picture, or maybe just simply the other point of or "Communists". view America is so proud of- talking about but rarely pro­ AFB correspondent, Tom Kuelbs, known for his sound duces. But this is not just another soldiers' nevspaper. political reporting from Bonn, suddenly found himself It is an attempt to bridge the artificial gap the Mili­ replaced on the air by "wire reports". tary has tried to create between the GI and his environ­ AFN's Berlin correspondent did some independent re­ ment: namely, other Americans and the German populace. porting on the situation in that city. His material If it works, if the soldier is willing to write about went on the air as "compiled from the wires of AP and the abuses and complaints in the Armed Forces with which UPI". he is in daily contact,then that artificial gap will dis­ According to Ellis, military communications media appear. And public dialogue is one of the best ways to should be likened to a band. "The band can't make a cure social and military ills. Together we car. surely political comment, can't say a wrong thing unless some call this newspaper WHERE IT'S AT, something which the s.o.b. has his horn out of tune." Military cannot claim. (Material should be sent to Fran Many staffers are not buying this rather heavy- Puller, 1 Berlin 12, Nlebuhrstr. 64. Karnes are not re­ handed attempt to ourtail their news analyses, and are quired, but we would like to know the place where one is thinking about resigning. stationed, the unit, and one's rank, -ed.) (Summarized from Time magazine, January 8, 1968) WHat's thE Army Af raiD Of? Be Run students The MP's and German police were busy on Easter Sunday. They were on the scene within minutes when some Ameri­ cans living in Berlin attempted to distribute leaflets AFB may be starting to distort the news, but that's no­ in an American military housing area. The leaflets were thing compared to the 70?£ of Berlin newspapers belonging an attempt to explain to Americans in uniform why some to the German publishing magnate Axel Springer. Tor of their countrymen supported the German student demon­ years he has been reporting student activities in a strations. After several hours the German police (MP's slanted way designed to arouse fear and hatred among the have no jurisdiction over civilians) released those ar­ people. He has even called on the citizens to "help the rested« it is no orime for Americans to disttti-bute leaf­ polioe with the dirty work" of dispersing student demon­ lets to Americans. Why, then, were the MP's so afraid? strators. Since Springer's virtual monopoly molds so Could it be the Military did not want its soldiers to muoh of public opinion and oreates an atmosphere of ex­ hear opinions other than its own? treme animosity toward a minority, it is no wonder that someone eventually tried to assassinate Rudi Dutsohke, At the same time, the Berlin Brigade was being con­ the student leader whom the press had built up into Pub­ fined on base. The Army was afraid the GIs would "get lic Enemy Number One. into trouble" in the streets of Berlin, that they The Berlin city government ia equally guilty. It was weren't mature enough to decide for themselves whether so angry at not being allowed by the courts to forbid a or not they wanted to go to the areas of the demonstra« demonstration on February 18th, that lt staged its own tions and have the opportunity to talk to demonstrators rally three days later. Workers all got two hours free and non-demonstrators alike. Ironically, while the com­ with pay, and busses left from the doors of the facto­ mand of the Berlin Brigade was so carefully lookin« out ries - just like in East Berlin. At this rally city for its own, many soldiers on leave from West Germany officials aroused public feeling against the student mingled with the demonstrators and had no problems keep­ minority to suoh an extent that people in the crowd who ing out of "trouble". merely looked like students were beaten up. The official reason the Army gave for keeping its sol­ When Rudi Dutsohke was shot on April 11th, it became diers at home was a declared base alert in case the clear that the situation was so dangerous that something methods of the Berlin police - including charging at and had to be done about it. Not having any power within over students and observers alike with horses, beating the government nor any voice in the public communica­ them with hard rubber truncheons and short rubber whips- tions media, the only way students can make their de­ oouldn't handle the situation. The Berlin police and mands heard is to demonstrate in the streets. For five the MP's are always happy to assist each other - as the days after the shooting of Dutsohke there were student Americans detained on Easter Sunday discovered - but now demonstrations all over Germany! in Berlin the first it seems the average soldier may be forced to partici­ night they broke windows at the Springer publishing pate. Without any first-hand knowledge of who or what house and the seoond night they tried to prevent deli­ they would be fighting, soldiers are expected to sit and very trucks with newspapers from leaving the building. wait for orders to do the dirty work of the Berlin po­ All the other demonstrations were simply an attempt to lice. If Berlin GIs were allowed the possibility to get people to listen to their demands, and would have talk with student protestors, they might not be so will­ been peaoeful if it weren't for the police. The police ing to cooperate in any possible future operation with had orders to break up every gathering of students, and the Berlin polioe. And that might be what the Army is the officers encouraged their subordinates to be brutal. afraid of.... Even when some students just drove to the jail to pick up their friends who had been released, they were torn out of their oars and badly beaten with clubs. What is the Berlin city government so afraid of, that AFn Out OF tune it has to beat up peacefully demonstrating students? It is afraid that too many people will hear what they are For years AFN has been one of the best advertisements saying about the mess the government has made of Ber­ for the "American way of life" in Europe, and generally lin's economy. Berlin is headed for economic disaster praised for its accurate and complete coverage of news because more and more of the population is getting to be events, particularly.the war in Vietnam. Initially set over working age as younger people leave, and fewer and up to provide radio services for some 200,000 GIs and fewer industries are investing here because in spite of their dependents in Europe, AFN today is also heard by support by the federal government it doesn't pay to be roughly 30 million Europeans who value its excellent so isolated. Unemployment is beginning to be a problem news coverage and entertainment programs. and will get worse, and the government is afraid that AFB was formerly run by civilian broadcasters under the workers will hear the students saying whose fault it loose control of array officials. But lately the mili­ is. When workers and students get together, no amount tary has put the station under its direct control, which of deception will help the government. has resulted in a "deterioration" of news coverage in Since Berlin's speoial status doesn't allow any Bun­ recent months. deswehr troops here, its 20,000-man police force is AFN's present information officer, Captain Walter equipped to fight a civil war. But if the movement of Ellis, Public Affairs Chief of US European Command, has underpriveleged and underrepresented people gets so big made some revisions of this policy in the past months. A that the Berlin police can no longer carry out their or­ recent troop out in Germany, 35,000 men, was not to be ders to destroy it, they will call on American soldiers referred to as a "cut" or a "withdrawal", but as a "re- and their equipment for help. If that time comes, Ger­ man students h»pe soldiers will realize that their inte­ rests lie not on the side of a government of old Nazis SDS, BERLIN-WILMERSDORF, KURFtfRSTENDAMM 140 and Nazi methods, but on the Bide of the students, who FRAfi FULLER, 1 BERLIN 12, NIEBUHRSTH. 64 are the main sunoort of freedom anil democracy in Germon« Th* problem is that the public is not buying emough Bonds, which is why the Administration is putting out all this horseshit propaganda. unlike World War II, Lies all foe wax aro*^ when people backed the war by buying a fantastic number of Bonds, most civilians don't like this war and aren't Pete Martinson was one of the three Vietnam veterans who interested in sacrificing for it. You don't see johnson testified at the Copenhagen International War Crimes sinking his j<15 million fortune into Savings Bonds! Tribunal in order to "shook people into facing what kind But then there's one group of Americans who can always of war is really going on over there." be run through the wringer - servicemen.
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