HFI GLOBAL The magazine of Salzgitter Mannesmann Line Pipe for customers and partners Issue 06 · April 2013 inter Salz ind Salzg h gi eh itt n tt b e Cover story "Making a difference" e e r h r e M c l M p s a o n a n e e n n n P e M The People behind e s e e s m i h m T D a · a · n n e n e n p p i L i L i P P i n n e e Salzgitter Mannesmann Line Pipe Ukraine Ecuador Israel New safe confi nement The good Floating for Chernobyl‘s reputation of regasifi cation Reactor 4 German engineering terminal Page 8 Page 16 Page 26 EDITORIAL Dear readers, The people behind Salzgitter Mannes- mann Line Pipe are our prime link to our about projects and technologies, about mann Line Pipe are in the focus of this customers, partners and suppliers. products and services and about how we issue. Taking "Making a difference" as our Only they can understand customer work together successfully with customers motto, this time it is the employees who wishes, needs and problems and draw and partners as one team transcending take centre stage in our reporting. the correct conclusions so as to respond company boundaries. It is people who devise, develop, get to customer requirements with optimal This issue gives you the opportunity to things moving and give advice. People solutions, products and services. get to know the Salzgitter Mannesmann have ideas, ambition, experience and What the people behind Salzgitter Line Pipe business and the people behind the will to change things. People create Mannesmann Line Pipe can do, what it a little bit better. innovations, confi dence and take respon- they want and what they stand for you sibility – people at Salzgitter Mannes- will learn in the following pages. We talk I wish you all a stimulating and enjoyable read! Jörn Winkels Managing Director Technology and Sales 02 HFI GLOBAL · 06/2013 Content 06 08 Cover story 06 "Making a difference" Projects 12 16 08 New safe confi nement for Chernobyl‘s Reactor 4 16 Petroamazonas Ecuador 26 Floating regasifi cation terminal in Israel Technology 12 An app for pipeline management 20 22 Logistics 22 Certifi ed load securing Sales partners 24 Salzgitter Mannesmann Stahlhandel Poland 30 Salzgitter Mannesmann International USA 24 26 Internal departments 20 Technical Customer Service Group partner 32 Salzgitter Mannesmann Grobblech GmbH 30 32 Event calendar 30 Trade fairs and customer conventions HFI GLOBAL · 06/2013 03 /// Briefly Processes Energy management ings regardless of location. In addition this has given rise to an extensive list certified compliant with of potential energy saving measures DIN EN ISO 50001 which, after being subjected to appro- priate cost/benefit analysis, provides a decisional framework for optimization In March 2012, auditors from TÜV measures to be implemented going NORD certified Mannesmann Line forward. Pipe’s energy management process. To ensure that the work done will be of lasting benefit, the integrated Energy management at Salzgitter Mannesmann Line Pipe falls under the responsibility The evaluation of energy consum- management system has been re- of graduate engineer (FH) Markus Westhoff ers and the resulting list of measures scoped to cover energy management aimed at reducing consumption re- issues. Processes for consumer control ceived high praise from the TÜV NORD through to a structured process for "Our approach to energy auditors. After thorough analysis a new identifying potential energy saving consumer evaluation was meter landscape was installed for elec- measures have been incorporated in highly commended by TÜV." tricity, gas and water consumers. With the Management Manual together with the aid of software it is now possible the relative operating procedures and Markus Westhoff to capture and evaluate meter read- are henceforth mandatory. Basic Training, Ongoing Training and Further Education Working together to shape a successful future Salzgitter Mannesmann Line Pipe’s company policy continues to emphas- ize the value of initial and ongoing training and of further education. This emphasis feeds through into some hard figures. "Our three-pronged training strategy is a core component of Human Re- sources Management and is the basis for the development of our staff," says Lutz Rosiepen. At present, Salzgitter Mannesmann Line Pipe employs some For 2012, 810 days of instruction were booked in the 40 trainees, dual-track students and context of ongoing training and further education. interns. Since 2006, five dual-track (sandwich-course) students have suc- face growing challenges by virtue of our Head of Human Resources. At present, cessfully qualified. "Alongside continu- culture and as a result of the continu- nine employees are undergoing further ous in-house and external courses for ous improvement process. On the other education in order to obtain higher employees, we are placing more and hand, a large number of our staff expect qualifications as part of their profession- more emphasis on career-relevant and demand to have the opportunity to al development. As for ongoing training higher education and qualifications." become better qualified both person- and development, 810 study days in This is where the principle of "support ally and professionally: we are only too courses and seminars for 400 partici- and challenge" is key. "Our employees happy to support them in this," adds the pants were booked in 2012. 04 HFI GLOBAL · 06/2013 /// Briefly South America Health Successful and new: Sales agencies in South America Salzgitter Mannesmann Line Pipe is becoming an ever-stronger player in South American markets. In addition to the personal customer A new strategy for contacts built up by our sales staff Salzgitter Mannesmann Line Pipe now has its own sales agencies in Columbia, Ecuador company health based in Germany, this is in great and Venezuela. part thanks to our sales agents on management the spot. new sales agents. A short while ago Andres Rodriguez, son of Mauricio Rodri- Numerous activities aimed at Androma Ltda., based in Bogota, have guez, spent nine months on a training as- promoting company health at been Salzgitter Mannesmann Line signment at Salzgitter Mannesmann Line Salzgitter Mannesmann Line Pipe’s sales agents in Columbia since Pipe in Siegen. Pipe are henceforth being 2008. Androma have rapidly made a bundled into a new, integrated name for themselves as reliable trad- New agents in Ecuador and Venezuela strategy. ing partners for the oil, gas and petro- Graduate engineer Carlos Vasques took chemical industries in Columbia. over as sales agent for Salzgitter Man- The focal point is the example The business was founded by nesmann Line Pipe in Quito, Ecuador in managers will set to their staff: Mauricio Rodriguez and Luis Alvaro June 2012. In September, the 45-year-old "The new guidelines are sup- Segura in 1992. Mauricio Rodriguez visited the plants in Siegen and Hamm, ported by top management and is 56 years old, speaks fluent German with a view to seeing the production were elaborated in close consul- and from 1981 until 1988 worked for process live on the spot and to undergo tation with the Works Council," various companies of the Mannes- some intensive familiarization with the explains Annette Jakob, who is mann Group in Germany. range of products and their areas of ap- responsible for implementing the The first major project contract plication. The emphasis of the marketing new concept. in Columbia was landed soon after effort is on oil and gas line pipe. Alongside measures and ini- the start of the relationship, covering The new agents can build on good tiatives concerning exercise and 30,000 t of HFI-welded steel pipe in existing relationships: in 2011, Salzgitter nutrition, the new strategy pro- diameters of 350 and 450 mm for the Mannesmann Line Pipe sent a first vides that all employees should Columbian oil company Ecopetrol. shipment of HFI-welded pipe to end-user be given the opportunity of an A good knowledge of German and Petroamazonas EP. Learn more about annual health-check. Further employees’ familiarity with Salzgit- this on page 16. measures concern improvements ter Mannesmann Line Pipe products Mid-year 2012 also saw the estab- to the workplace environment make for a straightforward and suc- lishment of a sales office in Venezuela. and further initiatives around the cessful working relationship with the Miguel Ambrosio Esguerra, who brings issue of addiction prevention. with him 40 years’ experience in the steel Events to launch implementa- and steel pipe trade, will aim to acquire tion of the new concept took contracts in the oil and gas industry place at the Vocational Advance- sector. The new sales office is located ment Center in Dortmund at the in Valencia, one of Venezuela’s most im- beginning of 2013. As well as pro- portant economic hubs, 180 km from the viding the opportunity to try out capital Caracas. A significant milestone various sports, numerous sem- on the road to establishing a presence inars and a joint evening of cook- in this difficult political and economic ing together made for a varied environment was crossed when the firm program. "A successful mixture of The staff of the Columbian sales agency was admitted as an approved supplier to theory and practice which led to a (from left to right): Andres Rodriguez, Latin America’s largest oil company and high degree of buy-in on the part Alejandro Joya, Mauricio Rodriguez, Ana Maria Hernandez, Yenny Garcia, Venezuela’s biggest oil exporter, Petro- of our managers," Annette Jakob Paola Martinez, Luis Alvaro Segura leos de Venezuela. is happy to report. HFI GLOBAL · 06/2013 05 06 HFI GLOBAL · 06/2013 inter Salz ind Salzg h gi eh itt n tt b e e e r h r e M c l M p s a o Cover story The People behind Salzgitter Mannesmannn Line Pipe a n e e n n n P e M e s e e s m i h m T D a · a · n n e n e n p p i L i L i P P i n n e "Making a e difference" In this issue we highlight the people behind Salzgitter Mannesmann Line Pipe.
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