A picture guide to algae in the ElRiEel River wat ersh hded Originally compiled by Rex Lowe, Bowling Green State University 1 Expanded by Paula Furey, University of California Berkeley (2009) Cladophora Rusty Rusty Green YllYellow Green Yellow Modified from Power et al (in press 2009)2 Cladophora showing chloroplasts Cladophora with few epiphytes: “green” in the field Cladophora feels rough, and when you squeeze it, it looks like cotton Slightly irregularly Thick cell wall shaped cells pkukmweb.ukm.my/.../kkripto_files/image249.jpg Reticulated chloroplasts branching 3 Copyright 1995-2009 Protist Information Server Cladophora with moderate epiphyte load Cocconeis Often “Yellow” in the field Gomphonema Cymbella 4 Rhoicosphenia Cladophora with heavy epiphyte load Often “rusty-red” in the field Rhopalodia Epithemia Epithemia sorex Epithemia turgida 5 Rhoicosphenia abbreviata Achnanthidium minutissimum Epithemia turgida Epithemia sorex Cocconeis pediculus Cocconeis placentula 6 Cladophora tufts woven by midges 7 Midge gut contents Vorticella (not algae) Cocconeis 8 Filamentous, green algal spp (Chlorophyta): These genera have mucilaginous sheaths: “slimy” to touch SiSpirogyra spiliiraling c hlorop las t Two star shaped conjjgugation Zygnema chloroplasts Mougeotia flat, plate-like chloroplast that sometimes has a twist “buttons” down the 9 middle (pyrenoids) Spirogyra Mougeotia 10 Zygnema More filamentous greens Oedogonium Asexual zoospores Look for “apical caps” or ‘growth rings’ on some cells Note the heavier epiphyte load (in this case Chamaesiphon) on the older cell compared with the new cell. Cells often slightly irregular in shape Often has epiphytes:11 rough to touch Other filamentous greens Stigeoclonium Bulbochaetae “bulbous” setae on ends of filaments http://vis-pc.plantbio.ohiou.edu/algaeimage/pages/Stigeoclonium.html Ulothrix “c” shaped 12 Gonatozygon chloroplast Non-filamentous greens - Desmids CiCosmarium Micrasterias Staurastrum Note slight indent in the “middle” Pleurotaenium 13 Spirotaenia Closterium Desmidium Non-filamentous greens Pediastrum Crucigenia Scenedesmus (Desmodesmus if it has spines) Oocystis Tetraedron 14 Characium Other greens Sperm Apiocystis packets Volvox DhtliDaughter colonies Zoochlorella (heliozoan (found inside another org.) 15 Other Gloeocystis green algae www.life.umd.edu/.../chaetosphaeridium.jpg Pandorina Chaetosphaeridium Aphanochaete www.biol.tsukuba.ac.jp/.../g/chl/dunaliella.jpg Gongosira 16 Dunaliella Coleochaete Ankistrodesmus Cyanobacteria Nostoc Cells are within a mucilaginous sheath Heterocyst (nitrogen fixation) Midge inside17 Nostoc parmeloides Kützing Nostoc ‘ear’ Anabaena Cylindrospermopsis heterocyte Terminal (in the middle) heterocyte akinete akine te 18 Rivulariales Calothrix Rivularia terminal heterocyte Solitary trichome 19 Oscillatoriales Oscillatoria envis.kuenvbiotech.org/images/Phormidium_2.jpg Phormidium www.virtual-geology.info/.../images/lyngbya1.jpg 20 Lyngbya Other fixing cyanobacteria 21 Tolypothrix Scytonema double false branching heterocyte Single false branching heterocyte necridic cell 22 Other Cyanobacteria Aphanothece www.glerl.noaa.gov/.../Images/chamaesiphon.jpg Chamaesiphon (on Cladophora) Merismopedia 23 Rhodophyta – red algae: Batrachospermum (sometimes called ‘frog-spawn’ algae after its’ appearance) 24 Under a slide Chrysophyta Synura Chrysosphaerella Mallomonas longispina Euglenophyta Dinobryon Dinoflagellates Phacus Trachelomonas Euglena 25 Gymnodinium Xanthophyceae (yellow-green algae) Vaucheria - Hollow tubes or ‘siphons’ - Coenocytic Feels like cat fur, Chloroplasts often align on the or a felt-like mat. outside of the cell where the most light is. Reproductive structures 26 Bacillariophyta (diatoms) Epithemia Girdle view Valve view Endosymbionts (nitrogen fixing) 27 Epithemia Valve view Girdle view turgida 3 or fewer rows of striae “th”l“moustache” only goes between Endosymbiotic Cyanobacteria part way up valve edge fibulae 28 Epithemia turgida Ehrenberg (Kützing) Epithemia adnata Fibulae 3 or more rows of striae between fibulae Girdle view Valve view 29 Epithemia adnata (Kützing) Brébisson Epithemia sorex ‘moustache goes all Cyanobacteria the way to the top endosymbionts Girdle views Valve view Sexual reproduction 30 Epithemia sorex Kützing Rhopalodia (looks like a canoe in valve view) Endosymbiotic cyanobacteria Valv e v iew Girdle v iew 31 Rhopalodia gibba var. gibba Kützing Brébisson Ehrenberg (O. Müller) Cocconeis pediculus Cocconeis placentula Raphe valve Raphe valve Cocconeis spp. “saddle shaped” Rapheless Rapheless valve valve Cocconeis placentula var.32 lineata girdle (Ehrenberg) Van Heurck Cocconeis pediculus Ehrenberg Cocconeis Cocconeis pediculus Cocconeis epiphytic on reproduction Cladophora 33 Cocconeis associated rust spots on Cladophora Rhoicosphenia Valve view Focus 1: Focus 2: Middle in focus ends in focus Girdle view: ‘bent’ or curved 34 Rhoicosphenia abbreviata (C. Agardh) Lange-Bertalot Gomphonema spp stalk stigma keisou.hp.infoseek.co.jp/.../gomphone.html 35 Gomphonema sp 1 stalks Girdle view “triangle, not bent” Valve view 36 Gomphonema sp 2 Valve view stigma stigma Valve view Valve view Gomphonema acuminatum Ehrenberg Gomphonema sp 4 GhGomphonema trunca tum Ehren berg Girdle view Valve view Girdle view 37 Gomphonema sp 5 Gomphoneis sp Valve view Line running along Girdle view length of valve face stigma 38 Cymbella Cymbella tumida? 1 2 Raphe curves up Girdle view Valve view Stigmas on ventral side 39 Cymbella cistula complex Encyonema Raphe curves down 40 (compare with Cymbella) craticula.ncl.ac.uk/.../images/raphe_lateral.jpg Centric diatoms valve view ½ cell (one valve) whole Melosira cell auxospore Melosira varians Agardh Girdle view www.dr-ralf-wagner.de/Bilder/Melosira_varians.jpg Cyclotella valve view gidlirdle view 41 Diatoma (two species) Girdle view Valve view 1 Diatoma tenuis Agardh. 2 www4.eas.asu.edu/.../Diatoma-r12-1-girdle.gif 42 Diatoma vulgaris Bory Fragilaria sp 1 (most common) Girdle view – many cells Valve view Other Fragilaria sp 43 Synedra (or Ulnaria) sp. Girdle view Valve view 44 Navicula spp Sp2 Sp 1 (larger and more heavily silicified relative to Sp 2 which is faint 45 N. meniculsus??? cryptotennala?? Navicula sp. 3 Note pinched ends 46 Navicula capitoradiata??? 4 Nitschia spp Valve view - Be sure to optically dissect the diatom to see the raphe (up on a keel) on both sides 5 1 3 Girdle view 1 2 Raphe on keel 7 47 Planothidium Same specimen Rapheless valve Raphe valve Same specimen “horseshoe” 48 Miscellaneous Gyrosigma diatoms Amphipleura Achnanthidium minutissimum 49 50.
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