jj WILDERNESS MAP mountains • Citadel toweR £T* Ruins WateR Sample file -3 : -3 Official Game Adventure Dragons of Dreams by Tracy Raye Hickman TABLE OF CONTENTS Prologue 2 Wherein the tale is told, and the story expounded thus far. The Fall of Silvanesti 3 Wherein is discoursed the fall of the mighty elven lands through the fears of one man. Chapter 1: Griffon's Flight 4 Wherein the Heroes of Legend are pursued across the great southern plains. Chapter 2: The Bleeding Forest 9 Wherein the beauty twists upon itself and the nightmare tendrils reach. Chapter 3: Hollow Glory 19 Wherein the streets of the most ancient elven capital flood with the unwaking dream. Chapter 4: The Web of Shadow & Night 23 Wherein is found the Palace of Quinari, from which the nightmare is spun. Epilogue: The Long Dawn 28 Wherein the truth awakens at last, and the acts performed in the fear of night are accounted for in the waking morn. Sample file Appendix 30 Here are given the supplements to the tale. The new and unusual are explained, as are encounters governed by fate alone. CREDITS Distributed to the book trade in the United States by Random House, Inc., and in Canada by Random House of Canada, Ltd. Dis- tributed to the toy and hobby trade by regional distributors. Distrib- Editor: Margaret Weis uted in the United Kingdom by TSR UK Ltd. Cover Art: Clyde Caldwell ADVANCED DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, AD&D, Interior Art: Diana Magnuson DRAGONLANCE, PRODUCTS OF YOUR IMAGINATION, and the TSR logo arc trademarks of TSR Inc. Cartography: David Sutherland III Typography: Linda Bakk This adventure is protected under the copyright laws of the United Keylining; Colleen O'Malley States of America. Any reproduction or other unauthorized use of the material or artwork contained herein is prohibited without the express written permission of TSR Inc. ° 1985 TSR Inc. All Rights Reserved. Printed in U.S.A. TSR Inc. 1i-| -ft—| TSR UK Ltd. POB756 | ^ ' 1" The Mill, Rathmore Road Lake Geneva T* |" 1 Cambridge CB1 4AD WI 53147 ^"1 k.< United Kingdom TSR, Inc. PRODUCTS OF YOUR IMAGINATION"* Printcd in U.S.A. ISBN 0-88038-098-5 9142 ppoloque notes foR the "Dragons of Dreams" is the tenth module in In the DRAGONLANCE® multi-module Special Note on the Novels: Some of your the epic DRAGONLANCE® series. It is the epic, some NPC heroes and villains figure players may have read the DRAGONLANCE beginning of the third and final book of the prominently in later adventures. If such novels. Players using PCs from the story will DRAGONLANCE® adventure modules and "name" characters as Fizban or Kitiara, for find their understanding both of the charac- recreates the conditions found in Chapters 8 example, should be slain, invoke the "obscure ters and the world enriched by reading the through 12 of the DRAGONLANCE novel, death" rule. This rule states that the circum- novels. Role-playing characters is more fun "Dragons of Winter Night." stances surrounding the death of an important and interesting after having read the books. In DL-6, "Dragons of Ice," the original character should be confused and the body Reading the novels will not give them infor- party of heroes was separated into two groups not recovered. Later, the hero or villain may mation that will take the mystery and excite- during the destruction of the city of Tarsis. reappear, usually with a story of how he or she ment out of your adventure since the Laurana, Sturm, Flint, Tasslehoff, and others was miraculously saved. information related in the books is similar, fled south, then traveled northward, eventu- This is true of NPCs only. The obscure but by no means identical, to the events and ally becoming involved in the war in Solam- death rule no longer applies to player charac- encounters in this module. nia. They left behind their friends, not ters. If a PC dies in this or later adventures— Indeed, players who assume the adventure knowing if they were dead or alive. say good-bye! modules to be exactly the same as the story This adventure follows the group of heroes Additional Notes: Each chapter in this may soon find themselves in trouble! The left behind in Tarsis—Tanis, Caramon, Raist- adventure begins by listing several Events that adventure attempts to recreate the conditions lin, Tika, Goldmoon and Riverwind. It begins occur at the times indicated, regardless of the surrounding the story . and leaves the deci- as they flee from Tarsis, traveling east with actions of the PCs. Events are governed pri- sion-making and role-playing up to the play- Alhana Starbreeze, an elven Princess of marily by time. ers. Do not feel obligated to have the Silvanesti. Following the Events comes the listing of adventure turn out the same way it may have Note: The PCs (Player Characters) from the Encounters, each representing areas the PCs occurred in the novels. Allow your game to first group also appear in this adventure, but may visit. Encounters are governed primarily have its own feeling and texture. in a special way you will read about later. by location. Remember that the DRAGONLANCE® All DRAGONLANCE® adventures For both Events and Encounters, those por- story is a complex saga. To run it well, read the attempt to recreate the conditions of the story tions of the text enclosed in boxes should be module carefully, anticipate your player's with the player characters cast in the roles of read aloud to the players. actions, and think of ways to motivate players the epic's heroes. Thus, it is recommended Occasionally, an Ability Check is called for to stay within the boundaries of the module. that the module be played as part of the series against one of the character's abilities: Let the players explore the setting—do not using the player characters provided. If players Strength, Wisdom, Dexterity, etc. Roll ld20 lead them around by the nose. Instead, try to wish to use their own characters, however, you and comparSamplee it with the state filed ability. If the draw them in the direction desired by using should allow them to do so. number rolled is less than or equal to the abil- tantalizing information. The carrot always SPECIAL NOTE ON OBSCURE DEATH: As ity, the action succeeds; if greater than the works better than the stick, as the saying goes. ofDL-8, "Dragons of War," the obscure death ability, the action fails. Do not be afraid to improvise to make the rule was suspended for all PCs. It still remains adventure more enjoyable for the players. for NPCs, however. the WORL& of kRynn There are several important differences paign must be of good alignment and follow familiar campaigns. Steel is the main trade between the world of Krynn and the standard one of these two faiths. metal, and 10 gold pieces are worth only one AD&D® campaign. While players who have All PC elves in the adventures are steel piece. PCs who enter Krynn from other played previous DL modules are familiar with Qualinesti elves. Two other elven races were campaigns may be allowed to trade their gold these changes, new players should be made first encountered in DL-7—the Silvanesti and pieces for steel—though they will find their aware of this information. the Kaganesti. This adventures deals with the personal wealth greatly reduced! True clerics have been unknown on Krynn events that drove the Silvanesti far from their since the Cataclysm, a mighty catastrophe that ancient, ancestral homeland. A Note to New DMs of the changed the face of Krynn. Most clerics have All PC dwarves are hill dwarves. Other DRAGONLANCE® Series no spellcasting abilities, since they worship dwarven races were introduced in DL-4. false gods. True clerics of good, including The equivalent of halflings on Krynn are If you have never played any of the other Goldmoon and Elistan, wear a medallion kender. Kender resemble wizened 14-year- adventures in the DRAGONLANCE® series, bearing the symbol of their god or goddess. olds and (unlike halflings) wear shoes. See this module is a good place to enter the tale. Only two of the true gods of good have so far Tasslehoff s character statistics for more infor- Options in the first Chapter are provided that been revealed—Mishakal, goddess of healing, mation on the kender. will give you and your players a minimal and Paladine, leader of good, the Celestial The values of gold and of other trade items knowledge of the history and events in the Paladin. All PC clerics brought into the cam- are completely different in this world than in story to date. the Call of Silvanesti WheRein the most ancient kinqoom of elves met its doom m the declinmq will of its mon&RCh. Review of the Given ChRonicle and cross-class war training prevented the frightened the Kingpriest. He granted the stratification that typified Silvanesti life in the wizards safe passage from the Towers of Istar Note to the DM: This first section of material interior of the nation. and Palanthas if they would leave the Towers reviews the background history of elves as pre- Relations between the western provinces undamaged. sented in DL-7, "Dragons of Light." %u may and the central Houses deteriorated until, Before the Tower at Istar was abandoned, an want to review it here. If you are already famil- with the issuing of the Swordsheath Scroll, the elf named Lorac Caladon arrived at the Tower iar with the histories of the elves, proceed to western elves were granted independence.
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