Maryland Historical Magazine o n' cm N 3 < 00 o 'Z p B en- % I—1 00 Published Quarterly by The Museum and Library of Maryland History The Maryland Historical Society Winter 1985 THE MARYLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY OFFICERS, 1985-1986 William C. Whitridge, Chairman* Robert G. Merrick, Sr., Honorary Chairman" Brian B. Topping, President* Mrs. Charles W. Cole, Jr., Vice President* E. Phillips Hathaway, Treasurer* Mrs. Frederick W. Lafferty, Vice President* Samuel Hopkins, Asst. Secretary/Treasurer* Walter D. Pinkard, Sr., Vice President* Bryson L. Cook, Counsel* Truman T. Semans, Vice President* Leonard C. Crewe, Jr., Past President* Frank H. Weller, Jr., Vice President* J. Fife Symington, Jr., Past Chairman of the Richard P. Moran, Secretary* Board* * The officers listed above constitute the Society's Executive Committee. BOARD OF TRUSTEES, 1985-1986 H. Furlong Baldwin H. Irvine Keyser II (Honorary) Mrs. Emory J. Barber, St Mary's Co. Richard R. Kline, Frederick Co. Gary Black Hon. Charles McC. Mathias, Jr. John E. Boulais, Caroline Co. Robert G. Merrick, Jr. J. Henry Butta Michael Middleton, Charles Co. Mrs. James Frederick Colwill (Honorary) Jack Moseley Donald L. DeVries Thomas S. Nichols (Honorary) Leslie B. Disharoon James L. Olfson, Anne Arundel Co. Jerome Geckle Mrs. David R. Owen C. William Gilchrist, Allegany Co. Mrs. Brice Phillips, Worcester Co. Hon. Louis L. Goldstein, Calvert Co. J. Hurst Purnell, Jr., Kent Co. Kingdon Gould, Jr., Howard Co. George M. Radcliffe William Grant, Garrett Co. Adrian P. Reed, Queen Anne's Co. Benjamin H. Griswold III G. Donald Riley, Carroll Co. Willard Hackerman Mrs. Timothy Rodgers R. Patrick Hayman, Somerset Co. John D. Schapiro Louis G. Hecht Jacques T. Schlenger E. Mason Hendrickson, Washington Co. Jess Joseph Smith, Jr., Prince George's Co. T. Hughlett Henry, Jr., Talbot Co. John T. Stinson Michael Hoffberger Bernard C. Trueschler E. Ralph Hostetter, Cecil Co. Thomas D. Washburne Hon. William S. James, Harford Co. Jeffrey P. Williamson, Dorchester Co. COUNCIL, 1985-1986 William S. Arnold Louis G. Hecht Mrs. Howard Baetjer II Mrs. Jay Katz Dr. D. Randall Beirne J. Sidney King Dr. George H. Callcott Charles E. McCarthy III Mrs. Charles W. Cole, Jr. Walter D. Pinkard, Sr. P. McEvoy Cromwell George M. Radcliffe Donald L. DeVries Mary Virginia Slaughter Mrs. Charles S. Garland, Jr. Frederick T. Wehr J. Jefferson Miller II, Director Barbara Wells Sarudy, Karen A. Stuart, Acting Head Librarian Administrative Director Judith Van Dyke, Education Director Stiles Tuttle Colwill, Curator of the Gallery MARYLAND HISTORICAL MAGAZINE (ISSN 0025-4258) is published quarterly by The Museum and Library of Maryland History, The Maryland Historical Society, 201 W. Monument St., Baltimore, Md. 21201. Second class postagepaid at Baltimore, Md. and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER please send address changes to the MARYLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY, 201 W. Monument St., Baltimore, Md. 21201. Composed and printed by Waverly Press, Inc., Baltimore, Md. 21202. i Copyright 1986, The Museum and Library of Maryland History, The Maryland Historical Society. HALL OF RECORDS LIBRARY LAND Volume 80 ANNAPOLIS, MAR Number 4 •RICAL Winter 1985 ISSN-0025-4258 CONTENTS ANNUAL REPORT OF THE MARYLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY, 1984-1985 313 Mary Boccaccio Maryland at the St. Louis World's Fair 347 Carl N. Everstine The Potomac River and Maryland's Boundaries 355 Dennis J. Pogue Calverton, Calvert County, Maryland: 1668-1725 371 John R. Wennersten A Cycle of Race Relations on Maryland's Eastern Shore: Somerset County, 1850-1917 377 Kit W. Wesler An Archaeologist's Perspective on the Ancient Town of Doncaster 383 Fred Hopkins For Flag and Profit: The Life of Commodore John Danels of Baltimore 392 Joseph George, Jr. "A True Childe of Sorrow." Two Letters of Mary E. Surratt ... 402 Book Reviews Carter, Van Home, and Brownell, eds., Latrobe's View of America, 1795-1820; Selections from the Watercolors and Sketches, by Orlando Ridout V • Miller, ed., The Selected Papers of Charles Willson Peak and His Family, and Richardson, Charks Willson Peak and His World, by Gary L. Browne 406 MARYLAND MAGAZINE OF GENEALOGY Joan R. Challinor "A quarter taint of Maryland blood": An Inquiry into the Anglo/ Maryland Background of Mrs. John Quincy Adams 409 Book Notes Carroll County Genealogical Society, A Guide to Genealogical Research in Carroll County; Peden, Revolutionary Patriots of Harford County, Maryland; Kirby and Parks, Roll Call: The Civil War in Kent County, Maryland; McAllister, Abstracts from the Land Records of Dorchester County, Maryland; Arps, Heirs and Orphans; Wright, Sketches of Maryland Eastern Shoremen; Baltimore County Genealogical Society, Baltimore Cemeteries, Vol. I, by Robert Barnes 420 NEWS AND NOTICES 422 MARYLAND PICTURE PUZZLE 424 INDEX TO VOLUME 80 425 Captain John Daniel Danels c.1783-1855 By Robert Street (1796-1855) Signed and dated, 1822. Oil on canvas. Purchase of the Stiles E. Tuttle Memorial Trust, 76.57.1 Reluctant to give up the lucrative profits of privateering at the close of the War of 1812, several Baltimore captains enlisted their skills in the South American wars of independ- ence. The most notorious. Captain John Daniel Danels of Fells Point, provided three Baltimore-built ships for the Colombian Revolution of 1818, and later served in that country's navy until 1845. He is shown here wearing the ceremonial dress sword of the Colombian Navy. HALL OF RECORDS LIBRARY ANNAPOLIS, MARYLAND AnnualA • Report-r-k July 1, 1984-June 30, 1985 Museum and Library Maryland History Maryland Historical Society 313 MARYLAND HISTORICAL MAGAZINE VOL. 80, No. 4, WINTER 1985 OFFICERS And Members of the Executive Committee 1984-85 J. Fife Symington, Jr., Chairman Robert G. Merrick, Sr., Honorary Chairman Brian B. Topping, President Mrs. Charles W. Cole, Jr., Vice President William C. Whitridge, Vice President E. Phillips Hathaway, Vice President Richard P. Moran, Secretary Samuel Hopkins, Vice President Mrs. Frederick W. Lafferty, Treasurer Walter D. Pinkard, Sr., Vice President Leonard C. Crewe, Jr., Past President Truman T. Semans, Vice President Bryson L. Cook, Counsel Frank H. Weller, Jr., Vice President TRUSTEES 1984-85 H. Furlong Baldwin The Honorable William S. James, Harford Co. Mrs. Emory J. Barber, St. Mary's Co. H. Irvine Keyser II (Honorary) Gary Black, Jr. Richard R. Kline, Frederick Co. John E. Boulais, Caroline Co. Robert G. Merrick, Jr. J. Henry Butta Michael Middleton, Charles Co. Mrs. James Frederick Colwill {Honorary) Jack Moseley Owen Daly II Thomas S. Nichols (Honorary) Donald L. DeVries James L. Olfson, Anne Arundel Co. Leslie B. Disharoon Mrs. David R. Owen Mrs. Philip English Mrs. Brice Phillips, Worcester Co. Jerome Geckle J. Hurst Purnell, Jr., Kent Co. William Gilchrist, Allegany Co. George M. Radcliffe The Honorable Louis L. Goldstein, Calvert Co. Adrian P. Reed, Queen Anne's Co. Kingdon Gould, Jr., Howard Co. G. Donald Riley, Jr., Carroll Co. William Grant, Garrett Co. Mrs. Timothy Rodgers Benjamin H. Griswold III David Rogers, Wicomico Co. Willard Hackerman John D. Schapiro R. Patrick Hayman, Somerset Co. Jacques T. Schlenger Louis G. Hecht Jess Joseph Smith, Jr., Prince George's Co. Edwin Mason Hendrickson, Washington Co. John T. Stinson T. Hughlett Henry, Jr., Talbot Co. Bernard C. Trueschler Michael Hoffberger Thomas D. Washburne E. Ralph Hostetter, Ceci7 Co. Jeffrey P. Williamson, Dorchester Co. 314 Annual Report, 1984-1985 315 COMMITTEES0 1984-1985 Addresses Committee Dr. D. Randall Beirne, Chairman The Rev. R. Douglas Pitt, Vice Chairman Mrs. George C. Alderman C. J. Falkenhan t Mrs. Louis Azrael Walter Fisher Anne A. Carusi G. Luther Washington Annual Giving Committee Donald L. DeVries, Chairman H. Furlong Baldwin Robert Kershaw L. Patrick Deering Truman T. Semans Ramsey W. J. Flynn Brian B. Topping Buildings and Grounds Committee Walter D. Pinkard, Chairman Richard C. Riggs, Vice Chairman Richard W. Ayers, Sr. T. Courtenay Jenkins, Jr. Alan Gamse John E. Lewis Arthur M. Gompf Robert E. Lewis Education Committee Dr. D. Randall Beirne, Chairman Dr. W. Jackson Stenger, Vice Chairman James F. Adomanis Anne A. Carusi Dr. Ann H. Allison Gerson G. Eisenberg Phyllis Bailey Dr. Morgan Pritchett Ludlow Baldwin Mrs. Vernon H. Wiesand Finance Committee William C. Whitridge, Chairman P. McEvoy Cromwell, Vice Chairman Frank Bonsai, Jr. John E. Motz Jack S. Griswold Truman T. Semans E. Phillips Hathaway John T. Stinson Robert G. Merrick, Jr. ° The Executive Committee and the Committee Chairman constitute the Council. 316 MARYLAND HISTORICAL MAGAZINE Gallery Committee Mrs. Howard Baetjer II, Chairman Dorothy Mcllvain Scott, Vice Chairman Harry D. Berry, Jr., Consultant Clair List Mrs. Dudley I. Catzen Mrs. Robert H. McCauley, Jr. Dr. William Freehling Edwin Obrecht Richard L. Goodbar Elisabeth C. G. Packard Louis G. Hecht, Consultant Richard Randall Eugenia Calvert Holland (Honorary) Dr. Arthur Ward Bryden B. Hyde John R. Williams William R. Johnston Genealogy Committee Jon Harlan Livezey, Chairman Gary E. Myer, Vice Chairman Anna M. Cartlidge (Honorary) Dr. Morgan H. Pritchett Phebe R. Jacobsen Ella Rowe Mrs. Calvin L. Jones Milton Rubincam Edna A. Kanely A. Russell Slagle (Honorary) Denwood N. Kelly Mary Virginia Slaughter Henry R. Kelly Mrs. W. Wallace Symington, Jr. Mary K. Meyer Dr. John Walton (Honorary) William E. Miller George B. Wilson (Honorary) Freeman E. Morgan, Jr. Library Committee Arthur J. Gutman, Chairman Frederick T. Wehr, Vice Chairman Gloria Allen John Beverley Riggs Dr. Curtis Carroll Davis Sheldon Sandier Richard R. Harwood III (non-voting) Sidney Silber Edna A. Kanely A. Russell Slagle (Honorary) Denwood N. Kelly (non-voting) Charles C. Tharp Jeffrey A. Legum Peter M. Van Wingen Lester S. Levy (Honorary) David T. Warfield Dr. Bayly Ellen Marks Dr. Huntington Williams (Honorary) John Pentz (Honorary) Maritime Committee George M. Radcliffe, Chairman Philip B. Schnering, Vice Chairman Lewis A. Beck Dr. Fred Hopkins Hugh Benet, Jr. Robert Keith The Honorable Helen Delich Bentley t William B. Matthews, Jr. Donald W.
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