WHERE DID THE FATAL HEAD SHOT COME FROM ? According to numerous doctors and nurses at Parkland Hospital and The alleged exit wound and violent backward motion of the President's almost every JFX assassination researcher, the fatal head shot was tired head are more consistent with a shot being fired from the storm drain from the front and to the right of the presaienl. location than that of a possible sniper location near the east corner of the If this is true, then the most perfect angle could have been from stockade fence. According to Dr. Charles Chrenshaw, there was what the storm drain located at the west and of the wooden stockade fence appeared to be a large exit wound on the right rear of the President's head. on the famous grassy knoll. II the fatal shot was fired from the easternmost area of the fence, would We watched CNN-TV, and researcher Jack Brazil. send a research It not make sense that the left side should be missing and not the right? team member Into the storm sewer system in Dealey Plaza. Many It the Senate House Select Committee an Assassinations is correct with people were unaware of this little known theory. Since then, many their conclusion that there Is a 95% probability of a fourth shot being hours of research at the grassy knoll have been spent studying the fired from behind the stockade fence on the grassy knoll, this could very various angles of possible snipers. A rapidly growing conclusion is the well have been the location. storm drain at the end of the stockade fences a possible angle for the reported damage to the Presidents head. The storm drain could have provided an underground escape route leading Also note that the bridge railing and fence Is at a 45 degree angle from to the center of Main St. and then to Industrial Blvd. the railroad overpass, making it a blind spot from any observers that Many observers watched Jack Brazil and his team of dedicated would be on the bridge overlooking Elm St. researchers send a man into the storm sewer system on Elm St. After On Nov.22.1963, the wind was blowing due east at 13 mph. As the entering the system, the same may walked out of a nine foot storm sewer motorcade traveled west on Elm Street, Senator Ralph Yarborough, who pipe that emptied into a drainage ditch of the Trinity River at Industrial was in the second car behind President Kennedy. later stated, Blvd. it took fifty four minutes to go from Elm St. to the exit point. even • I smelled gunpowder.' If the fatal head shot was fired from the storm with debris, blockage and a slight drizzle of rain. drain at the end of the stockade fence; then it would have been quite The work of Jack Brazil and his research learn is being noted by not only possible to have encountered the smell of gunpowder horn an open car but by several famous authors of best selling books on the JFK driven through this area. assassination. A few of these authors have been seen checking out the Moments after the assassination, a motorcycle policeman was storm drain at the west end of the stockade fence recently. This angle and photographed standing On the concrete railing of the railroad overpass. position is being brought into more comprehensive study and research Just a few feet from his location was the storm drain from where the thanks to Mr. Jack Brazil. fatal head shot could have been fired. Many people ran to this location For more information contact Ray Evans P.O. Box 461, Tyler Texas after the shooting why? One of the first police radio responses was to 75710 PH-(903) 566-2356 get someone up on the triple underpass and to check out the ralyards. THE STORM ORRIN JACK BRAZIL'S RESEARCH TEAM ENTERS THE STORM RESEARCH TEAM MEMBER MAKES EXIT SEWER SYSTEM ON EIM ST. OVER 2400 I LATER A DIRECT VIEW RECENT PHOTOS TAKEN FROM FREEWAY OVERPASS Ed Hoffman is a man that claims to have seen a men behind the stadia& According to Mr. Hoffman, ha was parked on the 1-35 Freeway overpass fence hand a rata to another man just after the assassination. The rifle, west of the grassy knoll and had a direct view of the activities behind the according to Mr. Hoffman, was quickly disassembled and put into a too/box. fence. The view is now blocked by a largebiliboard that was at a much The second man, dressed in a railroad worker's uniform, then walked away lower elevation on Nov.22,1963. from the scene toward the train tracks_ Mr Hoffman claims this event Last week the billboard was removed tor a law days during a sign change took place at the west end of the wooden slot:Acadia lance. where the and provided a perfect opportunity to take a few photos from the overpass railroad bridge over Elm St. meets the stockade fence. He also states that where Mr. Hoffman tells to he was located. the rifle was taken apart bahind a large railroad switching box, located So that we all could better understand his vantage point, without approximately 20 ft. tram the storm drain, Could there be a possible the billboard In tria way, we decided to Show you the photographs conneetion of the two areas? If so; could this be where the fatal head tavern Iasi week. It appears that Mr, Hoffman could have a good view of the shot was fired From? area behind the grassy knoll. What do you think? "THE MOTORCADE IN DOWNTOWN DALLAS" This beautiful photograph is available in full color 8"xl 0". A limited edition of the highest quality now at J.F.K.-A.I.C. Dallas, Texas ya.4! CF-4.4-412 S'25' hte...-,44 21.542. Ar5. • 30j /71, 4■rsi° V-071°-.2 -44:/ . c7e-e'" ei 6r:-■.f<' Wear/ ■-s- • //X, s - • 1‘4,0-r■C e e • 1-44-rul ,Xx ,Cef.. //, , r 7 se e9 -mcr..e.ow zt • 5 . c9 .7.4) .2ter 4.19. 22. 4(0 S R EF .419 0-2 0- - CC •S . -454) •-•0-.,,eg C77 c.,-11-4---4 -46 ^4-c4-"-m,"?. • ..■-•/.7-2 t4l-o.‘41 Z;re Sml47 ,C/C.,e-2•^1L4.1.4 /f/2/ 2, 724-~ , S LETTER from Lee Oswald to Gov. John Connally about the dishonorable discharge, which Oswald had recieved. ASA6.6.91641140 88.51141901 •Ler-nrs W(1111/220 LE ELM ST OM Ivh (2CP.,411081101680 11 1 AL A Of (.00 APIA QCESTIONSANNVITRF.I) '0 2900 160 INT A( 20 0A8LANO 7 ALSO SEA tIve1A0 • ALSO SEE LAMCASTEA KENNEDY 206E 2 70- 2)99 12 )14 1C.6f 6 COMMAND "I:1:714ttiZ.4"& 60001STAASTA PyR CO 6210570 7 F COOPER -R170576 PO V CAMPBELL -6176511 POST '1 9 67E860 SCOL 08 11151 6173521 Sennady Command Post C CA30. RI70521 SCO7T FEHEAPIAMSCO RI74340 Pedro O Paul 0. PAM. D. PEDRO 7J04 L ACADIA 11176)60 18511Chatavverth (611)46100767 PL00101<aMAAAAA Pug 41114)73 Rasartila, Mt./55113 AMCOR...ILL 808 CO-4124602 654040 7014 019 101211102 6486R 1004 C O -RII0911 Historical AMCGRAy6AILL 100 CO-417706 5018060 800 CO 1AC -6112169 •ED010 6157416 INC -61112341 RESEARCHERS NOTE EADAP7A/ILI1 INC -6142064 Kennedy Assassination 610 20012 INC 0112169 emaRI1Y4 BELT 600 4121061 .04T, PAECOMAN straoss Abraham Zapruder's all ice was located .DALLAS URAMUMLOIL 4111063 .000680 6ARAY INC A1216)4 in 501 Elm St. Bldg.- II was Jennifer Jr. 6MILLIR CuPAIOL1 In 81718)1 BUS TOUR •S7641.11.4 OP DALLAS Amyl, Inc. This is where he took his camera 8MCILELLE 5461008 INC 61/1097 6E00100 0A6440141 0112011 Kennedy Assassination Tours atter he filmed the assassination. His 'RALPH 0 LEEDS .61 92671 800410L1(LEE0E LT066112631 2141369.9406 A.M. business is listed PJFAMIPER JR INC 1146071 21.4/S71-2770 P.M. $008JEAR1E Af0 CO 81 93611 60166011E LAPPET co 11127766 Group Rates are Available .peastsco PIC 1127267 .
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