Prepper Dictionary A ACU = Army Combat Uniform, with digital camouflage pattern. Replaced the BDU. AFB = Air Force Base AI = Artificial Intelligence AK-47 = Russian rifle chambered in 7.62x39 caliber. Developed by Mikhail Kalashnikov and went into production in 1948. Military versions are select fire, civilian versions are semi-automatic • P-repare for any disaster (natural Aloha Snackbar = Allah Akbar or man-made). Alphabet agencies = ATF, BLM, CDC, CIA, DHS, FBI, • R-espond without fear. FEMA, IRS, FEMA, etc. AM = Amplitude Modulation • E-valuate every possible scenario. Ammo = Ammunition • P-ack like you won't have supplies Anti-Gum = Anti-Gun for a year. AO = Area of Operation • P-lan for the unexpected. APIT = Armor Piercing Incendiary Tracer APO = Army Post Office • E-nvision a happy outcome. AR-15 = Armalite Rifle, first produced by Colt around • R-emember to always have hope! 1977, modern sporting rifle chambered in .223/5.56x45. Semi-automatic, not a military grade rifle. ATF = Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms ATGATT = All The Gear All The Time # ATN = Manufacturer of thermal (FLIR) night vision scopes and other night vision products. ATN’s ThOR line #10 Can = Can approximately the size of a coffee can of scopes brought FLIR scopes into the reach of used for packaging food. consumers. 1911 = Colt M1911 single action, semi-automatic pistol ATV = All Terrain Vehicle usually chambered in .45ACP. Many other manufacturers Aunty-F = ANTIFA produce “clones” of this pistol. AWD = All Wheel Drive, sometimes known as full-time 2A = 2nd Amendment 4WD 3% = 550 Cord = Another name for Paracord 5-P’s / 6-P’s = PPP(P)PP = Proper Planning Prevents B (Piss) Poor Performance 72-Hour Bag = Also known as BOB/Bug Out Bag. Ball Ammo = Full Metal Jacket ammunition typically Equipped with all the critical items/food you think you will used for practice ammunition need to survive for 3-days without anything else. Ballbearings = Bullets 80% Lower Receiver / Kit = The frame portion of a Bazooka = Shoulder fired, recoilless, anti-tank rocket gun that needs to be serialized. An 80% complete launcher. component is not considered a firearm. The 80% lower BDU’s = Battle Dress Uniform, better known as receiver requires the end user to finish machining the camouflage receiver (frame) before it legally becomes a gun. It is (at Bee Sting(s) = Vaccination this time) legal to make your own guns and do not have Beetlejuice = Mayor Lori Lightfoot of Shitcago to serialize them. You cannot sell, transfer, or make them Beretta = Italian firearms manufacturer. for someone else without serializing and registering BHO = Bolt Hold Open on a firearm them. Bivvy = Compact, Lightweight, Emergency Sleeping 9mm Stapler / Finishing Nailer = 9mm Pistol Bag 9mm Staples / Nails = 9mm Ammo Black Light = Ultraviolet Light BLM = Bureau of Land Management BLM = Black Lives Matter, aka Burn Loot Murder, BUM’s BM = Bowel Movement, See also BLM, BUM’s, TOT’s ;) Rev. 2021 05 05 https://www.theRSyndicate.com Page 1 of 11 Prepper Dictionary BOB = Bug Out Bag, a backpack equipped with the CIB = Combat Infantryman Badge food and items you will need to get somewhere if you CM’s = Compressed Meal, freeze dried replacement for have to leave where you’re at in a hurry. MRE’s that are 2/3 the weight BOL = Bug Out Location, place to go if you have to CME = Coronal Mass Ejection, electromagnetic storm/ leave your home. discharge from the sun that emits electro magnetic Bolt = Arrow for a Crossbow. Usually shorter and pulses that can adversely effect electronics and the heavier than arrows. electrical grid on earth. Boogaloo = Refers to the possible upcoming second CNG = Compressed Natural Gas, also known as LP or American Civil War, and militias. Liquid Propane BOV = Bug Out Vehicle, a vehicle packed with the items COG = Continuity of Government you need, preferably a 4x4/4WD truck, in the event you COIN = Counter Insurgency have to bug out. Colloidal Silver = Solution made by dissolving fine Brothel = Capitol silver particles (ionic silver) into a colloidal solution. Used Browning = American firearms manufacturer founded in as an anti-bacterial and for medicinal purposes before 1878. Browning is best known for its bolt action rifles, the age of modern medicine. but has a full line of shotguns, rifles, and pistols as well. Bug In = Stay at your current location until it’s safe to COLOR CODES: come out or move to a safer location. RED: Eminent Danger, Be On High Alert! Bug Out = Leaving your home for a safer location. ORANGE: High Possibility of Danger, Be Alert BUM’s = BLM / Burn Loot Murder Crew YELLOW: Caution, Be Alert, Prepare for Impending Emergency C GREEN: All Clear BLUE: Medical Emergency GRAY: Call For Security Personnel C-Rations = Combat Rations BLACK: Deceased Person, or No Quarter C&R = Curios and Relics, a classification of firearms that are more than 25 years old. Colt = Colt Manufacturing Company was founded by Cache = A box or tube containing supplies and/or guns Samuel Colt in 1855, and was one of the biggest that is hidden or buried for emergencies. manufacturers of firearms around the time of WWI. Californication = The tendency of other states to adopt Some of the iconic firearms they manufactured include lifestyles, gun laws, policies, regulations, ideas, etc., from the Colt M1911 Pistol, the M16 and M4 Carbine Rifles. California. Colt M1911 = A single action semi-automatic pistol Camo = Abbreviation for Camouflage which was the standard military issue sidearm from Carbine = Short barreled rifle. 1911-1985. Originally chambered in .45ACP. Today, Carrington Event = A large geomagnetic storm/CME in variations of this pistol are available in many popular 1959 that adversely effected telegraph systems. calibers. Central Coast = Great Lakes Area Colt M16 = Military rifle first put into service in 1964, CCL = Concealed Carry License, also referred to as chambered in 5.56x45 (NATO). Full automatic rifle. CWL or CWP in some states. Colt M4 = The M4 was developed in the 1980’s as a CCW = Concealed Carry Weapon replacement for the M16. The M4 is a shorter and lighter CDC = Center for Disease Control version of the M16. It went into military service in 1994 CDL = Commercial Drivers License Combat Tupperware = Glock Pistols Centerfire = A type of bullet that has a separate primer Comms = Communications equipment, such as radios located in the center of the bullet, as opposed to Rimfire COMSEC = Communications Security ammunition that has a primer integrated in the rim of the CONEX = CONtinental Express shipping container ammunition. Centerfire firearms firing pins strike the CONUS = CONtinental United States primer in the center of the bullet as opposed to the edge COOHMP = Come Out Of Her My People, leave the big of the bullet on a rimfire bullet. cities = Great Lakes Area Central Coast COOP = Continuity Of Operations Plan = Community Emergency Response Team CERT COP = Combat OutPost = Covid-19, WooFlu Cerveza Bug Costume = Mask = Council on Foreign Relations CFR Cowboys = Republicans = Chinese Communist ChiComm CP = Command Post Counter Intelligence CI = CPO = Chief Petty Officer, or Conservation Police = Central Intelligence Agency CIA Officer Rev. 2021 05 05 https://www.theRSyndicate.com Page 2 of 11 Prepper Dictionary CQ = Charge of Quarters DoD = Department of Defense Crack Head = Hunter Biden DOE = Department of Energy Creepy Uncle Joe = Joe Biden DOI = Department of the Interior Crossbow = A bow-like device mounted horizontally on Domestic Tourists = Domestic Terrorists a rifle-like stock that shoots bolts (arrows). DOT = Department of Transportation CRS = Cold Rolled Steel DSArms = American firearms manufacturer founded in CST = Central Standard Time 1987. DSA manufactures FAL and AR rifles. Their FAL CT = Counter Terrorism rifles are manufactured (not just assembled) in the US, Cul-de-Sac Commandos = A nickname given to St. and are interchangeable with the original F.N. Metric FAL. Louis couple, Mark & Patricia McCloskey, after using Dutch Oven = Large cast iron pot that can be used to firearms to defend their home from a violent mob of cook over a camp fire, or used with coals on top to act TOT’s and BUM’s. as an oven for cooking things like bread. Cumhoe = NY Governor Cuomo CUT = Coordinated Universal Time, also known as Zulu or GMT E CWL = Concealed Weapon License, also referred to as CCL in some states. Earth Keepers = Oath Keepers CWP = Concealed Weapon Permit, also referred to as EAS = Emergency Alert System CCL or CWL in some states. EBT Card = Electronic Benefits Transfer Card, CZ = CZUB is a Czech firearms manufacturer. Replaced Food Stamps EC = Electoral College D ECB = European Central Bank ECM = Electronics Control Module D-Tard = Stupid Liberal / Democrat ECU = Electronics Control Unit Dakota Fire Hole = Method of building an underground EDC = Every Day Carry, items that you carry with you fire you can use to cook food and not attract unwanted every day in case of emergency. Also refers to the pistol attention from the light given off by regular campfires. you carry/concealed carry every day. Two hole are dug that meet at the bottom. One is used EIB = Expert Infantryman Badge to cook over, the other to feed fuel/wood to the fire. ELB = Emergency Locator Beacon Dark Helmet = Dr. Faucci ELBV = Enhanced Load Bearing Vest DARPA = Defense Advanced Research Project Agency EMCOMM = EMergency COMMunications DBDU = Desert Battle Dress Uniform EMI = Electro Magnetic Interference DCU = Desert Combat Uniform EMP = Electro Magnetic Pulse, a strong electro- De-Swine = Ohio Governor Dewine magnetic discharge that can adversely effect electronic Deep State = Unelected bureaucracy that is the real devices and the electrical grid. Can be natural (CME) or power behind and runs the government man-made (nuclear explosion). Desiccant = Moisture absorbing package to prevent Empire = New World Order corrosion or prolong the life of long term food stores.
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