Preservation Orders 1st February 2010 All Counties National Monuments Service Seirbhís na Séadcomharthaí Náisiúnta www.archaeology.ie Disclaimer These data sets are based on records many of which date to the late nineteenth or early twentieth centuries. Research to clarify the number and exact extent of some of the monuments that are covered by a preservation order/temporary preservation order, is ongoing. Consequently, the information presented here should be considered as a work in progress and changes will be implemented from time to time. While every effort has been made in preparing this data no responsibility is accepted by or on behalf of the State for any errors, omissions or misleading statements on these pages or any website to which these pages connect. Information about the list of Preservation Orders The list of Preservation Orders is a list detailing all of monuments that have had a Preservation Order or a Temporary Preservation Order placed on them. There are 558 sites entered onto the list of Preservation Orders. Format of the list The list is made up of a number of columns detailing what is covered by the Preservation Order/Temporary Preservation Order, where the Preservation Order/Temporary Preservation Order is located, the date and number of the Preservation Order. PO Number: Each Preservation Order is given a number, the number is usually written as 1/2001, 2/2001 etc. PO Date: The date the Preservation Order/Temporary Preservation Order came into effect. Temporary Preservation Orders are only valid for a period of 6 months after they have been signed in some cases they are orders revoking Preservation Orders and Temporary Preservation Orders. PO Description: This identifies the type of monument covered by the Preservation Order/temporary Preservation Order e.g. castle, church, passage tomb cemetery, etc. The terminology used does not strictly follow the classification of the Archaeological Survey of Ireland (ASI) e.g. the term ‘ringfort’ is used for earthen forts and ‘cashel’ is used for stone forts. Townland: The townland names used are in accordance with those used by the Ordnance Survey. If a monument extends over more than one townland, all townlands will be listed. County: The county in which the monument is situated. SMR Number: Each monument is entered in the Record of Monuments and Places (RMP) as established under Section 12 of the National Monuments (Amendment) Act 1994. A unique identifying number is assigned to each monument and place in the record. The SMR number provides the link to the records of the Archaeological Survey of Ireland (ASI) which contains further information on the monument in question. PreservationOrders 01-Feb-10 PO Number PO Date PO Description Townland County SMR Number 65/1938 20-Jun-38 Pillar Stone Ardristan Carlow CW013-012---- 7/1976 02-Mar-76 Portal Dolmen Ballynasilloge Carlow CW022-010001- 6/1978 25-Oct-78 Castlegrace Motte Castlegrace Carlow CW013-054---- 3/1995 21-Dec-95 Clogrenan Castle Clogrenen Carlow CW007-033----, LA037-008---- 73/1939 16-Jan-39 St. Fochtern's Church or the Killoughternane Carlow CW019-048001- White Chapel 3/1984 10-Apr-84 Ogham Stone Patrickswell Carlow CW004-011---- 178/1946 09-Jul-46 Horned Cairn Aghagashlan Cavan CV018-001---- 3/1956 22-Feb-56 Two conjoined Barrows Ardlon Cavan CV039-006---- 2/1987 30-Jan-87 Wedge Tomb Aughrim Cavan CV010-005---- 8/1972 27-Apr-72 Three ritual sites Banagher Cavan CV026-004001-, CV026-004002-, CV026-004003-, CV026-004004-, CV026-004006- 5/2001 12-Nov-01 Cairn Corraweelis Cavan CV034-058---- 4/1982 26-Nov-82 Crannog Dillagh Cavan CV031-017---- Page 1 PreservationOrders 01-Feb-10 PO Number PO Date PO Description Townland County SMR Number 5/1971 18-Mar-71 Abbey (in ruins) and Drumlane (Lower Cavan CV014-028001-, CV014-028005- earthworks Loughtee By) 7/1932 13-Oct-32 Gt. Cairn on N. Slope of Killarah Cavan CV014-043001-, CV014-043002- Ballyheady Mt. 17/1933 14-Sep-33 "Killycluggin Stones" Killycluggin (see Cavan CV013-026001-, CV013-026002- notes) 30/1976 17-Jul-76 Ringfort Lavagh Cavan CV037-042---- 2/1985 07-Mar-85 Clough Oughter Lough Oughter Cavan CV020-060---- 1/1986 21-Mar-86 The Monastic Precincts Abbey West Clare CL003-029001, CL003-029002, sorrounding Corcomroe CL003-029003, CL003-029004 Abbey 2/1973 15-Feb-73 Ringfort Ballycannan Clare CL053-041---- 182/1947 03-Sep-47 Ballygriffy Castle Ballygriffy South Clare CL025-203001- 4/1987 15-Apr-87 Cairn Ballyneillan/Bushypark Clare CL033-023001-, CL033-023002- 3/1973 15-Feb-73 Rectilinear Earthwork Ballyvaghan Clare CL002-053---- 24/1976 04-Jun-76 Motte (Beal Boru) Ballyvalley Clare CL045-051---- 3/1976 19-Feb-76 Ringfort Barloughra Clare CL041-047---- Page 2 PreservationOrders 01-Feb-10 PO Number PO Date PO Description Townland County SMR Number 4/1957 20-Mar-57 Stone Fort Cahermurphy Clare CL048-005---- 4/1992 23-Dec-92 Castle (site of) Deerpark North Clare CL043-017002- 1/1972 28-Jan-72 Doonagore Castle Doonagore Clare CL008-087---- 7/1987 09-Jun-87 Two Ringforts Dough Clare CL015-092----, CL013-093---- 7/1978 25-Oct-78 Ringfort (see notes)` Dough Clare CL056-044001-, CL056-044002- 11/1971 08-Dec-71 O'Dea's Castle Dysart Clare CL0255-095002- 2/1975 22-Aug-75 Ennis Friary Cloistral Ennis U.D. Clare CL033-082---- Buildings 2/1995 TPO 19-Jun-95 Gregan’s Castle Gregan West Clare CL005-088001- 8/1973 11-May-73 Castle Mountcashel Clare CL043-085002- 10/1985 21-Nov-85 Dolmen Poulnabrone Clare CL009-34001- 6/1971 18-Mar-71 Earthworks adjoining Quin Quin Clare CL042-027007- Abbey 1/1971 05-Jan-71 Scattery Island Scattery Island Clare CL067-024---- Page 3 PreservationOrders 01-Feb-10 PO Number PO Date PO Description Townland County SMR Number 3/2002 26-Apr-02 Promontory Fort and Tullig Clare CL065-027----, CL065-109001-, ringbarrows CL065-109002-, CL065-109003- 2/1977 17-Feb-77 Three Ringforts Ballinvoher Cork CO026-064----, CO026-065001-, CO026-065020- 31/1934 23-Jan-35 Killavullen Caves Ballymacmoy Cork CO034-005001-, CO034-005002- 14/1983 12-Dec-83 Ringfort Ballyrobert Cork CO045-019---- 1/1985 10-Jan-85 Wreck of ancient sh ip of Bantry Bay Cork check with underwater unit the sea-bed 4/1974 21-Oct-74 Barryscourt Castle Barryscourt Cork CO075-018001-, CO075-018002-, CO075-018003- 39/1976 01-Jan-76 Friary Boherash Cork CO027-041003- 38/1976 01-Jan-76 Abbey Boherash Cork CO027-040---- 37/1976 01-Jan-76 Castle Boherash & Glanworth Cork CO027-042001-, CO027-042004- 169/1941 25-Feb-41 Standing Stones (see notes) Brookpark Cork CO048-050001-, CO048-050002- 83/1938 25-Jul-38 (Ballyroan) Holed Stone Caherlagh Cork CO138-002002- 67/1938 REV 05-Dec-39 Ballyroon Holed Stone Caherlagh Cork CO138-002002- Page 4 PreservationOrders 01-Feb-10 PO Number PO Date PO Description Townland County SMR Number 3/1972 25-Feb-72 Ringfort Cahermee Cork CO017-068---- 59/1938 20-Jun-38 Ballymona Castle or Castlebarrett Cork CO042-009001-, CO042-009002-, Castlebarrett CO042-009003- 1/2001 10-Apr-01 Ballymona Castle Castlebarrett Cork CO042-009001-, CO042-009002-, CO042-009003- 5/2002 23-May-02 Medieval Castle & 18th Castlebernard Cork CO110-012001-, CO110-012002- Century House 167/1941 25-Feb-41 Circle of loose stones Cloghboola Beg Cork CO048-080001-?, CO048-080002-?, CO048-080003-?, CO048-080004-? 5/1990 30-Aug-90 Ringfort Coolavokig Cork CO070-008001-, CO070-008002- 3/193 TPO 09-Sep-93 Convent Place/Crosses Cork city Cork CO074-037---- Green 4/1980 07-Jul-80 Coolcoulaghta Standing Coulcoulaghta Cork CO130-032002- Stones 9/1972 07-Jul-72 Cregg Castle Cregg North Cork CO035-014---- 3/1970 26-Mar-70 Bronze Age Copper Mine Derrycahoon Cork CO131-020----? and Tip Head 9/1978 06-Dec-78 Promontory Fort & Castle Downmacpatrick Cork CO137-009001-, CO137-009003-, CO137-013----, CO137A001001- 27A/1924 02-Sep-35 Bawn Walls Dromaneen Cork CO032-097001- Page 5 PreservationOrders 01-Feb-10 PO Number PO Date PO Description Townland County SMR Number 27/1924 02-Sep-35 Dromaneen Castle Dromaneen Cork Check file/map/asi 12/1971 08-Dec-71 Stone Alignment Dromdrasdil Cork CO107-008---- 7/1970 23-Jul-70 Stone Circle Dromgarvan Cork CO116-006---- 3/1990 06-Jun-90 Sherkin Friary (associated Farranacoush Cork CO0149-019002- structures) 8/1978 06-Dec-78 Dunalong Castle Farranacoush Cork CO149-018002- 1/1969 TPO 02-May-69 Fort Farranastig Cork CO062-052----? 10/1977 29-Mar-77 Ringfort Farranlough Cork CO095-075---- 42/1976 08-Oct-76 Ringfort and annexes Garranageevoge Cork CO024-024----, CO024-024001-, CO024-024002-, CO024-025----, CO024-230---- 55/1937 13-Jul-37 Lisnacaheragh Garranes Cork CO084-090001- 221/1955 05-Oct-55 Coolnalong Gearhameen Cork CO130-010---- 170/1941 25-Feb-41 Remains of Megalithic Tomb Glantane East Cork CO048-092---- 171/1941 25-Feb-41 Stone Circle with fosse and Glantane East Cork CO048-090---- outlying monolith (fallen) Page 6 PreservationOrders 01-Feb-10 PO Number PO Date PO Description Townland County SMR Number 67/1938 19-Aug-38 Stone Circle, Standing Kealkill Cork CO106-006001-, CO106-006002-, Stone etc. (see notes) CO106-006003- 29/1976 12-Aug-76 St. Gobnait's Stone Killeen Cork CO058-013002-, CO058-013003- 1/1965 22-Mar-65 Moated House site Kilmagoura Cork CO002-080---- 16/1933 07-Aug-33 Castle Kilnatoora Cork CO067-006---- 1/1993 30-Sep-93 Kilquane Church Kilquane Cork CO042-068004- 13/1972 16-Nov-72 Moated House Site Knockagarry Cork CO010-040001-, CO010-004002- 166/1941 25-Feb-41 Remains of Cairn Knockakilla Cork CO048-095003- 1/1975 05-Feb-75 Ringfort Liscubba Cork CO121-053---- 2/1973 TPO 10-Aug-73 Ringfort Lisduggan North Cork CO023-157001-, CO023-157002- 26/1976 19-Jul-76 Ringfort Lisnacunna Cork CO109-053001-, CO109-053002- 12/1972 22-Aug-72 Lisnaraha Loughane East Cork CO062-135001-, CO062-135002- 2/1970 26-Mar-70 29 Bronze Age Copper Mount Gabriel, Letter Cork Check map in strongroom Mines and Tip Heads Rathcool and Skeagh Page 7 PreservationOrders 01-Feb-10 PO Number PO Date PO Description Townland County SMR Number 58/1938 20-Jun-38 Mourne Abbey (see notes) Mourneabbey Cork CO042-044001- 61/1938 27-May-38 Cairn Oldcastle Cork have to check with ASI no sure about smr number 1/1976 03-Feb-76 Ringfort Rathoneane Cork CO072-057---- 2/1968 25-Jul-68 Skiddy's Almshouse St.
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