1 Reduction of Dwelling Fires Page 4 I.I North Lanarkshire Analysis Page 5 1.2 Airdrie Wards Page 7 1.3 Bellshill Wards Page 9 1.4 Coatbridge Wards Page 11 1.5 Motherwell Wards Page 13 1.6 North Wards Page 15 1.7 Wishaw Wards Page 17 2 Reduction of Fire Casualties and Fatalities Page 19 2.1 North Lanarkshire Analysis Page 20 2.2 Airdrie Wards Page 22 2.3 Bellshill Wards Page 23 2.4 Coatbridge Wards Page 24 2.5 Motherwell Wards Page 25 2.6 North Wards Page 26 2.7 Wishaw Wards Page 27 3 Reduction of Deliberate Fire Setting Page 28 3.1 North Lanarkshire Analysis Page 29 3.2 Airdrie Wards Page 31 3.3 Bellshill Wards Page 33 3.4 Coat br idge Wards Page 34 3.5 Motherwell Wards Page 35 3.6 North Wards Page 37 3.7 Wishaw Wards Page 39 2JPage 4 Reduction of Fires in other Buildings Page 41 4.1 North Lanarkshire Analysis Page 42 5 Reduction in Road Traffic Collisions Page 44 5.1 North Lanarkshire Analysis Page 45 5.2 Airdrie Wards Page 46 5.3 Bellshill Wards Page 47 5.4 Coatbridge Wards Page 48 5.5 Motherwell Wards Page 49 5.6 North Wards Page 50 5.7 Wishaw Wards Page 51 6 Reduction of Unwanted Fire alarm Signals Page 52 6.1 North Lanarkshire Analysis Page 53 6.2 Airdrie Wards Page 55 6.3 Bellshill Wards Page 58 6.4 Coatbridge Wards Page 61 6.5 Motherwell Wards Page 64 6.6 North Wards Page 67 6.7 Wishaw Wards Page 70 3IPage PRIORITIES, ACTIONS AND OUTCOMES 1. Reduction of Dwelling Fires Statistical analysis has shown that the majority of dwelling house fires occur in the social rented sector. A high percentage of these fires started in the kitchen when the occupier was cooking or had cooked food. In North Lanarkshire, dwelling house fires are more prominent in several ward areas. Alcohol is also a significant contributory factor in the fires that occur. Aligns to: 0 National Indicators 6: We live longer healthier Lives. National Indicator 8: We have improved Life chances for children, young people and families at risk. National Indicator 9: We live our lives safe from crime disorder and danger. 0 National Indicator 12: We value and enjoy our built and natural environment and protect it and enhance it for future generations. 0 Single Outcome Agreement 201 3-1 8 0 North Lanarkshire Partnership Community Plan 201 3-18 We will achieve it by: 0 Using data analysis tools to ensure that: o Home Fire Safety Visits are conducted in the areas of highest operational activity. o Engagement activities are focused on areas of highest operational activity. 0 Working with partner agencies to provide risk reduction measures (fire proof bedding etc) to the people most at risk from fire. 0 Developing an Information Sharing Protocol with North Lanarkshire Council, Housing, Social Work and the National Health Service Lanarkshire to share information on the most vulnerable groups within our communities (people most at risk from fire). Our Target against our 3 year average is a 10% reduction. In doing so we will also add value by: 0 Reducing the financial burden and disruption caused to all housing tenures. 0 Reducing the personal and social impact of fire on our communities. 0 Promoting the wider community safety message to the residents of North Lanarkshire. = Accidental Dwelling Fires 3year 2012/13 2013/14 Average Target 41Page 1.1 North Lanarkshire Analvsis Accidental Dwelling Fires Our annual target set within the North Lanarkshire Local Area Plan for accidental dwelling fires is 253 for the repotting period. Our six month total for accidental dwelling fires currently sits at 137 which is just above our half year target of 127. This would indicate a 7% increase on the six month target. Statistical analysis concludes that the majority of dwelling fires occur within the social rented sector. A high percentage of these fires originate within the kitchen where the occupier was cooking. A combination of alcohol, drugs or distraction are seen as being a significant contributing factor in most cases. 85% of these incidents occurred between 08:OO and 23:59hrs, with Saturday to Monday the busiest days, accounting for almost 20 incidents per day. Of the 174 dwelling fires recorded, 137 were deemed as being of an accidental nature with 40% of those being directly linked to cooking. In all cases post domestic incident activities have been initiated. Total Accidental Dwelling Fires by Cause Accidental 1 132 Not known Deliberate Deliberate - others ro ert Deliberate - own roped Deliberate - unknown owner Total 174 1 Accdental 1 Not known [Deliberate -/Delibetate -/Delberate - j others , own 1 unknown I 1 property 1 property 1 owner Accidental 1 Deliberate ~______________ .___.-___- 1.I .I All Accidental Dwelling Fires Broken Down to the Six Localities Airdrie Wards 15 Bellshill Wards 21 Wishaw Wards 12 Total 137 51Page 1.I .2 Time of Dav - all Incidents I 14 14 E Mon E Tue 6 Wed E Thu E Fri ISat 4 Sun I 0O:OO Till 07:59 08:OO Till 17:59 18:OO Till 23:59 1 .I.3 Cause of all Incidents - North Lanarkshire Total Statistics show that 97 out of Cooking other cooking - 41 137 dwelling fires originated in Negligent use of equipment or appliance the kitchen. This table shows (heat source) 17 that there were 55 incidents Cooking - chip paddeep fat fryer 14 where cooking was the cause. Careless handling - due to careless disposal 12 This indicates that 40% of all Combustible articles too close to heat source accidental dwelling fires were (or fire) 10 cooking related. Fault in equipment or appliance 9 Careless handling - due to sleep or unconsciousness 9 Faulty fuel supply - electricity 7 Overheating, unknown cause 6 Faulty leads to equipment or appliance 5 Playing with fire (or heat source) 2 Other 2 Other intentional burning, going out of control 1 Faulty fuel supply - gas 1 Accumulation of flammable material 1 6IPage 1.2 Airdrie Wards 1.2.1 Address of all Dwellinq Fires - Airdrie Wards I Adult I Elderly Not Accidental 11 2 1 1 15_- Bedroom 1 I External fittings 1 1 Kitchen 10 2 12 Living room 1 1 Total 11 2 1 1 15 1.2.3 Days of Week and Time Range - Airdrie Wards 71Page 1.2.4 Cause of all Accidental Dwelling Fires - Airdrie Wards Of the 15 accidental dwelling fire incidents within the Airdrie Ward areas, 12 started in the kitchen with 5 related to cooking. 8IPage 1.3.4 Cause of all Accidental Dwelling Fires - Bellshill Wards Total Of the 21 accidental dwelling fire Cooking - other cooking 8 incidents within the Bellshill Ward Negligent use of equipment or areas, 15 started within the kitchen appliance (heat source) 3 and 10 were related to cooking. Faulty fuel supply - electricity 3 Cooking - chip pan/deep fat fryer 2 Overheating, unknown cause 1 Combustible articles too close to heat source (or fire) 1 Playing with fire (or heat source) I ~ Fault in equipment or appliance 1 Other 1 Total 21 10IPage 1.4 Coatbridqe Wards 1.4.1 Address of all Dwellinn Fires - Coatbridqe Wards 1.4.2 Breakdown of Cause and Age Group - Coatbridne Wards 1.4,-3 Davs of Week and Time Range - Coatbridae Wards 11IPage 1.4.4 Cause of all Accidental Dwellincl Fires - Coatbridne Wards I Main cause of incident I Total I Of the 22 accidental dwelling fire incidents within the Coatbridge Ward areas, 15 started within the kitchen and 12 were related to cooking. 12IPage 1.5 Motherwell Wards 1.5.1 Address of all Dwelling Fires - Motherwell Wards DALRIADA CRES, MOTHERWELL 1 VALLEY VIEW, MOTHERWELL 1 DINMONT CRES, MOTHERWELL 1 JERVISTON ST. MOTHERWELL 1 DRAFFEN TOWER, MOTHERWELL 1 MARYKNOWE RD, CARFIN 1 DRAFFEN TOWER, MOTHERWELL 1 NETHERWOOD TOWER, MOTHERWELL 1 FORT ST, MOTHERWELL 1 NEWARTHILL RD, CARFIN 1 1.5.2 Breakdown of Cause and Aqe Group - Motherwell Wards 13IPage 1.5.3 Davs of Week and Time Range - Motherwell Wards 1S.4 Cause of all Accidental Dwelling Fires - Motherwell Wards Total Main cause of incident Of the 33 accidental dwelling fire Cooking - other cooking 9 incidents within the Motherwell Ward Cooking - chip paddeep fat fryer 8 areas, 24 started within the kitchen Negligent use of equipment or appliance with17 related to cooking. (heatsource) 5 Careless handling - due to careless disposal 5 Combustible articles too close to heat source (or fire) 1 Playing with fire (or heat source) 1 Overheating, unknown cause 1 I1 I Faulty fuel supply - electricity 1 Fault in equipment or appliance 1 Total 33 14IPage GLENACRE RD, CUMBERNAULD 1 OLD GARTLOCH RD, GARTCOSH 1 GLENACRE RD, CUMBERNAULD 1 ROSE ST, CUMBERNAULD 1 GLENHOVE RD, CUMBERNAULD 1 STIRLING RD. KILSYTH 1 GREENRIGG RD, CUMBERNAULD 1 ABBOTSFORD CRT, CUMBERNAULD 1 GREENRIGG RD, CUMBERNAULD 1 Total 34 Other 1 1 Total 22 5 3 4 34 15IPage 1.6.3 Days of Week and Time Range - North Wards 1.6.4 Causes of all Accidental Dwellinq Fires - North Wards Main cause of incident I Total I Of the 34 accidental dwelling fire Cooking - other cooking 7 incidents within the North Ward Fault in equipment or appliance 6 areas, 26 started within the kitchen Combustible articles too close to heat source with 8 related to cooking. unconsciousness Careless handling - due to careless disposal 3 Other 1 Overheating, unknown cause 1 Cooking - chip paddeep fat fryer 1 Faultv leads to eaubment or amliance 1 Accumulation of flammable material 1 Total 34 16IPage 1.7 Wishaw Wards Total Notes ABBOTSFORD RD WISHAW 1 BANAVIE RD; NEWMAINS 1 BIRKSHAW BRAE; G0WKTHRAPPLE:WISHAW 1 1.7.2 Breakdown of Cause and Age Group - Wishaw Wards I.7.3 Davs of Week and Time Range - Wishaw Wards 17IPage 1.7.4 Cause of all Accidental Dwelling Fires - Wishaw Wards Of the 12 accidental dwelling fire incidents within the Wishaw Ward areas 5 started within the kitchen with 4 related to cooking.
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