Foartb Series Vol. XLII-No. 3 Wednesday, Jaly 29, 1970 Sravana 7, 1892 {Saka) LOK SABHA DEBATES ( Eleventh Session) --- (Vol. XLII contains Nos. 1-10) LOK SABHA SECRETARIAT NEW DELHI Price: .Re. 1.00 CONTENTS No. 3, Wednesday July 29, 1970/Sravana 7, 1892 (Saka). CoLUMNS Obituary Reference 1-7 Oral Answers to Questions- ·Starred Questions Nos. 61 7-27 Short Notice Question No. 1 28~33 Written Answers to Questions- Starred Questions Nos. 62 to 90 33-57 Unstarred Questions Nus. 401 to 40 ,407,408,410, 411, 413 to 460, 462 to 496 499 to 520, 5'<2 to 531 and 533 to 600. 57-216 Statement correcting answer to USQ No. 8777 dated the 6th May, 1970. 216--17 Calling Attention to Matter of Urgent Public Importance- Anti-Indian Demonstrations in Saigon 217-240 Papers Laid on the Table 240--45 Direction by Speaker Under Rules of Procedure 245 Committee on Private Members' Bills and Resolutions- Sixty-fourth Report 245 Statement reo Strike 011 tile South Eastern and North Eastern Railways Shri Nanda 246 Business Advisory Committee- Fifty-first Report 246 Motion of No-Confidence in the Council of Ministers 246-380 Shri M. Muhammad Ismail 248-53 Dr. Govind Vas 233-58 Shri Sezhiyan 258-64 Shri S.A. Dange 265-76 Shri M.V. Krishnappa 276-81 Shri A.K. Gopalan ... 281-89 ·The sign +marked above the name of a Member indicates that the question was actually asked on the floor of the House by that Member. (ii) COLUMNS Shri K. Hanumanthaiya 289-97 Shri Surendranath Dwivedy 297-306 Dr. Karni Singh 307-11 Shri D. N. Tiwary 311-19 Shri Asoka Mehta 319-25 Shri Piloo Mody 325-31 Shri Randhir Singh 331-31 Shri M. L. Sondhi 331-44 Shri P. Ramamurti 344--41 Shri Vasudevan Nair 347-51 Shrimati Indira Gandhi 35\-65 Shri Madhu Limaye 365-80 Statement reo Dr. Dharma Teja 380-81 Shri Raghu Ramaialt 381-82 i..OK SABHA DEBATES 2 ---.- -- . __-- ---·---�-..:.._--·-----:---- LOK SABHA a sturdy fighter. He had a Iona life which was full of areal a�hicvcmonts. Ho was one of the founders of the Wednesday, July 29, 1970/Sravana 7, State Congress in Travancore. Ho 1892 (Saka) moulded the public life of Kerala and dominated it for several decades. It ,vu only to be expected that he should be chosen to the Constituent Assembly which The Lok Sabha met at Elevrn drafted the nation's political charter. You of the clock. have referred to Shri lhanu Pillai's work u Chief Minister of Kerala and u Governor of Punjab and Andhra Pradesh. I have [MR SPEAKER in the Chair] known Shri 1 hanu Pillai for many years. I wu struck by bis alert mind, his wide interests, his sturdy op1imi1m and his lively 081 fUARY REFERENCE sense of humour and also by his Intense concern for the common people and for MR. SPEAKER : I have to inform the problems of Kerala. We Jose a 1talwart the House of the sad demise of Shri Pattom and our deep sympathies 10 out Mn. A. Thanu Pillai who passed away at 1 hanu Pillai and other membcn or tho Trivandrum on 26th July, 1970 at the age family. I request you to convey our condo­ of 8S. lences and sympathy to the bereaved family. Sbri Thanu Pillai was a Member of the DR. RAM SUBHAG SINGH (Buur) Constituent Assembly durin1 the yean On behalf of the Opposition I join you, 1948-SO. He was one of the prominent Mr. Speaker in mournina the death of figures in The Kerala politics and had been , ano1her great wn of India, Mr. Thanu the Chief Minister of the erstwhile Stale or Travancore and later of Kerala. He had Pillai "ho dominated the life of our country so far. 1 bouah be belon1ed to the PSP, J also been tho Governor of Punjab and had seen him c,orryin11 the a1hca of Andhra Pradesh, He was a scholar, an Mahatma Gandhi to Kanya Kumari on hl1 administrator with toide knowled1e and death and over a million people followln1 information on international affairs. him in payin1 tribute to the Father of the nation. As Chief Minister of Kerala he We deeply mourn the loss of this rriend commanded the confidence of the people, and I am sure the Houae will join me in He allO pve that State new idcu and a conveyin1 our condolence, to the bereaved 100d administration. Al Governor of ramily. Punjab and Andhra Pradesh tboae who knew him know tohat the condition of THE PRIME MINISTER, MINISTER Raj Bhawan wu at that time, I do not uy OF ATOMIC ENERGY, MINISTER OF that there baa been any deterioration. But HOME AFFAIRS AND MINISTER OF everybody could sec Mr Thanu Pillal'1 PLANNIG (SHRIMATI INDIRA work aa Governor of Punjab and allO or GANDHI) : Mr. Speaker, I share the Andhra Pradesh. He waa 10 regular In ,en1imcn11 tohicb ,·ou have juat eaprcsaed bis life. Ho wu 60 experienced and ftll rt'prdin1 Sbri Thanu Pillai. Shri Pattom versed wirb Indian politiCI and alao world Thanu Pillal wu a man or the maua and polliica ; all lntor11111tlon wa, at hi1 lln1111 3 Oblluary Reference JULY 29, 1970 Obituary Reference 4 tips and he could say who was what in Minister and other hon. colleagt:es. Mr. what Pradesh politics. A man of that type Pattom Thanu Pillai was a colourful figure comes seldom. He has passed away. We in Indian politics. He played a very are sorry that for two or three days it was dominant role in the States people's not possible for us to pay him our tribute. struggle against the princely order He also tried to end the tyranny of the under the British, and in tbat strug- Congress party; at that time we were in gle be eminently succeeded by seeing to the Ccngress. He had the courage to leave the lib:ration. and unification of tbe the Congress and join the other parties to Malayalam.speaking people into one united correct the Congress. For all these qualities Kerala there. I pay tribute to his memory on behalf of the opposil ion and request you to convey I wish to convey, on behalf of mv our condolences to tbe members of the party, our sincere condolences to the menl'o bereaved family. bers of the bereaved famity. SHRI LOBO PRABHU (Udipi): SHRI lJMANATH (Pudukkotlai) : I associate the Swatantra Party with the associate myself and my party with tbe sentimenls exprrssed by hon. Members sentiments expressed here and I request you who preceded me. Since tbe bells was to convey our condolences to the bcraved tolling for 50 many legislators, 1 wish that family. tbe House should join in a prayer for a kinder d isposilion of fate. >.iff ~ ~ ~ : m"m ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ ..n .nnTil ~ ~~ ~ "fl 'liT it ~ iJi'T ~ ~ f.r r:;;r 'foT '1"T ~ ml:leT ;;iT, >.ifT 2~ ;;rT if; f"l"l''f ~ 11;'" ~ ~ I f<:!flmfT if <'['T ... Cflf.'fiJi' !!I1l.'f'f ~ q!fT14 i'tcH ~ ~ ~~ ljit I ljCf crl <'['Iii' if; ~ • ~ ~ ~ ~ ifgcr ~ it ~ fif<'[i't ... T ~ lJ,'it fir<,[T .it ~ !lTrr ~ "1T I 11;'f' ;;jifT't It <.flr ~ vn I ~~ ~ if it f;;rCfir l1;<'[i it I f"fCf'fT r:<'[' if it ~ ~ <,[,l'1T if.T \O'fif; ~ if;'[if ~ v.rr, ~ if; ~ ,,;;iIi ~~ It fJlCf'l'T ~ if;'[ l.11'1"lt!f it 5ITt er g-m "1T I ~ it lj';{ vn I "l.1 ...T ;;rr;; ... <:: ~ ifg-cr ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ iTT<:: ~ ~ ~ l.1ffi'- ~ I ~ <r.T <::r"f'flfcr if ~ ~ ~ ~ r:<'[' it ,,;;'foT ljq;f<:: ififfif.'<:: f<nl"l'T ~ vn m<:: !ffr: if;,<'[' ...1 <::r;;AlfCf ~ ,,;;of.\' r:m ~ ifi'lf'iTT<:: if.<::it ifoT WlHr f'f.!fT I ~ lj'<'[Cf ~ ~ ~ 'f ~ eft ~ ~ ~ 'iH ~ ~ ~ I ~ ql?, ~~ If>l <::r"frftfCf ... 1 '1[;;r ~~ ~ ~ l?,Tcrr I 'If<ler it ~ ~ i\' ~ WTl.'f'f ~ ~ ~ it, ~ it mit if; ft;rif ':3'. ~ "fT ~ WlHr fifO!fT 'lR ,,'fit; l?,"rif ~ ~ ...T it;,<'[' if ~ 'lR iff<ro;; f'li!fT, ~ m ifi<.<'[' m<:: <'[crT fl1<'!erT, ~ m;;r iliff{ ifl'if if ~ ~ ID<:T ~ ,,'fifil ~ ~ oR,ljl I ~ ~ I it ~ '11<:: ~ crvn ~ r:<'[' ifJ '11<:: ~ ~ srfu >;f4t;;rf<;r m<rcr if.<::ffi ~ ~ ~ fifi'ffiT ~ ~ fiJi' ~ $I''\<:: m$rr Herr ~ fiJi' ~ ~ ~ 'IITCfiITll ~ ~ qft<.fH ~ ~ ~ I qmn ~ 'Ij'ifT r:T "fT'lr I SHRI P. VISWAMBHARAN (Trivan- drum; Mr. Speaker, Sir, I associate myself SHRI SEZHlYAN (Kumbakonsm): and my party. tbe PSP, witb tbe senti- On behalf of my party I associate m) .elf ments expressed by you, the Prime Minister with the sentiments expressed by the Prime aDd the other leaders. SRAVANA 7, 1892(SAKA) ObltUllry ~ 6 [Shri p. Viswambharan] leaders. The stalwart leaders for 12 year I belong to a generation in my part of in the incessant polilical struggle in the the country which was inspired to plunge State of Travancore became the hero of the into the freedom struggle by the dedicated nation, of the State and of the people and leadership of Shri Pattom Thanu PiliaL and became a first class top-ranking leader. I had the good forlune to be one of his His unbending nature, honesty and inte- clo,e associates for about a quarter of a grity are some of the things known to every cenlury In those days, when princely aUlo- body. No leader however tall, including cracy outbid British tyranny in trying 10 the tallest in the country, used to talk ,uppress the popular movement, it was Shri to him In an off hand manner aDd he was Thanu pillai who along wilh the olher two highly respected.
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