PROVINCE OF THE WESTERN CAPE PROVINSIE WES-KAAP IPHONDO LENTSHONA KOLONI Provincial Gazette Buitengewone Tsongezelelo Extraordinary Provinsiale Koerant kwiGazethi yePhondo 7500 7500 7500 Friday, 2 October 2015 Vrydag, 2 Oktober 2015 uLwesihlanu, 2 kweyeDwarha 2015 Registered at the Post Offıce as a Newspaper As ’n Nuusblad by die Poskantoor Geregistreer Ibhaliswe ePosini njengePhephandaba CONTENTS INHOUD IZIQULATHO (*Reprints are obtainable at Room M21, Provin- (*Afskrifte is verkrygbaar by Kamer M21, (*Ushicilelo oLutsha lufumaneka kwigumbi cial Legislature Building, 7 Wale Street, Cape Provinsiale Wetgewer-gebou, Waalstraat 7, M21, kwiSakhiwo sePhondo seNdlu yoWiso- Town 8001.) Kaapstad 8001.) Mthetho, 7 Wale Street, eKapa 8001.) Provincial Notice Provinsiale Kennisgewing ISaziso sePhondo The following Provincial Notice is published for Die volgende Provinsiale Kennisgewing word Ezi zaziso zilandelayo zipapashelwe ukunika general information: vir algemene inligting gepubliseer: ulwazi ngokubanzi: 331 Notice of applications for liquor licences 331 Kennisgewing van aansoeke om drank- 331 ISaziso sokufakwa kwesicelo sephepha in terms of Section 37(1) of the Western lisensies ingevolge Artikel 37(1) van mvume Ngokwecandelo 37(1) Lomthetho Cape Liquor Act, 2008—[Reg. 10(1)] ... 2 die Wes-Kaapse Drankwet, 2008— 2008 Isaziso—[UMgaqo. 10(1)] ............ 2 [Reg. 10(1)] ............................................ 2 2 Province of the Western Cape: Provincial Gazette Extraordinary 7500 2 October 2015 PROVINCIAL NOTICE PROVINSIALE KENNISGEWING ISAZISO SEPHONDO The following Provincial Notice is Die volgende Provinsiale Kennisgewing Esi saziso silandelayo sipapashelwe published for general information. word vir algemene inligting gepubliseer. ukunika ulwazi ngokubanzi. ADV. B. GERBER, ADV. B. GERBER, ADV. B. GERBER, DIRECTOR-GENERAL DIREKTEUR-GENERAAL UMLAWULI-JIKELELE Provincial Legislature Building, Provinsiale Wetgewer-gebou, ISakhiwo sePhondo, Wale Street, Waalstraat, Wale Street, Cape Town. Kaapstad. eKapa. PROVINCIAL NOTICE P.N. 331/2015 2 October 2015 FORM 5 NOTICE OF APPLICATIONS FOR LIQUOR LICENCES IN TERMS OF SECTION 37(1) OF THE WESTERN CAPE LIQUOR ACT, 2008 [Reg. 10(1)] Notice is hereby given that the following applications for liquor licences have been lodged with the Western Cape Liquor Authority (the Author- ity) and with the designated liquor officers at the indicated South African Police Services offices. The applications concerned may, up to and including the 28th day from date of this notice, upon request and free of charge, be inspected by any person, at the offices of the Authority or the designated liquor officer listed hereunder. Copies of the application can be obtained from the Author- ity after payment of the prescribed fee. Representations must be lodged in writing with the Authority and the designated liquor officer in accordance with section 39 of the Act. PROVINSIALE KENNISGEWING P.K. 331/20157 2 Oktober 2015 VORM 5 KENNISGEWING VAN AANSOEKE OM DRANKLISENSIES INGEVOLGE ARTIKEL 37(1) VAN DIE WES-KAAPSE DRANKWET, 2008 [Reg. 10(1)] Hiermee word kennis gegee dat die volgende aansoeke om dranklisensies ingedien is by die Wes-Kaapse Drankowerheid (die Owerheid) en by die aangewese drankbeamptes by die aangeduide Suid-Afrikaanse Polisiedienskantore. Die betrokke aansoeke kan, tot en met die 28ste dag vanaf die datum van hierdie kennisgewing, op versoek en gratis, deur enige persoon, by die kantore van die Owerheid of van die aangewese drankbeampte hieronder gelys, geïnspekteer word. Afskrifte van die aansoek kan by die Owerheid na betaling van die voorgeskrewe fooi verkry word. Vertoë moet ooreenkomstig artikel 39 van die Wet skriftelik by die Owerheid en die aangewese drankbeampte ingedien word. ISAZISO SEPHONDO I.S. 331/2015 2 kweyeDwarha 2015 IFOMU 5 ISAZISO SOKUFAKWA KWESICELO SEPHEPHA MVUME NGOKWECANDELO 37(1) LOMTHETHO 2008 ISAZISO [Reg. 10(1)] Isaziso siyanikezelwa ukuba ezi zicelo zilandelayo zamaphepha mvume otywala zifakiwe kwabasemaGunyeni ezoTywala eNtshona Koloni (abasemaGunyeni) nakumagosa ajongene nemiba engotywala kwii-ofisi ezixeliweyo zeeNkonzo zamaPolisa aseMzantsi Afrika. Izicelo ekubhekiselelwa kuzo zingakwazi kwiintsuku ezingamashumi amabini anesibhozo (28) ukususela ngomhla wesi saziso, xa eceliwe kwaye simahla, ziye kuhlolwa nguye nawuphi umntu okwi-Ofisi esemaGunyeni okanye yegosa elijongene nemiba engotywala elixelwe apha ngezantsi. Iikopi zesicelo zingafumaneka kwabasemaGunyeni emva kwentlawulo emiselweyo. Iingxelo ezixhasayo ezibhaliweyo zingafakwa kwabasemaGunyeni nakwigosa elijongene nemiba engotywala ngokwecandelo 39 loMthetho. 2 Oktober 2015 Provinsie Wes-Kaap: Buitengewone Provinsiale Koerant 7500 3 No. Full name of applicant Name under which Address of the proposed Kind of licence applied South African Police business will be premises for Services designated conducted liquor officer office where the application has been lodged Nr. Volle naam van Naam waaronder die Adres van voorgenome Tipe lisensie waarom Suid-Afrikaanse aansoeker besigheid bedryf sal perseel aansoek gedoen word Polisiedienskantoor van word die aangewese drankbeampte waar die aansoek ingedien is iNo- Igama elipheleleyo Igama ishishini eza Idilesi yesakhiwo Uhlobo lwephepha i-Ofisi yeGosa elijongene mbolo lomfaki-sicelo kushishina phantsi kwalo mvume olucelayo nemiba engotywala yeeNkonzo zamaPolisa eMzantsi Afrika apho isicelo sifakwe khona 1. Sanria 21 (Pty) Ltd Craft and Co. Portion 748, Blaauwklip On-consumption Stellenbosch Farm No. 510, Shop 42, Stellenbosch Square Shopping Centre, C/o Webersvallei and R44, Jamestown, Stellenbosch 2. Robert Stanford Vineyards Sir Robert Stanford Robert Stanford Estate, Off-consumption Stanford (Pty) Ltd Remainder of the Farm Kleinrivier No. 646, Stanford 3. Jared Chaitowitz Breakaway Café 50 Waterkant Street, Cape On-consumption Cape Town Town 4. Johan Schalk van Duyker Nihao Chinese Restaurant Erf 4975, No. 6A Bay On-consumption Langebaan Centre, Oostewal Street, Langebaan 5. Thai Café Franchising Erawan Erf 1508, 90 Kloof Street, On-consumption Durbanville (Pty) Ltd Gardens, Cape Town 6. Envision Investments The Slave House Erf 703, 85 Davidson On-consumption George (Pty) Ltd Road, Caledon Square, George 7. Shoprite Checkers (Pty) Checkers Liquorshop Erf 2552, Checkers Off-consumption Malmesbury Ltd Malmesbury Centre, Shop 2, C/o Hill, Piet Retief and Plein Street, Malmesbury 8. Marius Christo Terblanche Final Approach Restaurant Hanger A5, Fisantekraal On-consumption Kraaifontein Airport, Durbanville 9. Mothers Ruin (Pty) Ltd Gin Bar 219 Bree Street, Cape On-consumption Cape Town Central Town 10. Shoprite Checkers (Pty) Shoprite Liquorshop Erf 51100, Mandalay Off-consumption Lentegeur Ltd Mandalay Shopping Centre, Shop 11, Swartklip Road, Mandalay, Khayelitsha 11. St Yves Night Club (Pty) St Yves Night Club Erf 144735, First Floor, On-consumption Cape Town Ltd 120 Strand Street, Cape Town 12. Mossel Bay Squash Club Mossel Bay Squash Club 17th Avenue, Mossel Bay On-consumption Mossel Bay 13. Cake My Day (Pty) Ltd Amore 274 Main Road, On-consumption Claremont Kenilworth 14. Shoprite Checkers (Pty) Checkers Liquorshop Erf 113370, Riverside Off-consumption Rondebosch Ltd Rondebosch Mall, Shop UG024A, C/o Main and Rosendale Road, Rondebosch 15. Amci Pizzeria 6 CC Amici De Velde Erf 794-130, De Velde On-consumption Somerset West Residential Estate, Lifestyle Centre, De Beers Road, Somerset West 16. Jocelyn Henryhetta van In-On-The-VIei 11 Pepperstrike Street, Off-consumption Grassy Park der Merwe Pelican Park 17. Glen John Loxton Monocle & Mermaid Erf 3715, 3116-RE, St On-consumption Simons Town Georges Building, Shop 1, 126 St Georges Street, Simons Town 4 Province of the Western Cape: Provincial Gazette Extraordinary 7500 2 October 2015 No. Full name of applicant Name under which Address of the proposed Kind of licence applied South African Police business will be premises for Services designated conducted liquor officer office where the application has been lodged Nr. Volle naam van Naam waaronder die Adres van voorgenome Tipe lisensie waarom Suid-Afrikaanse aansoeker besigheid bedryf sal perseel aansoek gedoen word Polisiedienskantoor van word die aangewese drankbeampte waar die aansoek ingedien is iNo- Igama elipheleleyo Igama ishishini eza Idilesi yesakhiwo Uhlobo lwephepha i-Ofisi yeGosa elijongene mbolo lomfaki-sicelo kushishina phantsi kwalo mvume olucelayo nemiba engotywala yeeNkonzo zamaPolisa eMzantsi Afrika apho isicelo sifakwe khona 18. Nooka Café (Pty) Ltd Nooka Café 20—28 Roeland Street, On-consumption Cape Town Cape Town 19. Jenjed Trading CC Cattle Baron at Shop 26, Van Riebeeck’s On-consumption Durbanville Riebeeck’s Hof Hof Mall, Koelenhof Road, Bellville 20. Schnapsidee (Pty) Ltd Beer Experience Erf 3411, Unit A, 219 On-consumption Cape Town Long Street, Cape Town 21. Griffon Hospitality Witzenberg Country Inn Erf 222, 13 Piet Retief On-consumption Tulbagh Services CC Street, Tulbagh 22. The Sausage Man (Pty) Madison’s Shop 14B, 2nd Floor, On-consumption Stellenbosch Ltd Stone Square Centre, Welgevonden 23. False Bay Tug of War False Bay Tug of War Erf 622, False Bay Tug of On-consumption Phillipi Club Club War Club, Unit 2, 622 Springfield Road, C/o Springfield Road and Govan Mbeki Road, Phillipi 24. Vida E Caffe Holdings Vida E Caffe Erf 4433, Ground Floor, On-consumption Stellenbosch (Pty) Ltd De Wet Centre, C/o Bird and Church Streets, Stellenbosch 25. Alexandra Weidlich Ta-Da Creperie and Surfer’s Corner, 34B On-consumption Muizenberg Coffee Bar Beach
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