9781107135895 Index.Pdf

9781107135895 Index.Pdf

Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-13589-5 — Empire and Ideology in the Graeco-Roman World Benjamin Isaac Index More Information 365 Index abstraction, 4 , 5 , 6 , 52 , 67 , 116n. 82 Hellenistic Egypt, 286 – 8 Acco, 152 , see also Ptolemais Hellenistic, non- Egyptian, 288 – 91 Ad Dianam, 339 , 340 Roman, 291 Aela (Eilat, Aqaba), 337 social criticism, 291 – 7 Aelia Capitolina , see Jerusalem terminology, 285 – 6 Aeneas, origins of Rome, 254 – 5 Antoninus Pius Aeneas Tacticus, 86 and circumcision, 319 Aeschylus Apamea, 154 on barbarians, 201 – 2 Aphrodisias Persae , 57, 202 Sebasteion at, 64 – 6 aeterna urbs , 39 Aphrodite Ourania, 124 Aeternitas , 42 – 3 , 44 Apion, 176 , 288 , 289 Agatharchides, 290 , 299 Apollonius Molon, 288 , 289 Agathias, 227 Apollonius of Tyana, 166 , 177 Airs, Waters, Places , 181 , 184 , 245 Appian, 101 , 102, 103 , 130, 141 Ala I h racum, 278 Apuleius, 77–9 , 170 – 3, 189 Alans, 236 aquila , see eagle Alcman, 198 Ara Pacis , 66 Alemanni, 231 Arab, 13 Alexandria, 50 , 70 , 93 , 149 Arabah, 27 – 8 , 335 – 44 museum, 85 Arabah, survey of, 335 Allegories, 45 – 68 Arabia, 131 , 147 allegory province of, 348 dei nition of, 53 Arabians , see Arabs Allport, G.W., 187 Arabs, 144 – 7 Alt, Albrecht, 335 archers, 348 Ambraciots, 204 Arados, 159 , 160 , 280 Ammianus Marcellinus, 17 – 18 , 39 , 222 Arbuthnot, John, 181 on Arabia, 226 Arch of Titus, 59 on Gauls, 225 – 6 Archimedes, 88 on nomads, 228 – 41 archisynagogus , 133 , 174 on the Huns, 233 – 4 Ardashir, 29 , 350 on the Roman Empire, 222 siege of Hatra, 349 saw Hatra abandoned, 350 Arelate, 175 Anacharsis, 169 , 171 , 204 Aricia, 150 Anacreon, 198 Aristides, 103 , 107 , 108 animal comparisons, 18 , 231 Aristophanes, 208 Antioch, 70 , 75 , 346 Aristotle, 93 , 101 , 134 , 182 , 190 , Antiochus Sidetes, 288 , 304 191 , 192 anti- semitism, 23 – 4 , 286 – 8 on Nomads, 236 365 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-13589-5 — Empire and Ideology in the Graeco-Roman World Benjamin Isaac Index More Information 366 366 Index Arrian, 86 , 91 , 169 Biqa , see Beqa Artabanus III, 350 blacks, 183 Artaxata, 353 blood libel, 24 , 304 Artemidorus papyrus, 90n. 29 blood, drinking of, 229 , 230 Ascalon, 124 , 131 , 152 Bodin, Jean, 98 , 181 temple of Celestial Aphrodite, 124 Book of Acts, 73 Asiatics, 24 , 255 Boscoreale cup, 62n. 68, 63 , 66 Asklepios, 163 Bosia/ Osia, 339 , 340 ass- worship, 299 , 304 Bossuet, 98 Assyria, 12 , 123 Bostra, 121, 263, 277, 283 Assyrians, 125 , 156 Boudicca, 194 Astarte , see Aphrodite Ourania bouleutes , 77 Atargatis , see Aphrodite Ourania Busiris, 244 atheism, 290 , 295 Byblos, 162 Athena Hygieia, 54 Byzantium, 346 Athena Nike, 54 Athenians Caecilius Secundus, L, 41 originally Pelasgians, 203 Caesar, 34 , 105 , 106 Augustus, 36 , 58 , 64 , 97 and the Jews, 312 and Egyptian religion in Rome, 310 on Gauls, 247 and the Jews, 313 Caesarea, 22 , 50 , 51 , 121 , 152 , 271 – 5 , 324 Aulus Gellius, 173 colonial status, 271 Aurelius Faustus, M., 278 Caesarea Philippi (Banias), 279 autochthony, 188 – 9 , 250 Callinicum, 353 Athenian, 252 Calpurnius Piso, L., 173 cannibalism, 23 , 229 , 237 , 237n. 72 , 238 , 238n. Bacchanalia, 308 75 , 287 , 290 , 303 , 304 Bacchius, 57 Jewish, 288 Bahasa Indonesia, 259 Caracalla, 70 ballistae, 87 Carians, 197 Bar Kokhba revolt, 25 – 6 , 288 , 301 , 306 – 23 Carmel, village of, 336 a religious war, 307 Carrhae, 350 barbaria , 214 , 218 Carthage, 20 , 33 , 170 , 246 barbarian, 197 – 220 Cassiodorus, 234 armour, 206 Cassius Dio, 25 , 103 , 142 , 194 cities, 215 on Jews, 295 – 6 barbaricum , 214 on the Bar Kokhba revolt, 306 barbarity Castrametation, 92 degrees of, 205 catapults, 87 barbarophonoi , 197 Cato, 255 barbaros , 16 – 17 , see also barbarian on Greek doctors, 212 barbarus Celsus, 289 , 292 in Latin authors, 211 – 18 Celts, 186 , 189 Barsemius, 29 , 346 centuriation, 272 baths, 155 , 240 centurions, 79 Batnae/ Batnai, 352 , 354 chains of wells, 338 Beer Sheva edict(s), 336 Charles V, 109 Beqa, 118 , 121 Chemnis Berytus, 22 , 121 , 263 , 268 – 70 games at, 253 Latin inscriptions from, 269 Christianity, prohibition of, 309 , 320 – 2 schools of Roman law at, 268 churches veterans settled at, 268 in rural settlements, 326 bilingualism, 260 Cicero, 34 – 5 , 44 , 85 , 105 , 150 , 173 , 193 , 212 , 213 in Rome, 247 and the term ‘barbarian’, 215 – 16 biological determinism, 178 hostile to Egyptian religion, 309 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-13589-5 — Empire and Ideology in the Graeco-Roman World Benjamin Isaac Index More Information 367 Index 367 on eternity, 35 diplomata , 78 on Jews, 293 , 297 distribution of Jews, pagans and Christians circumcision, 23 , 134 , 292 , 300 , 317 – 18 , 323 in Palestine, 326 ban on, 25 , 306 Domitian, 295 , 317 only Jews by origin allowed , 320 dress Cirta, 169 as mark of ethnicity, 12 , 204 , 206 , 207 Claudius Druidism and Britannia, at Aphrodisias, 65 banned by Rome, 311 and the Jews, 314 Dura Europos, 281 , 349 Clausewitz, 96 Dutch, in Indonesia, 259 Clementia, 62 Cleopatra, 130 , 140 eagle, 5 , 49 , 51 , 51n. 24 , 51n. 27 clothes, 201 e f eminacy, 16 , 201 , 209 , 300 Coele- Syria, 12 , 126 , 129 , 130 Egyptian religion coins animal cult, 309 representations of victory on, 54 – 5 in Rome, 309 – 11 colonia , 173 Egyptians, 184 Colonia Aelia Capitolina , 25 , 263 , 275 , 306 Eirene, 54 eastern cardo of, 306 Emesa, 264 Latin inscriptions from, 275 Emmaus (Motza), 272 Condorcet, N. de, 98 Emmaus- Nicopolis, 281 Constantine En Hazeva (h amara?), 339 hostile to Jews, 291 , 320 Enlightenment, 180 constitution, 187 environmental determinism, 98 , 100 , 101 , 181 – 4 , conversion, 25 , 26 , 31 , 143 , 293 , 307 , 315 , 315n. 52 , 238 – 40 , 251 316 , 319 , 320 , 323 , 326 Ephesus, 150 converts , see proselytes Epicureans, 85 Costia, 340 Epiphanius Crassus, 351 on church building, 330 cross, 61 equites singulares , of Hadrian, at Gerasa, 278 Ctesibius, 87 Eratosthenes, 89 customs Ethiopians, 183 , 204 , 250 as a mark of ethnicity, 204 ethnicity, 12, 13, 16, 25, 31, 122 , 142, 143, 149, 197, Cyrenaica, 121 203, 210 Cyrus, 171 , 190 ethnos , 14 , 122 , 141 , 158 eunuchs, 224 Damascus, 119 , 131 , 132 Euphrates of Tyre, 152n. 6 , 166 , 292 Damocritus, 287 Euripides, 16 Danaba, 132 , 153 , 283 on barbarians, 205 – 7 Dara, 353 Europeans, 349 Darwin, 180 Eusebius, 26 – 7 , 118 Dea Roma, 50 and categories of villages, 327 decadence, 155 Onomasticon of Biblical Place Names , Decapolis, 118 – 20 , 131 26 – 7 , 324 – 34 Decidius Saxa, L., 151 on the road- system, 336 degeneration, 193 – 4 Eutherius, 224 dependency theory, 10 , 110 Evander the Arcadian, 255 dietary laws, 292 Expositio Totius Mundi, 226 dietary restrictions, 23 , 24 , 291 , 299 Dio Chrysostom, 159 – 60 , 174 , 282 Favorinus, 174 – 6 Diocletian, 70 Felix, 74 Diocletianic castella, in the Arabah, 335 Feriale Duranum , 41 Diodorus, 289 i ctitious kinships, 251 Dionysius of Halicarnassus, 193 l ag, meaning of, 4 , 49 Dionysius Periegetes, 92 Flavia Domitilla, 295 , 317 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-13589-5 — Empire and Ideology in the Graeco-Roman World Benjamin Isaac Index More Information 368 368 Index Flavia Joppa, 273 besieged by Trajan, 345 Flavia Neapolis, 273 caravan station at, 353 Flavius Boethus, 271 destroyed in 240, 350 Flavius Clemens, 295 , 317 location of, 351 Florus, 72 , 106 Roman troops there, 238- 240, 349 Flying Dutchman, 228 siege by Ardashir, 349 foreign cults, 297 , 298 , 308 siege by Septimius Severus, 346 , 348 foundation legends, 251 Hebraioi , 130 , 143 Frank, Fritz von, 27 , 335 Hecataeus of Abdera, 289 Franklin, Benjamin, 51 Hecataeus of Miletus French, in former Indochina, 259 on barbarians, 199 – 200 Frontinus, 39 , 87 , 91 , 92 , 96 Heliopolis- Baalbek, 264 – 7 Fronto, 169 – 70 , 213 inscriptions from elsewhere, 267 inscriptions from vicinity of, 266 – 7 Gadara, 118 , 120 , 127 , 131 , 156 Latin inscriptions from, 264 – 6 Galen Hellenes, 14 , 132 , 283 on Germans, 249 Hellenic, 153 , 159 Gallia, 6 , 55 Hellenic cities, 120 , 131 , 153 Gallogrecians, 186 Hellenic culture, 120 Gauls, 20 , 55, 174, 216 , 225–6, 247 Hellenicity, 204 , 208 Gaza, 131 , 152 Hellenism, 154 Geloni, 237 Hellenization, 22 , 258 Gemma Augustea, 62 Heraclitus general staf , 96 on barbarians, 200 genocide, considered, 288 , 304 heraldry, 5 , 49 genos , 141 Herder, J. G. von, 181 geography, ancient, 9 , 89 – 92 heredity of acquired characters, 184 – 5 Gerasa, 50n. 17 , 118 , 118n. 91 , 118n. 92 , 119 , 119n. Herodotus, 57 , 83 , 84 , 100 , 109 , 124 , 134 , 184 , 94 , 119n. 95 , 121 , 131 , 131n. 37 , 131n. 38 , 153 , 190 , 230 153n. 17 , 257n. 3 , 263 , 278n. 85 , 284 , 358 on barbarians, 203 – 4 Latin inscriptions at, 278 – 9 Hero of Alexandria, 87 Germania, 247 – 9 Hindi, 259 Germania, provinces of, 348 Historia Augusta, 25 , 214 , 301 Germans, 189 , 195 on barbarians, 218 of pure lineage, 248 on the Bar Kokhba revolt, 306 Grand Camée de France, 63 Homer, 193 Greek, 21 – 3 and barbarophonoi , 197 in military documents from Egypt, 261 Horace, 58 , 293 Greek identity, 176 human sacrii ce, 18 , 23 , 26 , 230 , 230n. 38 , 240 , Greek science 244 , 287 , 290 , 298 , 303 , 311n. 27 , 312 , 323 dei nition of, 84 practised by Britons, 311 Greeks, passim humour, sense of, 20 in the city of Rome, 168 Huns, 231 , 232 , 233 – 7 Roman attitudes towards, 223 – 4 group scenes, 62 – 3 Iamblichus, 158 Gruen, Erich, 19 – 21 , 242 – 56 Ilium,

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