Index Acculturation, theory of, 204 Anthropology, holistic nature of, 200 Acolapissa settlement, 121 Apaches, 44 Acoma, Franciscan church, 34, 41 Apalachee mission area, 212 Activities category, 201 Apalachee, Province of, 71 Aegean archaeology, Schliemann's, 137 Appomattox, National Battlefield Park, 76 Aguatubi, doctrina of, 40 Aptucxet trading post, 18 Algonkian kiseiment'o chain, 159 Archaeological evidence, 156 Algonkian language, 120 Archaeological period, Fort Malton, 81 Algonquin Park, 55 Archaeological period, Leon-Jefferson, 81 Alkali Ridge, 29 Archaeological period, Seminole, 81 Allee, W. C., 69 Archaeological Research Trust, viii Allouez, Claude, 118 Archaeological Society of Maryland, viii American Anthropological Association, 5, Archaeological survey, LSU-WPA, 160 14, 75 Archaeological work crews, 152 American Anthropologist, 14 Archaeologist and crew, relationship, 170, American archaeology, pioneer period, 149 177 American archaeology, pioneers and Archaeology as an Auxiliary to American innovators in, 123 History, 14 American Archaeology, Society for, 117, Archaeology, Canadian, 51 150 Archaeology, classical, 6, 15 American Association for State and Local Archaeology, colonial, 13, 205 History, 11 Archaeology, Egyptian, 6 American Association for the Archduke of Austria, 3 Advancement of Science, 68 Arethusa bulbosa L., 198 American Civilization, Department of, U. Arikara Mother Com Ceremony, 106 of Pennsylvania, 22 Arizona Archaeological Society, 36 American Mercury, 126 Arizona Historical Society, 36 American Museum of Natural History, Arizona State Museum, 88 154, 162 Arkansas Post excavation, 154, 162 Amsden, Charles A, 21, 29, 30 Armada del Mar del Sur, 38 Anderson, Sherwood, 127 Arnoldi, Charles, 118 Anglim, Jack, 108 Artifacts, British colonial, 212 Antelope Mesa, 29 Artifacts, functional interpretation of, Anthropology, by Kroeber, 68 201 219 220 INDEX Ash Hollow cave, 107 Bell, Earl, 129, 131, 137, 161 Asotin site, 87 Bell, Robert, 195 Association for the Preservation of Bells, Acoma and Awatovi, 34, 35 Virginia Antiquities, 2, 6, 193 Benavides, Father, 31 Athabasca Landing, 128 Benedict, Ruth, 107 Atlantic Monthly, 126 Bennet, Charles E., 211 Atuona Valley on Hiva Oa Island, 111 Beothuk Indians, 51 Atwater, Lee, 173 Berkeley, Governor, 19 Audubon, John James, 72 Bethabara, Stanley South at, 21 Auybale mission, 82 Bibliography of Glass Trade Beads, 93 Avoyel village, 156 Biesterfeldt site, 106 Awatovi, xi, 27, 29, 31, 33, 34, 36, 38, Big Bend reservoirs, 109 41,42,45,46 Bird Study in Florida, 68 Awatovi chief, Miguel, 43 Bird, Junius, 107, 111, 154, 161 Awatovi expedition, 20 Birmingham, Conference on Prehistory, Awatovi mission, 35 132, 133 Awatovi, end of, 44 Bison skull, bleached, 128 Awatovi, sacked by Hopis, 39, 40 Black Bottom swamps, 139 Aztec IV ware, pottery type, 80 Black, Glenn, 119, 120 Black, Ida, 119 Backyard archaeology, 215, 216 Blanchette. Jean Francois, 151 BAE, 12th annual report, 131 Bloody Marsh, 208 Bain, Jeff, 151 Boas, Franz, 106 Bannerman catalogue, 105 Bond, Phillip, Northwest trade gun lock, Bannerman Sons, Francis, company, 105, 104 106, 108, 111 Booming, 174 Baptiste site, 160 Bounty, ship, 110 Bass, George, 22 Bowers, Alfred E., 92 Battle of Atlanta, 203 Bowser, Joanna, 92 Battle of the Little Bighorn, 106 Boyd, Mark F., 71, 74, 80, 81, 212 Battlefield Parks, 75-76 Boyle, David, 50, 52 Bayogoula, 121 Brain, Jeff, 157, 158, 160 Bayou Goula site, 107, 121, 156 Brainerd, George W., 21, 29 Bead analysis, 89, 90 Brand, Donald, 55 Bead typologies, 85, 87 Brannon, Peter, 132 Beads, Berrian's Island, 87 Brett, Gerard, 56 Beads, Comaline d'Aleppo, 192 Brew, Evelyn, 28 (photo) Beads, cut crystal quartz, 213 Brew, J. O. (Jo), viii, 20, 27-48, 28 Beads, glass trade, bibliography, 93 (photo), 160 Beads, San Juan, 98 British colonial remains, 75 Beads, Spanish, 213 "Brown Bess" military musket, 211 Beads, trade, 87, 95, 98 Brown, Harcourt, 62 Beady, Bill, 201 Brown, Ian, 151, 160, 163 Beasley, Wallace, 86 Brown, Margaret, 151 Beauchamp, William M., 199 Brown, Ralph, 134 (photos), 137 Beck, bead analysis, 90 Brunswick excavation, 175, 178, 181 Behavior patterns, 166 Brunswick Town State Historic Site, 173 Behavior, by-products of, 182 Brunswick Town, North Carolina, 168, Beigabe (a free gift, grave goods), 125, 170,181 150 Brunswick Town, Stanley South at, 21 INDEX 221 Bryan, Kirk, 21 Chenhall, Bob, 92 Buckingham, A R., 157 Cherokee ceramics, 154 Bullen, Ripley P., 73, 74 Cherokee culture, origins of, 208 Bulow, built sugar mill (near New Cherokee Indians, 139, 208 Smyrna), 72, 73 Cherokee site, historic, 150 Bureau of Indian Affairs, 42 Cherokee, eastern band, 207 Burgh, Robert, 21, 29 Cherokee, in western North Carolina, 207 Burke, Thomas, Memorial Washington ChiCkamauga Basin, 141, 202 State Museum, 122 Chickamauga, dam construction, 143 Bushmen, Kalahari Desert, 39 Chickasaw dreamland territory, 150 Butler, B. Robert, 94 Chimney, mud and stick, 146 Butler, Mary, 107 Chimneys, 73 Buzzard Cult, 70 China Road, 37 Chinese water torture, 141 Caddo Indians, 191 Chippewa, 121 Caducean path, 158 Chitimacha, as part of Natchezan type Caldwell, Joseph R., 156 settlement, 121 Callao Island, 111 Choctaw, eastern Mississippi, 156 Calver, William, 106 Church of England service, 211 Campbell, Thomas N., 21, 189 Churchward, James, 105 Canadian Historic Sites Service, 92 Civil War Fort Site, 178 Cannon Hunters Association of Seattle Civil War, veterans, 115, 116 (CHAOS), 122 Civilian Conservation Corps, 36 Cannon's Point Plantation, 216, 217 Civilian Conservation Corps Camp, 4 Canta tabula, 176 Claflin, William H., Jr., 21, 27, 29 Carrera de Indios, 37 Claflin, William III, 21 Carretas, 35 Clarksdale-Crowley Ridge traverse, 157 Cartagena, Spanish fortifications of, 112 Classey, Joseph, 56 Cartier, Jacques, 51 Clemens, Samuel, 127 Castillo de San Marcos, 75, 76 Clements, Forrest, 132 Castillo Fuertza, 214 Clipper Ship, New England, 122 Cate, Margaret Davis, 205, 206, 209 Coal miners, 147 Cather, Willa, 127 Coe, Joffre, 134 (photos), 208 Caywood, Louis, 19, 193, 195 Coldwater, 58 Ceramics, hispanic, 190 Cole, Fay-Cooper, 13, 69, 132, 134 Chaco Canyon, 55 (photo), 139, 140, 199, 200, 201 Chambers, Moreau B. C., 21, 132 Collier, Dale, 141 Champe, John, 107, 109, 130, 142 COllier, John, 42 Champlain, Samuel de, 16 COllins, Henry, 138, 156 Champlain, Samuel de, map by, 15, 17 Colonial National Historical Park, 2 Chance, David H., 98 Color Harmony Manual, 93, 94 Chance, Jennifer, 98 Combes, John, 88, 89, 91, 93, 95 CHAOS, 122 Commerce Landing, 157 CHAOS IN DEPTH, 122, 123 Conan Doyle, Sir Arthur, 126 Chapelle, Col. Howard I., 122, 123 Conference on Historic Site Archaeology, Chartrand, Rene, 151 vii, viii, 13, 151, 169 Chauga, historic Cherokee site, 150, 156, Coninas (Havasupai), 44 158 Conn, Richard (Dick), 91, 92, 93 Cheltenham High School, 22 Conner, Jeanette Thurber, 72 Cheltenham Military Academy, 23 Connor Trading Post, 120 222 INDEX Conrad, Joseph, 127 Daugherty, Richard D., 86-88 Convento de San Francisco dig, 214 Davidson, Lillian, 73 Cooper, Paul, 135, 137, 142, 143, 145, Davis, W. Mott, Jr., 21 147, 148 Davm, Wayne, 87,94 Cornaline d'Aleppo beads, 192, 198 Davison, Samuel, 205 Corps of Engineers, 162 Dawson, Sir William (J. W.), 50, 51, 52 Cotter, John L. (Jack), viii, 15-26, 76, Deagan, Kathy, 215 161, 193, 195 De Espeleta, Francisco, 44, 45 Coufal site, Grand Island, Nebraska, 107 Deetz, James, 18, 22 Coutanche, Michael, 169 De Garaycochea, Fray Juan, 44, 45, 46 Coutts, Peter, 94 Dejarnette, Dave, 132, 151 Covered wagons, 35 Dell Trading Post, 97 Crable people, 80 Dellinger, 132 Crable site, 80 De Peyster, built New Smyrna sugar mill, Cree dog dangling, 126, 128, 159 73 Cree Indians, 128, 129 Depression years, 7, 67, 131 Creek history and archaeology, 208 De Soto analysis, 156 Creek Indians, 202, 204 De Soto artifact, 157 Creek material culture, 213 De Soto Commission, 156 Creek pottery, 121,213 De Soto entrada, 156 Creek, Red Stick War of 1814,205 De Soto Expedition, 38, 202, 204 Creek village, Nuyaka, 213 De Terra, 86 Crew, Chain-gang, 170 De Tonti, Arkansas Post excavation, 154, Crew, importance of in archaeology, 165 162 Crimean War, 115 De Tremauden, D. F., 94 Crooks site, 160 Deuel, Thorne, 131, 132, 134 (photo), Crow Creek Reservation, 109 139,200,201 Crow site, 107 De Vargas, Don Diego, 43, 44 Cruger, built New Smyrna sugar mill, 73 De Vauban, Sebastian l..ePrestre, 208 Cruickshanks, Robert, 118 De Vauban, Sebastian l..ePrestre, treatise, Cubo defense line, 76 209 Cult burials, 150 Dickens, ROY, 208 Cultural evolution, 206 Direct historical approach, 69 Cultural process, 213 Dismal River site, 107 Cultural ruins, 183 Doceas Island, 15 Cultural systems, 183 Documentary evidence, 156 Culture begets culture, 136 Dog-culture, northern, 129 Culture contrasts, 167 Dog,dead,dangling, 126,128,159 Currelly, Charles Trick, 54 Dole, the, 128 Currelly, Ralph, 55, 56 Donne,John,127,157 Curwood, James 0., 126, 127, 128 Doran, Ed, 151 Cushing, Frank Hamilton, 138 Drucker, Philip, 107 Custer Park, 106 Du Mont, St Croix Island settlement, 16 Custer, General, last march, 85 Duffield and Jelks, bead analysis, 90 Duffield, Lathel, 192, 195 D'Aleppo, Cornaline bead, 97, 192, 198 Dug trenches (vineyard ditches), 61 Dahms, Harold, 131 Dummitt, Thomas, 73 Dallas Island, TN, crew, 146 (photo) Dummitt, Thomas, sugar mill of, 68 Dallas Island, TN, Hixon site, 144 Dunvegan, 128 (photo), 149 (photo) Duxbury, Massachusetts, 18 INDEX 223 Earthlodge village, 109 Flora, Barney S., 95 Easter Island, 110, 111 Florida Anthropological Society, logo, 71 Eddy, Frank, 19 Florida Park Service, 69, 74 Edmonton, Canada, 128 Florida State University, 212 Edwardian period, 115 Flota, 36, 37, 38 Eggan, Fred, 21, 29 Floyd,~duke, 72 Eiseley, Loren, 108, 126, 130, 135 Folsom excavation, 200 Eiseley, Loren, on the Eskimo, 131 Folsom point, 107 EI Gran Convento, 34 Fontana, Bernard L. (Bunny), ethnologist, EI Morro, pottery type, 80 22,88,92 Elder, Robert A., 97 Fontana, Bernard L, bead typOlOgy, 87 Elliott Greene and Co., 97 Ford, James A.
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