7:30 St. Thomas Aquinas Schola REQUIEM MASS FOR DECEASED MEMBERS Sung by the 7:30 Gregorian Schola According the the Domincan Rite under the direction of Leslie Johnson With Absolution of the Dead Alice Auciello, Jamie Ballenger, Jeanne Clemena, Alice Desmond, (The “Libera”) Lori Donlon, Tom Gallagher, Brian Kiernan, Keith Kozminsky, Patricia Orna, Jim Sivly, Lia Thoms. R.I.P. Mary Vasquez-Amaral Ministers Jeanne Saathoff, Celebrant: Fr. Augustine Thompson O.P. And Beloved Family Members Reader: Fr. Luke Clark, O.P. First Acolyte: Jeffery Donlon Second Acolyte: John Paul Donlon (For Congregational Use) Thurifer: Michael Donlon Crucifer: Keith Kozminski September 27, 2009 MASS FOR THE DEAD 2 When the Officium or Introit begins, the priest enters with the ministers. On arrival at the altar, they recite the “Prayers at the foot Animábus, qu ´æsumus, Dómine, Lord, we beg you, to grant your of the Altar” to prepare for Mass. Meanwhile, the choir sings: famulórum famulorúmque eternal mercy to the souls of STAND tuárum misericórdiam concéde your servants and handmaids, perpétuam; ut eis profíciat in that what they hoped for and OFFICIUM [cf. 4 Esdr. 2: 34-35; Ps. 64: 1-2] believed in through you be ætérnum, quo in te speravérunt fulfilled for them in eternity; RÉQUIEM ÆTÉRNAM dona eis, ETERNAL REST grant to them, et credidérunt: Per Dóminum Through our Lord Jesus Christ Dómine; et lux perpétua lúceat Lord, and let perpetual light nostrum Iesum Christum Fílium your Son, who lives and reigns eis. shine on them. tuum, qui tecum vivit et regnat with you in the unity of the Holy = Te decet hymnus, Deus, in = Praise is due to you, O in unitáte Spíritus Sancti, Deus Spirit, God [forever and ever]. Sion, et tibi reddétur votum in God, in Zion and to you shall Ierúsalem: exáudi oratiónem vows be performed in Jerusa- meam, ad te omnis caro véniet. lem; O hear my prayer, to you + Réquiem ætérnam. all flesh will come. + Eternal rest. Xvvbbdbvvbbfcbfbvvbfvvvgcfvvbbbfcbdvvbbbfvvrdvvbdc}cbbdvvbbbbfvvv}bbbbvvvvvvvvvbbb} Per ómni- a s ´æ-cu- la sæ-cu-ló- rum. + Amen . The cantors then intone the Kyrie, which all sing responsorially with them. The priest or lector (or, at Solemn Mass, the subdeacon) then sings KYRIE [XII cent?] the following reading (or, if circumstance requires it, some other). SIT THE FIRST READING [Rev. 14: 13] VIII Bvvbgvvhvvbbbhvb}vvJkbbb&b^vvbbbgbbvvvbbbbgvvbbbbbbbb}vvbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbkvvbbbbbjbbbbÛvvvbhvbbbvvvvbbbbbbbygvvbb}võ yg ij Lectio libri Apocal´ypsis beati A reading from the Revelation Ký-ri- e, e- léi- son. iii. Chris- te, e- léi- son. iii. Ioannis Apostoli. of the Blessed John the Apostle. In those days: I heard a voice In diébus illis: Audívi vocem from heaven saying “Write this: BbbbbbbbbbgvvbhvvbbbhbbÚvvvJkbbb&b^vvgbbvvvbbbbgvbbbbbbbb}vvbbbbbbbhvvfvvfv}vbbHkbb8b&^%vvhjhbbvvvbbgvbbbbbb}vvvvvvvbb de caelo, dicéntem mihi: Scribe: Blessed are the dead who from yg yg Beáti mortui, qui in Dómino mo- now on die in the Lord.” “Bles- Ký- ri- e, e- léi- son. ii. Ký-ri- e, e- léi- son. riúntur. Amodo iam dicit Spíri- sed indeed,” says the Spirit, tus, ut requiéscant a labóribus “that they may rest from their (Lord have mercy [3x], Christ have mercy [3x], Lord have mercy [3x].) suis: Opera enim illórum se- labors, for their deeds follow quúntur illos. them! ” The priest greets the people before singing the following collect (or some other, depending on circumstance). The cantors (or the cantors and choir) then sing the following chants THE COLLECT (or others, if circumstances require them): XvbbbdvvbfbvvbfbvvbbbbbbbbDfvvbbrdvvbbdc}cdcbbbbfcbbbbbvfvvbbdvvbbbdvvbbfvvbfbb}bbbbbbdvvbbDfvvbbdvbb} REPSONSORY [cf. 4 Esdr. 2: 34-35; Ps 111: 6-7] Dómi-nus vo-bís-cum. + Et cum spí- ri- tu tu- o. O-rémus. Réquiem ætérnam dona eis, Eternal rest grant to them, Lord, Dómine; et lux perpétua lúceat and let perpetual light shine on (The Lord be with you. + And with your spirit. Let us pray.) eis. them. 3 4 = In memória ætérna erit = The righteous will be re- Ingemísco tamquam reus: I groan beneath the guilt which you justus: ab auditióne mala non membered forever; he is not Culpa rubet vultus meus: Can read upon my blushing brow; Supplicánti parce, Deus. But spare, O God, your suppliant now. timébit. afraid of evil news. Qui Maríam absolvísti, You who did Mary’s sins unbind, Et latrónem exaudísti, And mercy for the robber find, Mihi quoque spem dedísti. Do fill with hope my anxious mind. TRACT Preces meæ non sunt dignæ Though worthless all my prayers appear, Sed tu bonus fac benígne, Still let me not, my savior dear, Absólve, Dómine, ánimas ómni- Absolve, Lord, the souls of all Ne perénni cremer igne. The everlasting torments bear. um fidélium defunctórum ab the faithful departed from every Inter oves locum præsta, Give me at your right hand a place, Et ab hædis me sequéstra, Among you sheep, a child of grace, omni vínculo delictórum. bond of their sins. Státuens in parte dextra. Far from the goat’s accused race. = Et grátia tua illis succur- = And, helped by your Confutátis maledíctis, Yea, when you justly kindle ire, rénte, mereántur evádere iudíci- grace, may they escape condem- Flammis ácribus addíctis, Shall bind the lost in chains of fire, um ultiónis, et lucis ætérnæ bea- nation to punishment and enjoy Voca me cum benedíctis. O, call me to the chosen choir. titúdine pérfrui. the happiness of light eternal. Oro supplex et acclínis, Lo! Here I plead and suppliant bend, Cor contrítum quasi cinis, Nor cease my contrite heart to rend, Gere curam mei finis. That so you spare me in the end. SEQUENCE [Tomasso da Celano?] Lacrimósa dies illa, Oh, on that day, that day of weeping, Qua resúrget ex favílla. We shall wake from death’s dark keeping, Dies iræ, dies illa, The day of wrath, that fearful day, Iudicánti homo reus: To stand before our judge divine, Solvet sæclum in favílla: Shall melt with fire this earthly clay, Huic ergo parce, Deus. Save, save this trembling soul of mine. Teste David cum Sib´ylla. As psalm and Sibyl’s song both say. Pie Jesu Dómine, Yea, grant to all, O Jesus blest, Quantus tremor est futúrus, What terror on each breast shall lie Dona eis réquiem. Amen. Who die in you, eternal rest. Amen. Quando iudex est ventúrus, When, downward from the bending sky, Cuncta stricte discussúrus! The judge shall come our souls to try. The priest (or deacon at Solemn Mass) greets the people and sings: Tuba, mirum spargens sonum Trumpets, through death’s dominions blown, Per sepúlcra regiónum, Shall summon with a dreadful tone STAND Coget omnes ante thronum. The buried nations round the throne. Mors stupébit et natúra, Nature and death in dumb surprise THE GOSPEL [Lk 10: 38b-42] Cum resúrget creaúra, Shall see the ancient dead arise, Iudicánti responsúra. To stand before the judge’s eyes. Liber scriptus proferétur, And lo! the written book appears, In quo totum continétur, Which all that faithful record bears, XbbbdbvvbfbvvfcbbbDfvvbbrdvvvbdvbbv}bbbvbbbvdcbbbbfcbbbbbvfvvbbbdvvbdbvvbbfvvfb}vbvbbfvbbbbfvbfbbbbvbbfbbbbbbô Unde mundus iudicétur. From whence the world its sentence hears. Iudex ergo cum sedébit, The Lord of Judgment sits him down, Dómi-nus vo-bís- cum. + Et cum spí- ri- tu tu- o. Lécti-o San- Quidquid latet, apparébit: And every secret thing makes known: Nil inúltum remanébit. No crime once done shall not be found. Quid sum miser tunc dictúrus, Ah! How shall I that day endure? Quem patrónum rogatúrus, What patron’s friendly voice secure, Xbbbbbsbbbbbbbfvbbdcdvvbfvbfvbbbbbbfbbbbbbbfbbbbbbbbbbbbfcbbbbbbbdvbbbdvbbb}cbbbbbvbbbfvvfbbbbbfbbbbbbbbbfbbbbbbbfcbbbbbbdvbbbbbdvbbbbbbdbbbb} Cum vix iustus sit secúrus? When scarce the just themselves are sure? Rex treméndæ maiestátis, O King of dreadful majesty, cti Evangé-li- i secúndum Lucam. + Gló-ri-a ti-bi, Dómi-ne. Qui salvándos salvas gratis, Who grants now grace and mercy free, Salva me, fons pietátis. Grant mercy now and grace to me. Recordáre, Iesu pie, Lord God, ‘twas for my sinful sake In illo témpore: Dixit Iesus At that time: Jesus said to the Quod sum causa tuæ viæ; That you our suffering flesh did take: turbis Iudæórum: Ego sum panis crowds of Jews, “I am the living Ne me perdas illa die. Do not then my soul forsake. vivus, qui de cælo descéndi. Si bread which came down from Quærens me sedísti lassus; You who have sought me when I stayed: quis manducáverit ex hoc pane, heaven; if any one eats of this Redemísti crucem passus; Your blood divine my ransom paid: Tantus labor non sit cassus. Shall all that love be fruitless made? vivet in ætérnum: et panis, quem bread, he will live for ever; and Iuste iudex ultiónis, O just, avenging judge, I pray, ego dabo, caro mea est pro mun- the bread which I shall give for Donum fac remissiónis For piety, take my sins away, di vita. Litigábant ergo Iud ´æi ad the life of the world is my Ante diem ratiónis. Before the great accounting day. invicem dicéntes: Quómodo po- flesh.” The Jews then disputed 5 6 test hic nobis carnem suam dare among themselves, saying, olim Abrahæ promisísti, et life * that once you promised to ad manducándum? Dixit ergo eis “How can this man give us his sémini eius. Abraham and his seed. Iesus: Amen, amen dico vobis: flesh to eat?” So Jesus said to Nisi manducavéritis carnem Fílii them, “Truly, truly, I say to you, There may be a short silence, as the priest finishes the Offertory hóminis et bibéritis eius sángui- unless you eat the flesh of the Prayers; he then sings the doxology of the “Secret Prayer” which nem, non habébitis vitam in vo- Son of Man and drink his blood introduces the dialogue before: bis. Qui mandúcat meam car- you have no life in you; he who STAND nem, et bibit meum sánguinem eats my flesh and drinks my THE PREFACE habet vitam ætérnam; et ego re- blood has eternal life, and I will suscitábo eum in novíssimo die.
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