November 8, 2005 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE 25329 of torture, and they ought to take the percent, a sizable feat; we had unem- this Nation a shining light of freedom high road in bringing our troops home ployment before Katrina go to 4.9 per- without secret, black ops demanded by from Iraq and returning Iraq to the cent, one of the lowest percentages on someone who was never elected Presi- Iraqi people. record, and even in the last quarter, dent. The Bush administration can never with the incredible natural disaster Throughout our history, Presidents take back the many mistakes that that we faced in the gulf coast and in have led this Nation through wars at have been made over the past several Florida, we had a remarkable 3.8 per- home and abroad by remaining true to years: A failed war in Iraq, heinous cent economic growth. They do not America’s principles and values. In the acts of torture around the world, and a want to talk about the jobs that have mid-19th century, America had never shamefully cynical foreign policy that been created under this policy. before faced a more ferocious enemy has put Americans at greater risk than So we do have a plan. We have a plan than the one from within that reduced ever before. this week or soon to reduce some us to the Civil War. President Lincoln But we are at another crossroads, and spending. We have balanced the budget never lost sight of what we were fight- it is not too late to take the right path. before; we can do it again. We can ing for. He said: ‘‘Our defense is in the If we do not, we risk suffering another bring about the reforms, and some of preservation of the spirit which prizes Yogi Berra prophecy: ‘‘De´ja´ vu all over those are tough reforms, but we have a liberty as a heritage of all men in all again.’’ plan. It involves reform, and it will re- lands everywhere. Destroy this spirit, f sult in savings and we will see contin- and you have planted the seeds of des- ued growth, economic growth in this potism around your own doors.’’ REPUBLICANS HAVE A PLAN country, and fulfill the dreams of In the early 20th century, America Mr. MICA. Mr. Speaker, I ask unani- Americans who want better jobs, who had never before faced a ferocious foe mous consent to have 5 minutes in want lower taxes, less government reg- like the one that plunged the whole place of the gentleman from North ulation, and less litigation. All of those world into war, but President Woodrow Carolina. things, higher taxes, more government Wilson did not forget what America The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there regulation, and litigation, we know stood for. He said: ‘‘The present and all objection to the request of the gen- drive jobs and opportunity out of this that it holds belongs to the nations and tleman from Florida? great Nation. the peoples who preserve their self-con- There was no objection. So Republicans have a plan. We will trol and the orderly processes of gov- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a make reforms. They will result in sav- ernments; the future to those who previous order of the House, the gen- ings and better opportunities for all prove themselves the true friends of tleman from Florida (Mr. MICA) is rec- Americans as opposed to the rhetoric mankind.’’ ognized for 5 minutes. that we have had here on the floor this In the mid-20th century, America had Mr. MICA. Mr. Speaker, I did not afternoon. So I am pleased to present never before faced an enemy more like plan to use these 5 minutes; but as we those items to the House in response to one that had plunged us again into a hear Bush-bashing and bashing of the the rhetoric we have heard. world war, but Franklin Delano Roo- Republicans as you walk through the f sevelt never wavered in his defense of Halls of our Chambers here, I think it his country: ‘‘The only thing we have is appropriate that we do take a ONE NATION—TWO PRESIDENTS to fear is fear itself.’’ minute to respond. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a And with the world on the brink of We just heard more Bush-bashing previous order of the House, the gen- nuclear terror during the Cuban Mis- about accusations of torture in Iraq. I tleman from Washington (Mr. sile Crisis, John Kennedy kept America wonder where some of these same peo- MCDERMOTT) is recognized for 5 min- free and safe without subverting Amer- ple were when Abu Ghraib prison had utes. ican values. JFK knew a lot about win- the torture of thousands of innocent Mr. MCDERMOTT. Mr. Speaker, ning a war without losing the peace. He Iraqi civilians and other people in that across the country today, Americans said: ‘‘When at least at some future society who had their limbs lopped off, are going to the polls to vote for can- date the high court of history sits in who were taken to the precipice out- didates and issues. A year ago, the judgment on each one of us, our suc- side of the prison and lined up, to deal Americans went to the polls and voted cess or failure in whatever office we with prison-crowding. A former Iraqi for a President, but they got two in- may hold will be measured by the an- prisoner told some of us Members of stead. We have George W. Bush, the swers to four questions: Were we truly Congress they would line up the pris- President of domestic policy, like ap- men,’’ and I would add women, ‘‘of oners and then shoot them in front of a pointing a self-described fashion God courage, men and women of judgment, ditch and then bury them. One escaped who left the gulf coast unprotected; men and women of integrity? Were we who had been shot several times and he and we have DICK CHENEY, the Presi- truly men and women of dedication?’’ told us that story. dent of foreign policy, including secret Presidents Lincoln, Wilson, Roo- The Bush administration has wanted CIA presence around the world. sevelt, and Kennedy knew a thing to stop the torture of people in that Now, today the President of foreign about freedom and liberty; and they prison and the loss of life in that coun- policy is trying to round up votes in knew a lot about America. We are the try. They do not want to talk about the Senate to exempt the CIA from an land of the free and not the home of the 300,000 mass graves that we have amendment that would ban the torture the afraid. But the President of foreign uncovered in that country, the slaugh- and inhumane treatment of prisoners. policy would have it otherwise. His de- ter of his own people that Saddam Hus- It is a sure sign that America has lost mands for black ops is a black eye on sein conducted. its way when we even have to talk this Nation. American history, not the Then we heard the previous speaker about banning torture and inhumane unelected President of foreign policy, talk about how bad things are in Amer- treatment of prisoners. should be our guide. ica under the Bush administration and America has never had two Presi- Great American Presidents have led Bush policy. They did not tell us that dents until now, and America has never this Nation in times no less frightening under the policy of President Bush we had a question about its moral integ- than today. Ask any veteran of the have actually, in just this last fiscal rity, until now. The President of for- Second World War what was at stake. year that ended the end of September, eign policy would have us believe that They called it a world war for a reason. we have $100 billion in additional rev- we must become the enemy to defeat They did not shrink from their duty, enue into the United States Treasury. the enemy. Like so much from this ad- and we must not forget that we did our That is a plan of failure? In one year ministration, this is not true. Amer- best and we are the best hope of this we have reduced the deficit, the pro- ica’s moral imperative is true enough, world. We keep America free without jected deficit a year ago by some 25 strong enough, and safe enough to keep losing America’s moral integrity. VerDate Sep 11 2014 08:23 Mar 02, 2017 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00035 Fmt 0687 Sfmt 0634 E:\FDSYS\2005BOUNDRECORD\BOOK19\NO-SSN\BR08NO05.DAT BR08NO05 ejoyner on DSK30MW082PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE 25330 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE November 8, 2005 The unelected President of foreign ters knows that the Counterproliferation Di- Thousands have mobility issues and policy wants an exemption on an vision is part of the Directorate of Oper- are without housing because they can- amendment that would ban torture and ations—the covert side of the CIA, where not get up and down the stairs to their most everything and everyone are classified. inhumane treatment of prisoners. He If Fitzgerald were successful in flipping apartment. The list goes on and on, wants the CIA to be free to do what- Libby—and that seems pretty clearly to be and it is truly heart wrenching.
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