U-M Law School Legal Malaise By CHIP ENGLANDER for its use of racial preferences College of LSA's racial has suspended this recent in admissions. It is likely the preference policy and the latter decision, however. HEN PRESIDENT policy will be judged by the involves the Law School's racial Judge Friedman stated, "the Lyndon B. Johnson Supreme Court. It is an issue preference policy. Grutter v. practical effect of the law school's Wsigned into law the that divides the student body and Bollinger has been the site of the policy is indistinguishable from historic 1964 Civil Rights Act, a straight quota system," and it included a section that helped "No person in the United States shall on the grounds ordered the Law School to stop further our nation towards the "using applicants' race as a factor" goal of justice and freedom for of race, color, or national origin be excluded from in admissions. all, regardless of color. Our participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected The U-M had argued that the nation nobly united behind this to discrimination under anyprogram or activity receiving discrimination against Asian and act, as it passed in Congress Federal financial assistance. '.' white applicants was justified to receiving nominal opposition ensure diversity, but Friedman -1964 Civil Rights Act, Title W from the Dixiecrats. Since then, found this unconvincing. A look we our entire country, virtually at the Law School's recent one ... without exception, has upheld "The University ofMichigan Law School's use ofrace admittance make-up seems to cannot find the Civil Rights Act as one of as a factor in its admissions decisions is unconstitutional account for this. For example, graduation. the greatest pieces of legislation among applicants with grades and and a violation ofTitle W ofthe 1964 Civil Rights Act. " ever passed. LSAT scores similar to Barbara This uncommon agreement -Us. District CourtJudge Bernard A. Friedman Grutter's, 80% of the minorities makes th~ University of were accepted for admission, Michigans'''1'''_ recent lawsuit all the has pitted the U-M against the most recent stir. because U.S. while only 8% of whites and One last one from the more interesting, since it centers Center for Individual Rights District Court Judge Bernard A. Asians were admitted. These Country Gent. and D.C around tpis piece of legislation. (CIR). Friedman recently ruled against statistics coincided with the Law takes on HOI'OWitz, and If all agree on its content, why is Specifically, CIR is the U-M Law School and halted School's own admission that the • gasp,. presmts the c0n­ there a debate? representing clients in Gratz v. the use of racial preferences at servative ~ to~ port reparations · for the As students at the U -M Bollinger ~d Grutter v. Bollinger. the Law School. The 6th Circuit See LAW SCHOOL on Page 10 descendants of know, the school is under fire The former case involves the Court of Appeals in Cincinnati Unholy War Hash Bash .d Yes, we swear, it'8actual1y By RUBEN DURAN Reverend Jesse Jackson came to By JENNIFER LEE in here. Andifyoudeddeto stealourpaperbecauseyou Ann Arbor to lead a protest ;1" ~~ EVERAL WEEKS AGO, against the ruling .. While the HE 30TH disagr_ with the lawsuit against the usual assortment of BAMN ANNUAL wUl Saffirmative action policy activists and other supporters of T Hash Bash for the UniverSity of Michigan's racial preference were in kicked off at "high Law School was struck down. In attendance, also present were noon" on Saturday a much-publicized and talked­ several students protesting the with people from the about "Emergency rally,» the rally. Aside from the "End University of Affirmative Michigan, Ann Arbor, Action," "BAMN and all over the does not work for country, filling out the you,» and Diag in support of the "Content of legalization of Character, Not marijuana. This event Color of Skin," a dates back to 1970, lone man stood when John Lennon, with a white poster Alan Ginsberg, Yoko board sign reading: Ono, and other "Support popular activists came Affirmative Action! to Crisler Arena for a I bet I can make a really cool bong Do NOT Support freedom rally. The rally out of this drum, man. Jesse Jackson/The was in support of John O'Reilly Factor Sinclair, a resident of Ann Arbor from the rally decided that on who was sentenced to prison for April 1st of the following year, I'm sorry, Ms. Jackson, but your See The REV on Page 8 ten years for the possession of See BASH on Page 8 husband is a fornicator. two "joints.» Several individuals ...... _--_._-.. _--_. w""~,_,_<""~~ ..--,~~m''''-_''"'''''"'''''"'"' ______, ..'''«''''_~ [p~ge 2 THE IIICBlOAlf RBVIBW - SBRP.NrB April 11 , 2001 • SERPENT'S TOOTH Til F 'II (' III( ; \' I~ L \ IE \\ The good Reverend Jesse Jackson Two 14 - year old girls recently sued made another visit to our school recently, MTV after they were spr~ed with liqUid The Campus Affairs Journal of this time to speak out against the Law feces by a two man group known as the the University of Michigan School's affirmative action deciSion. Man, Shower Rangers for a segment on the "Look, / MItJhI-d for suppHI" . between fighting for disenfranchised MTV show "Dude, This Sucks.» Dude, voters In FL, thugs in IL, and now that DOES suck. D.C. Lee affirmative action here, the Reverend has Editor-in-Chief been working pretl:)! damn hard. But then The two girls apparently weren't angry The University, In its infinite wisdom, again, he does have another mouth to at MTV about being sprayed with feces, Matthew Franczak has decided to allow athletes to CRISP feed .. but were just under the impression that it Publisher before all other students ... so to those who would be done by the ever so dreamy have to take Kinesiology, In Ught of Red China's recent seizure Carson Daly. James Justin Wilson Communications, and history of the of a U.S. Navy surveillance plane and the Assoc, Publisher. Managing Editor University of Michigan courses, sorry, detainment of the 24 man crew, we at On a personal note, Serpent's believes maybe next year. Ruben Duran Serpent's suggest that we put it all behind that it should be compensated by MTV .i1mpus Affairs Editor us and give 'them some help with their for the audio equivalent of being sprayed . Serpent's is interested as to why population problem ... megatons of help. with feces when It heard a brief glimpse fl Jessica Curtin's new, twice weekly column JamesY. Yeb of "Say What Karaoke. on the bottom of the DaUy's editorial page Execurive Edilor Ted Turner was in negotiations to buy doesn't have a picture. Furthermore, Russia's only independent television station A women died In a scuffle with a Viewpoint Is a pretty bland column name. R. CoUn Painter last week. Good idea Ted, because the security guard recently when she allegedly Senior Edit Russians will love Atlanta Braves baseball shoplifted $200 worth of merchandise We're also wondering why the Drug and James Bond marathons. from a Detroit Rite-Ald. Tragic, indeed, Czar is always a general. If you want to NATL Af"FAIRS ED: BI'IId Sp~he but we just want to know, how much stuff stop trade, doesn't it make more sense to SSlSTANT EDITOR: Gina Fnkrnall The president of the Flat Earth Society she must have had stuffed in her jacket to RES EDITOR: Kurt bcImuIchu appOint a liberal economist to . the David Gulpe died recently. It seems he took his Pacific be $200 worth from a Rite-Aid? SATIRE EDITOR: position? OPYEDITOR: Tyee Of Boer sailing expedition too far. to the west. ONLiNE EDITOR: 8,..nckn Mu.h.1 A Fond Farewell to -Those-Who Have COrl1.e- Before Us MUS IC EDITOR: John Pnu .'t . - ~ ... Painter's Next 25 Years: Senator from U of M with ,. a BA in English 135 Year '1 F..DITORS EMERITI: l.ft Boddlom ,Next 35 Years: President and Political 1kf\Jam.1n Kepple Plan Science. Upon his f.~',\t;'" • ('I' :t;:. The Mrclllpn Ret'.c" IJ tho: IlIIkp:ndo\1. lIudm..... n jI:,.". At Age 135: Have a massive departure from "'" of """",,,IIi,. and lihc-nan3n CtpIDIOI'I II tho: UnhcnllY j . , 01 Miclu,an. We DtJIher 'IOIial nor IICCq:II rnoncwy dona· ;'r~'~ Next 3 Years: /. Ann Arbor, the . coronary after three hour romp with 18- .' • ~'... ,'~" \10M from the U- M Corunbulil:m tD the M~III Rei;"" Law School, year old sex kitten good Senor will i.. \~•. ' ~ arc WI--declucuf\1c under SccIJan SOl (c)()) 0( \he Inlemal Emory or Rcvm~ Code. The Renew Is not .mlLakd With any poIlllCaI R. Colin attempt to -. pili\)' cw unl>emty pohlleal ,roup. University of Epilogue: "He died as he launch a career in Painter IllinOis Ullilpec! rdllllnalJ rcpte>CD1 tho: npinlOll ol tho: tdllanal lived .. like a man.» advertising and! EI Senor boMI. Er&o. they are ullClQUlwxally QlITa:I and j~ SiJllCd or sitcom IRkIo. 1dIcn. and caItDOn. ~ tho: opinions of tho: Guipe dIorand not _I), Ihoseoftho: Rel'jew. The Sc>prnt', Nex t 5 Years: writing and/or TOOIh Jhall rqwucnt tho: optnlon of Indlvldual 1I/IOO)'mOIIl Criminal Lawyer / Prosecutor ElSefior GUipe's- Plans c:ontnblnnn 10 tho: RCI_. and IOIulId not ncc:essaril)' be fast food service -------­ en U n:pracnt.th. of the Review. tdllOnalltllllCC. 1be and/or supply chain management (a opinlDm JlR""L'Dkd in this publlcawI! are not lICCI:SSIIIily Next 15 Years: Congressman Dave "El Senor" GUipe 'is graduating IhDfc 01 tho: 1d\'CI1iJCR or ol tho: UnJ\e1SIIY of Mldlipn.
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