E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 116 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 165 WASHINGTON, TUESDAY, MARCH 5, 2019 No. 39 House of Representatives The House met at noon and was Knights of Columbus as a part of his Matt lost both of his legs; shrapnel called to order by the Speaker pro tem- Senate Judiciary Committee’s review tore through his wrist; and severe pore (Mr. TED LIEU of California). of qualifications. burns covered the right side of his f The assertion that being a Catholic body. He received the Purple Heart for and being a member of the Knights of his injuries and was medically retired. DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO Columbus would prevent Mr. Buescher Mr. Speaker, 2013 marked the start of TEMPORE from properly and effectively serving a downward spiral for Matt after losing The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- our Nation is preposterous. his grandmother and his dad, a man fore the House the following commu- Religion should not be a factor when who had stood by his side throughout nication from the Speaker: measuring someone’s ability to serve the entire recovery process. their country. Matt came to Arkansas seeking more WASHINGTON, DC, than just help. He needed a commu- March 5, 2019. I remind Senators that our Constitu- I hereby appoint the Honorable TED LIEU tion, in Article VI, states that ‘‘no reli- nity. Today, central Arkansas commu- to act as Speaker pro tempore on this day. gious test shall ever be required as a nity groups, veterans support organiza- NANCY PELOSI, qualification to any office or public tions, and our VA hospital are helping Speaker of the House of Representatives. trust under the United States.’’ Matt restart his life. f The Knights of Columbus was origi- He is seeking proper treatment for nally founded over 120 years ago. It is his PTSD and acts as a spokesman for MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT a society for working-class and immi- our Second Congressional District vet- A message in writing from the Presi- grant Catholics and is still true to its erans group, We Are the 22, which of- dent of the United States was commu- founding principles of charity, unity, fers assurance and hope for veterans nicated to the House by Ms. Mariel and fraternity. who are considering suicide. Ridgway, one of his secretaries. As a Catholic, my faith plays a sig- Matt’s sacrifice for Arkansas and nificant role in every aspect of life and America will never be forgotten, and I f join all Arkansans in offering Matt a fosters a respect for the religious heartfelt welcome to his new house in MORNING-HOUR DEBATE rights and freedoms of others. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- I was encouraged to see last month North Little Rock. ant to the order of the House of Janu- that the Senate unanimously passed a HUMANITARIAN CRISIS IN VENEZUELA ary 3, 2019, the Chair will now recog- resolution confirming that membership Mr. HILL of Arkansas. Mr. Speaker, I nize Members from lists submitted by in a religious organization does not rise to address the ongoing humani- the majority and minority leaders for make a person unfit for public office. tarian crisis in Venezuela and the inef- morning-hour debate. Fundamental American values, fective, inhumane, and irresponsible The Chair will alternate recognition among which are commitments to reli- actions of the Maduro government. For years, Venezuela’s United Social- between the parties. All time shall be gious freedom and human rights, will ist Party has pushed a once-prosperous equally allocated between the parties, always be the cornerstones of U.S. do- nation towards desperate poverty and and in no event shall debate continue mestic and foreign policy. open tyranny. beyond 1:50 p.m. Each Member, other I will continue to advocate for the Today in Venezuela, Maduro cele- than the majority and minority leaders rights of individuals to express their brates while his people eat garbage. and the minority whip, shall be limited feelings without living in fear of vio- For too long, the authoritarian re- to 5 minutes. lence and persecution. gime has acted without accountability. f RECOGNIZING MATTHEW ZAJAC Water sanitation is nonexistent, and Mr. HILL of Arkansas. Mr. Speaker, I hospitals stand without power or medi- RELIGIOUS FREEDOM rise today to recognize Matthew Zajac, cine, the results, Mr. Speaker, of 20 The SPEAKER pro tempore. The a double amputee Army vet, for his re- years of irresponsible socialism under Chair recognizes the gentleman from markable service to our country and the Chavez and Maduro regimes—all Arkansas (Mr. HILL) for 5 minutes. welcome him to his new home in Little this while 200 tons of U.S. food and Mr. HILL of Arkansas. Mr. Speaker, Rock, Arkansas. medical assistance sit unused at the in recent weeks, it has been sad to read In 2007, during a deployment to Iraq, Venezuela-Colombia border, blocked by that a judicial nominee, Brian Matt and members of his unit encoun- Maduro from entering the country. Buescher from Nebraska, has been tar- tered an IED, which exploded under I stand with the Organization of geted for his membership in the their Humvee. American States and over 50 countries b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H2325 . VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:29 Mar 06, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A05MR7.000 H05MRPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE H2326 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE March 5, 2019 with interim President Juan Guaido We have got to take this opportunity centage of Americans bear a dispropor- and call on Maduro to step down so and push the ball forward because, for tionate burden for the decisions that that humanitarian aid can flow to the the last 4 years, the American people are made by this body and others. Venezuelan people, who are sick, starv- have been voting for change. The Re- Walter was a deeply caring indi- ing, and scared. publicans called it draining the swamp. vidual. He was an encourager. When he All Americans stand with Ven- The Democrats called it saw Members on the floor, regardless of ezuelans, who want their republic back; anticorruption. your seniority or your status within they want their rights back; they want The American people are united the institution, he referred to everyone their freedom back. against the American political class. as ‘‘chairman.’’ He thought that was a f They are united against the D.C. polit- distinction that should be shared and ical class. one he used to revere those with whom CLOSE THE LOBBYIST LOOPHOLE We have got to do something about he served in this body. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The it, because, if it looks like a lobbyist, if He had friends on the right, on the Chair recognizes the gentleman from it talks like a lobbyist, if it acts like a left, and in the middle, because Walter New York (Mr. ROSE) for 5 minutes. lobbyist, then, Mr. Speaker, let’s call it treated everyone with respect and was Mr. ROSE of New York. Mr. Speaker, a lobbyist. Let’s disclose it and regu- the ultimate southern gentleman. I rise today to urge my colleagues to late it as such. I will miss his friendship, his guid- support the Lobbyist Loophole Closure f ance, his mentorship, and this institu- Act. tion and this country will miss the This bill will close a loophole that COMMEMORATING THE 157TH ANNI- principle with which Walter Jones lobbyists on both sides of the aisle— VERSARY OF THE HOMESTEAD served our great Nation. ACT and they are lobbyists—have been tak- f ing advantage of for far too long. They The SPEAKER pro tempore. The RECESS have been using it to skirt disclosure Chair recognizes the gentleman from under the guise of just providing stra- Nebraska (Mr. SMITH) for 5 minutes. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- tegic guidance for billion-dollar cor- Mr. SMITH of Nebraska. Mr. Speak- ant to clause 12(a) of rule I, the Chair porations. er, I rise to commemorate the 157th an- declares the House in recess until 2 You know, when I go back to Staten niversary of the Homestead Act pass- p.m. today. Island and south Brooklyn, they see ing the House of Representatives. Accordingly (at 12 o’clock and 12 right through this. They see it for what The Homestead Act was instrumental minutes p.m.), the House stood in re- it is, people getting over on the system in bringing settlers to the Midwest and cess. on the backs of hardworking Ameri- forming the State of Nebraska, as it al- f cans. And they are tired of it. lowed any qualified person to claim up b 1400 It is time that we do our job here in to 160 acres of Federally owned land in the Halls of Congress to end this. This exchange for 5 years of living on and AFTER RECESS is the way our jobs should work, be- improving the property. The recess having expired, the House cause for far too long we have been al- Homestead National Monument, was called to order by the Speaker pro lowing lobbyists on both sides of the which is located in Nebraska’s Third tempore (Mr. TED LIEU of California) at aisle to undermine this process and Congressional District, commemorates 2 p.m.
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