Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-03995-7 - The Cambridge History of the Second World War: Volume III: Total War: Economy, Society and Culture Edited by Michael Geyer and Adam Tooze Index More information Index A4 rocket, 215 British manufacture pre-war, 33, 38 Abadan, 144 Great Britain, 103–5 ABC of Communism, 578 jet, 213–14 Abyssinia research and development, 201 Italian invasion, 30, 33, 395 Soviet Union, 97 British response, 492–3 United States, 106, 114 Acheson, Dean, 514–16, 518 Akihito, 444 Acker, Achille van, 558 Alcan, 119, 222 Adams, John, 220 Alcoa, 119 administrative governance, 454–62, 473 Aldrig mere Krig, 480–1 policy-making, 455 Algeria, 138 separation of powers, 455–6 All-India Kisan Sabha, 409 Adorno, Theodor, 621–9, 639, 641, 644–5 aluminium, 118–20, 203, 222–3 aerial photography, 728 environmental impact, 223 African-Americans, 367, 723 American Anthropological Association, Afrika Korps, 189 548–9 agriculture, 149–50, 411, see also food American Bar Association, 459, 535, 549 security American Declaration of the Rights and Belgium, 160 Duties of Man, 528, 540 China, 171–2, 405–7 American Jewish Committee, 533 Denmark, 160 American Law Institute, 532–3 Germany American Relief Administration for a inter-war, 151 Russian Famine, 510 wartime, 153–4, 156–60 Andere Deutschland, Das, 485 Great Britain, 165 Andreev, Daniil, 490 India, 407–11 Anglo-American Council on Production Japan, 100, 154–6, 390 (AACP), 317 Manchuria, 395–6 Anglo-Iranian, 125 modernization, 149–51, 387 animals, 229–34 post-war, 394 domestic, 233–4 Soviet Union, 169–70 anthracite, 126 United States, 163, 386–7 anthrax, 267 Ahonen, Pertti, 546 Anthropocene, 26 air defence, 210–12 Anti-Rightist Campaign, 612 aircraft Antwerp, 192 810 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-03995-7 - The Cambridge History of the Second World War: Volume III: Total War: Economy, Society and Culture Edited by Michael Geyer and Adam Tooze Index More information Index Anzai Sadako, 426 BARBAROSSA, operation, 44–5, 399, 588 apologetic memory, 709–11, 716, 718 Barber, John, 588–9 Appia, Louis, 476 Barcero programme, 391 ARD, 687 Barraclough, Geoffrey, 248 Arendt, Hannah, 24, 630, 644–5 Bartov, Omer, 274, 372 Argentina, 167 BASF, 197 Ariès, Philippe, 671 Basra-Margil, 177 Arisawa Hiromi, 83 Batou system, 314 armoured vehicles Battle of Britain, 211, 333 Soviet union production, 31 Battle of Stalingrad (film), 683 Arnold, Matthew, 220 Bauman, Zygmunt, 720 Aruba refinery, 141, 144 bauxite, 118–20, 222–3 Asia Express, 99 Bayer, 197, 199 asocials, 365 bazooka, 207–8 AT&T, 197 Bedaux, Charles, 316, 321 Atatürk, Kemal, 702 Belarus, 399 Atlantic Charter, 49, 510, 526, 531–2 Belgium, 558 Attlee, Clement, 492, 596 agriculture, 160 Aung San, 608 economic policy Auschwitz, 113, 154 adherance to gold standard, 30 Adorno on, 645 post-war monetary reform, 49 chemicals complex, 44, 135 labour relations, 572 genocide at, 254, 630 persecution of Jews, 703 ghosts, 657–8 bellicist cultures, 416–17 photography, 737–40 Belorussia, 157 sexual slavery, 439–40 Bender, Hans, 671 survivors’ memories, 717–18 Bengal, 408–9 Austad, Torleiv, 481 Benjamin, Walter, 644 Australia, 167 Bennett, Judith A., 238 army, 228 Bergen-Belsen concentration camp, 266 conscientious objection, 471–2 Berlin Sports Palace, 353 exports, 194 Berlin, Battle of industrial production, 315 casualties, 273–4 Australian Imperial Force, 227 Soviet memorial, 273, 673, 693 Austria, 36, 49, 93, 102, 135, 249, 259, 282, Berliner Illustrierte, 731 295–6, 324, 379, 436, 506, 517, 522, 572 Bethe, Hans, 204 currency reform, 49 Bethnal Green Underground Station autarky, 128–31, see also food security tragedy, 689 Avro Lancaster, 104 Betriebsführer, 300 Beveridge report, 337, 533, 553–6, 596 Backe, Herbert, 46, 153, 156, 158 international impact, 556–8 Baden-Württemberg, 114 Beveridge, William, 50, 467, 553 Baku, 123, 133, 141–3 Bevin, Ernest, 299–300, 492 Balbo, Italo, 395–6 Bill of Rights Committee, 460 ballistic missiles, 214–15 Bintan Island, 119 bancor, 51 biological warfare, 209, 236, 266–7, 542 Bandar Shahpur, 177 Birkhoff, Gary, 208 Bandera, Stepan, 676 Bismarck, Otto von, 561–2, 633 Bandung Conference, 613 bison meat, 232 Bank of England, 38 black markets Bank of France, 33 France, 47, 158 Bank of Japan, 61 Germany, 49 Barbarossa Decree, 441 Japan, 85 811 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-03995-7 - The Cambridge History of the Second World War: Volume III: Total War: Economy, Society and Culture Edited by Michael Geyer and Adam Tooze Index More information Index Blair, Sir Ian, 675 CalTech, 114 Blanchot, Maurice, 652 Camus, Albert, 651 Blitzkrieg, 40, 350 Canada blockades, 393 conscientious objection, 470–1 Blomberg, Werner von, 30 conscription, 470–1 Blum, Léon, 34 industrial production, 315 Blyeh, Yayutz, 424–5 natural resources, timber, 226–40 Boeing B-29 Superfortress, 108–9, social policy, 557, 566–7 114, 180 Canadian Bar Association, 535 Bolivia, 281 cancroid, 427 Boll, Bernd, 727 cannibalism, 264–5 Bomber Command memorial, 694–6 Cap Arcona, 189 bond finance Carnegie Institution, 199, 205 bond drives, 22–3 Caron, George, 744 China, 68 Carta del Lavoro, 300 Germany, 36 Casablanca conference, 175 Japan, 62–3, 79 Cassin, René, 538 Bose, Subhas Chandra, 606 Castle Bromwich, 104 Bougainville, 163 cavity magnetron, 212 Bourne, Randolph, 582 Ceadel, Martin, 491 Braun, Eva, 668 cemeteries, 238, 663–4 Braun, Wernher von, 215, 219 censorship Bren machine gun, 105 British, 335 Bretton Woods conference, 52–3 central planning, 592–3 Bricker, John, 549 France, 594–6 Bridge over the River Kwai (film), 681 Germany British Administration of Malaya, 608 First World War, 577–8 British Aluminium Company, 119 pre-war, 584–5 British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), Great Britain, 581 332–3 post-war, 596 British National Physical Laboratory, 198 shipping, 183 British Transportation Service, 183 India, 581–2, 597–8 Brittain, Vera, 383, 494 Indonesia, 597 Brock, Peter, 488 Japan, 586–8 Brokaw, Tom, 271 post-war, 593–8 Browning, Christopher, 720 research and development, 205 bubonic plague, 210 Soviet Union, 578–9 Buddhism, 483 wartime, 588–90 Budrass, Lutz, 114 United States, 582–4, 590–2 Buna Beach, 735–7 shipping, 183 Burgfrieden, 577 wartime, 585–93 Burma, 42, 87, 93, 144, 608–9 Central Reserve Bank (China), 66 food shortages, 162 Chain Home system, 211 Burma-Siam railway, 57, 257, 283, 542 Chamberlain, Neville, 332, 467 Burnham, James, 115 Appeasement policy, 33 Bush, George W., 675, 692 Chang, Iris, 710 Bush, Vannevar, 205, 211 Chang, P. C., 538 Butters, Ed, 232 Charter 77 movement, 551 Chartier, Émile, 479 Cagan, Philip, 57 Chelyabinsk, 110 Cairo conference, 619–20, 616 chemical warfare, 200 Calcutta, 605 chemists, 208–9 California, 114 Chen Bijun, 604 812 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-03995-7 - The Cambridge History of the Second World War: Volume III: Total War: Economy, Society and Culture Edited by Michael Geyer and Adam Tooze Index More information Index Chen Yi, 614 labour relations, 570 Chertkov, Vladimir, 463–4 tank production, 116 Chetniks, 402 Churchill, Winston, 49, 103, 332, 359, 393, 467 Chiang Kai-shek, 59, 89, 170, 599, 611, on human rights, 531–2 619–20 on Korea, 616 Chickering, Roger, 220 on Lend-Lease, 42 Children’s Fund, 525 on loss of Empire, 606–7 Chile on post-war relief, 507 copper production, 118 on post-war treatment of Nazi leaders, 541 nitrate production, 118 Citroen, André, 317–18 Chil-sung Yang, 702–3 Civil Rights movement, 477 China, 618 Civilian Public Service camps, 470 agriculture, 171–2 civilians, see population displacement land reform, 405–7 Clark, Grenville, 459–62, 465 casualties, 172 Clark, William, 465 at hands of Chinese troops, 255–6 Clinton, Bill, 691 civilian, 254 coal, 135–8 military, 254 iron ore and, 125 civil war, 604–5, 611 transportation, 127 Daioyu islands, 620, 676 Ukraine, 136 displaced persons, 280–1, 296 world production, 126 economy coal production bond finance, 68 Great Britain, 224 communist controlled, 77–80 Soviet Union, 96–7 compulsory borrowing, 57 Cohen, Daniel, 545, 550 currency, 87–90 Cold War, 54 inflation, 68–72, 78, 90–3, 171 collaboration, 718 Japanese-occupied, 75–7 Denmark, 480–1 monetary regimes, 63–6 colonialism money-printing, 92 genocide, 719–21 nationalist, 66–78, 87–93 Combined Food Boards, 165 post-war, 87–93 Combined Raw Materials Board, 134 taxation, 79–80 comfort women, 429, 432, 629, 698–9, food security, 170–3 707–10, 715, 724 humanitarian aid, 513, 520–1 apologies to, 715 medical care, 271 commemorative events, 690–6 military spending, 67–9 Commissariat général du Plan (CGP), 594–6 nationalist, 66–78, 87–93, 170–2, 601–2, Commission for Relief in Belgium (CRB), 619–20 510 natural resources Committee for the Defence of coal, 137 Conscientious Objection (France), partisans, 400–7 464–5 post-war settlement, 600–5, 610–11, Committee of Imperial Defence, 185–6 612–13 Communist Party (Chinese), 405–7, 602 revisionism, 619 Communist Party (Polish), 705 social policy, 603 Communist Party (Soviet), 342–3 Soviet Union and, 611 compensation payments United States and, 601, 610–11, 621 timber requisitions, 227 cholera, 210 concentration camps Chongqing, 254–5 German Christianity, 646 disease, 266 chrome ore, 135 Mittelbau-Dora, 313 Chrysler, 107 condoms, 427–8 813 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-03995-7
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