USOO8882965B2 (12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 8,882,965 B2 Yamagami et al. (45) Date of Patent: Nov. 11, 2014 (54) PAPER RECYCLING SYSTEMAND PAPER (56) References Cited RECYCLING METHOD U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS (75) Inventors: Toshiaki Yamagami, Shiojiri (JP); Ken 4,668,339 A 5/1987 Terry Ikuma, Suwa (JP) 5,564,635 A 10, 1996 Terada et al. 7,290,353 B2 * 1 1/2007 Yancey et al. .................. 34,221 (73) Assignee: Seiko Epson Corporation, Tokyo (JP) 7.334,347 B2 * 2/2008 Mann et al. ..................... 34/359 (*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS patent is extended or adjusted under 35 U.S.C. 154(b) by 0 days. JP 50-69306 A 6, 1975 JP 52-144407 A 12, 1977 JP 01-148888 A 12/1989 (21) Appl. No.: 13/979,089 JP 06-093585 A 4f1994 JP 06-155418 A 6, 1994 (22) PCT Filed: Dec. 20, 2011 JP 07-026451 A 1, 1995 JP O7-102493 A 4f1995 (86). PCT No.: PCT/UP2011/007124 JP O7-124498 A 5, 1995 JP 2001-140.184 A 5, 2001 S371 (c)(1), JP 2003-5.00560 A 1, 2003 (2), (4) Date: Oct. 3, 2013 JP 2008-508443 A 3, 2008 WO 2006O12898 A1 2, 2006 (87) PCT Pub. No.: WO2012/095928 * cited by examiner PCT Pub. Date: Jul.19, 2012 Primary Examiner — Mark Halpern (65) Prior Publication Data (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — Global IP Counselors, LLP US 2014/OO27075A1 Jan. 30, 2014 (57) ABSTRACT (30) Foreign Application Priority Data To provide a paper recycling device capable of recycling paper of increased whiteness level that can be widely used for Jan. 12, 2011 (JP) ................................. 2011-004113 applications other than paper for newspapers, the paper recy Jan. 14, 2011 (JP) ................................. 2011-005573 cling device of the present invention has a dry type defibrator Jan. 14, 2011 (JP) ................................. 2011-005574 for crushing and defibrating paper, a first transport pipe for transporting defibrated material that was defibrated by the dry (51) Int. Cl. type defibrator, a cyclone for air classifying and deinking the D21B I/32 (2006.01) defibrated material transported by the first transport pipe, a D2C5/02 (2006.01) second transport pipe for transporting the defibrated material (52) U.S. Cl. that was deinked by the cyclone, and a paperforming machine USPC ............................................... 162/261: 162/4 for forming paper with the defibrated material transported by (58) Field of Classification Search the second transport pipe. USPC ................................. 162/261, 4:34/359,221 See application file for complete search history. 7 Claims, 3 Drawing Sheets \ OLE PAPER U.S. Patent Nov. 11, 2014 Sheet 1 of 3 US 8,882,965 B2 OLD PAPER O 2- -5 TO DEINKED FIBERS 190 AUTOMATICFEED THICKNESS MECHANISM SENSOR MAIN DRYTYPE CONTROL DEFIBRATING UNIT MACHINE U.S. Patent Nov. 11, 2014 Sheet 2 of 3 US 8,882,965 B2 OLD PAPER TO sesses2-4- 9. NK GRAINS Fig. 3 U.S. Patent Nov. 11, 2014 Sheet 3 of 3 US 8,882,965 B2 OLD PAPER O-a- series 70 NK GRAINS Fig. 4 US 8,882,965 B2 1. 2 PAPER RECYCLING SYSTEMAND PAPER called deinking process that removes components of ink RECYCLING METHOD grains and the like contained in the fiber obtained by defibrat ing old paper, so there was the problem that the whiteness This application is a 371 of PCT/JP2011/007124 filed 20 level was low, and its applicability was limited to paper for Dec. 2011. printing newspapers or the like. CROSS-REFERENCE TO THE RELATED APPLICATIONS Means for Solving the Problems This U.S. national phase application claims priority to 1 To address problems such as those noted above, the inven Japanese Patent Application Nos. 2011/0041 13, 2011/ 0 tion is characterized in that the paper recycling device of the 005573, and 2011/005574 filed on Jan. 12, 2011, Jan. 14, invention has a dry type defibrator unit for crushing paper and 2011, and Jan. 14, 2011 respectively. The entire disclosure of defibrating it, a first transport unit for conveying defibrated Japanese Patent Application Nos. 2011/0041 13, 2011/ material defibrated by the dry type defibrator unit, a classifier 005573, and 2011/005574 is hereby incorporated herein by unit that does deinking by doing air flow classification of the reference. 15 defibrated material transported by the first transport unit, a second transport unit that transports the defibrated material BACKGROUND deinked by the classifier unit, and a paper forming unit that forms paper with the defibrated material transported by the 1. Technical Field second transport unit. The present invention relates to a paper recycling device Also, with the paper recycling device of the invention, the and paper recycling method based on paper recycling tech flow velocity of the airflow of the classifier units connecting nology using a dry method that to the extent possible does not part with the first transportunit is higher than the flow velocity uSe Water. of the airflow of the dry type defibrator units connecting part 2. Background Art with the first transport unit. In the past, with recycling of old paper discharged from 25 Also, with the paper recycling device of the invention, the offices or the like, a so-called wet method was used by which classifier unit is a cyclone. old paper was put into water, defibrated using mainly Also, with the paper recycling device of the invention, the mechanical action, and remade. This kind of wet method old paper forming unit has a dispersion member for dispersing in paper recycling requires a large Volume of water, so the pro the air the defibrated material transported by the second trans cessing scale has to be large to make it inexpensive. Because 30 portunit, a Suction member for Suctioning the dispersed defi of that, collecting a large Volume of old paper is essential, and brated material, and a mesh belt for transporting the defi in addition to a great deal of effort being required for prepa brated material suctioned by the suction member. ration and maintenance of the water processing equipment, Also, with the paper recycling device of the invention, the there was also the problem that a large Volume of energy is mesh belt transports the formed paper and also has a water used for the drying process. 35 sprayer for spraying water on the formed paper. However, since old paper on which confidential items are Also, the paper recycling device of the invention has a noted is also discharged from offices, from the perspective of heater roller for heating the paper sprayed by water using the maintaining confidentiality as well, there is a desire to process water sprayer. old paper within one's own office. However, since the volume Also, the paper recycling device of the invention has a third of old paper discharged from a small office is Small, it is 40 transport unit for transporting classified material classified difficult to ensure the Volume necessary for a large scale from the defibrated material by the classifier unit, and a suc process like that described above. Also, it is not realistic to tion unit that Suctions the classified material transported by install equipment for large scale processing like that noted the third transportunit. above within an office. In light of that, to do paper recycling, Also, the paper recycling method of the invention is char up to now, several dry method paper recycling technologies 45 acterized by defibrating paperby dry type crushing, transport that to the extent possible do not use water have been pro ing the defibrated material using the first transportunit, doing posed. airflow classification and deinking of the defibrated material For example, disclosed with the invention noted in Patent transported by the first transport unit, transporting by the Document 1 (Patent Application Publication No. H01 second transport unit the defibrated material deinked by the 148888) is use of secondary fiber sources as sheets for print 50 classifying process, and forming paper using the defibrated ing newspaper by defibrating them using a dry method, and by material transported by the second transport unit. making the printed ink into tiny ink spots that are difficult to Also, the paper recycling device of the invention is char detect. acterized by having a dry type defibrator unit for doing dry type crushing and defibrating of paper, a first transportunit for PRIOR ART DOCUMENTS 55 transporting using air flow the defibrated material defibrated by the dry type defibrator unit, an adjustment unit for adjust Patent Documents ing the air flow of the first transportunit, a classifier unit for doing air flow classification and deinking of the defibrated Patent Document 1: Patent Application Publication No. material transported by the first transportunit, a second trans HO1-148888 60 portunit for transporting the defibrated material deinked by the classifier unit, and a paperforming unit for forming paper SUMMARY from the defibrated material transported by the second trans port unit. Problems the Invention is Intended to Solve Also, with the paper recycling device of the invention, the 65 first transportunit has a transport pipe for moving defibrated However, the paper that is recycled using the technology material, and the adjustment unit adjusts the cross section noted in Patent Document 1 has not gone through the so Surface area of the transport pipe. US 8,882,965 B2 3 4 Also, with the paper recycling device of the invention, the ing the deinked defibrated material, and forming paper with flow velocity of the airflow of the classifier units connecting the transported defibrated material. part with the first transportunit is greater than the flow veloc As described above, the paper recycling device and paper ity of the air flow of the dry type defibrator units connecting recycling method of the invention uses the classifier unit to do part with the first transport unit.
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