OT JUST ANOTHER SOCIAL MOVEMENT Poster Art and the Movimiento Chicano George Lipsitz Changing the rules of art is not only an aesthetic problem; it questions the structures with which the members of the artistic world are used to relating to one another, and also the customs and beliefs of the receivers. NESTOR GARCIA CANCLINI' -$- Cambiar las reg/as de/ arte no es solo un prob/ ema estetico; cuestiona las estructuras con las que las miembros de/ mundo artistico estan acostumbrados a relacionarse entre sf, y tambien las costumbres y las creencias de/ publico. NESTOR GARCIA CANCLINI George Lipsitz , MAS QUE OTRO MOVIMIENTO SOCIAL El arte del cartel y el movimiento chicano The posters in this exhibition display a hidden Los carteles de esta exposici6n presentan urc; history of the Chicano Movement. They document historia oculta del movimiento chicano. Documentar the struggles of braceros and Brown Berets, of las luchas de los braceros y los Brown Berets (bo·nc;s boycotts and ballot initiatives, of antiwar activism marrones) boicots e iniciativas electorales, su act:. ~,... and immigrant self-defense. They present a perma­ antibelico y la autodefensa de los inmigrantes. nent record of mass mobilizations and community Documentan de forma permanente las movilizaciores coalitions against police brutality, educational masivas y alianzas colectivas en contra de la brute; inequality, and economic exploitation. They evoke policial, de la desigualdad educativa y de la exp 1o~c; the Movimiento Chicano in all its rich complexities econ6mica. Evocan ademas toda la rica complej'da:: and contradictions, a movement both nationalist and movimiento chicano y sus contradicciones. Este internationalist, class conscious and culturalist, movimiento es a la vez nacionalista e internacionc; ::­ reformist and revolutionary. These posters provide a reformista y revolucionario, y tiene conciencia cu~ .. ~ rich repository of the iconography, idealism, and y de clase social. Estos carteles constituyen un va imagination that propelled the movement to signifi­ repositorio de la iconografia, el idealismo y la ima: - cant victories in the past and which help account for naci6n que impulsaron al movimiento hacia triur"os its enduring presence in the hearts and minds of importantes, y que ayudan a explicar su perma ne" - people today.' hasta hoy en los corazones y las mentes de la ge"•· Yet these are not just pictures, they are Sin embargo, estas no son simplemente . v~"=­ posters: multiples designed for quick, inexpensive ciones sino carteles: diseriados para su produ cc•o~ production and mass distribution. They were created rapida y econ6mica y su distribuci6n masiva. Fue - for everyday use in homes and offices, on bulletin creados para el uso diario en hogares y oficinas. er­ boards and lamp posts, in schools and community tablones de anuncios y farolas, escuelas y centros centers. Posters advertised art exhibitions, concerts, comunitarios. Los carteles anunciaban exposicio es and theatrical productions aimed at Chicano a rte, conciertos y representaciones teatrales d:r·g·,."­ audiences. They alerted community residents about publico chicano. Alertaban a los residentes de as forthcoming protest demonstrations and mass entes comunidades sobre manifestaciones y cone::~ meetings. They nurtured and sustained collective ciones venideras. Alimentaban y sustentaban la memory by commemorating important moments of memoria colectiva al conmemorar importantes rr _ struggle in Mexican and Mexican American history. tos de lucha en la historia mexicana y mexica noa ............ They proclaimed solidarity with other aggrieved cana. Proclamaban solidaridad con otras com ur da. communities of color in the U.S. and with national­ de color agraviadas en los Estados Unidos, y tam~ · - ist struggles against colonial domination all around con las luchas nacionalistas contra el dominio co the world. The dazzling designs and accessible que se daba en todo el mundo. Los deslumbra nte: images that permeate these posters reflect the imagi­ diserios y las imagenes accesibles que permea n est nation and artistry of their creators to be sure, but carteles reflejan la imaginaci6n y la habilidad de :: they also owe much to the practical imperatives of artistas, pero tambien deben mucho a los impe ra· _ the poster form: to attract attention, communicate practicos del cartel: llamar la atenci6n, comu n1ca~"' clearly, and encapsulate a complex message in a lucidamente y narrar un mensaje complejo en ura compressed form. forma concisa. Unlike art created primarily for the approval A diferencia del arte que busca la aprobac of critics and for display in galleries and museums, los criticos y su exposici6n en galerias y museos, ~ these posters functioned as crucial components of a carteles funcionaban como componentes ese nc;a :s Chicano public sphere created by community-based una esfera publica chicana, creados por artistas -a"" artists and activists at the grass roots. No one dos en las comunidades y por activistas de base. ' - invited the creators of these posters to become invit6 a los creadores de estos carteles a hace rse a~: 72 "'": i:aro n solos. Actuaron en uno de los pocos artists; they invited themselves. They acted in one of Je tenian abiertos con las herramientas que the few arenas open to them with the tools they had .: !"!:aria. Rene Yanez explica la organizacion de la at hand. Rene Yanez explains the organization of ~:: a Raza, en el Distrito de las Misiones de San the Galeria de la Raza in San Francisco's Mission ~~ . ::omo una necesidad. "Los museos no exponian District as a matter of necessity. "Museums were not ·~ c-,ca nos, las galerias no mostraban arte de exhibiting Chicanos, galleries were not exhibiting _; •ecu erda Yanez, "por lo que tuvimos que tomar Chicanos," Yanez recalls, "so we felt we had to take -s oe nuestro destino". 3 En una epoca en que sus destiny into our own hands."' At a time when their _5 controlaban casi todos los mecanismos impor­ enemies controlled almost all the major mechanisms _.:: ra esfera publica - radio y television, periodicos, of the public sphere - radio and television stations, de pub licidad, escuelas, museos, conservatorios y newspapers, advertising agencies, schools, museums, c:: arte - los artistas activistas chicanos crearon conservatories, and art galleries - Chicano activist -= ag·tacion y educacion a traves del uso creativo artists created forms of agitation and education ;:r;::s en serigrafia y de fotografia offset. through creative use of silkscreen and photo-offset images. = .:;::e qu e se exhibe en esta exposicion no es f-~ :.:na reflexion secundaria de un movimiento The art on display in this exhibition is not just :: ~e tan importante coma para verse reflejado en a secondary reflection of a social movement that ~ ~"listi cas. Mas bien los carteles funcionaban was so powerful that it found its reflection in artistic ·-..: parte del movimiento mismo, coma formas images. Rather, these posters functioned as part of ~:: j..igaban un papel importante en la lucha por la the movement itself, as vital forms that performed I :;c16n social. Nos ofrecen los "materiales important work in the struggle for social change. e artefactos que, a traves de su produccion They provide us with the "materials memory" of ~-::-tri buyeron al nacimiento de un movimiento. artifacts that helped call a movement into being ::'. es jugaron papeles decisivos en la construccion through artistic expression. These posters played :.'" riad organica y en la definicion de la ideologia crucial roles in constructing organic solidarity and in defining collective ideology. _5 "'lOVim ientos opositores deben nutrir y mantener Oppositional movements have to nurture and ::-cia insurgente. Deben catalogar las experien­ sustain an insurgent consciousness. They need to coridiciones comunes que hacen necesaria y inventory the shared experiences and common ,:;cci6n colectiva. Deben formar personas capaces conditions that make collective action logical and -.-seen la historia colectiva de su grupo social, y necessary. They must create individuals capable of ~-: ~ar a la gente a correr riesgos para operar locating themselves in the collective history of their er e sistema. Los movimientos opositores deben social group and they need to encourage people to !:st:atarios al oponerse, invertir, subvertir e ironizar take risks to bring about systemic change. • ..,~gen es que mantienen el status quo. Deben Oppositional movements must talk back to power - ~ .gente hacia afiliaciones y alianzas que fortalez­ to oppose, invert, subvert, and ironicize ideas and -siciones actuales y les permitan llegar a una images that support the status quo. They need to ::11c1a de recursos en el futuro. Los movimientos lead people toward affiliations and alliances that can T::a• espacios para el cambio social - no solamente augment their power in the present and lead to ·~r- oo fi gurado por media de la memoria y la imagi­ transfers of resources in the future. Movements have or el objetivo de ampliar las realidades y las to create spaces for social change - figuratively by -;::es del presente, sino tambien en el sentido using memory and imagination to expand the reali­ _.::arido espacios fisicos, instituciones y eventos ties and possibilities of the present, but also literally e futuro esperado se haga sentir en el presente. Los by creating physical places, institutions, and events -:; ·ie os movimientos son importantes no solamente where the hoped-for future makes itself felt in the 73 present. Movement spaces are important as sites for coma los lugares donde tiene lugar la accion opositora direct oppositional activity, but they are also essen­ directa, sino que tambien son esenciales coma crisoles C-'­ tial as crucibles for the creation of new kinds of permiten la creacion de nuevos tipos de personas (act: . s­ people - activists, artists, and community leaders - tas, artistas y dirigentes civicos); individuos que habl ar individuals speaking clearly and acting confidently, claro y actuan con confianza, gente enfervorizada pa r a people emboldened by the energy and the imagina­ energia y la imaginacion del movimiento.
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