Entomofauna carpathica, 2020, 32(2): 47-87 CONTRIBUTION TO THE KNOWLEDGE OF LITHOSIINI AND ARCTIINI (EREBIDAE, ARCTIINAE) OF CENTRAL AND NORTHERN LAOS, PART 4. Karol BUCSEK Slovak Academy of Sciences, Institute of Zoology, Dúbravská cesta 9, 845 06 Bratislava, Slovak republic; e-mail: [email protected] BUCSEK, K. 2020. Contribution to the knowledge of Lithosiini and Arctiini (Erebidae, Arctiinae) of central and northern Laos, part 4. Entomofauna carpathica, 32(2): 47-87. Abstract: This study is based on material of Lithosiini and Arctiini (Erebidae, Arctiinae) recorded in the Nakai (about 500 m), Bolikhamsai (200–300 m) and Huaphanh (1200–1900 m) areas of central and northern Laos. This fourth part lists 54 species, including descriptions of 4 new species: Teulisna varia n. sp., Microlithosia unicolora n. sp., Danielithosia dubatolovi n. sp. and Poliosia bilineata n. sp. They are listed below 3 new combinations: Teulisna fimbriata n. comb., Cernyia pseudobrevivalva n. comb. and Churinga nigripes n. comb. Key words: Erebidae, Lithosiini, Arctiini, new species, Laos, taxonomy MATERIAL AND METHODS The photos of adults were made with NIKON D700 and SONY DSC-WX220. Genitalia were mounted in microscopic slides using Canada balsam, morphological observations were made using and photographed by Digital USB 2,0 microscope camera (Micro Capture Pro). Subsequently the genitalia were demounted,preserved in glycerine in the test tubes and attached to the corresponding specimen. Post-shooting image processing was done using the software Adobe® Photoshop CS5. Holotypes are stored in the Slovak National Museum, Bratislava, paratypes in the collection of Karol Bucsek. Abbreviations HT – holotype SNM – Slovak National Museum, Bratislava PT – paratype CKB – in coll. Karol Bucsek, Bratislava 47 Entomofauna carpathica, 2020, 32(2): 47-87 SYSTEMATIC SECTION Genus Teulisna Walker, 1862 Type species: Teulisna plagiata Walker, 1862 (Borneo) Teulisna karena Černý, 2009 (Fig. 1) Teulisna karena Černý: Cerny, Pinratana 2009, Moths of Thailand, vol. 6: 132, pl. 26: 264, gen. 3: 264f, 264v. Teulisna karena Černý: Bucsek 2012, Erebidae, Arctiinae (Lithosiini, Arctiini) of Malay Peninsula-Malaysia, 110, Pl. 19: 272, 272a, Mal145. Teulisna karena Černý: Kirti, Joshi & Singh, 2014, Acta zool. cracov. 57 (1-2): 14, Figs 6-11, 18 (list). Teulisna karena Černý: Kirti, Singh, 2015, Arctiid Moths of India, vol. 1: 113. Wingspan. Male 19 - 21 mm. Type locality. N Thailand. Distribution in Laos. Huaphanh. Geographical range. NE India, Laos, Thailand, Peninsular Malaysia. Teulisna uniplaga Hampson, 1894 (Fig. 2) Teulisna uniplaga Hampson, 1894, Moths India 2: 88. Ilema uniplaga Hampson, 1900, Cat. Lep. Phalaenae Br. Mus. 2: 133, 135, pl. 21: 16. Lithosia uniplaga Hampson: Draut, 1914: in Seitz, Macrolep. World 10:205, pl. 14h. Eilema uniplaga Hampson: Strand, 1922, Lep. Cat. 26: 587. Teulisna uniplaga Hampson: Fang, 2000, Fauna Sin., Ins. 19, Lep., Arctiidae: 230, pl. 11: 17. Teulisna uniplaga Hampson: Cerny, Pinratana 2009, Moths of Thailand, vol. 6: 133 - 134, pl. 27: 267. Teulisna uniplaga Hampson: Bucsek 2014, Erebidae, Arctiinae (Lithosiini, Arctiini) of Malay Peninsula-Malaysia, Suppl. 29, Pl. 5: 62, 62a. Teulisna uniplaga Hampson: Kirti, Joshi & Singh, 2014, Acta zool. cracov. 57 (1-2): 19 (list). Teulisna uniplaga Hampson: Bayarsaikhan et al. 2016, Biod. of Cambodia: tiger moths, 197, Pl. 18: 149. Wingspan. Male 18–19 mm. Type locality. Myanmar (= Burma). Distribution in Laos. Nakai. Geographical range. China, Myanmar, Laos, Thailand, Cambodia, Peninsular Malaysia, Sumatra, Borneo. 48 Entomofauna carpathica, 2020, 32(2): 47-87 Teulisna fimbriata (Leech, 1890) n. comb. (Figs. 3, 4, 90, 91) Tegulata fimbriata Leech, 1890, Entomologist 23: 81. Ilema fimbriata Leech: Hampson, 1900, Cat. Lep. Phalaenae Br. Mus. 2: 136, pl. 21, f. 17. Lithosia fimbriata Leech: Seitz, 1910, Macrolepid. World 2: 69, pl. 13: d. Eilema fimbriata Leech: Strand, 1922, in Junk, Lep. Cat. 26: 555. Eilema protuberans Moore: Fang, 1982, Icon. Het. Sin. 2: 198, fig. 1434 (nec Moore). Eilema tumida Walker: Fang, 1992, in Icon. For. Ins. Hunan p. 936, fig. 3157 (nec Walker). Thysanoptyx fimbriata Leech: Fang, 2000, Fauna Sin., Ins. 19, Lep. Arctiidae: 236, fig. 158, pl. 11: 24. Thysanoptyx fimbriata Leech: Volynkin & Dubatolov, 2017, Zootaxa, 4277 (1): 112 (list). Wingspan. Male 25–27 mm, female 28 mm. Type locality. C China. Distribution in Laos. Huaphanh. Geographical range. China (Shaanxi, Hubei, Hunan, Guangxi, Yunnan, Tibet), Laos. Teulisna protuberans (Moore, 1878) (Figs. 5, 6, 92, 93) Tegulata protuberans Moore, Proc. Zool. Soc.1878: 23, pl. II: 6. Ilema protuberans Moore: Hampson, 1900, Cat. Lep.Phal. Br. Mus. 2: 133-134. Lithosia protuberans Moore: Draudt, 1914: in Seitz, Macrolep. World 10: 205, pl. 14 h. Teulisna protuberans Moore: Cerny, Pinratana 2009, Moths of Thailand, vol. 6: 131, pl. 26: 262a, 262b. Wingspan. Male 23–25 mm, female 25 mm. Type locality. India – Darjiling. Distribution in Laos. Huaphanh. Geographical range. India (Sikkim), Bhutan, Thailand, Laos. Teulisna tumida (Walker, 1862) (Figs. 7, 8) Tegulata tumida Walker, 1862, Journ. Lin. Soc. Lond. (Zool.) 6: 110. Teulisna tumida Walker: Hampson, 1893, Ill. Het. Br. Mus. 9: 13. Ilema tumida Walker: Hampson, 1900, Cat. Lep. Phal. Br. Mus. 2: 133, fig. 82. Lithosia tumida Walker: Draudt, 1914: in Seitz, Macrolep. World 10: 204, pl. 14 g. Eilema tumida Walker: Strand, 1922, in Junk, Lep. Cat. 26: 586. Eilema tumida Walker: Kishida, 1993, Tinea 13 (Suppl. 3): 37, pl. 40: 17. Teulisna tumida Walker: Fang, 2000, Fauna Sin., Ins. 19, Lep. Arctiidae: 230, fig. 150, pl. 9: 18. Teulisna tumida Walker: Holloway, 2001, Moths of Borneo 7: 309, pl. 2, fig. 58. Teulisna tumida Walker: Cerny, Pinratana 2009, Moths of Thailand, vol. 6: 130, pl. 26: 261a, 261b. 49 Entomofauna carpathica, 2020, 32(2): 47-87 Teulisna tumida Walker: Bucsek 2014, Erebidae, Arctiinae (Lithosiini, Arctiini) of Malay Peninsula-Malaysia, 111, Pl. 5: 62, 62a. Teulisna tumida Walker: Kirti, Joshi & Singh, 2014, Acta zool. cracov. 57 (1-2): 19 (list). Teulisna protuberans Moore: Kirti, Singh, 2015, Arctiid Moths of India, vol. 1: 115. Wingspan. Male 21–24 mm, female 25–26 mm. Type locality. Borneo – Sarawak. Distribution in Laos. Huaphanh. Geographical range. NE India, China, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Peninsular Malaysia, Borneo, Sumatra. Teulisna maculata Fang, 2000 (Figs. 9, 10) Teulisna maculata Fang, 2000, Fauna Sin., Ins. 19, Lep., Arctiidae: 231, fig. 151, pl. 11: 19. Teulisna maculata Fang: Cerny, Pinratana 2009, Moths of Thailand, vol. 6: 134-135, pl. 27: 269. Teulisna maculata Fang: Kirti, Joshi & Singh, 2014, Acta zool. cracov. 57 (1-2): 18 (list). Wingspan. Male 20–24 mm, female 23–25 mm. Type locality. China – Yunnan. Distribution in Laos. Huaphanh. Geographical range. China (Yunnan), Laos, Thailand. Teulisna tongdzuythanhi Dubatolov & Bucsek, 2016 (Figs. 11, 12, 94) Teulisna tongdzuythanhi Dubatolov & Bucsek, 2016, Euroasian Ent. J. 15 (3): 229, Figs 2, 3, 21. Wingspan. Male 18 mm, female 19 mm. Type locality. C Vietnam. Distribution in Laos. Huaphanh. Geographical range. Vietnam, Laos. Teulisna mithunoides Černý, 2009 (Figs. 13–15, 95, 96) Teulisna mithunoides Černý, Cerny, Pinratana 2009, Moths of Thailand, vol. 6: 135, pl. 27: 271. Teulisna mithunoides Černý: Kirti, Joshi & Singh, 2014, Acta zool. cracov. 57 (1-2): 18 (list). Teulisna mithunoides Černý: Bucsek, 2016, Entomofauna, 37 (37): 574, pl. 1: 2, pl. 2: 1. Teulisna mithunoides Černý: Bayarsaikhan et al. 2016, Biod. of Cambodia: tiger moths, 193, Pl. 18: 146. 50 Entomofauna carpathica, 2020, 32(2): 47-87 Wingspan. Male 15 mm, female 17 mm. Type locality. SW Thailand. Distribution in Laos. Nakai. Geographical range. Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Peninsular Malaysia. Teulisna varia Bucsek n. sp. (Figs. 16–18, 97, 98) Holotype. ♂ LAOS, Huaphanne prov., Mt. Phu Pane, 1200-1900m, Ban Saluei v. env., 3.-13.V.2019, 20°12´N, 103°59´E, leg. K. Bucsek, SNM with a museum serial number SZ 10 957. Paratypes. 2 ♂♂, 2 ♀♀ like holotype, CKB. Wingspan. Male 18 - 19 mm, female 20 - 22 mm. Holotype. Male 19 mm, antennae finely pectinated, head, thorax and abdomen ochreous, anal margin straw yellow. Forewing ochreous with a distinctive brown dust, patterning dark brown. Medial line intermittent, more pronounced on costa, slightly oblique towards the base. Postmedial line intermittent, more pronounced on costa, follows the outer margin. On termen a few dark dots, cilia ochreous. Hindwing light ochreous, subterminal area brown dusted, dust on apex more conspicuous. Male genitalia. Uncus long, nearly straight, with curved tip. Valva narrow, widened to the apex, apical lobe of valva markedly sclerotized, distal costal process very pronounced, on the apex with two small spikes. Juxta sclerotized, with distinct thin spike on both sides. Aedeagus with a large cornut, which is serrated on one side. A small field of cornuti, with a sclerotized, small, serrated plate inside. Female. Habitually the same as a male, but a little darker and more cinnamon in color. Female genitalia. Posterior apophysis and dorsal plate strongly sclerotized, ductus bursae very broad and sclerotized. Corpus bursae very markedly sclerotized, cylindrical in shape, completely filled with cornuti. Silmilar species: Habitually very similar species Teulisna tongdzuythanhi Dubatolov & Bucsek, but it has the forewing color more homogenous, the subterminal area of the hindwing is without brown dust. Teulisna mithunoides Černý is smaller. The main
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