Orthogonal Polynomials and Special Functions SIAM Activity Group on Orthogonal Polynomials and Special Functions ???? Newsletter ???? Published Three Times a Year February 1998 Volume 8, Number 2 Contents Madrid, jointly with Rafael J. Y¶a~nez,Universidad de Granada, have agreed to succeed me as editors. From the Editor . 1 Both will already co-edit the next two issues with Message from the Chair . 1 me. So you are encouraged to send your material Introduction of Forthcoming Editors . 2 Memorial Note about Vasily B. Uvarov . 3 either to me or to one of them. You will ¯nd their Reports from Meetings and Conferences . 3 e-mail addresses on p. 23. Forthcoming Meetings and Conferences . 7 Prizes and Awards . 12 Below Charles Dunkl gives a Message from the Books and Journals . 15 Chair on this topic, and Renato and Rafael intro- Second Call For Papers . 16 duce themselves on p. 2. Software Announcements . 16 Problems and Solutions . 17 Again, much material was collected from OP- Miscellaneous . 19 SF Net. Let me say thank you to everybody who How to Contribute to the Newsletter . 22 Activity Group: Addresses . 23 provided input for the current issue. I am partic- ularly thankful for the many reports on previous meetings. L P O N A L Y O N As usual I hope you enjoy reading this issue! G O O M H I A T January 31, 1998 Wolfram Koepf L R SIAM S O Activity Group S S P E Est. 1990 N C O I I A C T L F U N Message from the Chair From the Editor Greetings and my wishes for a happy and pros- perous 1998 to all. I am pleased to announce In the most recent issue, I announced that I the appointment of Professors Renato Alvarez-¶ will quit my editorship and I asked for possible Nodarse and Rafael Y¶a~nezas co-editors of this successors. I am pleased to announce that Re- Newsletter. There will be a transition period as nato Alvarez-Nodarse,¶ Universidad Carlos III de Wolfram Koepf has kindly agreed to produce at February 1998 Orthogonal Polynomials and Special Functions Newsletter 2 least one more issue and at the same time help Dr. A. G. Garc¶³a)in 1996 at the Departamento the new editors get started. Renato and Rafael de Matem¶aticas of the Universidad Carlos III de are at the University Carlos III in Madrid and Madrid. At the present moment I am Assistant the University of Granada, respectively. They are Professor in the Departamento de Matem¶aticasof writing a short note in this issue by way of in- the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, currently troduction. The terms of the current o±cers end teaching Linear Algebra and Calculus for the ¯rst December 31, 1998 and a nominating committee year students at the Engineering School (Escuela will be appointed by the SIAM President to pre- Polit¶ecnicaSuperior). I am also an associate re- pare a slate for the election. It is not too early searcher (investigador asociado) of the Instituto to start thinking about nominations; please feel \Carlos I" de F¶³sicaTe¶oricay Computacional of free to send possible candidates' names to any the Universidad de Granada. The main topics of the present o±cers. The minisymposium at which I am interested in are Orthogonal Polyno- the SIAM annual meeting of 1997 dealing with mials and Special Functions, their applications in special function handbooks, which was organized several areas of Mathematical Physics (Quantum by us, has stirred up lots of interest. It is ex- Physics, representation theory of q-algebras and pected that there soon will be an article in the groups, the q-SchrÄodingerequations, q-oscillators, SIAM News about the various projects. Recall etc.), Group Theory, Quantum Groups, etc; the the URL for the NIST project working on a suc- connection and linearization problems involving cessor to the Abramowitz and Stegun volume is hypergeometric polynomials (not necessarily or- http://math.nist.gov/DigitalMathLib/. thogonal), among others. Also I am interested in On behalf of the Activity Group, I express our the application and implementation of programs appreciation to Wolfram Koepf for his service to by using symbolic computer algebra systems such the Group and the world-wide community of spe- as Mathematica, Maple, etc, to the above topics. cial function workers, in his work as Editor, the organization of the ISAAC session in June 1997, Renato Alvarez-Nodarse¶ and his ongoing project to develop computer al- ([email protected]) gebra techniques for OP&SF. We wish him much success in his new appointment in Leipzig. I received a BSc. in Theoretical Physics in 1991, It seems to me that our ¯eld continues to pros- and a PhD. in Physics in 1996, under the su- per and to maintain a high level of activity and vi- pervision of Prof. J.S. Dehesa, with a thesis en- tality. There is exciting work in asymptotics, ap- titled Information Entropy, Orthogonal Polyno- plications to physics, harmonic analysis and quan- mials and Multielectronic Systems. Since 1995 I tum groups, not to mention the traditional area am Assistant Professor in the Department of Ap- of combinatorics. I look forward to working with plied Mathematics of the University of Granada, our Group to help the research and applications where I teach, among other subjects, Numerical community move forward in the discovery and dis- Analysis. My research interests are centered in semination of mathematical knowledge. Orthogonal Polynomials and Special Functions, Charles F. Dunkl mainly in algebraic and spectral properties, en- ([email protected]) tropic integrals and numerical and computer al- gebra problems. Also, I apply these mathemat- ical objects to a variety of quantum-mechanical Introduction of Forthcoming Editors properties of electronic systems, specially those I received my Master of Science Degree in mathe- described by macroscopic quantities which are ac- matical physics (advisor: Dr. Yuri F. Smirnov) in cessible via density-functional, complex-analytic 1992 at the Physics Department of the Moscow and information-theoretic techniques. State University. I have ¯nished my PhD Thesis Rafael J. Y¶a~nez in Mathematics (advisors: Dr. F. Marcell¶anand ([email protected]) February 1998 Orthogonal Polynomials and Special Functions Newsletter 3 Memorial Note about through several editions in Russian, French and Vasily Borisovich Uvarov English. The latest edition was translated into (1929 - 1997) English by the famous American mathematician Ralph Boas (1988). The distinguished Russian mathematician and In 1983 it came to be recognized that along physicist Vasily Borisovich Uvarov died on 23rd of with the di®erential equation of hypergeometric September 1997, four days after his 68th birthday. type one has to introduce the di®erence equation A flamboyant personality of splendid health, he of hypergeometric type over nonuniform lattices suddenly contracted Alzheimer's disease about 5 for many functions, given on discrete sets of ar- years ago, but died in hospital from pneumonia. gument values. The polynomial solutions of this Born into an old and cultivated Muscovite fam- equation (so-called q-polynomials) were obtained, ily, he graduated cum laude in 1952 from the investigated and classi¯ed in collaboration with Physics Department of Moscow State University. A.F. Nikiforov and S.K. Suslov in the book Classi- For the rest of his life, he worked at the M.V. cal Orthogonal Polynomials of a Discrete Variable Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics. Dur- (Moscow, Nauka, 1985; Springer-Verlag, 1991). ing his last years he was head researcher at the This plan has been carried out independently by Institute and professor at MSU. the American mathematicians R. Askey and J.A. Wilson. When starting his work at the Institute, Uvarov entered the Ippolitov-Ivanov Moscow Musical Many-sidedly talented and wonderfully modest, School as a student of violin and soon graduated sometimes unyielding, - this is how Vasily Boriso- from the School. He played the violin throughout vich Uvarov will stay in our memory. his life. As a joke he used to say that, playing the Arnold Nikiforov violin, he could compete with Einstein. ([email protected]) Research in the domain of high-temperature plasma physics (to be more exact, in domain of quantum statistical models and interaction of ra- diation with matter), started in the late 1950s. Reports from Meetings and Conferences At that time computers were only at the very beginning of their development, so the researcher 1. VIII Simposium Sobre Polinomios Ortogonales had to know how to obtain analytical solutions of y Aplicaciones, Sevilla, September 22-26, 1997 rather complicated sets of di®erential equations The VIII Simposium sobre Polinomios Ortogonales y sus and, more speci¯cally, had to be pro¯cient in the Aplicaciones was held in Sevilla during 22-26 September art of dealing with many special functions. Full 1997. It is the eighth in a line of symposia on orthogonal polynomials and their applications which are held in Spain control both of analytical and di®erence methods once a year. But it ¯ts also into a series of major Euro- enabled Uvarov to solve the problem of photon ab- pean conferences on orthogonal polynomials (Bar-le-Duc, sorption in spectral lines of many-electron atoms. Segovia, Erice, Delft, Sevilla). In particular, conferences In 1962 V.B. Uvarov received the country's high- of this last series try to o®er a state of the art, although est scienti¯c award - the Lenin prize. no conference nowadays will cover the whole area of or- thogonal polynomials and special functions. Therefore it Later, Uvarov and Nikiforov developed a new seemed appropriate to ask a few people to report on the approach to the theory of special functions us- Sevilla conference.
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