Springport Bindery Springport, Mich. * Winner of 5 major newspaper cxce/,/cnce awards in 7964 Volume No. 106 No. 12 1 3 Sections - 28 Pages Wednesday 1 March 24 1965 1 lO~·per copy Wyeth Production To Res.ume A street scene in DoNang Mason Nurse Gives Report On Activities in Vietnam School Bus War planes of American and is put to bed on a bare pallet South VIetnamese roar out on Ah and with at least one other pat­ sorties dally and helicopters pat­ ient in the same bed. The pat­ rol the skies around Da Nang ient's own people and local nurses Skids Off in South Vietnam about 200 miles help care for him, north of Saigon. "Monkey Mountain Is right a­ A.tlcl in the midst of It all cross the river and the VIet College Rd. is Mrs, Lottie Lamphere, a form­ Cong controls most of It, There er Mason woman who is serving is only one stretch of beach now A Mason school bus with 16 as a nurse with a surgical team that Is considered "secure" for children aboard slid off the high­ sponsored by the u.s. Agency us, and even for that little jaunt, way at College and Sandh111 for International Development one of our military friends took roads last Wednesday noon, but (AID), . along his revolver yesterday, We no one was Injured, She is working with phy­ are almost surrounded here, but Harold R, Ginter Jr., the bus Rural Schools sicians, nurses, laboratorytech­ tor some reason the Viet Cong driver, told sheriff's officers nicilins and anesthetists who, in make no effort to harm the city that as he approached the stop their work with Vietnamese Mason Budget Calls itself, However, I have learned sign from the east on Sandhill Be Sold counterparts are proving a true the use of a pistol and a sub­ road he slowed his bus to 5 To pioneer spirit for the effort to machine gun. to 10 miles an hour, A board of education commit- Improve medical service in the "The fighting ground to a halt The road was slippery anu ·' ',t:c: OJt salE ot·Mason area school· war torn country. during the celebration of "Tet", downhill and he was unable to buUd!ngs decided Tuesday night "This 1s a real war and you which seems to be a combination stop at the Intersection and the to sell the Harper school at Har­ can't Ignore It when you hear For $42,616 Increase of Christmas, New Year's, Wel­ bus slipped off the road, but per road andUS-127 and the Haw­ the gunfire and see the mutU­ come to Spring and the Fourth remained upright, ley school at Dexter Trail and As 1s the case with Mr, and ated bodies of war victims," of July. And these people really street department and fire de­ a property figure for both real Mrs. Lottie Lamphere Hawley road, M, ChandlerNauts, Mrs, Mason Taxpayer and their partment budgets were sliced, Mrs, Lamphere writes. celebrate lt, No one works cluring superintendent of schools, said family expenses, the city fathers and personal of $8 milUon. She recently completed a tour gram, Three of our doctors have the four big days, and many car­ Wednesday, These budget figures are pro­ Based on this figure the Mason Driver Forced of Mason are fincll.ng the cost of posed, On Tuesday, Aprll 6, the of duty with the hospital ship their families with them, (These ry It on lon(l"er than that, Stores The Hawley school has been living going higher, tax rate for general operation s.s. Hope, which took her to dependents have since been evac­ are closed; all business stops. closed for several years, The proposed budget will be gone over will come at about 18,73 mills, Ecuador for a ten-month period uated,) There are many fascinating cus­ To Ditch Car Harper school was closed when After several weeks of struggl­ at a publlc hearing at the city an increase of 1.23 mills over of service, The Hope has since Our program with the military toms, rituals and superst!tlons the new addition to the Alaledon ing with the department budgets, hall. Mason residents will have a last year's rate, sa.Ued to Africa, where Its staff ls very closely associated, They connected with this important elementary school was opened a the councilmen have a proposed chance at that time to object or Cost to taxpayers for this part· are continuing their .mission to go out in the morning, skirmish holiday, We have just finished Edmund Weirauch, 55, of 4344 few months ago, city budget ready. It calls for an offer recommendations on of the city government load will the people of the developing na­ with the Viet Cong and then the Year of the Dragon, and are curtis road, was dr!Vini south on increase In cost of city opera­ changes. After the hearing the run In the neighborhood of $18,73 tions of the world, Aurelius road Tuesday afternoon city councll will decide whether bring to us civilian casualties that now in the Year of the Snake. Loses to Plow tion of $421616 for a grand total per thousand dollars of valuation. Following her return to the got In the line of fire, Often, Part of the celebration consisted when he saw a car, driven by a of $344,22 9, to accept the budget as proposed states, Mrs. Lamphere joined the these wounded are administered of the shooting of many fire­ woman, approachin(!", The oncom­ A snow plow U1rew snow in her or ma.ke changes, ing car was coming north in the Boy Traveler Found u.s. Public Health service with blood donated b~ the m1Utary, crackers, This, understandably, eyes, obscuring her vision and Of this amount $149,789 will be This isn't the full tax story, middle of the road, As the 2 cars raised by taxes with the balance a specific request for duty as It's a. real war, You cannot Ig­ makes many people nervous, her automobile went Into a ditch though, ln addition to the above A 16-year-old Mason boy who a member of one of the 4 sur­ nore It when you can hear gun­ drew closer toG"ether and the at Holt and Eifert roads Tuesday to come for service charges and figures taxpayers wlll have to ''Durin~ my stay 1n Saigon I 'woman made no effort to turn out, Income from federal and state has been missing from his home gical teams to be stationed 1n fire, see the mutilated bodies of morning, Sandra J. Little, 16, come up with $241556 for voted saw Charlle Boyle, anewsphoto­ Wlerauch said he turned out of her sources, since last Friday was located in Vietnam. These teams are mak­ war victims, hear our planes roar of Lansing told Investigating of­ disposal plant bond issue and for New Meldco Tuesday, Ingham ing a. unique contribution to the grapher for the · CBS Huntley­ way to escape a collision and went the extra. millaie voted for oper­ out In the morning, watch the Brinkley program, I had met him. fleers of the sheriff's depart­ Most of the individual budget county sheriff's officers report­ people of Vietnam, They are help­ hellcopters patrolling overhead into a ditch near 123 s, Aurel­ ment, Miss Little and her 2 pas­ ation o! a recreation program, the day of the evacuation. Ius road, In doing so he hit a items call for an increase, The ed Wednesday, They said the ing to meet a desperate need see the hundreds of uniformed sengers, Sue Jankovik, 17 and Actual tax mUla.ge rate will not youth's father flew to New Meld­ mall box. general fund, pollee budget, jus­ be available until after the board for surgical care and prevention men every day, "I have met an amazing num­ Joe Jankovik, 16, also of Lansing, tice budget and cemetery budget co Wednesdav to brl.nQ: him homa.. of needless suffering tor thou­ "My work here !sa great chal­ ber of people since I have been The woman driver ftl.iled to escaped Injury, of review comes up with its final Sherift's detectives said the boy stop and Identify herself and have proposed increases, The property Valuation figure this sands of Vietnamese living in re­ lenge, I am eager to start clas­ in this country and the Americans left home Friday in his father'a: mote rural areas. ses for my Vietnamese surgical remember each other well. There kept her position in the middle week. Councilmen are hoping for truck, · The following account of some staff, Trying to understand the are many missionary families of the road, Her car was not of Mrs, Lamphere's experiences oriental mind Is most difficult aroWJd the northern part of the damaged, Wlerauch escaped in­ is excerpted from letters re­ for the "go-go-go" American.. coWJtry, They often visit us a.t jury, sherl!f's officers said, Council Candidates ceived by members of her fam­ A teacher here must • adopt an the hospital -- sometimes for ily January 3 and later, attitude that is completely for­ medical attention, often just to "Saigon was my lirst stop in eign to most Americans, This say hello and to catch up on the news. Blaze Express Their Views Vietnam after my flight from Is a must. Before I can really the States, WhUe in Sai(!"on I begin my teach!ngofnurslngpro­ "In just a few days I hope to observed the cleaning up of the cedures 1t 1s important that I be able to move out of the hotel Five of the 6 candidates for .
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