NOTES ON CONTRIBUTORS REGINALD E. ALLEN is Professor of Philosophy at the Univer­ sity of Toronto. M. F. BURNYEAT is Lecturer in Philosophy, University Col­ lege, London. S. MARC COHEN is Assistant Professor of Philosophy, Rutgers University. KENNETH J. DOVER is Professor of Greek in the University of St. Andrews. A. R. LACEY is Lecturer in Philosophy, Bedford College, Uni­ versity of London. GEORGE NAKHNIKIAN is Professor and Chairman of the Depart­ ment of Philosophy, Indiana University. RICHARD ROBINSON was formerly Associate Professor of Philos­ ophy at Cornell University. He was a Tutor of Oriel Col­ lege and a University Lecturer at Oxford University from 1946 to 1969, and has been a Fellow of Oriel College from 1946 to the present. GERASIMOS SANTAS is Professor of Philosophy, University of California at Irvine. JAMES J. WALSH is Professor and Chairman of the Depart­ ment of Philosophy, Columbia University. A. D. WOOZLEY, formerly Professor of Moral Philosophy in the University of St. Andrews, is now Professor of Philosophy in the Corcoran Department of Philosophy, University of Virginia. He has served as editor of the Philosophical Quarterly. GREGORY VLASTOS is Stuart Professor of Philosophy at Prince­ ton University. He had previously taught philosophy at Queen's University in Kingston, Ontario, and at Cornell University. SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BOOKS AND ARTICLES IN ENGLISH ON SOCRATES' PHILOSOPHY I. BOOKS AND ARTICLES BY CONTRIBUTORS TO TBIS VOLUME Allen, R. E., The Euthyphro and Plato's Earlier Theory of Forms (London, 1970). --, "The Socratic Paradox," ]ourTUll of the History of Ideas 21 ( 1960), 256-65. Robinson, Richard, Plato's Earlier Dialectic, Second Edition (Ox­ ford, 1953). Santas, Gerasimos, "The Socratic Paradoxes," Philosophical Review 73 (1964), 147-64. Vlastos, Gregory, Plato's Protagoras, B. Jowett's translation re­ vised by M. Ostwald, edited with Introduction by G. Vlastos (New York, 1956), xxiv-lvi. --, "Socratic Knowledge and Platonic 'Pessimism'," Philosophi­ cal Review 66 ( 1957),226-38, at 226-32. --, "Was Polus Refuted?" American ]ourTUll of Philology 88 ( 1967), 454-60. --, "Socrates on Acrasia," Phoenix 23 (1969), 71-88. II. BOOKS BY OTBER AUTBORS (a) Commentaries or Translations with Notes of Philosophical In­ terest On the Apology: Riddell, J., The Apology of Plato (Oxford, 1865). On the Apology, Crito, and Euthyphro: Burnet, J., Plato's Eu­ thyphro, Apology of Socrates, and Cr#o (Oxford, 1924). On the Charmides: Tuckey, T. G., Plato's "Charmides" (Cam­ bridge, 1951). On the Euthydemus: Sprague, Rosamond K., Plato: Euthydemus (New York, 1965). On the Gorgias: Thompson, W. H., The Gorgias of Plato (Lon­ don, 1871). ---, Dodds, E. R., Plato: Gorgias (Oxford, 1959). On the Protagoras: Guthrie, W. K. C., Plato's Protagoras and Meno (London, 1956). (b) Books Adkins, A. W. H., Merit and Responsibility: A Study in Greek Values ( Oxford, 1960), Chapter 13, "Plato; Logic and Elenchus." Selected Bibliography 337 Barker, E., Greek Political Theory (London, 1918), Chapter 5, "Socrates and the Minor Socratics." Chroust, A. H., Socrates, Man and Myth (London, 1957). Cornford, F. M., Before and After Socrates (Cambridge, 1932). Crombie, I. M., An Examination of Plato's Doctrines, Vol. I: Plato on Man and Society (London, 1962),204-45. Field, G. C., Plato and his Contemporaries (London, 1930), Chap­ ters 10 and 11 on "The Socratic Literature," and 12 on "The Socratic Philosophers." Friedlander, P., Plato, Vol. II: The Dialogues, First Period, English translation by H. Meyerhoff (New York, 1964). Grote, G., Plato and the Other Companions of Socrates (London, 1888), discussion of the earlier dialogues in Vols. I and II. Gould, J., The Development of Plato's Ethics (Cambridge, 1955), Part One, "The Personal Ideal" (Socrates' moral philosophy and character). Gulley, N., The Philosophy of Socrates (London, 1968). Guthrie, W. K. C., History of Greek Philosophy, Vol. III: The Fifth-Century Enlightenment (Cambridge, 1969). Hackforth, R, The Composition of Plato's Apology (Cambridge, 1933 ). Huby, Pamela, Greek Ethics (London, 1967), Chapter 3, "Soc­ rates." Jaeger, W., Paideia, II, translation by G. Highet (Oxford, 1941). Levinson, R B., In Defense of Plato (Cambridge, Mass., 1953), on Socrates, 233-307 et passim. North, Helen, Sophrosyne (Ithaca, N.Y., 1966), 155-65, on the Socratic conception. O'Brien, M. J., The Socratic Paradoxes and the Greek Mind (Chapel Hill, 1967). Owens, J., A History of Ancient Western Philosophy (New York, 1959), 165-75, on Socrates. Popper, Karl, The Open Society and its Enemies, Fourth Edition (Princeton, 1962), on Socrates, 189-201 et passim. Shorey, P., What Plato Said (Chicago, 1933), on Socrates, 74-155 et passim. Sinclair, T. A., A History of Greek Political Thought (London, 1951), Chapter 5, "Socrates and his Opponents." Sprague, Rosamond, Plato's Use of Fallacy (London, 1962), Chap- ters 1 and 4, on the Euthydemus and the Hippias Minor. Strauss, L., Socrates and Aristophanes (New York, 1966). Taylor, A. E., Varia Socratica (Oxford, 1911). --, Plato, the Man and his Work (London, 1926), Chapters 3 to 7 on "Socratic Dialogues" and Chapter 10 on "Protagoras." --, Socrates (London, 1932). _ Versenyi, L., Socratic Humanism (New Haven, 1963). Winspear, A. D. and Silverberg, T., Wha Was Socrates? (New York,1939). 338 Selected Bibliography ( c) Articles and Essays Anderson, A., "Socratic Reasoning in the Euthyphro," Review of Metaphysics 22 (1969),461--81. Bambrough, J., "The Socratic Paradox," Philosophical Quarterly 10 (1960), 229-300. Brown, J. H., "The Logic in Euthyphro lOA-11B," Philosophical Quarterly 14 (1964), 1-14. Burnet, J., "The Socratic Doctrine of the Soul," Proc. of the British Academy 7 (1915-16). Reprinted in Essays and Addresses (London, 1929). Clapp, J. G., "Some Notes on Plato's Protagoras," Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 10 (1949-50), 486-gg. Ehnmark, E., "Socrates and the Immortality of the Soul," Eranos 44 (1946), 105-22. Ferguson, A. S., "The Impiety of Socrates," Classical Quarterly 7 (1913), 157-75· Fox, M., "The Trials of Socrates," Archiv fUr Philosophie 6 (1956), 226ff. Gallop, G., "Justice and Holiness in Prot. 330-331," Phronesis 6 ( 1961 ), 86--93. --, "The Socratic Paradox in the Protagoras," Phronesis 9 (1964),117-29. Gauthier, David P., "The Unity of Wisdom and Temperance" (Critique of D. Savan, "Socrates' Logic and the Unity of Wisdom and Temperance"), Journal of the History of Philoso­ phy 6 (1968), 157-59. Geach, P., "Plato's Euthyphro: An Analysis and Commentary," Monist 50 (1966), 36g-82. Gordon, R. M., "Socratic Definitions and Moral Neutrality," Journal of Philosophy 61 (1964), 433-50. Gould, Th., "Socrates as an Existentialist," Arion 3 (1964), 112- 15· Greenberg, N. A., "Socrates' Choice in the Crito," Harvard Studies in Classic Philosophy 70 (1965), 45--82. Grube, G., "The Structural Unity of the Protagoras," Classical Quarterly 27 (1933),203-7. Gulley, N., "The Interpretation of 'No one does wrong willingly' in Plato's Dialogues," Phronesis 10 (1965), 82-96. Hackforth, R., "Socrates," Philosophy 11 (1933),259-72. --, "Hedonism in Plato's Protagoras," Classical Quarterly 22 (1928), 39 ff. Hall, J. C., "Plato: Euth. lOA1-11AlO," Philosophical Quarterly 18 (1968), 1-11. Havelock, E., "The Evidence for the Teaching of Socrates," Trans. of the American Philological Association 65 (1934), 282-95. --, "Why was Socrates tried?" Phoenix Supplement 1 (Studies in honor of Gilbert Norwood), 1952, 95-108. Selected Bibliography 339 Hoerber, R. G., "Plato's Euthyphro," "Plato's Lysis," "Plato's Lesser Hippias," "Plato's Greater Hippias," Phronesis 3 (1958 ), 95 H.; 4 (1959), ISH.; 7 (1962), 121 H.; 9 (1964), 143 H. Jackson, H., "Socrates," Encyclopaedia Britannica, Eleventh Edi­ tion, Vol. XXIX (London, 1911), 331-38. Kidd, I. G., "Socrates," Encyclopedia C1f Philosophy, Vol. IX (New York, 1967),480-86. Laguna, Th. de, "The Interpretation of the Apology," Philosophi­ cal Review 18 (1909),23-27. Mulhern, J. J., "Tropos and polytropia in Plato's Hippias Minor," Phoenix 22 (1968), 283-88. O'Brien, M. J., "The 'Fallacy' in Prot. 349D-350C," Trans. of the American Philological Association 92 ( 1961 ), 408-17. Savan, D., "Self-predication in Protagoras 33~31," Phronesis 9 (1964), 13~35· --, "Socrates' Logic and the Unity of Wisdom and Temper­ ance," in R. J. Butler, ed., Analytical Philosophy, Vol. II (Oxford, 1965), 2~26. Sparshott, F. E., "Socrates and Thrasymachus," Monist 50 (1966), 421-59. Stocks, J. L., "The Argument of Plato, Prot. 351A-356C," Classical Quarterly 7 (1913), 100H. Strycker, E. de, "The Unity of Knowledge and Love in Socrates' Conception of Virtue," International Philosophical Quarterly 6 (1966),428-44. Sullivan, J. P., "The Hedonism in Plato's Protagoras," Phronesis 6 (1961), g-28. Vogel, C. de, "Who was Socrates?" Journal C1f the History C1f Phi­ losophy 1 (1963),143-61, Woodbury, L., "Simonides on Arete," Trans. C1f the American Philological Association 84 (1953), 135-63. INDEX LOCORUM (Passages in Aristophanes, Aristotle, Plato and Xenophon) AUTHOR AND TITLE Page Aristophanes Birds 60 3-5 29 Birds 688ff. 74 Birds 90 4 ff. 73 Birds 959 ff. 73 Birds 1009 54 Birds 1281 £. 70 Birds 1554 53 Birds 1564 53 Clouds 45 62 Clouds 71 ff. 62 Clouds 95ff. 52,53, 55 Clouds 98 52 Clouds 103 51 Clouds 104 51 Clouds 119£. 51 Clouds 137 28,61 Clouds 140 ff. 52 Clouds 144ff. 52 Clouds 148 ff. 58 Clouds 156ff. 52 Clouds 171 £. 52 Clouds 175 51, 52 Clouds 175 ff. 26 Clouds 177£. 52 Clouds 179 52 Clouds 179 52 Clouds 188 ff. 52 Clouds 193£. 52 Clouds 198£. 51 Clouds 201 52 Clouds 202 £. 52 Clouds 206 ff. 52 Clouds 225 ff. 52 Clouds 227 ff. 53 Clouds 245£. 52 Clouds 247 £. 53 Clouds 250 ff. 52 Clouds 254 ff. 53 Index Locorum 341 Aristophanes (cont'd) Clouds 314 ff. 52 Clouds 316 52 Clouds 331 ff. 59,73 Clouds 334 52 Clouds 340 ff. 52 Clouds 342 ff.

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