Index Abel, Walter, 69 Barrymore, John, 348, 360 “Acorn.” See Oakes, James Barrymore, Lionel, 349 AIDS, 288, 304 bearded marriage, 11, 59, 86–87, 96, Akins, Zoë, 69 98, 155–56, 162, 175, 324, 346, Albee, Edward, 164 360–61 Alexandre, Arsène, 311 Beaton, Cecil, 97, 100, 101 Alger, William Rounseville, 226, 229, Beau Brummell (Fitch), 33, 34–38, 44 237–38, 240–41 Becker, Edith, 10 Allan, Maud, 318 Behold the Bridegroom (Kelly), 131, American Repertory Theatre, 375 136, 138–39 Amherst College, 28, 29 Belasco, David, 264, 265–66, 274, 275, Anderlini-D’Onofrio, Serena, 65 277 Angels in America (Kushner), 2, 305 Belasco Theatre, 269, 278 Antiphon, The (Barnes), 105, 108, 114, Bel-Geddes, Norman, 91–92, 266 116, 121, 122 Bell, Archie, 27, 45 Anything Goes (Porter), 160 Belmont, Mrs. O. H. P., 153 Appia, Adolphe, 320, 338, 381 Bender, Milton, 172, 173, 176 Archaic Hours, 380 Benstock, Shari, 108–9, 113 Archways of Life (poetry), 87–89 Bentley, Eric, 15, 288–307 Arena Stage, 2 Bentley, Gladys, 281 Are You Now or Have You Ever Bergman, David, 201 Been: The Investigations of Show- Berkeley, Busby, 182 Business by the Un-American Activ- Berzon, Betty, 13 ities Committee (Bentley), 300 Betsky, Aaron, 15 As Husbands Go (Crothers), 62, 68, Bigelow, Dorothie, 153 70, 73, 74 Bigsby, C. W. E., 194 Association for Theatre in Higher Bill Comes Back (Crothers), 62 Education, 1 bisexual as term, 11 Astor Place Riot, 236 bisexuality, 108, 110, 281, 296, 371, 385 Atkinson, Brooks, 75, 96, 265, 266 Bloch, Gabrielle, 311, 325–27 bohemianism, 106, 110, 342–43 Baba, Meher, 98 Boone, Mary Callahan, 367 Badeau, Adam, 15, 222, 223, 242–53, Booth, Edwin, 15, 222, 223, 242–53, 288, 292 263, 292 Bankhead, Tallulah, 81, 136, 169 Booth, Junius Brutus, 228, 242, 249 Barclift, Nelson, 162 Born to Dance (Porter), 161 Barnes, Djuna, 12, 13, 14, 57, 76, Boucicault, Dion, 314 105–25, 343, 348 Boy in the Basement, The (Inge), 215 Barney, Natalie, 105, 114, 313 Boys from Syracuse, The (Rodgers Barrett, Lawrence, 239, 240 and Hart), 167, 184 395 396 Index Brando, Marlon, 293 147–49, 161–63, 172–73, 201, 226, Bray, Robert, 162, 163 232–36, 244–46, 248, 263–83, 330, Brecht, Bertolt, 291 351–53, 370 Brontë, Charlotte, 242 Climbers, The (Fitch), 45 Broun, Heywood, 61 closet: coming out of, 3–4, 14, 96, Brustein, Robert, 194, 210–11 104n. 52, 121, 209, 215, 288, 297, Bus Stop (Inge), 204, 206–9, 210, 215 299, 303–6, 348; as mode of hiding By Jupiter (Rodgers and Hart), 180, one’s sexual proclivities, 25–26, 43, 182, 183, 184, 187 76, 88, 106, 113, 122, 171, 177, 194, 215, 289–306, 317–18, 339, 354, Cain, John, 133–34 369 Callas, Maria, 385 Clum, John, 7, 195, 198 Callow, Simon, 365 Cohn, Roy, 299, 300 Calloway, Stephen, 34 Cole, Louis, 282 Calthrop, Gladys E., 94 Coleman, Bud, 15, 381 camp, 163, 180, 202–3, 208, 305 Coleman, John, 235 Can-Can (Porter), 162 Collinge, Patricia, 131 Capote, Truman, 81 Come Back, Little Sheba (Inge), 195, Captive, The (Bourdet), 96, 119, 169, 204–6, 210, 215 273 Comstock, Ray, 342 Carby, Hazel V., 267, 269 Congdon, Charles T., 225, 226, 229 Carrington, Margaret, 360 Connecticut Yankee, A (Rodgers and Case, Sue-Ellen, 7 Hart), 167 Catholic University of America, 2, 305 Cook, Jig, 111–12 Cat on a Hot Tin Roof (Williams), Coolidge, Calvin, 329–30 296 Cornell, Katharine, 81 censorship, 1–2, 96, 107, 173, 195, 305 Corpus Christi (McNally), 1 Center for Lesbian and Gay Studies, Coward, Noel, 93, 156, 171, 182 3–4 Cradle Will Rock, The (Blitzstein), 365 Century of Hero Worship, A (Bent- Craig, Edward Gordon, 96, 338, 344, ley), 293 346 Chauncey, George, 4, 6, 31, 167, 168, Craig’s Wife (Kelly), 126, 131, 136, 138 170, 171, 179, 180, 263, 272, 346, Crawford, Cheryl, 375 357 cross-dressing, 10, 265, 316; female-to- Chekhov, Anton, 291 male, 97, 182, 263, 281, 314, 326; Chipman, Jay, 15, 345 male-to-female, 25, 29–30, 45–46, Church, Frederick, 243 141, 150, 161, 169, 171, 196–97 (pho- “Cibber, Colley.” See Rees, James tos), 208, 263, 274, 281–83. See also Citron, Michelle, 10 transvestism City, The (Fitch), 47 Crothers, Rachel, 5, 7, 13, 14, 55–80, Claire, Ina, 140, 141 86–87, 369, 373, 375 Clam House, 281 Curie, Marie, 326 Clapp, Henry, Jr., 222 Curry, J. K., 86, 373 Claretie, Jules, 313 Curtin, Kaier, 6 Clark, Susan, 343, 348 Curtis, George William, 245 class and sexuality, 7, 13, 27–28, Cushman, Charlotte, 222, 232, 233–36, 31–32, 34, 46, 71, 133–34, 141, 250 Index 397 Daisy Mayme (Kelly), 139 Duncan, Isadora, 81, 83–85, 318, Dallas Civic Opera, 372 324–25, 327, 333 Dalton, Anne B., 122 Dunnigan Bill, 173 Daly, Augustin, 41 Duse, Eleonora, 81, 90, 100 dandy as type, 25, 28, 33–36, 44, 130 Dark at the Top of the Stairs, The Eagels, Jeanne, 269 (Inge), 204, 210, 211–15 Eaton, Walter Prichard, 25 Dark Light, The (de Acosta), 93, 96 Elliott, Maxine, 67 Davis, Bette, 385 Ellis, Havelock, 280 Davis, Owen, 58 ethnicity and sexuality, 7–8, 13, 44, de Acosta, Mercedes, 7, 12, 13, 14, 59, 93–95, 126–27, 167–68, 170, 212–14, 76, 81–104, 325 352 Dearest Enemy (Rodgers and Hart), Everyday (Crothers), 68, 71 167, 176 Expletive Deleted (Bentley), 303 Death of Life: Death is the Poor Exposition Universelle of 1900, 321–22 Man’s Purse—Baudelaire, The Expressing Willie (Crothers), 69, 70 (Barnes), 110 Eythe, William, 163 Debussy, Claude, 321 Deep Mrs. Sykes, The (Kelly), 140 Faderman, Lillian, 6, 263, 369, 370, DeFoe, Louis, 48 373 de Jongh, Nicholas, 6, 11 fairy as queer type, 31, 34, 38, 40–41, DeLamar, Alice, 91 285n. 27 DeMille, Agnes, 383 Fall of the Amazons, The (Bentley), de Morinni, Clare, 311 288–89 Dennis, Ruth, 270–71 Fatal Weakness, The (Kelly), 126, 140 Desire under the Elms (O’Neill), Fearnow, Mark, 171 353–54, 355–56, 361 Feder, Abe, 365 Desperate (‹lm script), 97 Federal Theatre Project, 365, 369 Devlin, Mary, 250–51 female support networks, 66–69, de Wolfe, Elsie, 153, 156, 375 76–77, 131, 371–73. See also queer Dietrich, Marlene, 81, 97–98, 101, 106 subculture and support networks Dillman, Bradford, 296 feminism, 7, 60, 70, 74, 110 Dithmar, E. A., 33 Fields, Herb, 182 Dodge, Mabel, 342, 343, 344, 360 Fifteen Years of a Dancer’s Life, 314 Dolan, Jill, 1, 7, 8, 9 Finders Keepers (Kelly), 128–29, 130 Dorlag, Arthur, 265 Fitch, Clyde, 5, 7, 11, 12, 14, 23–54, Douglas, Lord Alfred, 303 140–41 Douglas, William O., 300 Flammarion, Camille, 314 Dove, The (Barnes), 105, 116–19 Flattering Word, The (Kelly), 130, 141 drag, as homosexual performance, Folies-Bergère, 316, 320, 325 201, 262–64, 266, 270–71, 273, Fontanne, Lynn, 384, 385 281–83, 287n. 51, 299 Ford, Helen, 176 Dramatic Event, The (Bentley), 295 Forney, John W., 239 Dramatic Imagination, The (Jones), Forrest, Edwin, 15, 222, 223, 224–41, 359 244, 245, 252, 253, 263, 292 Drukman, Steven, 3 Forster, John, 233, 234, 236 Duberman, Martin, 4, 6, 197–98, 247 Foucault, Michel, 163 398 Index Freudian ideas, 168, 171, 172, 178, 179, Great God Brown, The (O’Neill), 356, 187, 280, 342, 359 357, 361, 362 Frohman, Charles, 5, 23, 30–31, 39, Greenwich Village, 110, 180, 181, 40–42 342–43, 368 From the Memoirs of Pontius Pilate Greenwich Village Follies (Porter), 160 (Bentley), 301, 302–3 Gross, Alexander, 325 Fuller, Loie, 15, 311–37, 381 Guggenheim, Peggy, 121 Fuoss, Kirk, 225 Guilford, Nanette, 175 Furber, Mary, 341 Haines, William, 169 Gallagher, John, 13 Hairy Ape, The (O’Neill), 351–52, 354, Garber, Eric, 6, 263 355, 357, 361, 362 Garbo, Greta, 81, 97, 100, 101 Hall, Radclyffe, 96, 181, 314 Garelick, Rhonda K., 322, 334 Hallam, Arthur, 241 Garrick Gaieties, The (Rodgers and Hammerstein, Oscar, II, 168, 176, 177, Hart), 176, 180 178, 179, 180 Garrison, Eula Seeley, 57 Hand’s Up (Porter), 152 gay aesthetic, 294–95. See also queer Handy, Anita, 275, 276 style Hanna, Leonard, 149, 150 Gay and Lesbian Association against Happy Prince, The (Wilde), 41 Defamation, 296 Harlem. See Harlem Renaissance gay and lesbian studies and theater Harlem Renaissance, 262–87 studies, 6–8 Harris, Sam, 89–90 gay as term, 3, 8–9, 11 Harrison, Gabriel, 225, 238, 239, 240 Gellar, Samantha, 1, 3 Harrison, Hubert H., 265 Gémier, Fermin, 91 Hart, Lorenz, 7, 12, 14, 147, 157, George, Stefan, 294 167–93 Gershwin, Ira, 177 Harvard University, 339, 341, 347; Gerson, Virginia, 28, 33, 37, 46 Graduate School of Arts and Sci- Gest, Morris, 342 ences, 152 Gielgud, John, 94, 95 Hatch, James V., 6 Gill, Brendan, 155, 158 Hays, Col. William, 323–24 Ginsberg, Allen, 300 Haywood, “Big Bill,” 343 Girlfriend, The (Rodgers and Hart), He and She (Crothers), 55, 60–61, 62, 180 63–65, 69, 72, 73 Girl with the Green Eyes, The (Fitch), Heart of Paddy, The (Crothers), 74 44, 46 Hellman, Lillian, 300 Glaspell, Susan, 110, 112 Here Lies the Heart (autobiography), Goffman, Erving, 130 100 Golden, John, 70 Herfords, The (Crothers), 61 Goodman, Saul, 378 Herrick, Robert, 32 gossip as evidence of sexual desire, 10, Herring, Phillip, 107, 111 25, 157. See also oral history Herrnstein, Barbara, 221 Graham, Martha, 15–16, 345, 366, 367, heterosexism and American theater, 377–86 11–12 Grant, Cary, 159 heterosexual as term, 8, 13, 19n.
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