Features: Rossini’s Viola Solos Nadia Sirota and Nico Muhly Performance Practice Issues in Harold in Italy Volume 29 Volume Number 1 Tabuteau’s Journal of Journal the American Viola Society Number System Journal of the American Viola Society A publication of the American Viola Society Spring 2013 Volume 29 Number 1 Contents p. 3 From the Editor p. 5 From the President p. 7 News & Notes: In Memoriam ~ IVC Host Letter Feature Articles p. 11 A Double-Barreled Rossinian Viola Story: Carlos María Solare discovers two Rossini viola solos during his visit to the 2012 Rossini Opera Festival p. 15 “Meet People and Have a Nice Time”: A Conversation with Nadia Sirota and Nico Muhly: Alexander Overington enjoys good food and conversation with violist Nadia Sirota and composer Nico Muhly p. 25 The Viola in Berlioz’s Harold in Italy: Amanda Wilton, the second-prize winner of the 2012 David Dalton Viola Research Competition, examines performance issues for the solo viola part in Berlioz’s famous symphony p. 33 Forward Motion: Teaching Phrasing using Marcel Tabuteau’s Number System: Joyce Chan, the first-prize winner of the 2012 David Dalton Viola Research Competition, introduces Marcel Tabuteau’s number system and its application to standard viola repertoire Departments p. 39 The Eclectic Violist: A look at the world of a worship violist p. 43 Orchestral Training Forum: Learn essentials of opera performing and auditioning from CarlaMaria Rodrigues p. 51 Retrospective: Tom Tatton revisits viola music by Leo Sowerby and Alvin Etler p. 57 Student Life: Meet three young composers who are “rocking the boat” p. 69 With Viola in Hand: A contingent of Chilean violists share their impressions of IVC 40 p. 73 New Music Reviews p. 79 Recording Reviews On the Cover: Kevin G. Wong Photographic Sketch of a Dieudonne Viola Composed when Kevin G. Wong was still a viola student at The Juilliard School, Pre- College Division, Photographic Sketch of a Dieudonne Viola is an early personal work. Inspired by the velvety quality of the viola’s tonal timbre, he sought to capture the same richness and beauty that he saw in the instrument’s craftsmanship. Kevin is the founder and managing director of Seventhwall, a boutique creative services com- pany specializing in photography, post-production services, and digital asset management. For more of the artist’s work, please visit www.seventhwall.com and www.kevingwong.com. Editor: David M. Bynog The Journal of the American Viola Departmental Editors: Society is published in spring and fall At the Grassroots: Christine Rutledge and as an online-only issue in summer. The Eclectic Violist: David Wallace The American Viola Society was founded Fresh Faces: Lembi Veskimets for the promotion of viola performance In the Studio: Karen Ritscher New Music: Daniel Sweaney and research. Orchestral Training Forum: Lembi Veskimets ©2013, American Viola Society Recording Reviews: Carlos María Solare ISSN: 0898-5987 Retrospective: Tom Tatton Student Life: Adam Paul Cordle With Viola in Hand: Ann Roggen Consultant: JAVS welcomes Dwight Pounds articles from its AVS National Board of Directors readers. Submission Officers deadlines are Nokuthula Ngwenyama, president (2014) Kathryn Steely, president-elect (2014) December 15 for Karin Brown, secretary (2014) the Spring issue, April 15 Michelle Sayles, treasurer (2014) for the Summer online Board Members David M. Bynog (2014) issue, and August 15 Sally Chisholm (2015) for the Fall issue. Adam Paul Cordle (2015) Matt Dane (2013) Send submissions to the Allyson Dawkins (2015) Hillary Herndon (2015) AVS Editorial Office, Michael Kimber (2014) David M. Bynog Edward Klorman (2013) Kathryn Plummer (2014) [email protected] Ann Roggen (2014) or to Christine Rutledge (2013) George Taylor (2013) Madeleine Crouch, Marcus Thompson (2014) 14070 Proton Rd., Shelly Tramposh (2015) Suite 100 AVS General Manager Madeleine Crouch Dallas, TX 75244 AVS National Office 14070 Proton Road, Suite 100 Dallas, TX 75244 (972) 233-9107 ext. 204 The JAVS offers print and web advertising for a receptive and influential readership. For advertising rates please contact the AVS National office at [email protected] JOuRNAL OF THE AMERICAN VIOLA SOCIETy 2 FROM THE EDITOR marveled at the freshness and inge- explains what an oboist can teach nuity of the music. us about musical phrasing using numbers. These two experiences demonstrate that while some things grab us • Amanda Wilton, the second-prize immediately, other things take time winner of the 2012 Dalton for us to appreciate. Many factors Competition, offers suggestions affect our tastes and views, with par- on performance practice issues in ents, teachers, and friends often tak- Harold in Italy, including innova- ing a guiding role in developing our tive placement options for the preferences, but our tastes are con- soloist. stantly evolving. Specific experiences may also greatly affect our tastes: a • Our Eclectic Violist department song or movie might be loved looks at worship violists, includ- I vividly recall playing my first opera because of an association with a ing an interview with Diana in college. It was Offenbach’s Les con- momentous event, while a certain Christine Clemons. tes d’Hoffmann, a work that seemed bad experience might forever taint a long and tedious. The production book or food that we might other- • Our Student Life department was plagued with problems, rehearsals wise enjoy. In some instances, we showcases three composers who were inefficient and demoralizing, only reevaluate our negative opin- use political, religious, and multi- and there was plenty of offstage ions when forced to, and there are cultural themes in their music. drama to rival the drama onstage. I some things for which we know we vowed that if I never had to play will never gain an appreciation. • A new department, Retrospective, another opera, I would be a lucky looks back and reevaluates music man. But things improved with the For many, the viola—and its by Leo Sowerby and Alvin Etler. next opera, Le Nozze di Figaro, and music—is an acquired taste (in the by the time we got to Tosca, I was words of Nico Muhly, “Appreciating • Our With Viola in Hand depart- hooked. Having now played nearly a great violist is like saying, ‘That ment revisits IVC 40, from the three hundred performances of vari- movie has a great sound engineer’”), perspective of several Chilean vio- ous operas, I am glad I reconsidered and our solo repertoire often proves lists who were getting their first my first impression. challenging to audiences. So we vio- taste of a viola congress. lists are all too familiar with trying I also vividly recall listening to the to expand people’s tastes. This issue I hope that this issue will inspire music of Nadia Sirota and Nico is all about expanding horizons, you to broaden your horizons or Muhly for the first time. I had opening ourselves to new experi- perhaps give that piece of music ordered Nadia’s CD First Things ences, and reevaluating existing pref- that you abandoned five years ago First shortly after its release in 2009 erences. In addition to two articles another go. After all, you don’t and immediately listened to it upon about the viola in opera and our move forward by standing still. its arrival. I was captivated both by interview with Muhly and Sirota, the playing and the music, particu- this issue offers a diverse range of Cordially, larly Muhly’s Étude 1A. Three years articles to expand your horizons: later, in preparation for our inter- David M. Bynog view with these two musicians, I • Joyce Chan, the first-prize winner JAVS Editor revisited the recording and again of the 2012 Dalton Competition, VOLuME 29 NuMBER 1 3 JOuRNAL OF THE AMERICAN VIOLA SOCIETy 4 FROM THE PRESIDENT Membership is vital to the ongoing agement system and website. This is mission of the AVS. If your member- a priority. It would allow a more ship has recently lapsed, please renew seamless approach and provide you online at http://americanviolasoci- with many perks, including mem- ety.org/support-avs/join-avs/. We bers’ only access to the website, need you! Invite your friends to join. access to premium web content, the The board actively pursues member ability to update your member infor- growth and retention, and your help mation online, the ability to take in encouraging friends, students, and over conference registration func- all those interested in promoting the tions, and other streamlined opera- viola is much appreciated. tions for our society. We welcome and need your support in this mod- Come celebrate the 35th anniversary ernization of our operations. of the Primrose International Viola Competition! The next competition We have implemented many things will be held January 12–17, 2014, in from last year’s strategic plan, includ- Las Vegas, Nevada. The Primrose ing more frequent board meetings. Festival, which includes the Las Rather than an annual meeting, we Vegas Viola Fest, will be held January have met quarterly online, and it has 15–17 and will be our ongress-type improved our efficiency. We are also Dear Beloved AVS Members, c event for the year. We are proud to moving forward with endowment Happy spring! I hope it has been a collaborate with the Las Vegas building, also outlined in our strate- lovely year for all of you. It was great Philharmonic, the Nevada School of gic plan, with emphasis on the seeing many of you at this year’s the Arts, and the Las Vegas Council Dalton Fund. We must think ahead ASTA convention while bringing of Cultural Affairs. This promises to one, five, and ten years so that our new members into the fold. It was be a memorable week, and I look organization and its offerings will not also lovely cultivating relationships forward to seeing all of you there.
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