Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-83636-4 — Handel: Water Music and Music for the Royal Fireworks Christopher Hogwood Index More Information Index Addison, Joseph, 15 orchestral suites, 26, 33, 116 A¼ekt, 57, 67, 108 Baines, Anthony, 125 Alberti, Johann Friedrich, Handel Baker, Benjamin, 14 and, 55 Barthes, Roland, 56 Albinoni, Tomaso, 49 Barto´k, Be´la, 71 allemande, 26 Baselt, Bernd, 21, 125 alternativement/da capo, 26, 27, bassoon, 13 41, 45, 123, 130 Beecham, Thomas, 131, 142 Amelia, Princess, 21 Benda, Hans von, 125 Anne, Queen of Great Britain, 4, Berlin Chamber Orchestra, 125 7, 8 Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra, architecture, 58 125 Armstrong, John, 139 Berlioz, Hector, 100, 141 Arnold, Samuel, 22, 24, 63 Symphonie fune`bre et triomphale, edition of Fireworks Music, 101, 118 118, 122 Bloom, Robert, 123 edition of Water Music, 21, 24, Blow, John, Handel and, 28 46, 122 Bolton, Henrietta, Duchess of, 10, Augusta, Princess of Wales, 25, 11, 12 77, 96 Bonet, Friedrich, 12, 14, 27, 125 Axt, John, 14 Bononcini, Giovanni, 124 Aylesford, 21, 25 Handel and, 59, 133 borrowing, 58, 87 Babell, William, 131 attitudes to, 49–51, 55–9 Bach, C. P. E., 67 see also under Handel Bach, Johann Sebastian, 2, 3, 49 Boscawen, Frances, 140 borrowings, 55 bowing, 27, 42, 128 compositional methods and Boyce, William, 50 forms, 52, 55, 58, 61, 65 Brahe, Tycho, 2 and dance forms, 26, 27 Brainard, Paul, 55 Christmas Oratorio, 113 Brecht, Bertolt, 6 Mass in B minor, 117 Buelow, George J., 138 147 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-83636-4 — Handel: Water Music and Music for the Royal Fireworks Christopher Hogwood Index More Information Index Burney, Charles, 13, 14, 50 Dean, Winton, 57, 137 Burrows, Donald, 4, 139 Debussy, Claude, 52 Butler, Samuel, 66, 127, 139 Delaney (Granville), Mary, 22, 52 Byrom, John, 91–2 Dent, Edward J., 50, 51 Derr, Ellwood, 51 Cahusac, Louis de, 87 Diderot, Denis, 79 Campra, Andre´, Handel and, 54 Dolmetsch, Arnold, 128 caricatura,45 double dotting, 128 Carlos, Wendy (Walter), 126 doubling, 12–13, 15, 22, 41, 113–14 Caroline, Princess of Wales/Queen Drexel, 21, 24, 46 of Great Britain, 8, 9, 12, drums, 14, 99–101, 116–17, 141 76, 91 dynamics, 47, 65, 67, 110 Charles, Mr, 63 Chrysander, Friedrich, 22, 58, 63, Ebner, Wolfgang, Handel and, 55 122, 139 Eliot, T. S., 58 edition of Handel’s works, xi, 16, Emery, Walter, 58 24, 46, 58, 63, 122 Endler, J. S., 116 Coke, Lady Jane, 76 England, Cousser’s rules for conducting, 14, 101 musicians in, 3–4, 28 continuo instruments, 14, 22, English Concert, 137 129–30 Enlightenment, the, 5, 6 contra-bassoon, 99 espionage, 8 Cook, Anthony, 15 cor de chasse, see horn film, 124–5 Corelli, Arcangelo, 27 finales, 45–6 country dances, 26–7 Find, Fix and Strike (film), 124 Couperin, Franc¸ois, 27, 108 Finger, Gottfried, 3 Cousser, Johann Sigismund, firework displays, 77, 79, 80–2, 3–4, 28 119, 127 Cowper, William, vii see also under Handel, Fireworks Coxe, William, 54–5 Music (first performance and Crotch, William, 50 political background and Cumberland, William Augustus, occasion of) Duke of, 61, 89 Fiske, Roger, 110 editions of Fireworks Music and da capo/alternativement, 27, 41, Water Music, xi, 21, 25, 129 45, 47, 123, 130 Fleming, Hans von, 117 Daily Courant,10,13 Flower, Newman, 22 Danby, Lord, lute book, 44 flute, 12–13 dance forms, 26–7, 31, 41, 45, 137 Forrest Harmony, 30–1, 43 see also minuet and re´jouissances Foundling Hospital, 84, 85, Dart, Thurston, 16, 125, 130 89, 96–7 dates, 136 Frasi, Giulia, 83 148 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-83636-4 — Handel: Water Music and Music for the Royal Fireworks Christopher Hogwood Index More Information Index Frederick, Prince of Wales, 11, 25, attitudes concerning own music, 77, 96 vii–viii Frederick, Charles, 82, 83–6, 89, autographs, viii, 22 96, 140 borrowings, 6, 28, 48–59, 104, French horn, see horn 114, 131 Froberger, Johann Jacob, Handel caricatures and satires of, 1, 2, and, 55 4–5, 135 character, 1–6, 53–4 Galliard, Johann Ernst, 3 as a classic in his lifetime, 7 Gallini, John, 27 commemorations of, 122 Galuppi, Baldassare, Handel and, 59 compositional methods, 31, Gay, John, 120 51–2, 55–9, 70–1, 131 General Evening-Post,14 conducting, 14, 101 George I, King of Great Britain, 4, and dance music, 24–5, 7–9, 77, 136 25–7, 137 George II, King of Great Britain editions of music (see also under (also as Prince of Wales), 4, 5, individual works), xi–xii 8, 9, 12, 77, 108 and espionage, 8 and Fireworks Music, 83–4, 85–6, forms, 45–6, 61–2, 63, 65, 89, 92, 115 70, 104 Gibbons, Orlando, 124 ideal of beauty, 58 gigue, 45 improvising, 51–2 gigue loure, 27 independence/self-su½ciency, Gilbert, Adrian, 139 1–6, 60–1 Godolphin, Henrietta, Countess of, instrumental writing, 69, 71 10, 11, 12 key schemes, 25–6 Goodson, Richard, 47 library, 54 Goupy, Joseph, 1, 2, 135 life, 1–6, 7–8, 53–4, 58, 60–1, Grano, John, 14–15, 41, 52–3, 83–6 121, 126 naturalisation, 5 Granville, 22, 25 performing forces, viii, 5, 12–14, Granville, Bernard, 22 99, 122, 128 Granville (Delaney), Mary, 22, 52 see also under Fireworks Music Great Mr Handel, The (film), and under Water Music in this 124–5 entry Greber, Jakob, 3 and politics, viii–ix, 4, 5–6, 7–8, Grey, Jemima, Marchioness, 91, 60–1 92–4 rhythmic notation, 31, 69, 104, 112, 125, 128–9 Handel, George Frideric [Ha¨ndel, sketches, 52, 57 Georg Friedrich] and suites, 25–7 attitudes concerning tempo indications, 67, 69, 70, instrumental music, vii–viii 104, 130, 139 149 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-83636-4 — Handel: Water Music and Music for the Royal Fireworks Christopher Hogwood Index More Information Index Handel, George Frideric [Ha¨ndel, Concerti Grossi, Op. 6, 57, 63 Georg Friedrich] (cont.) Concerto, HWV 331, 132 thematic listings of music, 137 Concertos, HWV 335a and 335b, will, 1 71–2 WORKS autograph of, xii Acis and Galatea, 17, 34, 45, 65 editions of, xi, xii libretto, 58 Fireworks Music and, 96, 98, Admeto,9 102, 102–3, 106, 107–8, 109, Alceste, incidental music for, 79 115, 117, 127, 133 Alexander Balus, 66, 67, 68, Daphne, 26, 43 98, 133 Deborah,99 L’Allegro, il Penseroso ed il Dettingen Te Deum,60 Moderato,99 Dolce pur, 132 Almira, 112, 131 Esther, 68, 69, 70, 99, 107, 133 Amadigi, 25, 31, 37, 132 Fireworks Music, vii–viii, 98–9 Anthem on the Peace (How arrangements of, 96–7, 118, Beautiful Are the Feet), 78, 121, 122, 123, 126 83, 114 autograph of, xii, viii, 88, Aria HWV 411, 118 101, 106, 108, 111–12, Arianna,46 115, 116 Ariodante, 25–6, 108, 131 editions of, xi–xii, 118, 122, 125 Arrival of the Queen of Sheba,57 first performance, 78, 78–82, Atalanta,77 89–96, 101, 108, 119; Belshazzar, 65, 67, 133, 134 Handel’s part in, 101 Berenice, 46, 102, 106 gun salutes, 89, 108, 140 Blessed Are They (Foundling individual movements: Hospital Anthem), 96 Ouverture, 101–12, 117–18, Caroline Te Deum, 10, 83 128–9, 130, 133; Bourre´e, 112; Concerti a due cori (HWV 332-4), La Paix, 112–15, 118, 60, 61–71, 98, 117, 133–4 131, 133; La Re´jouissance, 57, arrangements of, 63 87, 112, 116–17, 129, 133; editions of, xi, 63 Menuets I and II, 112, 117–18, occasions of performances, 61, 133 65–6, 68 later performances, 84, 85, recordings, 126 96–7, 114, 119, 122, 142 revisions, 65, 66, 70–1, 130 movement titles, 104, 108 sources of musical material, 62, performance issues, see 63–4, 65–6, 67, 67–8, 69–70, performance issues 133–4, 139 performing forces, 99–101, tempo indications, 67, 69, 70, 113–14, 118; proposed, 76–7, 130, 139 83, 83–4, 84–5 Concerti Grossi, Op. 3, 22, political background and 33, 47 occasion of, 73–89, 96, 98–9 150 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-83636-4 — Handel: Water Music and Music for the Royal Fireworks Christopher Hogwood Index More Information Index recordings, 125–6 Occasional Oratorio, 29, 57, 60, rehearsals, 88; public rehearsal 68, 70, 118, 133, 134 in Vauxhall Gardens, 83–4, Ode for the Birthday of Queen 85–6, 88–9 Anne, 68, 70, 133 revisions, 104, 106, 108, Ode for St Cecilia’s Day,57 111–12, 113, 115, 116, 130 organ concertos, Op. 7, 130 scoring, 99–101, 112–13, Ottone, 67, 133 113–14, 115, 116–17, 118, Overture for two clarinets and 129–30 horn, 57, 63–4, 99, 134 sources of musical material, 65, Partenope, 65, 121, 134 69, 71, 72, 87, 101–4, 116, 117, Il Pastor Fido, 31, 42, 131, 132 118, 133 Peace Anthem (How Beautiful tempo indications, 104, 130 Are the Feet), 78, 83, 114 title, 73, 104 Radamisto, 25–6 Foundling Hospital Anthem La Resurrezione, viii, 42, 80, 132 (Blessed Are They), 96 Rodrigo, 25–6, 131 Fronda leggiera e mobile,67 Samson,99 Haec est regina virginum, 132 Saul,99 Haman and Mordecai, see Esther Semele, 5, 60, 67, 133 ‘Harmonious Blacksmith’ Serse, 124, 142 variations, 105 Solomon, 48, 51, 57, 96, 99, 102, Hercules,5 103–4, 134 How Beautiful Are the Feet sonatas, Op.
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