Date : 9:8:2004 File Name: Prelims.3d 10/20 Editors and Contributors General editor Richard L. Gregory, CBE, FRS, Emeritus Professor of Neuropsychology at the University of Bristol, UK Consultant editors John Marshall, Professor of Neuropsychology, Department of Clinical Neurology, Radcliffe In®rmary, Oxford, UK Sir Martin Roth, FRS, Professor of Psychiatry, Trinity College, University of Cambridge, UK Key to contributor initials The names in bold are those of contributors to the present edition; their biographies follow on pages xiii±xv. AC Alan Cowey BH Beate Hermelin CSC Claudia SchmoÈlders ACH Anya C. Hurlbert BJ Bela Julesz CSH Carol Haywood ACha Abhijit Chauduri BJR Brian Rogers CT Colwyn Trevarthen AD A. Dickinson BL Brian Lake CW Colin Wilson ADB Alan Baddeley BLB Brian Lewis DaC David Chalmers ADM A. D. Milner Butterworth DAGC David Angus Graham AH Atiya Hakeem BMH Bruce Hood Cook AI Ainsley Iggo BP Brian Pippard DAO David A. Oakley AJA Sir Alfred Ayer BS Barbara J. Sahakian DC David Cohen AJC Anthony J. Chapman BSE Ben Semeonoff DCD Daniel C. Dennett AJW Arnold J. Wilkins BSh Ben Shephard DD Diana Deutsch AKJ Anil K. Jain CE Christopher Evans DDH Deborah Duncan AKS Annette Karmiloff- CF Colin Fraser Honore Smith CFr Chris Frith DDS Doron Swade ALB Ann Low-Beer CH Charles Hannam DE Dylan Evans AMH A. M. Halliday ChK Christof Koch DEB D. E. Blackman AML Alan M. Leslie ChT Chris Tyler DF Deborah H. Fouts AMS A. M. Sillito CHU Corinne Hutt DFP David Pears AO Andrew Ortony ChW Chongwei Wang DH David Howard ARL A. R. Luria CJ C. Jarrold DHH Dorothy H. Heard ARVC Arthur Cooper CK C. Kennard DJM D. J. McFarland AS Andrew Sims CM Colin McGinn DJS D. J. Satterly ATW A. T. Welford CMP Colin Murray Parkes DLC Dorothy L. Cheney AWH Alice W. Heim CMW Claude M. Wischik DM Donald Michie BB Beryl Bainbridge CP Colin Patterson DMA D. M. Armstrong BCJM Brian C. J. Moore CR Charles Rycroft DMBDavid Buss BFS B. F. Skinner CRH Charles R. Harrington DMBe Daniel M. Bernstein x Date : 9:8:2004 File Name: Prelims.3d 11/20 Editors and Contributors DMM Donald MacKay HW Harvey Wickham LAI Lawrence Alfred Ives. DNC David N. Caplan IA Igor Aleksander LH Liam Hudson DP David Papineau IBW Ivan Bodis-Wollner LLI Les Iverson DR David Rosenbluth ID Ian Deary LSH Leslie S. Hearnshaw DRD Derek Russell Davis IDG Iain D. Gilchrist LW L. Weiskrantz DRJL Donald R. J. Laming IG Ian Glynn MA Michael Argyle DRR Diane Rogers- IMLH Ian M. L. Hunter MAA Michael A. Arbib Ramachandran IO Ian Oswald MABMargaret A . Boden DRS David Shank IPH Ian P. Howard MAG Melvyn A. Goodale ECP E. C. Poulton IR Ilona Roth MAJ Malcolm A. Jeeves EdeB Edward de Bono IRH Inman Harvey MAn Michael Anderson EFL Elizabeth F. Loftus IS The Sayed Idries Shah MAP M. A. Preece ENAM Elvidina N. Adamson- IWPP I. W. Pleydell-Pearce MaR Martin Roth Macedo JA Jonathan Ashmore MBMark Blagrove ERL Sir Edmund Leach JAD J. A. Deutsch MC Martin A. Conway ETR Edmund T. Rolls JAl John Allman MD Margaret Donaldson EWFT E. W. F. Tomlin JAn John Annett MER Marcus E. Raichle FAW F. A. Whitlock JB John Brown MET Mary Elizabeth Tiles FCTM Francis Charles JBA Jonathan Barnes MF Marianne Timothy Moore JBD J. B. Deregowski Frankenhaeuser FFRHA Richard H. Adrian JBE John Beloff MH M. Hammerton FGR Graham Rooth JBO John Bowlby MHU Miranda Hughes FHCC Francis Crick JCH John C. Haugeland MJM M. J. Morgan FHG Frank George JCO J. Cohen MJW Martin John Wells FJF F. J. Fitzpatrick JCP John Polkinghorne MK Morten FNJ F. Nowell Jones JD James Dalgety L. Kringelbach FS Francis Schiller JEL Joseph LeDoux MM Michel Millodot GBGeoffrey Beattie JET J. E. Tiles MMcD Michael McDonough GBE Glin Bennet JFS J. F. Stein MNH Mary N. Haslum GE G. Ettlinger JGC John G. Cottingham MOM Michael O'Mahoney GERL Geoffrey Ernest JH Julian Hochberg MR Mark Ridley Richard Lloyd JHI John Hick MW Baroness Warnock GFR Graham F. Reed JHP John Hunter Padel MWI Moyra Williams GG Giorgio Ganis JHW John Wolstencroft NBNed Block GGa Giorgio Gabella JJMcC J. J. McCann NC A. Noam Chomsky GJW Sir Geoffrey Warnock JMA John M. Allman NDW Nigel D. Walker GM George Mandler JMC June Crown NFD N. F. Dixon GNAV Godfrey N. A. Vesey JMO John Oxbury NG Norman Geschwind GR Geraint Rees JN Joanna North NHF Norman H. Freeman GT Georges ThineÁs JPH John Harris NK N. Kreitman GW Gerald Westheimer JR John Rust NKH Nicholas Humphrey GWBGeorge Brandt JRU Julian R. Ullman NM Neville Moray HA Hans AÊ gren JSH Joan Stevenson-Hinde NN Nigel Nicholson HBB Horace B. Barlow JSHT Jeremy S. H. Taylor NOC Neil O'Connor HER Helen E. Ross JZY J. Z. Young NPS Noel P. Sheehy HFBH . F. Bradford KAF K. A. Flowers NS Norman Stephenson HJE Hans J. Eysenck KAT Kathleen Turano NSP Lady Natasha Spender HK Harry Kay KD Kurt Danziger NSS Stuart Sutherland HKS Heather Shovelton KJC Kevin J. Connolly OA Osi Audu HRR H. R. Rollin KP Klaus Poeck OH Oliver Howes xi Date : 9:8:2004 File Name: Prelims.3d 12/20 Editors and Contributors OJWH The Revd. O. J. W. RCTP R. C. T. Parker SBC Simon Baron-Cohen Hunkin RDL R. D. Laing SBl Sarah-Jayne OLZ O. L. Zangwill RE Robert Epstein Blakemore OS Oliver Sacks REK R. E. Kendell SBu Stuart Butler OTP O. T. Phillipson RHM R. H. McCleery SC Steven Collins PA Peter Alexander RJ Richard Jung SCR Sidney Crown PAK Paul A . Kolers RJL Roy J. Lewicki SJBSusan J . Blackmore PAM P. A. Merton RJS Robert J. Sternberg SM Stanley Milgram PBW Peter B. Warr RJW Roger J. Watt SMH Susan M. Heidenreich PCW Peter Cathcart Wason RL Richard Lynn SMK Stephen M. Kosslyn PEV Philip E. Vernon RLG Richard L. Gregory SPRR Steven Rose PFS Sir Peter Strawson RLH Richard Langton- SR S. Rachman PH Peter Herriot Hewer SS Sean Spence PHV Peter H. Venables RME Ronald Melzack TEP Theodore E. Parks PJR Peter Rogers RMG R. M. Gaze TH Ted Honderich PM Patrick Moore RMM Robin M. Murray THJ Tina Hamilton-James PMa Pierre Macquet RMS Robert M. Seyfarth TR Thomas P. Reilly PMC Paul Churchland RNG R. N. Gooderson TRM T. R. Miles PMcG Peter McGuf®n RoC Ron Chrisley TT Tom Troscianko PMH Pam Hannam RP Raj Persaud TZA T. Z. Aziz PMM Peter M. Milner RPe Roger Penrose UF Uta Frith PP Philip Pettit RPl Robert Plomin VBVicki Bruce PPGB P. P. G. Bateson RPWD Robert P. W. Duin VH Volker Henn PR P. A. M. Rabbitt RSF Roger S. Fouts VN Victor Nell PRo Peter Robinson RTM Raymond T. McNally VR V. S. Ramachandran PS Paola Sandroni RW Richard Wiseman VS Vieda Skultans PSM Paul S. MacDonald RWD Robert William WAHR William Rushton PTB P. T. Brown Ditchburn WCM W. Cheyne McCallum PWN Peter W. Nathan RWO Ronald W. Oppenheim WDMP Sir William Paton RA Rudolf Arnheim RWP R. W. Pickford WLT William L. Thompson RAH Robert A. Hinde RWS Roger Walcott Sperry WVQ Willard V. Quine RC Ray Cooper SA Stuart Anstis YZ Y. Zotterman RCSW Ralph C. S. Walker SBSimon Blackburn ZP Zenon Pylyshyn xii Date : 9:8:2004 File Name: Prelims.3d 13/20 Contributors to the present edition Listed in order of surname. Elvidina N. Adamson-Macedo, Senior Lecturer in Psychology, George Brandt, Emeritus Professor of Film and Television University of Wolverhampton, UK Studies and former Head of Department of Drama, Uni- Igor Aleksander, Professor of Neural Systems Engineering and versity of Bristol, UK Gabor Chair of Electrical Engineering, Imperial College, Vicki Bruce, Professor of Psychology, University of Stirling, UK London, UK David Buss, Professor of Psychology, University of Texas, John Allman, Hixon Professor of Psychobiology, California Austin, USA Institute of Technology, San Francisco, California, USA Stuart Butler, Burden Institute, Department of Experimental Michael Anderson, Department of Psychology, University Psychology, University of Bristol, UK College London, UK David N. Caplan, Professor of Neurology, Neuropsychology John Annett, Emeritus Professor, Department of Psychology, Laboratory, Massachusetts General Hospital, USA University of Warwick, UK David Chalmers, Professor of Philosophy, University of Ari- Stuart Anstis, Professor of Psychology, University of California zona, Tuscon, Arizona, USA at San Diego, La Jolla, USA Abhijit Chauduri, Senior Lecturer in Clinical Neurosciences, Michael A. Arbib, Professor of Computer Science, Neuro- University of Glasgow, and Consultant Neurologist, Insti- biology and Physiology, and of Biomedical Engineering, tute of Neurological Sciences, Glasgow, UK Electrical Engineering, and Psychology at the University of Ron Chrisley, Senior Lecturer, School of Cognitive and Com- Southern California, Los Angeles, USA puting Sciences, University of Sussex, UK Jonathan Ashmore, Professor of Physiology, University College Paul Churchland, Professor of Philosophy, University of London, UK Southern California, La Jolla, California, USA Osi Audu, British and African artist Martin A. Conway, Professor of Psychology, University of T. Z. Aziz, Department of Neurosurgery, Radcliffe In®rmary, Durham, UK Oxford, UK Alan Cowey, Emeritus Professor of Physiological Psychology, Dame Beryl Bainbridge, writer, UK Lincoln College, University of Oxford, UK Horace B. Barlow, Royal Society Research Professor of Physi- Francis Crick formerly J. W. Kieckhefer Distinguished Research ology, Cambridge, UK Professor at the Salk Institute for Biological Studies, and Simon Baron-Cohen, Director of the Autism Research Centre, Adjunct Professor of Psychology, University of California at Cambridge University, UK San Diego, USA Geoffrey Beattie, Professor of Psychology, University of Man- James Dalgety, The Puzzle Museum, www.puzzle- chester, UK museum.com Daniel M.
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