I THE DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY OF MUSKOKA ADMINISTRATION AND FINANCE COMMITIEE MEETING NO. AF-1-93 PLACE: Boardroom, District Administration Building DATE: January 8, 1993 TIME: 9:30 a.m. PRESENT: Committee Chair, R.House; DistrictChair, F. MlIIer; Members, J. Boyes, M. Scott, D. Donnelly ABSENT: B. Rogers, T. Pilger OFFICIALS PRESENT: B. Calvert, Chief Administrative OffIce; J. McRae, Commissioner of Finance and Administration. OTHERS PRESENT: District Councillors J. Young, R. Harvey; G. Plummer, Director of Muskoka Computer Centre; M. Bialkowski, Personnel Director; P. Peltomakl, Administrative Assistant MINUTES Mov~ by D. Donnelly and seconded by J. Boyes THATthe minutes of the Administration and Finance Committee meeting of December 11, 1992 be confirmed. ___________Carrled~. _ 102-116 MONEY MARKET INVESTMENT AUTHORITY Mr. McRae explained the purpose of the new amendment to the Municipal Act. He noted that the amendment allows Municipalities to pool and Invest any surplus funds Jointly with other municipalities. A slightly higher Interest rate can be achieved under this form of Investment Moved by J. Boyesand seconded by M. Scott 1/93 THAT the Administration and Anance Committee recommend that District Council passa by-lawauthorizing the Treasurer to execute anydocument(s) for thepurposeof Joint Investment of moneyby the District and othermunicipalities In Ontario. Carried. 1.17-122 FEES FOa HAULED SEWAGE DISPOSAL Aftera through discussion, It was agreed to deferthe matterfor a coupleof monthsto allowthe Area Municipalities timeto discussthe matterwith theirconstituents who own and operate commercial t~lIer parks. At the request of Mr. Miller, staff will provide those members Interested with additional figures prior to discussion at the area level. Mr. Young expressed concernwithhaulers from outsidethe area dumpingIn Muskoka's lagoons. It was agreed that this Issue is very hard to control and monitor. C;g Mr. Boyes suggested that it may be time to discuss establishing a universal fee across Muskoka. He requested that cost figures be provided for further discussion. 123-129 WORKPLACE HARASSMENT POLICY Moved by J. Boyes and seconded by M. Scott 2/93 THAT the Administration and Finance Committee recommends to District Council approval of the draft Workplace Harassment Polley dated December, 1992. Carried. 130-131 RETIREMENT AND LONG SERVICE AWARD POLICY PP:17(A) Moved by J. Boyes and seconded by M. Scott 3/93 THAT Polley PP:17(A) be amended to provide for service recognition awards for employees with ten (10) or moreyears service, andthereafter Infive (5) year Increments. An award shall also be presented upon retirement and may be presented upon termination after ten (10) years of service. Carried. 132-133 UPDATE ON DISTRICT TELEPHONE SYSTEM Mr. Plummer summarized the reportand notedthat directionwasbeing requested from the committee regarding pursuing the various optionsthat will help decrease District's telephone costs and providebetter after hours service. After a brief discussion, the Committee instructed Mr. Plummer to bring back a report costing out all options regarding the feasibility of Installing voice processing on the District's telephone system. Counc1tioro-onnelJy-reqaesteerctariftcatron-arrthe-Zenlth-tlne-replaeefflef'tt-numeeF-aAEl---------­ procedure for the MacTler, Bala and Port Carling areas. Moved by M. Millerand seconded by D. Donnelly 4/93 THAT the Administration and Finance Committee Instruct the Director of the Muskoka Computer Centre to report back to this committee in February, 1993 onthefeasibility of Installing voiceprocessing onthe District'stelephone system as outlined In the Director's report dated December 18, 1992. Carried. 134-135 OPPOSITION TO GAMBLING CASINOS IN MUSKOKA After a brief discussion, Committee felt this matter should be addressed at the Area level. INFORMATION ITEMS The follOWing itemswere provided for Committee's information. 136-141 a) Low IncomeTax Relief Working Group Report 142-176 . b) Township of Chamberlain Resolution re CNR passenger service Two letters from concerned citizens were distributed for Committee's Information. The members of the Committee supported these concerns and '19 requested the District Chair to forward a letter to the National Transportation Agency requesting the application be denied. Moved by J. Boyes and seconded by M. Scott 5/93 THAT the Council of The District Municipality of Muskoka request the National Transportation Agency to deny the application by CN to discontinue its passenger train service between Toronto and North Bay, Train No's. 121 and 122. Carried 177 c) Summary of Two Percent Staff Reduction '921'93 Mr. Calvert highlighted the staff reduction summary report noting that District has reduced staff by 7 percent this past year. Also, due to a change In policy, it was possible to reduce overtime dollars by approximately $100,000.00. Mr. Scott commended staff for their comprehensive corporate approach to Council's concerns. 178-179 d) Disentanglement - Township of Kingston 180 e) AMO's Response to 1993 Unconditional Transfer Payment Announcement 181-187 n Debt & FInancial Obligation Umlt 188-190 g) Corporation of the County of Essex - 9-1-1 Telephone Emergency System COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE IN CLOSED SESSION Moved by D. Donnelly and seconded by F Miller THAT we adjourn to Committee of the Whole in Closed Session to discuss personnel and litigation matters .. Carried. Moved by F. Miller and seconded by D.. Donnelly THAT we rise from the Committee of the Whole in Closed Session and reconvene Immediately in Open Session. Carried. NEW BUSINESS a) Renewal of David Royston's Employment Contract and Reclassification Moved by F. Miller and seconded by D. Donnelly 6/93 THAT Mr. David Royston's employment contract be renewed for a further 5-year period and that he be confirmed as District Solicitor commencing in Step 1 of Class 13 of the District's Management Salary Schedule effective May 1, 1993. AND THAT the Chair and Clerk be authorized to execute said employment contract on behalf of the District. Carried. Ic~ ADJOURNMENT Moved by D. Donnelly and seconded by F. Miller THAT we do now adjourn until January 22,1993 at 9:30 a.m. or the call of the Chair. Carried. Chair. AdminIstration &Finance Committee /c> THE DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY OF MUSKOKA 10PINE STREET. BRACEBRIOGE. ONTARIO P1L1N3 -*----TELEPHONE (705) &45-2231 • FAX (705) 645-5319 MEMORANDUM To: Chair and Members of the Administration and Finance Committee From: John McRae Commissioner of Finance and Administration SUbJect~ Joint investment of money By-Law Date: December 15, 1992 ORIGIN: In 1992 the Municipal act was amended to allow municipalities to pool their monies and invest such monies jointly with other municipalities in accordance with the provisions of the Municipal Act. MFOA (Municipal Financial Officers Association) and AMO have both set up a corporation to jointly invest municipal funds under this amendment (Subsection 167.4 of the Municipal Act). ANALYSIS: MFOA have now set up their company, CHUMS Financing Corporation. and have it in operation and are soliciting investments. The CHUMS Investment Fund is a money market fund for Ontario Municipalities and operates as follows: 2} All investments are owned by the municipalities which are participating in the Fund. 3} Each municipelity owns a share of all investments, based on that municipality's share of the total monies invested. 4} Funds are invested in qnly high grade, Canadian dollar investments as permitted by the Municipal Act. S} Funds may be invested for same-day credit. 6) Funds may be withdrawn for deposit to the municipality's bank account on the same day. 7) Investments and withdrawals are made with one phone call to a toll-fee number. The Fund will eliminate the need to contact several brokers to obtain quotesbefore investing. In order for the Treasurer to invest any surplus funds in any joint investment fund, a by-law must be passed to authorize the Treasurer to execute the required documents. I have outlined the workings of the CHUMS Investment Fund but the AMO Fund as well as others should work the same way and therefore I have attached a proposed by-law that would authorize entering into an agreement with any qualified agent. A copy of the Agency Agreement provided by CHUMS is attached and will be provided to District Council as stated in the By-Law. RECOMMENDATION: THAT the Administration and Finance Committee recommend that District Council pass a by-law authorizing the Treasurer to execute any document(s} for the purpose of joint investment of money by the Districtand other municipalities in Ontario. 103 AGENT - and ­ INVESTORS AGENCY AGREEMENT Dated as of October 30, 1992 McMIllAN BINCHC AGENCY AGREEMENT This agreement dated as of the 30th day of October, 1992 Is between CHUMS Financing Corporation, a corporation existing under the laws of Ontario, as Agent, and each of the Investors, as defined in this agreement For value received the parties agree as follows: ARTICLE 1 -INTERPRETATION 1.01 DefInitions. In this agreement. (a) -Agent- means CHUMS and any successor agent appointed under section 2.04; (b) -Agreemenr means this agreement, as amended or replaced from time to time; (c) -Banking DaY' meansa day on which the Custodian is open for business in Toronto, Ontario, other than a Saturday or a SUnday or a statutory holiday in Toronto, Ontario; (d) -CHUMS- means CHUMS Financing Corporation and Its successors; (e) -Custodian- means the canadian chartered schedule I bank, with a credit rating of at least
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