Initial Environmental Examination Project Number: 41435-013: TSSD- ADF (Loan 3570/8331 and Grant 0542)) June 2020 Cambodia: Tonle Sap Poverty Reduction and Smallholder Development Project - Additional Financing For 18 subprojects: - Two (2) Core Subproject. (Chbar Ampov Village Road and Lvea Irrigation Subprojects), and - Sixteen (16) Subprojects Bidding on December 2019. (1-Laterite Road in Knach Romeas commune, 2-DBST Road in Kouk Khmum commune, 3-Rehabilitation of Secondary Canal In Basak and Prek Chik Communes, 4-DBST Road in Bos Sbov commune, 5-SBST Road in Samraong commune, 6-SBST Road in Chi Meas Commune, 7-DBST Road in Tang Krasang and Pnov Commune, 8-Laterite road in Sandan and Dang Kambet commune, 9-SBST Road in Kampong Trabeak commune, 10-SBST Road in Romlech commune, 11- Asphalt concrete road in Sangkat Chreav, 12-Earth Road in Svay Sar commune, 13-Rahabilitation of Secondary canal (Bak Ay) in Kak Communes, 14-Concrete road in Toul Snuol commune, 15-DBST road in Batheay and Me Pring commune, 16-SBST Road in Sdaeung Chey commune) Prepared by PIC of NCDD and MAFF for the Tonle Sap Poverty Reduction – Additional Fund for the Asian Development Bank. This initial environmental examination is a document of the borrower. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of ADB's Board of Directors, Management, or staff, and may be preliminary in nature. In preparing any country program or strategy, financing any project, or by making any designation of or reference to a particular territory or geographic area in this document, the Asian Development Bank does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status of any territory or area. CURRENCY EQUIVALENTS (As of 5 May 2020) Currency unit – Cambodian Riel (KR) KR1.00 = $0.000244 $1.00 = KR4,099 ABBREVIATIONS ADB – Asian Development Bank AF – additional financing CARD – Council for Agriculture and Rural Development CCAM – Conformal Cubic Atmospheric Model CoC – Environmental Code of Conduct CDP – commune development plan CDRA – climate and disaster risk assessment CSIRO – Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation DBST – Double Bituminous Surface Treatment DRR – disaster risk reduction DSC – Design and Supervision Contractor EARF – Environmental Assessment and Review Framework EHS – Environmental, Health and Safety EIA – environmental impact assessment ESIA – Environment and Social Impact Assessment ESO – Environmental Safeguards Officer (National) EMP – environmental management plan GHG – greenhouse gas GRM – grievance redress mechanism ICT – Information and Communication Technology IEE – Initial Environmental Examination IESIA – Initial Environment and Social Impact Assessment IPCC – Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change IPM – Integrated Pest Management IWR – Irrigation Water Requirement – Environmental Safeguards and Climate Change Specialist (of the ESCC PIC) LIG – livelihood improvement group MAFF – Ministry of Agriculture, Forest and Fisheries MOE – Ministry of Environment MOWRAM – Ministry of Water Resources and Meteorology – National Committee for Sub-National Democratic Development NCDDS Secretariat PPTA – project preparatory technical assistance PRC – procurement review committee PST – provincial support team RCP – Representative Concentration Pathway SBST – Single Bituminous Surface Treatment SRES – Special Report on Emission Scenarios SSP – special service provider TSSD – Tonle Sap Poverty Reduction and Smallholder Development Project Page | 1 US EPA – United States Environmental Protection Agency WEIGHTS AND MEASURES ha – hectare km – kilometer kW – kilowatt kWh – kilowatt-hour m – meter m2 – square meter m3 – cubic meter mm – millimeter NOTE In this report, "$" refers to US dollars Page | 2 TABLE OF CONTENT TABLE OF CONTENT 3 LIST OF TABLES 6 LIST OF FIGURES 8 LIST OF PHOTOS 10 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 11 A. Background 11 B. Assessment Findings 11 C. Capacity Building 12 D. Public Consultation 12 E. Grievance Redress Mechanism 12 F. Environmental Management Plan (EMP) and Code of Conduct (CoC) 12 I. INTRODUCTION 14 A. Overall Goals of the Project 14 B. Project Components 14 C. The Initial Environmental Examination Report 15 II. LEGAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE FRAMEWORK 16 A. ADB Environmental Requirements 16 B. Cambodian Government Environmental Regulations 16 1. Law on Environmental Protection and Natural Resource Management 16 2. Environmental impact assessment process sub-decree 16 C. Evaluation Standards 18 1. Law on the Management of Pesticides and Fertilizers 18 2. Law on Water Resources Management 19 3. Water pollution control sub-decree 19 4. Drinking water quality standards 20 5. Solid waste management sub-decree 20 6. Air pollution control sub-decree 20 7. Silt/Sediment quality 21 8. National Integrated Pest Management Programme 21 D. International Agreements 22 E. Environmental, Health, and Safety Guidelines 22 III. DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT COMPONENTS 23 A. Overall Project 23 B. Core Subprojects 24 1. Irrigation Rehabilitation in Lvea Commune, Prey Veng Province 24 2. Village road rehabilitation in Chbar Ampov Communes 28 C. 16 Subprojects 29 1. Laterite Road Reparation Sub-project in Khnach Romeas Commune, Bavel District, Battambang Province (5km-length and 1 road culvert) 32 2. DBST Road Sub-project in Kouk Khmum Commune, Thma Koul District, Battambang Province (1.898 km-length) 34 3. DBST Road Sub-project in Bos Sbov commune, Preah Netr Preah District, Banteay Meanchey Province (2.786km-length and 5 road culverts) 36 4. Samraong SBST Road Sub-project (2.511 Km-Length and 1 Box culvert) in Samraong Commune, Ou Chrov District, Banteay Meanchey Province 38 Page | 3 5. SBST Road Improvement Sub-project in Msar Krang and Kampong Chen Cheung Communes, Stoung District, Kampong Thom Province (6.056km-length with 1 Road box culvert) 43 6. DBST Road Subproject in Pnov & Tang Krasang commune, Santuk District, Kampong Thom Province (4.395km-length and 1 pipe culvert) 45 7. Sandan-Dang Kambet Laterite Road Sub-project in Sandan & Dang Kambet Communes, Sandan District, Kampong Thom Province (7.39km-Length with 01 Concrete Bridge, 01 Causeway and 4 Culverts) 47 8. Kampong Trabaek SBST Road Sub-Project (3.479 km of Length, 5m-width) in Kampong Trabaek Commune, Kampong Trabaek District, Prey Veng Province51 9. SBST ROAD SUB-PROJECT in Rumlech Commune, Sithor Kandal District, Prey Veng Province (2.750km-length with 5 pipe culvert) 53 10. Asphalt Concrete Road Improvement Sub-Project in Sangkat Chreav, Siem Reap Municipality, Siem Reap Province (1.0km length with 2 pipe culverts) 55 11. Earth Road Rehabilitation Sub-Project in Svay Sar Commune, Varin District, Siem Reap Province (8.993 km-length and 5 Pipe Culverts) 58 12. Concrete Road Sub-Project in Tuol Snuol Commune, Krouch Chhmar District, Tboung Khmum Province (1.5km-length with 2 road culverts) 60 13. DBST Road Construction Sub-Project in Batheay and Me Pring Commune, Batheay District, Kampong Cham Province (3.327km-length with 1 pipe culvert) 64 14. SBST Road Construction Sub-Project in Sdaeung Chey Commune, Cheung Prey District, Kampong Cham Province (2.508Km of Length and 1 Pipe Culvert) 67 15. Basak-Preaek Chik Canal Rehabilitation Sub-Project (9.00km length with 6 Irrigation structures) in Basak-Preaek Chik Commune, Rukh Kiri District, Battambang Province 70 16. Bak Ay Canal Rehabilitation Sub-Project in Kak Commune, Ponhea Kraek District, Tboung Khmum Province (5.5km length with 15 Irrigation structures) 72 D. Project Implementation 75 IV. DESCRIPTION OF THE ENVIRONMENT 79 A. The Project Provinces 79 B. Environmental Setting 80 1. Climate 80 2. Annual Rainfall 80 3. Floods and Droughts 84 4. Water Quality 85 5. Air Quality and Noise 89 6. Land Use and Vegetation 89 7. Protected Areas 94 8. Physical cultural resources 95 9. Socio-economic Environment 95 V. ANTICIPATED ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS AND MITIGATION MEASURES 100 A. Environmental Screening of Subprojects 100 1. Irrigation 100 2. Roads 100 B. Areas of Influence for Impact assessment 101 C. Positive Impact and Environmental Benefits 103 D. Impacts and Mitigation Measures during Design and Pre-Construction Phase 104 1. Site Preparation 104 2. Features of Detailed Design 105 3. Construction Readiness 105 E. Impacts and Mitigation Measures during the Construction Phase 106 1. Construction 106 Page | 4 2. Contractor Performance and Site Management 111 3. Environmental Health and Safety 111 F. Environmental Impact and Mitigation Measures during Operation 112 1. Irrigation Subprojects 112 2. Village Road Subprojects 117 G. Unanticipated Impacts during Construction and Operation 118 H. Climate Change Impact Assessment 118 3. Natural Disasters 122 VI. INFORMATION DISCLOSURE, CONSULTATION AND PARTICIPATION 123 A. Consultation and Participation Process for two Core Subprojects 123 1. Commune Consultative Process 123 2. Project Information Dissemination 123 3. Consultation during Household Survey 123 B. Consultation and Participation Process for Sixteen (16) Subprojects 125 VII. GRIEVANCE REDRESS MECHANISM 129 V. CONCLUSION AND ASSURANCES 130 A. Positive Impact and Environmental Benefits 130 B. Negative Impacts 130 C. Assurances 130 D. Conclusion 131 Page | 5 LIST OF TABLES Table 2: List of Projects Required an Environmental Impact Assessment ............................... 17 Table 3: Water Quality Standard in Public Water Areas for Biodiversity Conservation ............. 19 Table 4: Drinking Water standards .......................................................................................... 20 Table 5: Ambient
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