Volume 78 April 1994 ISSN 0253-4738 Contents Computers and Authors of scientific names .......... 1 New literature ....................................................... 2 What is a Hypnoid peristome? .............................. 3 Towards a World Red List of Bryophytes. II ......... 4 Why do we need author citations? ........................ 6 I A B Committees ................................................. 6 Internet sources for bryological information ......... 7 New Bryophyte collection in Missouri Botanical Garden ............................................................. 7 Local floras - publish or be damned? .................... 8 KARTBASE, a new Dbase application for mapping projects ............................................................. 9 Keyword thesaurus available ................................ 9 Product News: Herbarium aids ........................... 10 Product news: useful watches ............................. 11 The “Flora Briológica Ibérica“ Project ............... 11 Bryological Data - an alternative approach ......... 12 Bryophyte Nomenclature - a further response ..... 13 DIARY ............................................................... 14 Computers and Authors of scientific names Gillis Een Karlbergsvägen 78, 113 35 Stockholm Almost all bryologists today are us- may offer some variations - such as writing of authors’ names. For my own ing computers and word-processors for Racomitrium/Rhacomitrium and Weis- use I have formulated a number of rules, producing, transferring and storing texts sia/Weisia - but we are all very aware of which over many years have served me and data. Some of us also receive scien- this problem and know how to overcome well, and which I have written down here tific papers on a diskette or in the form it. in the hope that they may be considered of electronic mail. The remaining difficulty is how to also by people interested in e.g. nomen- One of the great advantages of using write the names of authors in connection clatural problems. Furthermore I have for a computer for storage of texts and data, with scientific names. The authors’ many years collected the names of is the enhanced possibility of searching names are often abbreviated, ending with auctors, authors and collectors in a through a large volume of texts for very a full stop (.), and furthermore they are WordPerfect file, which I have deposited specific types of information. Most word- often combined with initials or other let- in the IAB Software Library in Duisburg processors have facilities of this kind, and ters, which form separate words, and thus as number #451. This file is far from there are also several specialised pro- cause problems for many computer pro- complete, but may constitute a beginning, grams for this purpose on the market. grams. if there is a general interest among A successful search for information A special problem is the fact that bryologists in standardizing abbreviated in a large computer volume depends upon ASCII means ”American Standard Code authors’ names. the use of properly defined keywords. The for Information Interchange”. Thus many search systems require a defined spell- search programs do not work properly I recommend the following rules: ing of keywords, which with few excep- with non-English letters, and even if you * Never abbreviate a name by delet- tions is no problem in ordinary English have a program that is well adapted to ing only one letter. Nothing at all is texts. Most authors and searchers know your own language, it will most likely gained as a full stop must be used to re- how to handle the difference between not work with letters from another non- place the removed letter. Thus write: British and US spelling and choice of English language. ”Latin” names are not Duby for Jean Étienne Duby 1798- words - Labour/labor, lift/elevator etc. a problem in this context, but authors’ 1885 - not Dub. The spelling of scientific names is names certainly offer a difficulty. * I suggest that we refrain from ab- now completely standardized. Old texts Thus I see a need for a standardized breviating a name by deleting two letters 2 The Bryological Times No. 78, 1994 only. The gain is so small and the full Schwägrichen 1775-1853 name is much less ambiguous. Thus I * Do not use the Germanic letter Searching for capsules propose: ö, but replace it with oe. Thus write: For my Ph.D. studies I am establish- Hedwig for Johann Hedwig 1730- Joerg. for Eugen Honoratius Jör- ing in vitro cultures of different bryophyte 1799 - not Hedw. gensen 1862-1938 species, using spores as starting material. Hooker for William Jackson Hooker * Do not use the North Germanic For that purpose I am looking for intact 1785-1865 - not Hook. letter å, but replace it with aa. Thus sporophytes of Dicranum scoparium * Do not shorten a name to such a write: Hedw., Plagiochila asplenioides (L.) degree that it becomes ambiguous. Thus Aaberg for Johann Gerhard Dum. (P. major (Nees.) S. Arn.) and write: Åberg 1868-1940 Scapania nemorea (L.) Grolle (S. Hornem. for Jens Wilken Horne- but as we have the same name in nemorosa (L.) Dum.). If you know cap- mann 1770-1841 - not Horn. the genus Aongstroemia, I suggest we sule producing populations of these spe- Hornsch. for Christian Friedrich conserve the spelling: cies or happen to find them, I would very Hornschuch 1793-1850 Aongstr. for Anders Jonas Ång- much appreciate if you send them (with * It is sometimes necessary to use ström 1813-1879 locality and habitat data) to me, under the the initials to separate two botanists * In case of double surnames, use address given below. The material should with the same name. In that case place the first one. Thus write: be recently collected (not old herbarium the initials before the name - full name Bridel for Samuel Elisée de Bridel- specimens) and should, if possible, have or abbreviated - in upper case and with- Brideri 1761-1828 - not Brid. about 20 sporophytes. It can be sent ei- out any separating full stop or blank. Casares for Antonio Casares-Gil ther living or carefully air dried. Thus write: 1872-1929 - not CasGil Thank you for your help. EWJones for Eustace Wilkinson Brugg. for Maria Alida Christine Bitterli, School of Phar- Jones 1909-1993 Bruggeman-Nannenga 1944- macy, Kleinhueningeranlage 3, CH- HArn. for Hampus Wilhelm Arnell I would like, however, to make an 4057 Basel, Switzerland. 1848-1932 - not H.Arn. or H. Arn. exception for the well established: SArn. for Sigfrid Wilhelm Arnell PBeauv. for Ambroise Marie Fran- 1895-1970 - not S.Arn or S. Arn. or çois Joseph de Palisot de Beauvois Arn.f. 1752-1820 - not P.Beauv. Keyword thesaurus * If there is a father and son rela- * Ignore all ”de”, ”van” or ”von” tionship between two botanists, the son etc. Thus write: available can be identified by adding an upper Berghen for Constant Vanden The bryological bibliography provided case F to the name. Thus write: Berghen 1914- by Janice Glime can be very useful be- HedwigF for Romanus Adolf Hed- Sloover for Jean Louis de Sloover cause of its large size (12.600 references, wig 1772-1806 - not Hedw.f. 1936- - not DeSloover nor DeSl. available free compressed as a zip-file in HookerF for Joseph Dalton Hooker I would like, however, to make an dBase format as # 441 in the IAB soft- 1817-1911 - not Hook.f. exception for the well established: ware library on HD disk). For biblio- * Eliminate the special accents in DeNot. for Giuseppe de Notaris graphic searches, the knowledge of the French, Spanish, Portugese and many 1805-1877 - not De Not. keywords used can be a great advantage. other lagnuages, many of which can not * Very common names require Some years ago, Alain Empain compiled be reproduced at all on my word-proc- special attention. Thus I suggest: such a cumulative list of all keywords essor. Thus write: OFMueller for Otto Friederich used. For those who are interested, this Ther. for Marie Hypolite Irénée Müller 1730-1784 thesaurus can be received from Jan-Peter Thériot 1859-1947 - not Thér. FAMueller for Franz August Frahm, Universität Duisburg, FB 6, Pocs for Tamás Pócs 1933- - not Müller (or Muller) 1799-1871 Botanik, D-47048 Duisburg, Germany. Pócs CMueller for Carolo (Karl) Au- * Do not use ç but the ordinary c. gust Friedrich Müller of Halle 1818- At the moment I can not find any ex- 1899 ample to illustrate this. FJHMueller for Ferdinand Jacob CSmith for Christen Smith 1785- * Do not use the German letter ü, Heinrich von Mueller 1825-1896 1816 but replace it with ue. Thus write: JMueller for Jean Müller Argovi- DRSmith for Douglas Roane Smith A. J. Duell for Ruprecht Peter Georg ensis 1828-1896 1930- Atlas of the Bryo- Düll 1939- KMueller for Karl Müller of Frei- AJESmith for Anthony John Edwin ol. 3. * Do not use the Germanic letter ä, burg 1881-1955 Smith 1935- but replace it with ae. Thus write: JESmith for James Edward Smith GLSmith for Gary Lane Smith 1939- Schwaegr. for Christian Friedrich 1759-1828 - not Sm. No. 78, 1994 The Bryological Times 3 What is a Hypnoid peristome? Lars Hedenäs Swedish Museum of Natural History, Dept of Cryptogamic Botany, Box 50007, S-104 05 Stockholm, Sweden The structure of pleurocarpous moss tails of the unreduced peristomes, have Endostome: Colour, general devel- peristomes varies strongly between dif- also got special names among the opment of basal membrane, processes ferent taxa. Nevertheless, certain traits pleurocarps. They are often called and cilia, papillosity (other ornamen- that are common to the peristomes in Neckeroid or Leskeoid, seemingly de- tation), perforations of processes, many taxa are present, and this has lead pending on where they are believed to number and kind of cilia (appendiculate to the recognition of certain basic belong in the system. Within, for ex- / nodose). peristome types, such as Bryoid, ample, the Neckeraceae, there are both Another issue in this context, is the Neckeroid and Hypnoid peristomes. taxa with “Neckeroid” (e.g., Neckera) value of “reduced” peristomes in defin- What does then this terminology im- and “Hypnoid” (Homalia) peristomes, ing genera from other, closely related ply? The natural thing would of course according to the prevailing nomencla- genera with unreduced peristomes.
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