North Eastern Health Board annual report 2000 Item Type Report Authors North Eastern Health Board (NEHB) Publisher North Eastern Health Board (NEHB) Download date 29/09/2021 09:15:16 Link to Item http://hdl.handle.net/10147/239631 Find this and similar works at - http://www.lenus.ie/hse 2000 ANNUAL REPORT CONTENTS • • Members of the North Eastern Health Board Our Support Services as at 31at December, 2000 2 Management Serv~ces 35 Standing Committees 3 Matenals Management 35 Management Team 4 Personnel Department 36 Public Health 37 Message from Chairman 5 Technical Services Department 38 Message from the Chief Executive Officer 6 Co-Operation and Profile of the Region 8 Working Together (CAWT) 40 Our Approach 11 Financial Review 2000 12 Our Services Regional Services Pnmary Care 14 Adult Mental Health SerYlces 16 Regional Ambulance SerYlce 17 Health Promot1on Services 18 Cancer Strategy 20 Cardiovascular Strategy 20 Women's Health 21 Men's Health 21 Our Services Community Services Child Health 22 Child Care and Family Support 22 Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Services 24 Services for Older Persons 25 Disability Services 26 Travellers Health 28 Environmental Health Services 28 Community Welfare Services 29 Acute Hospital Services 30 Governance and Strategic Planning 34 North Eastern Health Board Bord Slalnte An Olr Thualsclrt MEMBERS OF' THE NORTH EASTERN HEALTH BOARD at 31st December, 2000 Appointed By Local Authorities: Cllr. Hugh McEivaney, Corcaghan, Stranooden, Monaghan. Cllr. Wilhe Me Kenna, No.2, Mullaghdun, Tydavnet Cavan eo. Council: Road , Monaghan Cllr. Patnck Conaty, Klllynebber, Cevan. Cllr. Ceoimhghin O'Caolain, TO. , No. 14, Cllr. Geny Murray, lavey, Stradone, Co. Cevan Mullaghdun, Scotstown Road, Monaghan. Cllr. Edward Feely, Stranamorth, Blacklion, Co. Cavan. Members Elected Under Health Board Cllr. Patnck O'Re1lly, (Jnr.) Murmod, Virginia, (Election Of Members) Regulations, 1972 Co. Cavan. Or. Hugh Oolan, Sandymount Drive, Blackrock, Oundalk, Co. Louth Louth Co. Council: Or. Teresa Carey, St. Oavnet's Hospital, Monaghan, Cllr. Peter Savage, Mlllgrange, Greenore, Co. Monaghan Co.louth. Or. Paul McCerthy, Oonaghmore, Oundalk, Cllr. Oeclan Breathnach, Annaghs McCenn, Co. Louth Knockbndge, Oundalk, Co. Louth Or. Peter M. Wahlrab, cavan Road, Kells, Senator Fergus 0 Oowd, 24 St. Mary's V1llas, Co. Meath. Orogheda, Co. Louth Or. G1lhan Cer1os McOowell, IMTH/Our lady of Cllr. James Mulroy, 1, Matson Lodge, Lourdes Hosp1tal, Orogheda, Co. Louth. Ballymakenny Road, Orogheda, Co. Louth. Or. Alfred N1cholson, IMTWOur lady of lourdes Hospital, Orogheda, Co. Louth. Meath Co. Council: Cllr. M1chael lynch, Cogan Street, Oldcastle, Registered Dentist: Co. Meath. Or. Fergal Connolly, 51, Cemckfem, Keadue, Cllr. John Farrelly T.O.• Hurdlesdown, Ketls, Cavan Co. Meath. Cllr. James Mangan, Rathfetgh, Tare, Co. Meath. Registered Pharmaceutical Chemist: Cllr. Bnan Fitzgeratd, Warrenstown, Kllcock, vacant Co. Meath. Re-'stered Nurse: Monqhan Co. Council: Ms. Susan Faulkner, Ounmoe, Cllr. Brendan Hughes, Klnnegan, castleblaney, Proudstown, Navan, Co. Louth eo. MonaPn. ReC}st ered Psychiatric Nurse: Mr. Paudge Connolly, Tullylush, S1lverstream, Monaghan. Minister's Nominees: Mr. Danny Brady, Orumcor, Loughduff, Co. Cavan. Mr. N•cholas McCabe, Cnnstown, Ardee, Co. Louth. Mr. Thomas Re1lly, Ardsallagh, Navan, Co. Meath. 2000 ANNUAL REPORT STANDING COMMITTEES c .................................~ \u/1 The following is the membership of the two Standing Committees at 31st December, 2000 Hospital Community Mr. John Farrelly, TO Dr. Hugh Dolan COmmittee Chairman COmmittee Chairman & Chairman of the Board Dr. Hugh Dolan Cllr. Declan Breathnach Chairman of the Board Vice-Chairman of the Board Cllr. Declan Breathnach Mr. Paudge Connolly Vice-Chairman of the Board Cllr. Eddle Feeley Mr. Patrlck Conaty Ms. Susan Faulkner Cllr. Brlan Fitzgerald Cllr. Brendan Hughes Cllr. Hugh McEivaney Cllr. Michael Lynch Sen. Fergus O'Dowd Dr. Fergal Connolly Dr. Paul Me Carthy Cllr. Patrlck O'Reilly Cllr. Wllliam McKenna Dr. AJf Nlcholson Cllr. Peter Savage Cllr. James Mangan Cllr. Jimmy Mulroy Mr. Danny Brady Dr. Carlos McDowell Mr. Nlcholas McCabe Cllr. Gerry Murray Mr. Thomas Rellly Cllr. Caolmhghln O'Caolain, TO Dr. Teresa Carey Dr. Peter Wahlrab North Eastern Health Board Bord Slalnte An Olr Thualsclrt MANAGEMENT TEAM at 31st December, 2000 Mr. Paul Robinson Mr. Eamon O'Brlen Chief Executive Officer Personnel Officer Dr. Ambrose Me Loughlin Mr. Jim Curran Deputy Chief Executive Officer Acute Hospital Technical Services Officer and Director of Capital Projects Mr. Geoff Day Assistant Chief Executive Officer Regional Services Mr. Jim Reilly Senior Administrative Officer Mr. Larry Walsh Assistant Chief Executive Officer Ms Rosaleen Harlin Governance and Strategic Planning Communications Officer Mr. Aidan Browne Ms. Mary Flanagan Assistant Chief Executive Officer Secretary to the Chief Executive Officer Community Services Dr. Rosaleen Corcoran Director of Public Health and Planning Mr. Seoirse 0 hAodha Rnance Officer Mr. Anthony Reilly Management Services Officer 2000 ANNUAL REPORT MESSAGE FROM THE CHAIRMAN . :. • lt is with great pleasure that I present the annual Rnally, I would like to highlight that the system for report of the North Eastern Health Board for the health care delivery is advancing at an year 2000. unprecedented pace. This is allied to economic growth which has seen greater fundtng be1ng made In reading the contents of this report, it is obvious available for the health seMces, wh1le the NatiOnal how much the Board has developed and expanded Development Plan (NDP) will ensure that the the range of service proVIsion to the population of facilities available throughout the Board will be the North East. The credit for these positive enhanced to support the deliVery of health care. advances goes to the Board, our staff and the These 1ssues present a number of Significant Department of Health and Children. challenges to our Board members, the CEO, h1s management team and indeed to all our staff. I I would like to thank all the members of our Board am confident that by adopting the collaborative who have given their continued support to me as approach of preVIous years, these challenges w111 Chairman and have worked tirelessly towards the be successfully met and this will result 1n many aim of Improving the health services in the North health and social benefits for the res1dent East region. population of the North Eastern Health Board area. Our Board is fortunate to have at its disposal staff who are leaders in their professions. Our doctors, nurses, para-medical, administration and other staff have advanced the quality of the service we prov1de. I would like to record my gratitude to all our staff for this and their continued commitment. Dr Hugh Dolan I would also like to extend my thanks to Mr. Paul Chairman Robtnson, the Board's Ch1ef Executive Officer, who in his first year 1n post has shown great vision and comm1tment to the Board. In collaboration With h1s management team, we hope that health seMce delivery Will be continually enhanced 1n the coming years. The Board continued to work closely with the Minister for Health and Children, Mr. Michael Mart1n, and h1s department. Th1s positive and constructive work1ng relationship will prOVIde the foundation for further service developments to be undertaken in all parts of the Board. North Eastern Health Board Bord Slalnte An Olr Thualsclrt MESSAGE F"ROM THE CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER The North Eastern Health Board Great emphasis was placed upon the provis1on of continued to develop the range safe services to patients and the availability of a and quality of services available to safe working environment for all our staff. These all during 2000. This is the fifth two issues will focus the attent1on of us all when annual report for our Board and it developing our services further during the com1ng gives a broad outline of the wide years. range of services and activities dunng the year. The report "Health Status in the North Eastern Heath Board" was published during 2000. This On a personal note, 2000 my first year as the was report provides the Board and its Management Board's Ch1ef Executive Officer. I am extremely Team with a benchmark against which grateful for the support and co-operation which 1 improvements in the health status of our have receiVed from the Board and the staff during population in future years can be measured. th1s year, and especially the assistance, loyalty and advice of the members of the Management Team. While this report highlights the Board's Three new members were welcomed to the achievements during 2000 we must be aware that Management Team during the year with the a number of challenges must be met in the appointment of Mr. Lany Walsh, Mr. Aidan Browne coming years. As stated above, the provision of and Mr. J1m Curran followmg the recommendation safe services and a safe working environment of the Local Appointments Commiss1on. These must be addressed continually. We must have indMduals bong With them a wealth of knowledge regard to changing standards and demands in and expenence to the Management Team and are delivering our services. We must 1mprove our most welcome to the~r new posts. communication process both within and outs1de the Board. We must recruit and reta1n staff of the I must also thank the Board's cha1rman, Dr. Hugh highest calibre. We must strive to achieve a status Dolan, who has selflessly and tirelessly worked of maximum regional self-sufficiency. above and beyond the call of duty for the Board and has always been ava1lable to discuss Board These are just some of the many challenges for busmess, as well as representing the Board at the the Board, however, 1 am confident that we have many functiOns organiSed by ourselves and by the Board members and staff available to nse to other orgamsaoons. this challenge. I would also hke to thank the Board's staff who I look forward to building upon the successes aga,n showed dunng 2000 how oomm1tted they highlighted in this report.
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