1 %'^ #•' •~* * t . V J msM^M r •->{vfT' ^E^W^-' ,™V'l*»,y • ^ :.»>'.''*''*x •^-.fl^a,. r=4fci,^^ ^irtW •*:,- ^Jsii&M T^,'V't^VVf"^'- ™^.i^^.-«*s!iiS=^sr-Vi: +m I.jpv^'j.S, -WW' w«C"%*«?rr:-®* ^ ''iAhMi Mother outier . - .-,,, fW^0y^r-mM$f m tha Works For Mission Geniiwi^M^her guttpr^^ld wm wflrm#TF|iFTat tRei^nfor 1: " gas iiii WpplR-/w|||-; b«;, c^njii^ on, dressed ,»tgit; fills'^ te'jgen^to LOEW'8 their Sffi'j^pmBpqgf&f ,f"' February «.I7—AnmuU l Tt»aCrus " "-eftjiftttg^^ PARAM0UKT At th| last meetin^.a jenerf.jjf 9rf d«f« «f Toko-Ri AS app'r^elf'&$tgjfij*& $&&m: . LITTUB ter jSteMm^.$m mfa-igm. .TnSt*. Detective A-l lifts), settle fa'M'-"""" ' "'^" MR I ) Plavygiilfle Josepft^nti||fB|J|"^#iai'4J«f-' ;;• t". jmwmxm ~ "»£ "£ I^WH^. MMNh Tlioimw Bo«Mjr: '^octety-Ki 1 Scwith xHulflo fen. 81-Feb. 5 BUe^rdiii Burns, , tPartly Objectionable — SIGN f'giaaiacfiie)' GUILD MIETINOS: •' ' *^»IMfJ>rEl1k* PLAVEBS ' Hme Oat For Ginger Current jPFor Adiuts—SKH*f rnagmaine) ** JSs -St HlwW L " ARENA THEATKE KJIWIIENT,.; ruwinSrite, ' nx- Saferina Fair Feb. 1-1$ jgSM. Aiteltfcs^lSSL inaga«lrieX '„ ' f&T&ii£flto:M&^^ CW Girls: . F. Murphy, C.SJB. f '-jgf,[i 'fi i-&r~- »it' Mtofliy--4>ttr~l^''al^:«Jflia Teanri De}?|_a+$ ^0 >M«T t wi^jPBipwjpiipppjfpw Women) fc&i> ffj&Hfefclfe^tytM * First of a series of basketball games between the C.Y.O. Girls*' Teaon^and the Sampson WAFs iM Wis played (Jan. 25 on the Colum­ bus Civic-jCenter Courts with the .. season,.ar$i cro |lrls emergine victorg by a. c« Cwey, JulWin WrlgH score of 30 to 27. ; • * . -^ '-"l- r, Bob Gagnler, Jeff Jisnlew. It was a close contest all the pries^-of the Eochesi vss honored at a testii Richard Serber, Bill Fit»~ way but the CYO| managed to dinner at th* lerij Air ^%. J^O^pinini^aoiicd stay in the win column paced by, BA. 85-JPff .6371 Officers Club on the occasion the excellent ball handlirtjg-Of illitary dependent* and civilians Joy<* Sharlek who mettetlt^the pftdetf the testimonial ior most points lor CY0. Joan Batyer^ in Albert who Has been at s Dolores Butklewici anil MarJle L6r%g since September, 1952. L«o> also added important taUllef to tJie CYO Score and outstanding point was .the presenta- i For Fehwary Presentation Eighth Grade In defensive play wares Joan, Moraii, Carol Maier, Elal: Panacille—- Eighth annuaLeditioa.of the^DanB-ville^lii tofitlijpp, <iarol Barone aw . strelfj, produced, and directed by Braxton Middleton, will be rst Place 4 Awbianh-iHoly Family's eighth Coloriiho, The team tp «««*«' shown at the High School Auditorium Tuesday, Wednesday by Helen Smith of the CUM ^KISSJv^^^ and Thursday avenlnga Feb. IK grade defeated the freshmen ot si Holy Family High School in at staff. mm vvHttLS 16 and, 17. For the Simpson WAFa, Mary &mm The show is annually sponsored preliminary game to the Holy Catholic University Family High • Lakemont game, Moore and J, Randall provided •.^Wasaj lM|w> 1 Lby Dansville Council Knights of dangerous opposition -in netting ISsanftuJC unrfci* the ausntee».ot Friday at the Central High Court Gets Murray Papers 12 and 13 points reapectivelj:, $roop- JJnmber 38, Boy Scouts of to chalk up their sixth straight Miss Moore garnered a perfect r America. All net proceeds of the Washington — (NO — The victory .without defeat record on.' free' throwa having ao»-. performance are disbursed for Catholic University of America In thja Knlghtirof Columbus quired seven goals out of an sharity by the council. will receive the personal papers CathoUb Grammar School of Philip Murray late president tei»»t«4 aevdrj t*yK( 3dJe_.pifigCBp.jKUL be djyjdjgl Leagjfe, Holy Family'* cightlx F*»ur -more game»r-w] Info two parafeThe first part will of the congress of ^iiuiH-iarof r grap, with Charles McKeon as gamzations and the UnltedLSteel- played with twq iGhedi 1«1» -npf.il Minjlujfilfnw' '3Wiwp|B^||MMB|Bil» consist of old time minstrel antics cojeh, lt in sole possession o£ the Sampson Courts «dih£nu.meivgags and rollicking, workers of America, it was an­ nounced Here 'by Bishop Bryan at place, after, defeating *-e^©.0«M*ilo«hesl OU*UDY0fVICmrCH0IIDIiiilPIM«..St. songs- A background chorus of rappy St. Aloysiua team 38-25, teams who are interes 100 voices will support the indl- J. McEntegart, rector of the un!-, versity. Sunday at the U.N.C, Court, basketball cbmpetltj .^L^^LWt vffium-TwrfortBeS; — " - ':~ ^'THfMlfc^WASS-ieAWE'N. „ Sf'Mlry'i wfl;h a 4:2 retiora queasted^to coibtSor mnairaal* itttadl wMfiti Mat* tt^. .the second half of the show The university's Depafunen hold/ down second place, white Smith »t BA'.7«Kl will tMrcompbsed^of-novel^-and Archives and Manuscripts St -Francis and St Hyacinth'sr specialty numbers; songs, dances ready contains are tied for, third place, with -and-aWts. A. galaxy of Jndjyjdual lections as the L ^ three.wins^uid,two.lossea,apiecev V*. "Powderly* lei artists- is in rehearsal to make TO- tton* ol! a goidt personal chalice to this show, in the words of Middle- Knights of Labor Fafher Albert by theHoly Name ton, "probably the best entertain­ 1893;.the papers o Penny Bsxaar Planned Society and the Catholic Women's ment of the series". last leader of. the' odality of the base, Mrs. Ann At Holy Rosary Parish .Labor, and the pe; _^UL«^UDl^t;lIoJyjRoa^ r^Jtie©,,^odailty pj*sld>nt, flftade ^ohir"Mltch_nrliea"c fj*e'ira^eih*tion^^ ej_d6atniL^ theTJhlt- Parish will hold a penny bazaar ^eno, Holy- Name Soeie^ presl- Radio Leader* ed Mine Worker* a powe^ sponsored by the Mo-Cubs, OH srbi-Wiir.aicottc^ffirt represented tha Catholic ful force In the F-eder- Friday, Feb.- 4 at 7 p.ni In the Jkt Bum wiikth BtttTtittk <= AtioiV'4if^LalMTi -Ali-ar*-invit<d, CT»TJJaisg»gwiisoag«»nnBjp»,TOar^^ Brigadier General Bertram C. Saturday, Jan. 39 — Joseph Harrlsonroommander-ol-the 45th jluck^t- Helen; AtT HACK, BIVliAaiS?r^i r Air Division at Loring, express­ Sunday, Jan. 30—Henry J- Mi* Slaarf•>«. M.. •* Jmtwtt• iMy, ^,j|iii^i-ll| ed his admiration and apprecia­ chaels, Nativity of Blessed Virgin Decency Listings j&-m Mary, Brockportj I'rirrr^jfWjWgijm tion for Father Albert's work, at —--©LAJW A-l — Uttol |eetkinaM« for General Patronage the base and for his work in de­ Monday, Jan. 31 — Josepn* -^CUT RATI ICES ON 1EVERAGES L'AmBrose, St Michael; Akbot an,fVCo«t«|lo Matt .Pountry. Tk* Romeo an* Juliet -Mu 5PgClALOFFERtlH veloping friendly relations be­ the Keystone Cops HaiiMl and Gretel Rootle's - Bump -S* m tween the base and the surround' Tuesday, Feb. 1—Anthony De- Afrlcaa -Adrenture HlVB>nd Dry Scotch On the Rocks BEER and I^SS*«. $^-^« Valua Snavr or Cool'Sh«ytl Anlmsl- farm Huri&ra of the, Deep Sitting Bull Ing communities. Romanls, SS."Peter and Paul; Athena Invaaln Frota Man wilh aach.ardtr of 2-ton or mora of our fien«al Brlnde Smoke Signal Father Albert's contribution to Wednesday, Feb. 2—William B. »n«s JuniM Oeits Snow Creature Rlchter, St. Margaret Mary; Blabk Kniaht... Toa Khybtt Pstrol Thay Rode West "100% GENUINE ANTHRAQTE . •• the welfare of the base and sur­ Black SShielh d of KlllerlUopard This Ii Cinerama STOVI rounding communities was pver Thursday, Feb. 3—Anthony M. FaJworth, The Knlrtu of the Ronnt Three Ring Clrcua 13 RAVORS OP SOFT DRINKS Hettel, Holy Family, accompanied Bob Mathlas Story, The . TaMei Tobo*. Th# flreat1 NUT and above anything required of Bowery Boys If eat the Littlest Outlaw. The Trouble in the Ulea 12^-30 »x. J1.20 -, 24—12 ei. $1.25 him. General Harrison.said. by members- of Band No. 5 of the UonsUra Llvlnf It Up Troublt In Store _ IGO C.O.D. Nocturnal Adoration Society; Brlradoon long Gray Line, The . 20.000 Leagues Under- ART HACK, Prop. I -3;..' seaa'8lK-»} The Rev. Omar St.. Onge, prin­ Cannibal Attack Malta Story, The _ftt Tea the Sea Oil* Wis,—TayH,—FlUl, l-« SlftaSy f -5 CreWa JMlggMeil, cipal of Van -Buren-high, .school Friday, Feb. 4—Lay representa- Cattle) Queen of Montana Masterson of Kansas Two Guns and a Badge ShQftTidnOTT tives, Rochester chapter St. Bon- Crest,of the Wsve Onerstlon Manhunt, Unconqusred ^..Shelford Boav) M Wtotft* MrLr-MilrtZ -e^e..^U4^- far Toa and part-time assistant to the Detective. The) Quest For a Lost City Vanishing Pralria, The M& 1.95 aventure Alumni Association. Devil's Harbor ^0. base chaplain, delivered the prin­ Bald, The Victory at Sea Dragnet Rembrandt Wist of gansibar cipal speech in Father Albert's Drum Boat Return From the Sea White Christmas honor. praising Father Albert's ac­ Duel in the Jungle Ricochet Romance. Yalfow Mountain, The THE AMERICAN SPECIALTY CO,, Inc Father St Onge stressed the complishments at Loring. CLASS A-2 — UnobJertioijableWor Adulle RochsMttr'$ Leading Supply Botum '.Mm "loneliness of the priesthood" as In accepting the chalice, Fath­ AIHa ExecuO»e'SulU Private) Hell II Food Sarrvica Equipment and 8upplie» a severe and hidden sacrifice er Albert erpressed his thanks to Bod Day at Black Rock Fire Over Africa Pdsharer. Tha 5 s indovr CWns-^ars F® ?*** • ®!ffl!J^^!^e5^»^i^i^^g^3l^ep^^BaB^SWHB^^ Bamboo Prison. Poos tj/..; Qn« B*achoomb«7 Tin as the only Catholic priest on a and the surrounding communitfes Good Die Young, The irity Risk •llTsrwar. HO*ELi •. RESTAUIWKTS K, | , . , , large military base, for from for the gift and for the friend­ Betrayed Green Fire en Brides for Bevea fr rtt t I Black 18 Meartbreak Rtdm? ro there WUnatia BARKBUQS • CSM^BS/UH"*a*>M' •taS, ' Black Widow home and family.
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