INFORMATION REGARDING ENVIRONMENTAL AUDIT REPORTS August 2007 VICTORIA'S AUDIT SYSTEM AUDIT REPORT CURRENCY An environmental audit system has operated in Audit reports are based on the conditions encountered Victoria since 1989. The Environmenf Profecfion Acf and information reviewed at the time of preparation 1970 (the Act) provides for the appointment by the and do not represent any changes that may have Environment Protection Authority (EPA Victoria) of occurred since the date of completion. As it is not environmental auditors and the conduct of possible for an audit to present all data that could be independent, high quality and rigorous environmental of interest to all readers, consideration should be audits. made to any appendices or referenced documentation An environmental audit is an assessment of the for further information. condition of the environment, or the nature and extent When information regarding the condition of a site of harm (or risk of harm) posed by an industrial changes from that at the time an audit report is process or activity, waste, substance or noise. issued, or where an administrative or computation Environmental audit reports are prepared by EPA- error is identified, environmental audit reports, appointed environmental auditors who are highly certificates and statements may be withdrawn or qualified and skilled individuals. amended by an environmental auditor. Users are Under the Act, the function of an environmental advised to check EPA's website to ensure the currency auditor is to conduct environmental audits and of the audit document. prepare environmental audit reports. Where an environmental audit is conducted to determine the PDF SEARCHABILITY AND PRINTING condition of a site or its suitability for certain uses, an environmental auditor may issue either a certificate or EPA Victoria can only certify the accuracy and statement of environmental audit. correctness of the audit report and appendices as presented in the hardcopy format. EPA is not A certificate indicates that the auditor is of the opinion responsible for any issues that arise due to problems that the site is suitable for any beneficial use defined with PDF files or printing. in the Act, whilst a statement indicates that there is some restriction on the use of the site. Except where PDF normal format is specified, PDF files are scanned and optical character recognised by Any individual or organisation may engage appointed machine only. Accordingly, while the images are environmental auditors, who generally operate within consistent with the scanned original, the searchable the environmental consulting sector, to undertake hidden text may contain uncorrected recognition environmental audits. The EPA administers the errors that can reduce search reliability. Therefore, environmental audit system and ensures its ongoing keyword searches undertaken within the document integrity by assessing auditor applications and may not retrieve all references to the queried text. ensuring audits are independent and conducted with regard to guidelines issued by EPA. This PDF has been created using the Adobe-approved method for generating Print Optimised Output. To assure proper results, proofs must be printed, rather AUDIT FILES STRUCTURE than viewed on the screen. Environmental audit reports are stored digitally by This PDF is compatible with Adobe Acrobat Reader EPA in three parts: the audit report (part A), report Version 4.0 or any later version which is downloadable appendices (part B) and, where applicable, the free from Adobe's Website, www.adobe.com. certificate or statement of environmental audit and an executive summary (part C). A report may be in colour FURTHER I N FORMATION and black-and-white formats. Generally, only black- and-white documents are text searchable. For more information on Victoria's environmental Report executive summaries, findings and audit system, visit EPA's website or contact EPA's recommendations should be read and relied upon only Environmental Audit Unit. in the context of the document as a whole, including Web: www.epa.vic.clov.au/envaudit any appendices and, where applicable, any certificate Email: [email protected] or statement of environmental audit. I \ 55623-1-8 ATTACHlWCNT 1 SURVEY PLAN AND ENVIRONNIENTAL AUDIT OVERLAY PLAN ADSHEAD 8c McQUIE PTY. LTD. Land 8c Engineering Surveying Consultants, Planners ACN 005 064 960 ABN 65 005 064 960 34 Kepler Street, Warmambool3280. Tel. (03) 5562 3752 Fax. (03) 5561 1659 Email address: [email protected] REFERENCE NUMBER 1623 October 12,2004 Environmental & Earth services Vic., P. 0. Box 2253 FOOTSCRAY, VIC. 3011 Dear Ms Groves, RE: SITE ENVIRONMENTAL AUDIT - REAR 30-32 CARAMUT ROAD,WARRNAMBOOL. Further to a request fiom Mr Jim Dwyer Solicitor, we are pleased to advise the completion of all survey works associated with the definition of the site environmental audit. Please find enclosed the relevant Plan of Survey defining: - * Parcel A at area 5850 square metres and being the subject of the audit; e Dimensional configuration for Parcel A and its relationship to both Saywe!l Court to the north and Fairfax Avenue/Caramut Road intersection to the southwest. 0 Connectiot: to PM number 54 as per your stated requirement in facsimile to Mr Jim Dwyer dated 2?’ September 2004. We trust that this presentation s then suflicient for yr3ur purposes. Yours faithfully Adshead & McQuie Pty Ltd :.c. Mr J. Dwyer - Desmond Dunne Dyer Mr B. Johnstone Ms S. Collison, GHD. =T A Member of me John Szwaj Geoff Forster LS ASSOCIATION OF CONSULTING LS SURVEYORS (VICIURIA) INC. Director Office Manager - ___ - - 1 I 2 I 3 4 I 5 1 6 1 7 1I 8- OFFICE USE ONLY NOTATIONS LAND SUB3HsT EASEMENT NIL PARCEL B CERTIFICATION BY SURVEYOR RESIDENTIAL 1 ZONE I JOHN SZWAl OF ADSHUU) h McQUIE mY. LTD. OF 34 KEPLER SlR€ET, WARRNAMBOOL, 3280. CERTIFY THAT THIS PIAN HAS BEEN PREPARED FROM A SURVEY MADE UNDER MY IMMEDIATE DIRECTION AND SUPERVISION IN ACCORDANCE wml THE SURVEYORS 4 ACT 1978. T 0 e To be completed where applicable: THIS SURVEY HAS BEEN CONNECTED TO PERMANENT MARKSNO: 54 THE SUBJECI OF THE ENVIRONMENTAL AUDIT' IN PROCLAIMED SURVEY ARE4 NO. 23 THE LAND IN THE SURVEY IS SHOWN ENCLOSED BY CONTINUOUS THICK LINES. m REF: - 4rVOL10444 FoL991 LAsTpu\NREF:K4u541L PLAN OF SURVEY CQUNlY OF VILLIERS PARISH OF WANGOOM CROWN ALLOTMENT 70 (PART) NUMmOF SHEETS IN PLAN : 1 NUMBER OF THIS SHEET : 1 ORIGINAL 15 7.50 0 15 I I I I io suuE SHEET SCALE SIZE 1-750 I ~3 LENGMSAREINM€fRES I I J ADSHEAD & McQUIE PTY. LTD, LAND h ENGINEWINGSURVEYING OFFICE USE ONLY CONSULTANTS, PLANNERS 1623 KEPLER !3lEEI'WARRNAMBOOL 3280 MRS 01 t- 34 EL55623752 FAX.55611659 A.CN.OO5064960 1623SURKDWG EMAIL ADDRES!j Infowarrn@amsurvey,wm.au VICTORIA 1 I 7 I 9 I - I L I / I J 4 5 6 I 7 I 0 110 120 I30 140 150 160 170 180 190 1100 1110 1120 1130 1140 .50 mm 0 BY : h4RRNAMBOGL CITY COillJCIL ; 0355628774; 23-JUN.04 8~54; PAGE 4 i2 CITY CtSIJNC'I I. DATE: ,hne 22, 2004 ?ME: 336 TO : Anissa Groves FAX: 9609 6686 FROM: Cathy Sextus PHONE: 5564 7875 Subdivision Officer FAX: 5562 8774 RE: 30 Caramut Road, Warrnambool Number of pages Including cover sheet: 2 Please find enclosed a copy of the plan approvd as part of Planning Amendment C33 which rezoned the land from an Industrial 3 Zone to a Residential 1 Zone with a Design and Development 4 Overlay and an Environmental Audit Overlay. Please contact me if you require a mow detailed plan. Regards, @-L Cathy INT BY: \VAfiFiNAMBOOL CITY COUIJCIL; 0355628774 ; 23-JUN-04- @:55; PAGE 212 f DAVIDSON OVAL 30 60 -. metres - Part of Planning Scheme Maps 4EAO & 5EAO-- LEGEND EWIROWMENTAL AUDIT OVERLAY AMENDMENT C33 ATTACHMENT 2 GHD ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT REPORT Contents Executive Summary i 1. Introduction 1 1.1 Background 1.2 Objective 1.3 Scope of Works 2. Site Charaterisation 3 2.1 Site Location 2.2 Zoning 2.3 - Topography 2.4 Geology 2.5 Hydrogeology 3. Site History 5 3.1 Historical Aerial Photographs 3.2 Certificate of Title Review 3.3 Business Directory Search 3.4 Warrnambool City Council Records 3.5 Interviews 3.6 Previous EnvironmentalAssessments 4. Site Inspection 4.1 Site Description 4.2 Surrounding Land Uses 4.3 Potential for Contamination 5. Soil Sampling Program 9 5.1 Sample Location Rationale . 9 5.2 Soil Sampling Methodology 9 5.3 Analytical Program 10 6. Quality Assurance/Quality Control Program 12- 6.1 Explanation for Changes in Sample Identification 12 6.2 MGT Transcription Error 12 6.3 Field QC Sampling Program 13 31115352U9013 Environmental SbAssassment Rear of 30 8 32 Caramut Road. Wanambool. Viria 6.4 Conclusions of WQCProgram 14 7. Guideline Criteria 15 8. Results of Investigation 17 8.1 Soil Stratigraphy and Geology 17 8.2 Soil Analytical Results 17 8.3 Inorganic 17 8.4 Organics 20 9. Conclusions 21 10. References 24 11. Limitations .25 Figure Index Figure 1 Site Location Figure 2 Site Plan and Surrounding Land Uses Figure 3 Sample Locations Table Index Table 1 Summary of Groundwater Database Search 4 Table 2 Historical Aerial Photograph Descriptions 5 Table 3 Summary of Individual Sample Analysis (Natural Soil) 10 Table 4 Summary of Individual Sample Analysis (Fill materials) ~- 11 Table 5 Grid-Based Samples - Composite Analysis 11 Table 6 Discrepancies in Sample Identification Numbers 12 Table 7 Summary of Inorganic Exceedences 18 Table 8 Summary of Chromium Speciation Analytical Results 18 Table 9 Results of Leachability Analysis 19 Appendices A Site Survey Plan B Groundwater Database Search Results 31/15352/79013 Envimnmental SiAssessment Rear of 30 8 32 Cafamut Road, Warmambool. Victoria C Historical Land Titles D Borehole Logs E Tabulated AnalyOcal Results Table F NATA Stamped MGT and WSL Laboratory Results Sheets 31/15352/79013 EnvironmentalSi AssessmenC Rear of 30 8 32 Caramut Road.
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