Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-71773-1 - Ethics and Animals: An Introduction Lori Gruen Index More information Index abolitionist views, 126, 196, 198, 199 Asian elephants Adams, Carol, 37, 200 Jenny, 131, 149 “adaptive preferences,” 143 Shirley, 130 AETA (Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act), ASL (American Sign Language) 190, 193 chimpanzees, 10, 11 African Gray Parrots gorillas, 11 Alex, 147 non-verbal humans, 10 Griffin, 147 orangutans, 11 agency, 148, 184; see also moral agents “assisted migrations,” 187 Alex (African Gray Parrot), 147 Association of Zoos and Aquariums, see AZA ALF (Animal Liberation Front), 191, 193 attention-worthy beings, 61 aliens, 25 Augustine, 3n3 Allen, Colin, 146 autonomy, 61, 148–51; see also “relational Alzheimer’s disease, 67; see also research autonomy” using animals AWA (Animal Welfare Act) United States, AMC (Argument from Marginal Cases), 112, 117 64–6, 67, 68–72, 73, 125 AZA (Association of Zoos and Aquariums), document, 64 132, 138 American Medical Association, 90 Anderson, Elizabeth, 67, 154 baboons, 113 animal consumption, global, 81 Baby Fae, 113 animal hoarding, 160 Bateson, Patrick, 48 Animal Liberation Front, see ALF bears, 152, 153 animal rights movement, 34, 36, 182, 188, behavior 195, 201, 202 altruistic, 1, 20, 46 animal advocacy movement, 191 cultural, 47 animal protection movement, 192 human, 52 Animal Welfare Act, see AWA instinctual, 48 Anthropoid Station, Tenerife, 14 Institute of Behavioral Research, Silver antibiotics and antimicrobials, 79, 89, 90 Spring, Maryland, 112 Argo, Allison, 130 natural, 47–50 Argument from Marginal Cases, see AMC species-typical, 17, 39, 49, 51, 84, 98, 115, Aristotle, 2 150, 169 Arlene (chicken), 104 Bentham, Jeremy, 34 224 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-71773-1 - Ethics and Animals: An Introduction Lori Gruen Index More information Index 225 Bernard, Claude, 109 “charismatic megafauna,” 167 Bernard, Marie-Franc¸oise, 109 cheetahs, 28 biocentric views, 28 Chernoff, Barry, 51n12 biodiversity, 169 chickens Boesch, Christopher, 7, 20 antibiotics and antimicrobials, 79 bonds, lifelong, 5 Arlene, 104 bonobos captivity, 79 Kanzi, 12, 147 commodities, 79 Panbanisha, 12, 147 egg production, 83, 197 Borgia (vervet monkey), 107 factory farms, 83 Bossou, West Africa, 18 laboratory interventions, 79 bottlenose dolphins, 1, 6, 18 slaughterhouses, 76 Brosnan, Sarah, 19 Tyson story, 82 Buckley, Carol, 131 chimeras, 106–8, 125 Buddy (dog), 142 Chimfunshi Wildlife Orphanage, Zambia, bushmeat, 164 163 Butler, Virgil, 76 Chimp Haven, Keithville, Louisiana, 161 Butts, Kristina, 90 chimpanzees (see also individual topics) animal rights conflicts, 203 CAFOs (concentrated animal feeding black market, 164 operations), 81, 87, 88; see also factory Chrissy, 163 farms; industrialized agriculture Cleo, 163 “calculated reciprocity,” 19 Dar, 10 Callicott, J. Baird, 170, 180 endangered species, 164 capabilities views, 38–40 green corridors, 179 captivity (see also factory farms; individual Gua, 9n21 places) habitat, 164 autonomy, 144 Juan, 115 chickens, 79 Knuckles, 74 chimpanzees, 203 Loulis, 10 definitions, 133 Milla, 163, 175 elephants, 130 Moja, 10 freeing from, 135 Nim Chimpsky, 11 inevitability, 204 Peony, 11 liberty, 141–4 research ban, 129 protection from injuries, 150 Sandy, 163 pseudo-sanctuaries, 159 Sarah, 11, 14, 146 reasons for, 133 Tatu, 10 reducing suffering, 161 tool use, 6, 8, 9 sanctuaries, 158–62 toolkits, 7 unwanted animals, 158 Viki, 9 Cataldi, Suzanne, 152 Washoe, 10 Cayenne (dog), 71 Chinese University, Hong Kong, 167 Center for Great Apes, Florida, 74 Chomsky, Noam, 13 Chamberlain, Lorna, 153 Chrissy (chimpanzee), 163 Chantek (orangutan), 11 Chrysippus, 2 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-71773-1 - Ethics and Animals: An Introduction Lori Gruen Index More information 226 Index City of God (Augustine), 3n3 Descartes, Ren´e, 3 Clayton, Nicola, 59 Diamond, Cora, 41, 102 Clayton (rhesus monkey), 117 differences, moral, 22–5 Cleo (chimpanzee), 163 dignity, 155 Cochrane, Alasdair, 144, 145 Animal dignity, 152, 154 cognition, 6, 14, 21, 59 domesticated animals, 156 cognitive disabilities, 69, 74 Kantian tradition, 151, 154 Columbia University, New York, 11 Political dignity, 152 companion animals, 71, 155–8 Wild dignity, 151–5 dependence, 156 discrimination, 53–4 dignity, 155 Disposapup Ltd., 99 dressing up, 155 Djoghlaf, Ahmed, 166 pet overpopulation, 158 “Does the Chimpanzee Have a Theory of sanctuary, 158–62 Mind?” (Woodruff and Premack), 14 concentrated animal feeding operations, see dogs, 72 CAFOs Buddy, 142 “Concentration Camps for Dogs,” Life, Cayenne, 71 112 Lupa, 72 concept attributions, 145–8 Maggie, x conflicts of interests, 75, 175 Pepper, 111 consequentialist views, 119 Remus, 72 conservation areas, 178 domestic cats, Tiger Lily, 4 conservation biology, 185, 187 Donovan, Josephine, 37 Constantine, Rochelle, 1 Douglass, Frederick, 192 contextual moral vegetarianism, 93, 205 continental philosophical tradition, 40–3 “Earth Summit,” 166 Convention on Biological Diversity, 166 “Eating Meat and Eating People” cooperative action, 18, 51 (Diamond), 102 cows ecofeminist views, 93, 172 factory farms, 85 ecotourism, 176, 177 meat production, 86, 88, 90 Edwards, Gregg, 140 milk production, 85 egalitarian views, 35 crocodiles, 44, 183 Elephant Sanctuary, Hohenwald, Cronin, William, 48 Tennessee, 130 Cruelty to Animals Act, United Kingdom elephants (see also Asian elephants) 1876, 111 captivity, 131 Cuomo, Chris, 172 PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder), 132 Curtin, Deane, 93 social nature, 130 Cushman, Fiery, 115 training, 132 Emory University Manuscript, Archive, and Damascenus, Alexander, 108 Rare Book Library, Atlanta, Georgia, Dar (chimpanzee), 10 110 Darwin, Charles, 21, 185 empathetic action, 205 Davidson, Donald, 145, 146 Engber, Daniel, 117 de Waal, Frans, 19 environmental destruction, 87–9 Derrida, Jacques, 41 Environmental Protection Agency, see EPA © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-71773-1 - Ethics and Animals: An Introduction Lori Gruen Index More information Index 227 environmentalist views, 28, 47, 170 farming practices EPA (Environmental Protection Agency), 87, “beyond organic,” 95 88 factory, see factory farms episodic memory, 59 free-range, 95 ethical engagement, 17–22 grass-based, 95 ethical holism, 170 humane, 94–7, 98 ethical humanism, 170 independent, 78, 95 ethical sacrifice, 128 pasture-based, 95, 97 ethological studies, 51 favoritism, 70 Everett, Jennifer, 183 FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation), 190 “evo-devo” (evolutionary developmental fellow creatures, 103, 104 biology), 49 feminist views, 37, 102, 183; see also evolution, 52 ecofeminist views evolutionary developmental biology, see feminist care ethics, 37 “evo-devo” Florez, Dean, 199 exchange hypothesis, 19 Fongoli research site, Senegal, 9 experimentation, see research using Food and Drug Administration’s National animals Antimicrobial Resistance Monitoring expressions, emotional, 5 System, 90 extinction, 166 Food Inc. (film), 96 biodiversity, 169 Fouts, Roger, 10 slaughter, 167 Francione, Gary, 156, 182, 196, 198 superkilling, 171 Free Willy (film), 134 Frey, Ray, 125, 126 factory farms, 197 (see also CAFOs; industrialized agriculture; Galapagos Islands, 185 slaughterhouses; individuals and Galen, 108 species) Gandhi, Mahatma, 194 air pollution, 87 Gardner, Allen, 10 antibiotics and antimicrobials Gardner, Beatrix, 10 (nontherapeutic), 89, 90 gender, uterine environments, 56n16 arguments against, 86–92 “Getting Back to the Wrong Nature: Why economic arguments, 92 We Need to End our Love Affair with environmental destruction, 87–9 Wilderness” (Cronin), 48 genome manipulation, 79 goats, 185 global climate change, 88 Gombe field station, Tanzania, 6 greenhouse gases, 88 Goodall, Jane, 6, 163, 176 human diseases, 90 “good-mood hypothesis,” 19 living and dying, 82 Goodpaster, Kenneth, 28 public health concerns, 89–91 gorillas, 72 United States, 78 Koko, 10 water pollution, 87 Goualougo Triangle Ape Project, Republic false consciousness, 142 of the Congo, 178 family memberships, 70, 73 Gould, Stephen Jay, 52 Farm Sanctuary, New York and California, grammar (see also language use) 197 great apes, 11 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-71773-1 - Ethics and Animals: An Introduction Lori Gruen Index More information 228 Index Granli, Petter, 160 Improved Standards for Laboratory gray wolves, 187 Animals Act, United States 1985, great white sharks, 1 113, 114, 115 “green corridors,” 179 industrialized agriculture, 78, 86, 92; see green monkeys, see vervet monkeys also CAFOs; factory farms grief, 5 inegalitarian views, 66 Griffin (African Gray Parrot), 147 innateness concept, 48 Gua (chimpanzee), 9n21 Institute of Behavioral Research, Maryland, Guardian, 118 112 Institute of Primate Studies, Norman, habitat destruction, 134, 164, 174 Oklahoma, 11 Hadley, John, 191 Institutional Animal Care and Use Hagenbeck, Carl, 137 Committees, see IACUCs Hancocks, David, 137 interests, direct and indirect, 29–30 Haraway, Donna, 71 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Hare, Brian, 16 Change, see IPCC Harmony Farm, Georgia, 95 International Union for Conservation of Harsanyi, John, 120, 120n32 Nature, see IUCN Harvey, William, 108 Introduction to the Study of Experimental Hayes, Kathy, 9 Medicine (Bernard), 109 Hayes, Keith,
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