'V. • I V- "'■-*; Wi- WBDN18DAY, JlIN Rf, lW i‘ A verage Daily N et PFesa R q n . ■ >1^ ■ ■ *il’ th e Weather y ' Far the Week BaSeS >,'< / rnetaukfit V. Pi Weatliet'Sanaa IttanclitBtnr saaej. isss ■ . ■« Clear, quite eoel tonight. Lew 13,595 In 40e. FrUegr ennny, plenanati \ Mciatar «t the Andtt nOgh 75 to SO. ' a Bw eeu ef Obeolatiaa M anc^iter^A City of Village Charm I -YOL.LXXXI.MO.SIO (TWENTY PAGES) MANCH15S1ER, CONN., THURSDAY, JUNE 7, 1962 (Otaeolfled Adverttilng on Page 18) PRICE FIVE CENTS '■■' V Of ■m-r. Main Straat. Manehaitar (OPEN 6 DAYS till 5:45; THURSDAY tiU 9) - Phona Ml 3^123 C'S I %?■; Seely^Brown S 'v I ’■.♦■ or ted Favoring to 20.09 Decisipn Due Friday . 'v' State News • frac— Father's Day Gift Wrapping,. • • >V;. - Congressman Wins s.* Convenient FREE parking rear of store ; .Open Mon. thru Sat., 9:30 til! 5:45; Thurs. till 9 p.m. Roundup GROUP I Ed B race Easily on 1st Ba^ldt REG. 39.99 State’s Accidental De^th Rate in ’61 HARTFORD (A P)— Horace Seely-Brown.4n, a plain-talk­ REMEMBER FATHER ON JUNE 17 ing, apple-growing congressman from eastern Connecticut, 29.90 Lowest in Nation has won the Republican nomination ffir U.S. Senator from 'Y ! WITH OUR OWN SPECIAL..... Connecticut. ^ . * wash and wear By COBIfBUDI F. i - McOormack says he Is satisfied HARTFORD (AP) — The Seely-Brown, 54, scored a stunping upset over former Gov. •V, with,his total, and insists the dele- John Davis Lodge yesterday a ta dramatic Republican state SPRINGFIELD, Mass. ^tes favorable to him will resist State Safety Commission re­ * 55% dacron (AP) — ‘Kennedy - McCor­ ported today that the acci­ convention. Although th^pre-convention underdog, ha WASH AND ^ WEAR efforts to get them to switch. He swamped Lodge on thp first ballot,^476 to 149. 45 % rayon mack battle for the Demo­ poked doubt at the Kennedy dental death rate in Connecti­ cratic nomination for U.S. forces’ claim, saying they stiU cut > was the lowest in the John AIsop of A vop/an insurance executive, received the senator, from Massachusetts were campaigning for delegatSs. country for 1961, gubernatorial nomination earlier in the day after a record * 55% dacron McOormack told a n^ws confer­ eight roll calls that began Tuesday afternoon. TOR-MAN SHIRTS comes to a peak today .vrjth^ ence . he has affidavlU to show TTie oommlssion said Connecti­ 45% eomiso pressure to switch del^iites to cut’s death rate in accidents was The delegates also broke another tradition by noniinating the opening o t the state party Sl.B for each 100,000 population, aa convention. Kennedy but he' aoid he would not the first Negro for a statewide Office in Connecticut on the use these documents at this time compared'with the national rate of ticket o f either party. William D. Graham, a 47-year-old at­ Locked In a tight contest, -with ‘ T don't -want to win as senator 49.7. .. both sidM claiming victory, are A three-year study, the commla- torney who was bom in Jdontgomery, Ala,, was .nominated and lose the presidency for the for state treasurer without opposition. Sklward M. (Ted) Kennedy, Democrats In 1964—1 don’t want s(on said", showed that 25 per cent 3.39 youngest brother of . the President, of all deaths in OonnecUcut over Although the convention completed a State ticket to con­ CR O U P II this to be used against Jack Ken and Edward J. McOormack Jr., nedy then,” he ssdd. the period were caueed -by acci­ front the Democrats this fall, Republicans are in for some nephew of the speaker of the U.S. McOormack suggested reporteni dents. REG. 59.9§ 3 for 10.00 House, John W. ilcOormack of James K. WiUiams, cmnmlaaloa more excitement in the next few days. should talk with WlUlam C. Hartl Both Lodge and Edwin H. May Jr., a defeated gubema- Ibssachusetts. gan, who resigned May 2 as an director, said that In the three-yev • sizas 37 to 46 ’\. Their goal is the Senate seat assistant postmaster general and period the largest number of acci­ rial hopeful, polled enough votes to challenge the conven­ once held by the President, who since tlien has been active in the dental deatfik occurred In the Jwme. tion nominees-4n statewide party primaries. ... regular, long, short e long and short sleeve first -won It In 1952 snd reslgnsd younger Kennedy’s campaign. Occupational accidents claimed the Neither committed himself either way on a primary. 39.90 ..It In 1960 when he was elected “Aak WUUam Hartlgan about feweet number o f Uvea, ha said. • TROUSERS . single pleat ^• One-third o f aU accidental deaths Lodge noted he has until July 26 to decide whether to file p long sleeve . button down oxford President. the meeting he had with federal or pleatless * wrinkle resistant Kennedy's supporters q 1 a 1 m officials in Room wot at ths Park­ were due to motor vehicle mishaps, primary petitions. May said he would leave the question to cloth and regulation short spread they have more than 1,000 of the er House (a Boston hotel) on April he said. nis supportera, witb whom he will meet here Sunday. collar 1,7!^ delegatee sewed up. The Mc­ 29-30,” McCormack said. He sug­ The nomination fdr cimgreeaman-f • COATS . standard, conventional and * 55% dacron Cormack forces put their ' rock gest^ reporters should impdre 95 to n o at-large went to State Ben. John M. Lupton of Weston, 44, a Con- 45% wool worsted bottom stirength at better than HARTFOWP (AP) — The State ivy league, 3 button center vent with e short sleeve . snap tab broadcloth 000. (Continued on Page Nine) ekrvauva and an admirer o f -Art- Lodge Watches flap pockets A and regulation short spread collar Motor Vdhtele Deportment’s daily xona'e Republldan Sen, Barry * long wearing record of sutomobUe fateUUee aa GoMwator, Lupton, at lint a can­ e f last mktatght and toe totals on didate for the gubernatorial nom­ May^ for Q ue • COLORS AND P A H ER N S... dark and good looks and fit • sizes to 17 With Blast at Kennedy the same date last yeart ination, dropped but of that race 1951 IS62 after the convention's second bal­ medium shades of brown, cbareoal, KUled; OT.. Ite lot TYieaday. He received toe con- On New Race gray, olive, blue. • sanforized plus greeelonel nomination by aoclama- CrasheM KlU Two HAATTOto (-AP) — Chaneea • machine and hand washab' STAMFORD (AP)--Two aapez^ (Herald photo by Otiara.) The other candidates: that demtad Republican guberna­ SPECIAL BUILT-UP CONSTRUCTION FOR AUTOMATIC WASH and WEAR ate highway acoUMbte to Stam­ kte notfiinee Seely-Byown ohewfuUy accepts A word o f advice from ^ n ator Bush lieutenant-Governor — Joseph A- torial hopeful Edwin H. May Jr. ford brought death to two’persons -Adorno of Middletown, a former yfiu carry hie fi^ t to a statewide FREE ALTERATIONS BY OUR OWN TAILORS • satisfaction guaranteed ywterday.v sUte treasurer primary today were rated as ’’bat­ Seventeen • year *.old Secretary of State—Mrs- ter than average.” For 1962 Campaign Guido o f WM toJm ad U w of Plalnrills. in Comptroller Thto evaluation of the poeal- Mertdsn'eeito bUlty was given by one of toe key ' .^.Urai'ms 4 advlaeia In the May camp. ^ REO 21" > "We RepubUcans caniEd’^ ^ ^ ' x S ju — „ A ttorney denerslr*^Leonard Meanwhile, It was learned that new the eroelon of freedom with­~ killed whSB ■SfitivlSf Levy of New HayetlTa tormer state REO 18" toe rear of an senator. tornier Gov. John Lodge, who suf- s io i^ RepubUOUIS iQprovsd to­ out warning or protest k-eiiid truto dh ,fered a aurprlslng and crushing de­ POW ER day s decIaratlOa o f party-prtn- The RepubUcans asserttil that toe q ^ s . Probablytoe biggest smwJse-oif feat yeateiriay In his bid for ths clj^ts for this ytars election the overndlng ' Issue hefore the Guidolido -inue a passenger In the ths convention was Seely-Brown’s DELUXE driven by hie father, AibMt, easy .ytotory end, conversely, UJ3. senate nomination, has no in­ campaigns -and coupled it adth a American electore In 1163 le: rar tention of going into a primary broadsiae attack on Kennedy ad­ "Which party acts more eftae- 44. Police said the Ouldo oar went »’s clear cut defeat. EEL into a kpto, hit a station wagon alone. ministration domestic aiid foreign tlvely to preserve and enlarge .e urbans Lodge, bearer of an '"We have no intentions' of start­ REO 21" human freedom?*' and bounced into another auto. illustrious name in American poli­ 7 4 .9 5 Thd yooto died to St Joseph's ing any trouble," one of Lodge’s M d W | R Tbe S.teO’Word statement cidi^ ' Offering GOP alternatives In tics, was toe clear prs-oonventJon key Bupportere said today. for a thurouah ov«riuuil of the tax broad, non-detaUed outUne the H ostel several hours after toe favorite for the Senate nomtoatlon. OVER, However, - he added that they SUPER system, without miclficany men- statement attacked Kennedy ' ad­ In addition to serving' ss gov­ were taking a "wait and watch"jtt- ttoning tax reduction, and for "a ministration aettons and policy ernor, he had been In Congress tor 144.95 new w ecU on for puhUo poUey In across a broad. range of specific . NHR h 1 ^ 1 2 3 two terms and was the U.S. am­ (Conttaued on Page Fonr) DELUXE order to advance* the cause of pplnts.
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